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Surfcoast Taxis

Surfcoast Taxis

When you choose to bank with Bendigo Bank, good things happen in your community.


Like our sponsorship of Inverleigh Fire Brigade

And when you belong to one of Australia’s biggest banks, good things happen with your banking too.

Feel good about who you bank with.

Find out more. Call us on 5267 3189 or search Bendigo Bank Winchelsea & District.

Dr Cameron Profitt

Dr Andrew Bell

Dr John Henderson

Dr Benjamin Fry

Dr Margaret Somerville

Dr Samantha Buchholz

Dr Carolyn Grigg

Dr Rupali Jain


During these times our practice opening hours vary significantly. Please phone the clini c or book online for all available appointments.

Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and has been practising in the community for more than 30 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice in the shire.

We are an accredited teaching practice, training future GPs. Our current Registrar doctor is Dr Veronica Stubbs

We also offer the following services

Diabetes Education: Jessica O’Shannassy

Precise Podiatry: Peter Angelucci

Speech Pathology – Ceri Webb Q fever (Testing & Vaccines)

Yellow fever (Vaccine)

New patients welcome

Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc.

The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication.

The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers.

Circulation: 750.

Editorial and Advertising

Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month

Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.

Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to:

“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or leighnews@bigpond.com


Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.

The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association.

While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.

Leigh News - Advertising Costs from 1st January 2020

The Editor (Peter Trevaskis) 0407 100 791 leighnews@bigpond.com www.inverleigh.org.au

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