Sixth Form Prospectus 2016-17

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RespectIntegritySimplicityEqualityPeaceTruthSustainability IntegritySimplicityEqualityPeaceTruthSustainabilityRespect SimplicityEqualityPeaceTruthSustainabilityRespectIntegrity EqualityPeaceTruthSustainabilityRespectIntegritySimplicity PeaceTruthSustainabilityRespectIntegritySimplicityEquality TruthSustainabilityRespectIntegritySimplicityEqualityPeace

Leighton Park School




page four

Introduction to Sixth Form life

page five

New to Leighton Park?

page six and seven


page eight and nine

Beyond academic

page ten and eleven


page twelve

What to do next

page thirteen

Life beyond the Park

page fourteen and fifteen


Welcome Simplicity Peace Truth Respect Integrity Equality Sustainability Dear student, Whether you are an existing Leighton Park student or joining our Sixth Form, we offer an exciting new experience in the last two years of your formal education. Life here is different from most other schools and Sixth Form colleges. The Park has the feel of a university campus and provides a distinctive educational environment. Students are supported to become independent proactive learners, developing skills which take them beyond university and into the lives they choose to pursue. Whether via A Levels or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, 95% of our Sixth Form students go on to Higher Education. We prepare students for Oxbridge, leading UK universities and many other destinations worldwide. The key is that together we find the right university, with a programme that matches your ambitions and skills, from traditional academic courses to creative courses at drama school, art college or music conservatoires, within the UK or internationally. Academic opportunity goes hand in hand with the broad co-curricular enrichment that all students at Leighton Park benefit from: the space and tranquillity of the Park; a huge range of activities which challenge and support our students to develop and grow life skills outside of the classroom; high quality pastoral care and plenty of opportunities to relax with friends in the Houses or in the Caradon Sixth Form Centre.

“The Quaker testimonies bring teachers and students close together which creates a wonderful environment in which to study as well as a friendly community.”

So, whether you are considering moving to Leighton Park, or are already busy working towards your GCSEs here, do contact me to find out more about the Leighton Park Sixth Form. I’ll be happy to personally discuss your plans for the next two years and aspirations for your future career. My door is always open. Helen Taylor Head of Sixth Form Email:

Andre, Upper Sixth 4

Introduction to the Sixth Form Sixth Form life is very different from your previous academic experience, with greater freedom of study and more independent study time. Expectations and aspirations are high at all times and you will quickly realise how much personal engagement is necessary to tackle academic study in preparation for university. Support is always available from tutors, subject teachers, the IB Co-ordinator or the Head of Sixth Form. Being in the Sixth Form is the academic pinnacle of your school years and it should be enjoyable and challenging to students of all abilities. We are outward looking and whilst enjoying the moment, are always thinking about your future beyond Leighton Park. In addition to the minimum academic entry requirements, students should show a committed and positive attitude towards study and Sixth Form life. We expect every one of our Sixth Formers to be active members of the school community. The Sixth Form dress code allows more choice of colour and style than younger year groups. Students should look smart and be able to express themselves.

“During my time at Leighton Park I have grown and developed into a confident, driven and happy person through the influence of teachers and my friends, in a way that I do not think I would have done at another school.�

As a student at Leighton Park you will be encouraged to develop and mature as an individual. Our students become global citizens with a balanced view of the world and a desire to play their part in shaping the future. We firmly believe that the Sixth Form is not just about academic studies, but also about who you are and what you want to become. In a community founded upon the Quaker values of respect, equality, peace, simplicity, truth and integrity, it is the relationships with staff, based on the tutor system of pastoral care and tutorial groups, that are a highlights of life here. Students enjoy being on first name terms with staff and respond with a high level of maturity.

Victoria, Upper Sixth 5

New to Leighton Park The School Day 8.00am

8.25 - 8.45am

8.50 - 9.45am

9.50 -10.45am

10.45 -11.05am

11.10am -12.05pm

12.10 - 1.05pm

1.05 - 2.05pm

2.05 - 2.15pm

2.20 - 3.15pm

3.20 - 4.15pm

4.30 - 5.30pm

5.30 - 6.00pm

6.15 - 7.00pm

7.00 - 9.00pm

If you are thinking of joining Leighton Park Leighton Park is a beautiful place to study and to live, set in 60 acres of parkland near the centre of Reading. Acquiring the skills of independent study and time management learnt in the Sixth Form, combined with the spacious freedom of the site, is an invaluable preparation for your move on to university. The community is extremely friendly and welcoming. We generally take up to 25 newcomers into the Lower Sixth each year and we have a strong induction programme to ensure that everyone is happy and settled as soon as they step through the door.



Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Leighton Park is a boarding and day school which means you can board full time, weekly, on a flexible basis or choose to be a day student. Day students also have the option to flexi-board which may give you more opportunity to study. The formal school day starts at 8.00am with registration and ends at 4.15pm, but many day students arrive for breakfast at 7.20am and stay at the park until 9.00pm. Meals are included in the fees.


Lessons 3

Lesson 4

What is different at Leighton Park is that every student is a member of a close-knit boarding house community which offers a supportive and familial atmosphere . Our day students choose not to leave at 4.15pm but join the boarding community for extra-curricular activities or academic support which fully integrates all our students into life on the Park, quickly and completely.



You will become a member of one of four Senior Houses where you will be provided with a space for personal study to use in your breaks. The Houses; Grove, School, Field or Reckitt, each have their own unique atmosphere which contributes to the overall community feel of the school.

Lesson 5

Lesson 6



Activities or Prep



can order their own choice of pizza. There is also the opportunity to pop into town or join group cinema visits. Activities organised include go-karting, swimming, theatre trips, theme parks, dry slope skiing, ice skating and visits to London.

All students have their own tutor, based in their House. Tutors are the first port of call for advice about studies, university applications or any personal issues. The Caradon Sixth Form Centre is a focal point of daily life, providing a place to relax with friends, to study, or to meet with members of staff. You can make break time snacks and drinks in the kitchen and relax in the Common Room and Sixth Form garden. This is a central location for friends to congregate from all of the different Houses around the Park. There are additional study areas here as well as in the school library.

“Coming from another school, Leighton Park has been so incredibly embracing and accepting and that is what I like most about it. No matter how long you’ve been here or how long you’re staying, you will always feel welcome.”

The dining centre, Oakview, provides a lovely setting for meals, looking out over the Park. Not only is there a wide choice of superb, freshly cooked meals and snacks, but it’s a great place to chat with your friends or staff.

If you are thinking of joining Leighton Park as an International Student You will be assured of a warm welcome on your arrival at Leighton Park School. Many international students have joined for the Sixth Form and settle into Leighton Park life very quickly. They are often amazed by the caring teachers, the friendly students and the beautiful environment. Full boarders are generally given their own bedroom, which includes a personal study area. The weekends are relaxing and deliberately left open, with time to unwind from the busy week. Friday night is usually pizza night when everyone

Grace, Upper Sixth 7

Academic At Leighton Park we offer two distinctly different academic programmes, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and A Levels. Most students choosing the A Level route will study three A Levels during their time in the Sixth Form. Students will also follow an enrichment programme, which may include an additional AS Level and an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This culminates in a public lecture and a dissertation in the Upper Sixth and is worth a further AS Level. The IB Diploma offers an internationally accepted alternative to A Levels. A challenging programme, students study six subjects (three to higher and three to standard level for the two year course), plus Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS), as well as submitting an extended essay. Students are closely tracked against agreed targets and supported throughout their time in the Sixth Form. A strong study skills programme utilises outstanding external speakers, school-based training and online research tools. Both students and parents are given training in the use of GCSE and online test data to set target grades. Learning has to become the responsibility of the individual. We expect students to rapidly develop from the pre Lower Sixth teacher-led style of learning to being self-motivated, organised, independent, active learners; the type of student so valued by universities and employers. More able students are further supported by a programme which includes ‘Brain Stretchers’ (lectures on exciting topics) and University Challenge, a group dedicated to the support of Oxbridge candidates as well as offering advice to those applying for traditionally competitive courses such as medicine and law. For more information on the A Level and IB Diploma course options go to


“The relationship found between the students and teachers is wonderful. In times of pressure and stress they are incredibly understanding and helpful, and will always push for you to do the very best you can do.� Robyn, Lower Sixth 9

Beyond academic

The Sixth Form at Leighton Park is about the development of the whole person, as well as academic achievement.

At Leighton Park, prefects are drawn from members of the Sixth Form. Prefects have considerable responsibility, many with specific areas of accountability, and work closely with staff. House Prefects share in duties to ensure the smooth running of the Houses and organisation of events such as House Music and House Talent, as well as supporting Parents’ Evenings and welcoming visitors to the school. Prefects will also support students in the lower school through Peer Mentoring, and sharing key events with them to build relationships. The Academic Peer Mentoring initiative encourages members of the Upper Sixth to support those students making the transition from Year 11 into the Lower Sixth.

As a Sixth Former you are an ambassador of the school, often acting as a guide or helping at events. You will have the opportunity to run activities for younger pupils in Years 7 and 8 who enjoy getting to know the older members of the school community. Your UCAS personal statement, a significant element of your university application, will be considerably strengthened by getting involved in the busy life of the whole school community. Weekly meetings with tutors address a diverse range of PSHE topics, from climate change, the European Union, the UK voting system and Fair Trade to personal relationships including coping with stress and developing resilient mental health. Regular ‘Sixth Special’ events welcome speakers and encourage lively discussions that will broaden your knowledge and perspective on the topics covered. A major overseas cultural visit for the Sixth Form takes place every two years to Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. There is also an overseas trip for the choir and orchestra every two years, most recently to Malta and Croatia.

The Music and Drama Departments are buzzing. They alternate each year to put on a Senior Production, in which there are opportunities to act, sing, dance, to help backstage, be part of the technical crew or help with the costumes. Recent performances have included ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Sweeney Todd’. The Music Department caters for all musical tastes, from classical and jazz, to indie and rock, with a wide range of instrumental lessons available too. There are various musical groups, the use of the ‘state of the art’ digital recording studio and a rapidly growing expertise in animation and film production.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is well established, with students working on Bronze and Silver Awards. Students take part in community service activities in keeping with the distinctive ethos of a Quaker school. In addition, the Sixth Form also have a group, ‘Amicus’, dedicated to fundraising for good causes. Every year students raise a large amount of money for charity.

Art and Textiles courses and activities are encouraged and Sixth Formers lead the Oxfam Reworked fashion show each year, combining creativity and philanthropy. 10

“The thing that stands out most to me about Leighton Park is the extraordinary amount of oppor tunities we receive as a student body.”

If you love sport, then you will not be disappointed as we offer rugby, hockey, football, netball, tennis and athletics. Also available is swimming, basketball, volleyball, aerobics, yoga, sailing at Theale Reservoir, rowing on the Thames, yoga, badminton and weight training. All Sixth Formers participate in sport, which develops teamwork, sporting ability and fitness in a fun environment. The highlights of the year include the Sixth Form Christmas Dinner, inter-school debating, Leavers’ Collect, House Music, the school production, Leavers’ Dinner and a wide variety of trips, whether academic (Art to Paris, Biology to Pembrokeshire, Geography to Devon, language trips to China, France and Spain) or adventure trips (Isle of Wight Induction weekend, Duke of Edinburgh, surfing in Cornwall).

Dan, Upper Sixth

“Leighton Park gives you a unique experience, which has already prepared me for life after school at university and away from formal education.” Aaron, Upper Sixth 11

Admissions To qualify for the Sixth Form, you will need to have at least five GCSEs at Grade B or higher. We also expect you to have gained A*- B at GCSE in any subjects you wish to study at AS Level or Higher Level IB (A*- A for Maths). All students, both new applicants and those already at Leighton Park, will have an interview with the Head of Sixth Form, or a member of the Sixth Form team. For overseas applications we are able to offer interviews via telephone or Skype, if you are unable to visit the school.

“Leighton Park’s culture taught me many things but most impor tantly I learnt how to be myself, treat others with respect, get involved and always enjoy what I do. It helped make me into the balanced person I am today.”

Scholarships We award a range of scholarships. Full details of the application process and the awards available, for new applicants as well as current students, can be found at Financial assistance in the form of bursaries may also be sought. Please contact the Admissions Office for further information, email or call +44(0)118 987 9608.

Taster and Orientation Days Our Sixth Form evening is held during October in the Autumn term. We would encourage you to attend this so you can meet the Sixth Form academic team and current students.

Old Leightonian

We can also arrange individual Taster Days and visits to the school if you are not able to attend any of our regular events. All students joining the Sixth Form are invited to take part in our Orientation Days, with our own version of The Apprentice, Academic Orientation Day, Newcomers’ Day and the Isle of Wight Adventure weekend, where you will soon settle into life at Leighton Park.


What to do next “I love the ethos and the values that the school promotes and feel that they guide me on an everyday basis. In addition, I great ly appreciate all of the oppor tunities I am given that allow me to be involved in as much of school life as possible.”

Come and visit us! You can do this by:

• Booking into one of our regular Open Mornings; • Attending our Sixth Form Open Evening in October.

You can book to attend either or both of these events online at or by calling our Admissions Team on +44(0)118 987 9608. Our Sixth Form Application Forms can be found on the website for you to complete and return at Please send your completed form to: Admissions Department Leighton Park School Shinfield Road Reading RG2 7ED Or attach it to an email and send it to

Manu, Upper Sixth


Life beyond the Park Name: Alice Martineau

Name: Charlie Smee

Time at Leighton Park: From Year 8, 2004-2010

Time at Leighton Park: Sixth Form, 2011-2013

Sixth Form Studies: Art, English, Geography, Maths A Levels

Sixth Form Studies: International Baccalaureate. Higher Level: History, French and Theatre Studies. Standard Level: Biology, English and Maths

University: History of Art and English Literature, University of East Anglia Ambitions: Currently working for Grain Media making films, hoping to direct and shoot her own documentary films and trying to tell important stories.

University: History with French and Latin, Exeter University Ambitions: Currently waiting to hear about a Masters at either Exeter or Oxford and hoping to go into teaching or working in academia.

Comment: Being at Leighton Park made me feel like I could give anything a go and talk to anyone and just see what happened. Taking a leap and trying things out have helped me achieve some of the things I’m most proud of. The school’s Quaker ethos has helped me value listening to people, and that everyone has an interesting story to tell. Listening to people’s stories has formed the basis of the films I try and make.

Comment: The IB was fantastic, allowing me to pursue a broad range of subjects and interests which has fostered a multi-disciplinary, broadminded approach to my studies and pretty much everything I do. My combined experiences at LP transformed me from someone with little selfconfidence, hope and ambition for the future into a much happier and more confident person.

Name: Lottie Dodwell Time at Leighton Park: From Year 7, 2004-2011

Name: Jack Stubbs

Sixth Form Studies: International Baccalaureate. Higher Level: Biology, Chemistry, English. Standard Level: Economics, German, Maths

Time at Leighton Park: From Year 7, 2001-2008 Sixth Form Studies: English, German, History, Music A Levels University: Journalism and Russian, University of Sheffield. National Council for Training of Journalists (NCTJ) Diploma

University: Biological Science, St Peter’s College, University of Oxford, MSc Science Communication, Imperial College London

Ambitions: Currently working for Reuters as a Field Correspondent based in Moscow.

Ambitions: Hoping to work in a national science museum, creating exhibitions to communicate science to the public.

Comment: Looking back, I really appreciate the emphasis the school put on developing pupils both in and out of the classroom. Academic achievement was of course important, but education is about more than just A Level grades, particularly as children mature into young adults. In the Sixth Form we were trusted and treated as young adults in a way I’m not sure many schools do. For the most part, we responded accordingly: managing our own studies and free time, approaching staff for help when needed and learning how to study independently. This stood me in very good stead when I went to university.

Comment: I was in School House, and have so many amazing memories from boarding there. My favourite memories are probably just the everyday times in the House, on those sofas anyone could talk to anyone, all years, teachers or students. I always felt most at home there. I also think doing the IB made me feel like I didn’t have to put myself into a ‘science’ box. I’m going into a career in science communication, so knowing about science but being able to communicate it creatively, is perfect. Doing the IB made me feel I could be both scientific and creative. 14

Name: Braze Leung

Name: Alex Cheng

Time at Leighton Park: Sixth Form, 2011-2013

Time at Leighton Park: From Year 7, 2005-2012

Sixth Form Studies: Art, Maths, Further Maths, Physics A Levels

Sixth Form Studies: International Baccalaureate. Higher Level: Biology, Chemistry and English. Standard Level: German, History and Maths

University: Architectural Association School of Architecture, London Ambitions: Having obtained a scholarship from his university, Braze is hoping to complete his course and work for a multi-disciplinary creative group.

University: Neuroscience, Balliol College, Oxford. Graduate Entry Medicine at King’s College London Ambitions: Currently in the first year of her postgraduate course, hoping to be a junior doctor in the NHS.

Comment: One of my favourite memories is Meeting for Worship as the sense of community appears the strongest when we are not afraid to share our vulnerabilities. It has definitely been a unique experience that helps my personal development. Also, as a musician, having so many chances to perform on stage and opportunities to meet new people has not only boosted my selfconfidence but also my social skills.

Comment: The diversity at school was brilliant and meant students were exposed to a range of different cultures and belief systems alongside a strong Quaker ethos of tolerance and acceptance. I really enjoyed studying the IB. I felt we were given a lot of academic freedom in terms of coursework pieces and our extended essay and we were challenged across a range of subjects. It prepared me very well for university interviews and a university working environment.

Name: Sebastian Wallace Time at Leighton Park: From Year 9, 2003-2008

I was encouraged to get involved in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and given countless opportunities to try new and unknown things. During my seven years at Leighton Park I grew hugely in confidence and that has helped me in all walks of life since leaving.

Sixth Form Studies: History, Maths and Politics A Levels, Business Studies AS Level University: Law, Manchester University. Legal Practice Course, College of Law, Moorgate

Name: Phil Dunster

Ambitions: Currently a lawyer for city firm Allen and Overy now back in London having spent six months establishing a new office in Johannesburg, hoping eventually to work in the strategy, legal or operations team of a large international corporate.

Time at Leighton Park: From Year 9, 2003-2010 Sixth Form Studies: Drama, History, Politics, Sports Studies A Levels

Comment: The community’s openness and approachability is first class development for the real world. Years later, at work I have no fear discussing issues or ideas with superiors. Neither do I have any issue managing those junior to me. Both interactions require soft skills instilled in me by default at Leighton Park. That approachability fosters a certain lack of rigidity (within reason) which allows everyone to grow into the person they want to become. Old Leightonians are therefore tolerant of difference, which is great for work in the global world we live in today.

University: Bristol Old Vic Theatre School Career: Actor, nominated in 2016 for a Laurence Olivier Award, joining the Branagh Theatre Company’s ‘The Entertainer’ in 2016 and ultimately hoping to make it to the West End. Comment: I loved the way that you were treated like what you thought and felt actually meant something and that you were actively encouraged to follow your interests. It gave me a real sense of purpose. I felt the Sixth Form was a proper step up into the real world. There were so many opportunities to take part in activities and the teaching is comprehensive. Teachers were always willing to find time to help better your studies. 15

RespectIntegritySimplicityEqualityPeaceTruthSustainability IntegritySimplicityEqualityPeaceTruthSustainabilityRespect SimplicityEqualityPeaceTruthSustainabilityRespectIntegrity EqualityPeaceTruthSustainabilityRespectIntegritySimplicity PeaceTruthSustainabilityRespectIntegritySimplicityEquality TruthSustainabilityRespectIntegritySimplicityEqualityPeace

Leighton Park School, Shinfield Road, Reading RG2 7ED t: +44 (0)118 987 9600 f: +44 (0)118 987 9625 e: w:

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