Be Inspired How we can support your students’ achievement at Key Stage 2
Leighton Park is a school that inspires achievement with values, character and community. This is the Leighton Park difference and it is one that we want pupils at other schools to benefit from. We understand that education takes place both within and beyond the classroom and that the change of scene offered by a school trip, the fresh perspective of an inspiring speaker or the opportunity to work interactively with peers from other schools may be the spark that ignites a child’s lifelong love of learning. We have put together a programme of events and activities for students in Year 5 that we hope will support their teachers in the provision of a Key Stage 2 curriculum that extends and delights their pupils. All of the activities detailed in this programme are free to schools and we are keen to ensure that as many children as possible are able access the events on offer. If practical assistance with arrangements such as transport would benefit your school, please do not hesitate to let us know. Events are, by necessity, restricted to a maximum number of pupils and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition to the events already planned, we have a variety of outstanding facilities that may be of interest to your school. We will be pleased to consider on an individual basis any requests for access to our facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the theatre, dance studio, sports pitches, astro turf, tennis/netball courts, cricket nets, swimming pool, food tech room, ICT suites or the outdoor amphitheatre. Our 65 acre parkland is an ideal location for outdoor learning on a secure site for those undertaking ecology topics, seeking a natural environment for artistic or literary endeavours, or even just needing more space for sport or science projects. Please do approach us with your ideas; we are always willing to listen and will do our best to help whenever possible. We hope you will enjoy browsing this programme and we look forward to welcoming you and your Year 5 students to Leighton Park over the coming months. Should you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Best wishes,
Matthew L S Judd Head
Spring Term TeenTech City of Tomorrow
Meet the Author: Steve Cole
Teams of three, led by Leighton Park’s young STEM ambassadors, will apply their knowledge of science, technology and engineering to design an innovative building of the future using recycled household materials. This project promotes good citizenship, sustainability, teamwork and creative problem solving through the creation of a building that improves quality of life by being safer for its inhabitants and kinder to the environment.
Come and meet inspirational children’s author, Steve Cole, talking about his hilarious adventure stories, ‘Stop Those Monsters!’ and ‘Invisible Inc.’ The comic genius behind the popular series ‘Astrosaurs’ and ‘Cows-in-Action’, Steve Cole offers his audience two new creations aimed at readers aged 8-12. ‘Stop Those Monsters!’ tells the tale of Bob, a human boy stuck in a land of monsters with three incredible creatures on hand to “help” him. ‘Invisible Inc.’ describes the crazy consequences of a thrilling new invisibility invention falling into the wrong hands.
The prototype buildings designed for this challenge will be entered on behalf of your school by Leighton Park into the TeenTech national final at the Emirates Stadium, London, on 3rd April 2019.
Steve will be speaking about both books with his trademark hi-energy enthusiasm using plenty of fun and silliness to engage Key Stage 2 students with creative writing and literary comprehension in a new and different way.
You can read more about TeenTech at Wednesday 27th February 2019, 10.30am – 3.00pm Available to teams of 3 students with 1 staff/parent helper to a maximum of 6 teams Participating students must also be available for the national final on 3rd April 2019
Tuesday 5th March 2019, 10.00am – 12.30pm Available to 15 students and 2 staff/parent helpers per school to a maximum of 15 schools
Big Bang Interactive STEM Event Join our engaging, interactive STEM workshops run by STEM professionals from leading organisations across industry and academia. The event’s lively anchor presentation on an entertaining STEMthemed topic guarantees to get pupils talking! In 2017 we welcomed the Science Museum’s resident comedy team, Punk Science, and in 2018 headlined a presentation by The Ugly Animal Preservation Society. This year’s guest speakers will offer an equally engaging presentation to inspire our young students. Pupils will have the chance to participate in two out of a possible ten workshops and to share their differing STEM experiences with their classmates. We are pleased to share details of previous events with you via the links below: 2018 STEM Event Images: 2018 STEM Event Story: 2017 STEM Event Images: 2017 STEM Event Story: At the end of the morning we will share some STEM projects which, if you wish, can be undertaken by your pupils back at your own school and entered for a STEM Crest Award. Monday 11th March 2019, 9.00am – 1.00pm Available to 15 students and 2 staff/parent helpers per school to a maximum of 15 schools
Summer Term A Theatre Relay: Greek Play
Be a Music Producer for a Day
Your students will be responsible for dramatising one section of a Greek play, supported by Leighton Park Drama students and their Drama teacher. The event will be launched with a Drama workshop at your own school to develop your students’ performance skills and understand the special requirements of performing plays from Ancient Greek theatre. Following rehearsal, your group will then come together with other schools at Leighton Park’s new outdoor amphitheatre to rehearse en masse and perform the complete play in a unique one-day event on Thursday 13th June.
Come to Leighton Park for the chance to compose and produce your own piece of music in our new Michael Malnick Centre for Music and Media. Be taken through the composition process, record your own performance, produce your recording using industry standard software and chill out listening to performances in the Yamaha Live Lounge. Then, at the end of the day, host your own live concert in our central venue – performing and helping with the sound and lighting.
As well as providing an excellent link to the history of Ancient Greece, much of what we understand about theatre practice stems from the origins of western culture in Greece. Greek theatre is not performed in a naturalistic style, freeing us to explore more accessible methods of performance, well suited to larger groups. The whole class can be involved by using techniques such as choral speech techniques, choral movement and choreography. The use of masks, provided by Leighton Park, will allow several of your actors to play the same central roles if you wish. There will also be the chance for some students to get involved with technical production behind the scenes.
Available for a maximum of 20 students with 2 staff/parent helpers per school to attend at Leighton Park School on an agreed date for a half or full day of music production.
Available to a whole class of students to a maximum of four schools. The launch workshop will take place on an agreed date. Your class must be available for a full day of rehearsal and performance on Thursday 13th June at Leighton Park School.
Computing: Digital Schoolhouse
Learn and Play: Junior Cricket
Would you like your students to develop their Computing skills and cover the National Curriculum PoS in a creative and energetic way? Our Digital Schoolhouse sessions, run by DfE Master Teachers, will provide crosscurricular sessions with resources to take away so that your teachers can gain valuable CPD and bring ideas back to your own school. Sessions include Islamic Artwork and Coding, Artificial Intelligence and Coding Smart Pets.
Professional coaches and senior Leighton Park sports scholars will come into your school to run a session covering the basics of cricket, enabling your students to experience this popular game and gain a better understanding of rules and techniques to improve their skills. We will then welcome back a team of your selection from your school to play in an all day cricket tournament against other schools on Monday 17th June.
Available to a whole class of students with 2 staff/parent helpers per school to attend at Leighton Park School on an agreed date for a half or full day of creative computing.
Training sessions will be available to a whole class of students with 2 staff/ parent helpers at your own school in preparation for the tournament at Leighton Park School from 9.30am to 3.30pm on Monday 17th June 2019.
WITH Achievement VALUES
Shinfield Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 7ED 0118 987 9600