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Head of Department: Gemma Sims gemmasims@leightonpark.com

Exam Board: OCR (Biology A)

Will the course suit me?

You will need an interest in the biology of animals, plants and microbes and be able to adopt a scientific approach. You will also require good organisational and time management skills as there is a lot of content to cover in the course.

Course description

This is a very interesting specification. Some parts build upon work covered at GCSE, other concepts are completely new. Each topic covers a different key concept of Biology and then considers its applications. The teaching of practical skills is an important part of the course and will be covered as a series of non-examinable practicals over the two-year course.

The full A Level comprises the following modules:

Module 1: Development and practical skills in Biology

Module 2: Foundations in Biology

Module 3: Exchange and transport

Module 4: Biodiversity, evolution and disease

Module 5: Communication, homeostasis and energy

Module 6: Genetics, evolution and ecosystems

Benefits of the course

Biology combines well with other science subjects, Maths, Geography and Psychology as well as being an accessible science subject for students whose other AS choices are more arts or language based. The course teaches a range of practical skills and applies concepts to work-place examples in food science, ecology, farming and biotechnology.

Further opportunities

Biology can lead to degree choices from anatomy to zoology and careers from medicine and microbiology to optometry and oceanography based anywhere from a laboratory to the Antarctic!


There are three papers and a practical endorsement. The practical endorsement is a non-exam assessment.

Practical endorsement reported separately as a pass or fail but does not contribute to the overall examination grade

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