2021 Portrait Style Guide

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ST YLE GUIDE for a stress-free experience


ST YLE GUIDE table of contents 3










CLIENT needs to

KNOW I am s o e x c it e d f or y our portra it session! Whether I’ m c apt urin g your sweet fa m ily , or celebra ting a s pe c ial mome n t in y our life, like a gra dua tion, birt h day, an n ive rs a ry or new ba by , I’m so honored to h e lp you c re at e m em ories y ou’ll cherish for a lif e t ime . I’ ve c re ated this guide to help y ou get the mos t out of you r photos, a nd by the tim e y ou’ve rea d th rou gh t h is maga zine, y ou'll ha ve a ll y our questions a n s we re d an d f e e l m ore tha n rea dy a nd prepa red for you r s e s s ion . Th e n I’ll ta ke ca re of the rest! Your on ly job is t o be y ourself, la ugh a lot a nd let m e cr e at e ph ot os you ’ll love forev er. I ca n’t wa it to get you in f ron t of my ca m era !

choosing time & date

I 'M A N A T URAL L IGHT S PEC IALIST BE CA USE I BE LIE V E THAT NATURAL l i g h t , fr o m t h e s u n an d it s re f lections, crea tes photogra phs tha t feel fres h, t i m e l e s s a n d t ru e s t t o you . I be gin a ll portra it sessions one a nd a ha lf ho u r s b e f o r e t h e s c h e du le d s un s e t du ring “the golden hour,” when the light is t he d r e a m i e s t . U s e a s u n s e t c alc u lator online to determ ine the scheduled sun s et f o r t h e d a t e an d loc at ion you’ d li ke to do y our session. Then, just subtra ct o n e a n d a h a l f h ours t o f igure ou t y our sta rt tim e. Rem em ber, the sun sets mu ch e a r l i e r d u r i n g t h e c olde r mon t h s of the y ea r a nd m uch la ter during the wa rm er m on t h s , s o make s ure t o f ac t or tha t in when choosing y our portra it sess i o n d a t e , e s p e c i ally if you’ re t akin g off work or ha ve evening pla ns a fterwa rd. T o ge t t h e m os t ou t of your s e s s ion, plea se pla n a buffer when getting rea dy s o y o u c a n a r rive a f e w min u t e s e a rly to y our session a nd be rea dy to sta rt o n t i m e . I ’ m o n ly able t o s h oot wh e n na tura l light is still in the sky , so we’ll wan t t o t a k e a d v an t age of e ve ry min ute we ha v e together before the sun goes down . I f y o u ’ r e w earin g t wo ou t f it s , s ave y our fa vorite one for the second ha lf, a nd i f y ou ’ r e w e a rin g on e , arrive in t h a t.


QUICK TIP: My weekends fill up fast and far in advance, as does my fall season. You can get a Fast Pass to the front of the line by scheduling mid-week or off-season.

ST YLING your session

WANT YOU R PHOTOS TO LOOK MORE E DITORIAL? BRING a lit t le e x t ra som ething with y ou! Fresh f lowers brin g an e x t r a “wow” fa ctor to just a bout e v er y thing, e s pe c ially wh e n t h e y’ re a tta ched to som ething else, like a bic yc le bas ke t , t re e swing, tent, picnic ba sket, ba lloons or c ar bu mpe r. W h e t h e r you wa nt to incorpora te la rger item s like c las s ic c ars or bikes, or sm a ller ones like bla nkets or h at s , e ve n plan n in g for just one extra sty led item could be a f un way t o make your session m ore unique. Bringing y our d og alon g: T h e s e t ips will ensure a sm oother ph ot ograph y s e s s ion . Don't forget to bring doggy ba gs, t r e at s , a c u t e le as h , a nd If possible a n a dditiona l person to h old t he le as h of y our pup when photos a re being ta ken w i thout you r f ur baby .



LO CATION T h e l oc at ion of your port rait session is up to y ou! Like y ou see t hr o u g h out t h is guide , mos t of m y clients choose to showca se the na t u r a l be au t y of our h ome sta te. For m ost of m y sessions, o u t d o or, ope n - air e n viron ments a re a lwa y s m y first choice. I love s ho o t i ng in wide - ope n n at ura l spa ces beca use the light is divine, e s p e c i ally du rin g golde n h our. There a re grea t options a ll a round t h e s t a t e , s o e ve n if you' ve nev er seen m e photogra ph in a specific s p ot b e f ore , I’ m always up f o r exploring a new spot together!


think outside the box THIS IS THE TIM E TO TH INK outs i d e t h e b ox! I enc our age you t o br ain s torm u n i q ue lo cat ions t hat you might have sp e ci a l acce ss t o t hat most peopl e d on ’ t. Fo r e x a mp le, maybe you, or som eo n e i n your p e rsonal or pr ofessional network, ca n se cu re per mission t o a l ocat ion that w ould oth e r wise be off-l im it s, li ke a b e a u ti ful p riv at e est at e, count r y club or re so rt. Ma ybe it ’s a fam il y r anc h, ups cale h o te l o r e ve n a boat , air pl ane hanga r or a roo ftop vi e w. The sk y is l it er al ly the li mi t! Sp e n d a few minut es t hink ing about

it and checking around. You'll be surprised with what you come up with. Plus, if something seems out of reach, just remember you never know until you ask! My clients have secured permission to some pretty amazing places in the past. If you get stuck or need inspiration, check out my blog and keep browsing through this guide. I have some great goto locations around town that I can always hit, too. Just let me know which type of session you’d love and I’ ll go from there! Easy. Peasy.




PORTRAIT SESSION Your portrait session includes travel time anywhere in the Charleston area. If you’d like to go somewhere outside the city, I’m up for the adventure! I love traveling and am actually on the road quite a bit. I’ve done different types of sessions from coast to coast, everywhere in between, so if I am already going to be in or near an area


you’ve always dreamed of doing your photos, and I can coordinate my schedule, let’s set it up. I’d love to make it work! If you’d like me to meet you in a destination outside of South Carolina for your portrait session where I don’t already have plans to visit, just let me know and I can get you a custom quote..



style tips

FOR HER because you always want to remember this


DRESS IT UP HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT rocking a romantic gown, tulle skirt or f lower crown but just never had an occasion for it? This is your chance to do it up! Remember : There is no such thing as “too dressed up” when it comes to your portrait session, so don’t be afraid to have some fun! If you don't want

to add a new permanent piece to your collection, a lot of my clients love Rent the Runway for their session because it’s such an affordable way to feel like a million bucks. Other clients love having a great excuse to bring a new permanent piece (or two!) into their closet!

There’s no such thing as too dressed up.


say yes



Dr es s e s an d s kirt s loo k m ost stunning beca use they rea lly fl a t t e r e ve ry f e male body , especia lly on ca m era — which is p r obably wh y t h e re d c a rpet is a lwa y s full of so m a ny dresses a n d n ot ve ry man y pan tsuits! I recom m end a voiding pa nts a nd s h ort s f or your s e s s ion , a nd sa y ing y es to a dress or two instea d.


Lo ng , f u l l -l e n gt h , f lowy dre s s e s an d skirts look a m a zing on ca m era beca use the y br i ng e x t r a m o ve me n t t o t h e ph ot os. E specia lly when juxta posed with na ture, l i k e a n a v e nu e o f o ak t re e s drippin g in Spa nish m oss, cotton fields, m a rsh or bea ch. C o ns i d e r s of t e r f abric s like c h if f on or tulle which a llow for bea utiful m ovem en t i n the images. Wh e n c o n s i d e rin g t h e le n gt h of your dresses or skirts, it’s a lso a good idea to fact o r in w h e t h e r o r n ot t h e re will be lit t le ones in y our photos. If y ou ha ve sm a ller ch il d r e n , I ’ l l like ly h ave you s it t in g or crouching on the ground to intera ct up-cl o s e w it h t h e m . C ut e , s h ort e r c oc kt ail- length dresses photogra ph bea utifully , but if yo u h a v e l i t t l e o n es in you r ph ot os , a f lo or-length dress or skirt, or perha ps a cute mi d i -s k i r t , w i ll make movin g around with y our kids m uch ea sier, a nd look per fect o n c a m e r a , t o o. I f y o u ’ r e a n e xpe c t in g mot h e r, I alwa y s recom m end floor-length gowns or m a x i d r e s s e s . T h e s e dre s s e s c re at e t h e best silhouettes to fla tter y our figure a nd real l y h ig h l i g h t y ou r bu mp. A lot of my e xpecting m others love to incorpora te flower cr ow ns o r h e adpie c e s as we ll.

LEIGH | 18

one or two? it ’s up to you!

YOU CAN BRING ONE OUTFIT SET OR TWO! Most of my clients who choose two outfits will bring one “wow” dress, and then another slightly more casual dress that has a “date night” feel. But if you want to bring two “wow” dresses and forgo the more casual dress altogether, give yourself permission to do it! The camera loves runway-queues apparel and so do I! Remember, though, you don’t have to bring two looks if it’s too stressful to coordinate or if you’d rather just stick to one fabulous look. One outfit that you love will be so much better than one outfit you love and another you’re not very excited about. And if you stick with one outfit set, you won’t have to spend any of your time changing half way through, so I’ll be able to sneak in a few more photos! So, one or two? It’s really up to you!

choosing colors WHEN CHOOSING COLORS FOR YOUR OUTFITS, I RECOMMEND s e l e c t in g s of t e r, ligh t e r tones a nd m ore m uted sha des. By a v o idin g ult ra- brigh t , b old colors, it will help bring a ll the a t t e n t ion t o you r f ac e s a nd let the ey e focus on the wa y y ou feel a b ou t e ac h ot h e r. T h e ca m era lov es sha des of soft pink a nd m u te d blu e s , mix e d wit h sophistica ted light neutra ls like hea ther g r a y, c re ams , le at h e r bro wn a nd white. Tha t softer color pa lette f i t s be au t if u lly in t o alm ost a ll na tura l outdoor environm ents, a nd e s pe c ially c omple me nts the bea ch.

flattering your features I N MY EXPERIEN C E, EVE RY WOMA N, RE GARDLE SS OF HE R s h a p e has an are a of h e r body tha t she’s self-conscious a bout, s o r e c o gn iz in g wh at are a tha t is in a dv a nce is key. Choosing f l a t t e r i ng s ilh ou e t t e s an d colors tha t com plem ent y our na tura l f e a t u r e s is t h e be s t way t o ensure y ou’ l l love the wa y y ou look in y ou r p hot os .


THREE-QUARTER LENGTH SLEEVES create an awesome slimming effect on all arms, so be on the lookout for an option with a longer length sleeve. You could also bring a cute jacket, blazer or cardigan along, too. Skinny straps or strapless dresses have the opposite effect on arms on camera, so I recommend avoiding those whenever possible if your goal is a set of slimmer-looking arms.

HE E LS E LONGATE WOME N’S LEGS ma k ing t hem lo ok fabu lous. C lo s e dto es he els in p ar t ic u l ar lo ok g re at on c amera b e c aus e t he y c ar r y out t he line of your leg a l l t he w ay dow n to your to e. If your to es are show i ng in a p e ep-to e he el, you m ig ht want to s che du le a p e dic ure b efore you r s ession s o you don’t reg ret lett i ng your fe et show. Thes e litt le t r i ck s ma ke a l l t he dif ference!


Bring a pair of easy-to-kick-off flats to wear when moving from place to place in between photos. Your feet will thank you later! LEIGH HAYWARD PHOTOGRAPHY| 24

make a

STATEMENT PA R I NG AN AC C ES S ORY OR T WO WITH YOUR OUTFIT CA N RE ALLY HE LP br i ng s ome e x t ra dime ns ion to your images, and b e a nice t ie-in w hen you’re c o ord i nat i ng w it h a g roup. Big st atement ne ck l a ces br ing a lot of p op to t he photo s , w hi le t he s ma l le r, delic ate ones are not b e as not ice able on c amera .


H a t s , b r a c e l e t s an d e arrin gs brin g grea t visua l interest, so choose one or two t hat d on’ t c o m p e t e f or at t e n t ion . Fre sh flora ls in a crown ca n be a rea lly rom an t i c to u c h f o r y o u or your girls as we ll. A l t h o u g h i t migh t s e e m c oun t e r-intuitiv e, I recom m end tha t y ou do not g et a spr ay t an b e fore your s e ss ion , e ve n a fe w d ay s pr ior, b e c aus e it tends to photog r aph or ange e ve n w he n it’s applie d subt ly and by a professiona l. Your a c tu a l sk in tone w i l l photo g r aph t he most b e aut if u l ly and natura l ly.



HAIR & MAKEUP PROFESSIONAL HAIR AND MAKEUP IS ON THE TOP OF most of my clients’ checklists because it looks amazing on camera and removes the stress of getting ready on your own. This is the time to treat yourself! Whether it’s lash extensions or blown-out hair, professional hair and makeup will give you an extra boost of confidence in front of the camera, and it always photographs like a dream. If you’re working with a makeup artist, have her apply your makeup in natural light, if possible, so that it looks fresh and not too heavy. Plus, that’s the type of light I’ll be shooting in, so it’ll give you the best expectation of how it will translate on camera. Most of my clients feel like their professional makeup is “too much” at first, since it’s more than you would wear on a normal day, or that they're false lashes look too big, so if you feel that way at the beginning, don’t worry! Good makeup artists know how to get it all just right for the camera — and my clients always love the final result. If you need a recommendation for hair and makeup, I work with the best in the business and have a go-to team! They’re sweet as pie, talented as heck, unbelievable professionals and wonderful people. You’ll LOVE them!Just let me know and I’ll send you their information. I know they’ll take good care of you !


fashion tips

FOR HIM because dapper and debonair never go out of style


THE BEST FIT LONG, FITTED PANTS AND CLOSED-TOED SHOES ARE the most sophisticated and masculine looks for men. They draw attention away from his legs and feet and place it where you want it: on his handsome face. So, for your session, it’s best to leave the shorts, sandals and jeans at home, too, as well as any pants that are loose or baggy. Fitted dress pants or fitted colored pants work best on camera. Solid shades of gray or navy are a strong complement to most women’s outfits, whereas pinstripes or plaid patterns tend to distract the eye. I also recommend staying away from graphics and logos.

MIX IT UP Many of my guys love to mix a suit coat, blazer or sport coat with a different pant color. It adds some extra visual interest, and break up the color tones. I'm a big fan of this fresh take on a timeless classic.


layered looks

NEXT TIME YOU WALK BY a store like J. Crew, you’ll notice the male mannequins and models are always wearing several layers at once. Layers on men look great on camera, so even when it’s hot outside, trust us when we say that it’s worth an hour or two of discomfort for photos that will last you both a lifetime. Adding another layer will bring extra dimension and visual interest to your photos. Blazers, vests and coats up the level of any look. If the temperature permits, he could even consider adding a v-neck sweater with a pop of color from a long-sleeved collared shirt and tie underneath. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative with layers!


IT’S ALL IN THE DETAILS B R O W N L EAT HER D RES S S HOE S COMPLE ME NT ALMOST E V E RY LOO K, w h e t h e r h e’s we arin g a f u l l suit or a bla zer a nd colored pa nts. Ti es , b o w t i e s, poc ke t s quare s , colored s ocks, belts, tie clips, suspenders, v es t s a nd w a t c h es are s h arp c ompl em ents to a ny outfit for m en a nd boy s a li k e. I f y ou brin g t wo out f it s t o the session, y ou ca n sta rt with a tra ditio n al n e c k t i e an d be lt , t h e n s wit c h to suspenders a nd a bow tie for y our seco n d l o ok . If t wo l ooks are t oo stressful, no problem ! One will do the tri ck ! You


s t ill


an d

ma tch

a ccessories


com plim ent



h e r d r e s s e s w it h out doin g a full cha nge during the session. S o, eit her w a y, i t 's a win . PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 35


PREP YOUR MAN MO S T MEN AREN ’ T OVE RLY E XCITE D TO TAKE P HOTOS F OR T W O h ours , be c aus e t h e y don’t ha v e a n expecta tion of wha t’s to co m e an d w hy it ’s s o import an t to y ou. Ta ke fifteen m inutes to educa te an d e m p owe r you r guy. Te ll him why y ou chose m e a nd m y s ty le o f p h ot o graph y. S h ow h im your three fa vorite sessions tha t I’ve do n e, e x p l a i n wh y you love t h e m a nd express to him how m uch it m ea ns t o y ou . Tru s t me , on c e h e kn ows it’s im porta nt, he’ ll light up the ca mer a f o r y ou ! Th e mos t c ommon thing I hea r from guy s before photo sessi o n s i s t h i s : be c aus e of a bad e xperience in the pa st, they don’t like ta ki n g p h ot o s or do n’ t t h in k t h e y’ ll be good a t it. By the tim e I'm done, thou g h, the y c an’ t be lie ve h ow f as t it went a nd just how m uch fun they ha d!


prepping your

FAMILY because they won’t be little forever

coordinating THE CREW As you’re coordinating your outfit with your family, keep in mind that your outfits will look the most cohesive on camera when the color palette and wardrobe pieces coordinate, but don’t actually “match.” In fact, I recommend that you avoid thinking about “matching,” and instead think about what “fits” together. This will create more visual interest, and allow each personality to shine through. The goal for coordinating a family is to visually break up the colors and shades so that you’re not all wearing the same color on top and bottom. The more I can mix that up, the better. I encourage you to think about planning each outfit with “dominant colors” and “accent colors” in mind. A dominant color is the color that you see the most in an outfit, while an accent has a smaller piece of visual real estate. When you’re planning each family member’s outfit, if you can aim for each person to have a different dominant color, and then tie in and vary the accent colors, it’s going to look great all together. For example, if you’re wearing a blush dress, soft blue earrings and nude heels (blush being your dominant color), then he could wear a navy coat with a white button-down and gray pants, paired with brown leather shoes and maybe even a blush pocket square (making navy his dominant color). Your daughter could wear a soft blue top with a white tulle skirt (making a soft blue her dominant color) while your son wears light beige pants with navy suspenders and a white button down (making white his dominant color). Now each person has their own dominant color while still incorporating a few touches of the others that will pull all the looks together. This will break up the color visually and highlight each personality. Most of my moms choose their dress first, and then build the rest of the family’s outfits based around that. Remember, I recommend selecting those softer, lighter tones and avoiding those ultra-bright, bold colors. The camera loves shades of soft pink and muted blues, mixed with sophisticated light neutrals like heather gray, creams, leather brown and white. Feel free to vary the shades of the colors, too.That softer color palette fits beautifully into a natural environment, and can easily be paired in many different ways.



mixing up the pieces If you have multiple children, don’t feel like you need to put them all in the same type of outfit. For example, one of your daughters could wear a dress and flats, while the other wears a skirt and boots. One of your sons could wear a bow tie, while the other one wears suspenders. Mixing up the wardrobe pieces will bring a great visual interest to the photos.

PREPPING YOUR LITTLE ONES Before your session, pack a bag with snacks, water and any small objects (like toys or lollipops) that might help me get their attention when it’s time for them to look at the camera. If they are old enough to understand you, it’s a good idea to prepare them for what’s to come before the session starts. Explain how much the photos mean to you so they know to be on their best behavior. A lot of families discuss and pick something fun in advance as a treat after the session if they're good

listeners, like an ice cream cone, for example. It also helps if their bellies are full and they’ve has some good rest beforehand. Once your prepare them physically and mentally, then feel free to give them (and you!) grace! They’re little, and I know that some days don’t always go as planned. I’ve seen it all and will make sure to get you great photos, regardless of their moods. My goal is to make this as fun and stress-free as it possibly can be for you and your family!






s oc ial media sneak

blog post w ith

online galler y w ith

peek w ith one of

s ome highlights of

all of your f inal,

our favor ite photos

our time together

retouched, highres olution images


one final note

I KNOW I JUST GAVE YOU A LOT TO THINK ABOUT. I CREATED this guide to help make your portrait session experience something you’ll look back fondly on for years and years to come. At the end of the day, though, the location you choose and the outfits you select won’t matter nearly as much as the memories you make together. Your future memories are the most important thing to me, and I want your session to be a time for you to just be yourselves and enjoy it. Have fun together. Laugh a lot. And I'll take care of the rest!



Flats or flip-flops for walking between photo spots Second outfit (if you’re doing two) Touch-up makeup Water bottle (for warmer sessions) Coat or cover-up (for colder sessions) Snacks for little ones If you have a toddler or younger, small eye catching toys (or lollipops) to hold their attention


Again, I am so excited for your upcoming session and cannot wait for our time together! Please let me know if I can help you at all in your preparations!

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