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Head of Department: Richard
Duckett richardduckett@leightonpark.com
Exam Board: Edexcel
Will the course suit me?
‘Politics is the art of the possible’. How countries are governed, who makes the decisions and how the decisions are made have an impact on us all. If you are the type of person who enjoys knowing what is going on, and you want to develop the ability to have a say in the running of your country, then this is a course for you. Politics is an excellent preparation for university studies in Law, Business, Economics, Journalism, and many more.
Course description:
The A Level course is designed to embed a sophisticated knowledge and understanding of Politics, combined with an awareness of current issues and a deep engagement with the changing political landscape.
The course investigates at the structures and systems of the British political system, for example analysing the effectiveness of Parliament at scrutinising government legislation or assessing the arguments around constitutional reform. You look carefully at how people engage in politics, from pressure groups to the increasingly important role the media has in influencing politics.
The course goes on to look at Global Politics, picking up on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first two units, to analyse and evaluate the way in which the global political system works making reference to the institutions of global governance such as the UN and the IMF.
Students will study: democracy and participation, political parties, electoral systems, voting behaviour and the media, the constitution, parliament, Prime Minister and executive, relationships between the branches, political ideas such as, anarchism, conservatism, socialism, liberalism, and realism. The impact of globalisation and how well the institutions of global governance tackle issues such as poverty, terrorism, environment and conflict will also be studied.
Benefits of the course
The course develops your knowledge and understanding of the British, and Global Politics and the core ideas behind political systems. Politics enables you to question and discuss all aspects of political life and to develop ideas that you may wish to take further once you have left school. It could be described as a major element of your preparation for adult life, and, in particular, your role as a citizen of a political society. It helps you to understand the complex political world in which we live on a local, regional, national, European and global level. The course also allows you to develop the skill of critical analysis. Politics lessons enjoy a lively, friendly discussion-led atmosphere.
Outside the classroom
• Trip to the British Parliament, London
• Model United Nations (MUN) Conferences (domestic & international)
• Visits to and by local politicians
• Political Conferences
• Debates
Future opportunities
This course combines well with ‘History’, ‘Ancient History’, ‘Economics’, ‘Law’, ‘English’, ‘Politics, Philosophy & Economics’. At university, there are many existing courses on offer which allow a strong political element to be mixed with other areas and the possibility of spending years abroad as an intern or working for the United Nations or the European Union. The ability to argue cogently and successfully, and to analyse in a rational and critical manner, prepares you well for many exciting and demanding careers, including politics, journalism, law and media.