What Next Leaflet for September 2020 Entry

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What Next?

We very much hope you enjoyed your visit to Leighton Park and had the opportunity to ask plenty of questions. We know that it is often once you have got home and had time to reflect on your experience that you think of 101 other things you wanted to ask! We have tried to answer a few of these in this leaflet, but if you should have any more queries, please don’t hesitate to ask us. We will be happy to help. Admissions Team Claire Elmer, Nickee Houghting, Fiona Jones e: admissions@leightonpark.com t: 0118 987 9608

Discover more: Tuesday 8th October

Weekday Open Morning, 9.15am - 11.15am

Tuesday 15th October

Sixth Form Open Evening, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Tuesday 5 November

Weekday Open Morning, 9.15am - 11.15am

Thursday 7 November

Taster Day for Year 9 entry (Current Year 7 & 8 pupils)

Tuesday 12 November

Taster Day for Year 7 entry (Current Year 6 pupils)




Important Dates for September 2020 Entry: Friday 15th November

Registration, Bursary and Scholarship Application Deadline

Friday 6th December

Drama and Dance Scholarship Assessment Day

Monday 9 December

Music Scholarship Assessment Day

Tuesday 10 December

Sport Scholarship Assessment Day



Wednesday 11 December Art Scholarship Assessment Day th

Saturday 11th January

Entrance Tests for Years 7 - 10 entry

Friday 17 January

Academic Scholarship Assessment Day

Friday 24 January

Offer letters sent to families

Friday 6 March

Acceptance Deadline for Years 7 – 10 entry

Tuesday 10 March

Weekday Open Morning, 9.15am – 11.15am

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1// Registration


Once you have decided that Leighton Park is the right place for your family, you can register by completing the registration form online at http://bit.ly/LP_Registration. You will be asked to upload a copy of your child’s passport and latest school report. The Registration fee of £100 (UK/ EEA) or £175 (Non-EEA) can be paid at point of registration. The registration deadline for September 2020 entry is Friday 15th November 2019. Families may also wish to apply to our bursary or scholarship programmes, details of which are available on the back of this leaflet.

2// Entrance Tests

3// Offers

The tests for entry in September 2020 will take place on Saturday 11th January 2020.

Offer letters, with reference as appropriate to any scholarships or bursaries applied for, or to additional support required for EAL or ILC, will be sent out to parents by Friday 24th January 2020.

They will consist of an online Maths and online English test, a handwritten essay and an interview with a senior member of staff. We do not expect any additional preparation and prefer to see how your child performs without coaching as this will be their experience in the classroom. We are a selective school and need to ensure our students are able to access the curriculum we offer. Please be assured that if your child is working at the standard expected for their current year group and their school has not alerted you to any particular issues, they should find the tests challenging but manageable.

4// A cceptance of your Offer To secure your child’s place you will be required to complete the acceptance form and make payment of the appropriate Acceptance Deposit (£1,250 UK nationals, £4,000 EEA nationals, 1 term’s fees for non-EEA nationals). We will then send you a letter confirming receipt of your acceptance and confirming your child’s place at Leighton Park School. The Acceptance Deposit (less £100 Old Leightonians subscription) will be refunded on your final bill. For students joining in September 2020 the deadline for acceptance of our offer is Friday 6th March 2020.

5// Welcome to Leighton Park We have a supportive transition programme to ensure your child is confident and reassured about joining their new school community. In the Summer Term before they join we will invite you to several events such as Orientation Day and our al fresco concert. New friendships are nurtured in the first couple of weeks of September through our Newcomer’s Day, Welcome Event for Parents & Guardians, camping on the Park for Year 7 and an adventure weekend for Sixth Formers.


Individual Learning Centre (ILC)

Students joining in Year 7, Year 9 or Sixth Form are welcome to apply for one or more scholarships, in Music, Drama, Art & Design, Sport, Drama and Academic. This can be done online at http://bit.ly/LP_Scholarships.

We are able to support some mild specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or working memory issues, if they are deemed to require no more than one hour one-to-one support per week. We do not have classroom assistants or scribes. If you feel your child would benefit from ILC support, please ask the Admissions Team to arrange an appointment with our Head of ILC, JoAnne Elliott. Children with specific learning difficulties will be granted additional time for their Entrance Tests. We will require evidence of any access arrangements in advance of registration.

For September 2020 entry the Scholarship Application deadline is Friday 15th November 2019. If your child has been selected for a Scholarship, they will be invited for their assessment on the following dates: Friday 6th December 2019 – Drama and Dance Monday 9th December 2019 – Music Tuesday 10th December 2019 – Sport Wednesday 11th December 2019 – Art Friday 17th January 2020 – Academic

Bursaries At the heart of our Quaker values, Leighton Park Trust aims to improve accessibility to those students who would otherwise be unable to benefit from its education on financial grounds.

English as an Additional Language (EAL) We expect students to have a minimum level of English on joining the School. Year 7 and 8 should be IELTS 3.5-4.0, Years 9 and 10 IELTS 4.0-5.0 and Sixth Form entry IELTS 5.0-5.5. Our EAL Department offers group and one-to-one lessons to support speaking, listening, reading and writing skills for those students whose first language is not English. EAL sessions usually take place during the timetabled language lessons.

For September 2020 entry, the Bursary Application deadline is Friday 15th November 2019, however, applications received after this date may be considered if funds are still available. Application forms are available from Finance Manager, Jenny Rowe, at jennyrowe@ leightonpark.com. They include a Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form for an independent company, Bursary Administration Ltd. BAL will review the form and undertake a home visit to discuss the application with you in a sensitive and confidential matter. Their feedback will then be submitted to the School’s Bursary Committee for a decision on the value of the bursary that may be awarded.

Shinfield Road, Reading RG2 7ED www.leightonpark.com Tel: 0118 987 9608 Email: admissions@leightonpark.com

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