The Acorn: Issue 13

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The Acorn The New Edition

Who’ll Trump the US?

- 3) School/

(pp 8 - 9)

Entertainment (pp 6 - 7)

Puzzle ’ s Corner

(p - 10)

The US election, set for November 5th, is not only a pivotal moment in the history of US politics, but also a turning point for the world. Two candidates stand; Donald J Trump and Kamala Harris. Two candidates and two fiery political parties, fighting for America's future. The election looks to be closer in votes than was originally thought.

An intriguing debate between the candidates took place for the first time on September 11th and audiences around the world had an interesting look into the two parties’ policies. As a neutral news source we can’t take a stance, but what we can say is Trump claimed and claimed a lot! In one section for instance, Trump stated; ‘They're eating dogs, they're eating cats, they're eating the pets of the people that live there…’ This controversial quote was a rumour about the Haitian immigrants ‘stealing pets’ which was later disproved. Kamala Harris was quick to capitalize on the outrageous comment and stated ‘talk about extreme’.

High stakes election

The stakes are extremely high for the rest of the world. For instance if Trump wins the election, alliances like NATO will be sent into turmoil, the Ukraine war will get much less help, if any, and abortion rights will stay the same. However, many believe that Harris is

tougher on immigration than Trump which is a controversy that some overlook. Harris, who takes a pro-life stance, supports women's right to abortion and has publicly said that she will actively try to sign a law to restore sexual freedoms. Trump has vowed to cut taxes in America, much to the concern of the public. The Election has also seen the fixing of two running mates with JD Vance selected for Trump and Tim Walz selected for Harris. A debate between the two took place recently which is usually insignificant, however in this election every vote counts.

The background...

ing politicians and staff members alike, along with democracy itself. On January 6th 2021 the riot took the lives of four rioters and led to the suicide of one police officer. This event shocked America: how could a riot nearly destroy democracy in the most powerful country in the world and furthermore how could a previous President encourage said riots? The events are still talked about today and are continuously brought up in press questioning and debates.

A country undecided?

The outcome of who wins the election could also be detrimental to the safety of fellow Americans and the Candidates themselves! There have already been two close attempts on Donald Trump's life which have resulted in a sense of anxiety across the country. Furthermore after the Republicans lost the last election, Donald Trump claimed that the election was rigged and called for an all-out riot in the capital; Washington DC.

The movement, originally starting out as a peaceful demonstration and rally from proud republicans, quickly turned into an extremely dangerous riot, taking place outside the White house. After hours of rioting, the mob overcame the little security that the White house put in place and rioters entered the house, endanger-

Many Americans are undecided about this election and don’t know who to trust when it comes to political parties. Donald Trump is known for his controversial way of tackling problems and Kamala Harris has yet to run America, but the Democrats (Harris’ party) Have run the country for the past four years, and it is up to interpretation if they have done a good enough job or not. The election is going to be close, intense and a big change for America.

The implications it has on the rest of the world are significant but we hope whatever choice America chooses it’s one for the better.

Harris and Trump

Wacky world news- By Larry Wu

Merry Halloween?

Santa’s elves got to work early in Venezuela this year... Many of you are probably setting up your spooky decorations for Halloween, but Venezuela already had their Christmas! So what is happening? - asked many (including Santa) upon hearing the electrifying news from the SouthAmerican country.

Are the Bully’s not to blame for bad behaviour?

The Venezuelan president, Maduro, made a public announcement stating that this year’s Christmas will come before the spooky day of trick-or-treat. On a public TV appearance, the presi-

dent made an unbelievable decision (during a political crisis) of relocating their Christmas day to the beginning of October.

‘Woah! Why would he do that?’ you may ask. Well, during the major election dispute, Maduro wanted to ‘pay his tributes’ to the people, and promise them a Christmas of ‘peace, happiness and security’. But a festival of peace and happiness might not be for everyone, as hours before this announcement, Maduro’s biggest rival in the presidential election was arrested

Current events- By Annabel Evans

How is Starmer’s starting roster?

In July of this year, Keir Starmer was elected Prime Minister of Britain in a general election. But what has he done with his new title and powers? Much of his early work came under the jurisdiction of Rachel Reeves, Chancellor of the Exchequer. This includes an eradication of the offshore windmill ban, and new housing plan, which will remove some restrictions on planning permission.

As promised in the election manifesto, the Labour government has listed the ban on offshore windmills, which was dubbed as “absurd” in a statement by Reeves. This is set to lower gas prices, which skyrocketed as a result of the RussoUkraine war. Windmillgenerated electricity is a renewable resource with a low carbon foot-

regarding serious accusations.

Unfortunately, thousands of citizens will be spending the day of jolliness behind rusted bars, as 2,400 people got arrested during the July 28 election. Whilst the season of festivities is meant to bring joy, I cannot say the same for everyone.

Best wishes for filling that candy bag on Hallows Eve (And I wonder what the kids in Venezuela got for Christmas!)

print, so the plan could lower Britain’s environmental impact as a whole.

On the new housing plan, Reeves has pledged to build 1.5 million homes in the next five years, and hopes to accomplish this by introducing a “minimum” number of houses each council builds per year. However, this would require production rates which haven’t been seen since the 1950s, but while 1.3 million remain on council house waiting lists, a dramatic course of action is easily justifiable. To reach her target, Reeves is hoping to decrease the amount of land protected by the green belt, although Starmer has assured that work will only be done on “ugly” or “poor quality” land.

The plan is hoped to create a “new model for what a settlement could be like”.

Our new Labour government is already very much a reality, but individual opinions differ as to whether changes are improvements. There appears to be almost no opposition to lifting the offshore windmill ban, which will increase energy production. But while building on the green belt could provide more housing, what will be the consequences of its environmental impact?

Image: Sir Kier Starmer, UK Prime Minister Credit: Creative Commons

Venezuelan President Maduro
Credit: CNN

Is AI the way forward?

“Probably none of us will have a job. If you want to do a job that’s kinda like a hobby, you can do a job. But otherwise, AI and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want” according to Elon Musk.

Artificial Intelligence is a very useful tool for working, solving problems, saving time, and much much more. Even so, there are still reasons why some people will not use AI or even hate it.

Benefits of AI

AI offers several benefits, including enhanced efficiency, high precision, and increased productivity. It can automate routine tasks, optimise processes, and enable faster, data-driven decision-making. By analysing vast amounts of data, AI provides valuable insights and predictions, improving outcomes across various fields. For instance, in healthcare, AI can quickly analyse complex datasets like medical records and genetic information, aiding professionals in delivering accurate diagnoses at a much faster pace. Rather than replacing human jobs, AI complements it by handling repetitive and timeconsuming tasks, making problem-solving, strategic thinking and creative innovation for humans much easier. In industries like music, design, and content creation, AI tools can offer fascinating new possibilities for artworks as well as more enhanced creative work.

predict environmental changes and optimise renewable energy usage. AI also plays a crucial role in controlling autonomous vehicles, smart cities, converting learning experiences to individual needs and changing how we interact with technology.

Drawbacks of AI

Even though there is a wide variety of benefits, there are still huge drawbacks that AI can cause. First of all, AI mostly lacks creative ability. This is because the AI’s systems are mostly using pattern recognition and generating new content that is based on the data that is used. Therefore, it does not have the creativity to think outside the box.

With the absence of creativity, it also means that emotional range is very limited, which means it cannot use emotions to make decisions. AI can also reduce employment opportunities because AI’s can potentially be the better option for getting employees by being more accurate than human employees, such as traditional job roles. While this may be seen as a sign of progress, workers will be shut out of many job opportunities that once existed.

Human laziness?

challenges that, if not properly managed, could become dangerous.

An example of AI growing too fast is the chess match Garry Kasparov (previous world chess champion) vs Deep Blue (a supercomputer developed by IBM). In their final match, Deep Blue defeated Kasparov, marking the first time a computer beat a world champion. This shows that Artificial intelligence grows significantly faster than humans do.

Ultimately, the impact of artificial intelligence depends on how we choose to manage it in society. If AI is properly handled, AI has the potential to make life easier for humanity while doing human work, rather than replacing it. Even so, if not properly managed, AI could also lead to bad consequences that could change human goals and values. Therefore, depending on its usage and control, it is both helpful and harmful. Current discussion - By Nexus Law

Additionally, AI can solve problems that are nearly impossible to solve with human capabilities. Its ability to process massive datasets in real-time can lead to massive breakthroughs in areas such as climate science, where AI is able to

Recent research shows AI can result in the human loss in decision making, effects on Human Laziness and Safety & privacy. This proves that human reliance on Artificial Intelligence can cause us to use our brains less frequently. For this reason, our brains will have a hard time memorising strategizing and solving issues on our own.

The rapid growth of Artificial intelligence brings risks and

As long as AI continues to develop, it is going to cause concern about the development of AI. If such systems were created and not properly controlled, they could act in their own ways such as twisting human goals and values. This problem has been said by famous people including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, in which they state the potential threats that exist in AI.

Festivals and celebrations- By Zoona

Diwali Crafts!

Here’s how to make simple but cute Diwali diyas out of paper!

Take a piece of paper (coloured if possible to give your lamp a fun touch) about 7 cm by 21 cm. Short side at the top, fold it forwards about 1cm, then backwards 1cm. Keep going until all the paper is folded and when held by the side, looks like a


Long side at the top, fold the folded paper in half (DON’T UNFOLD) vertically and release it slightly so there’s a crease in the middle. Glue the two open parts in the middle together.

Cut out a piece of yellow card in

the shape of a flame and stick it on the top of your lamp. You can stick on some bead stickers on the top to decorate. Your finished product may look something like this:

Winter Payment Slash for Pensioners

“The ayes to the rightthree hundred and forty eight, the noes to the left- two hundred and twenty eight.

The announcement shatters the silence and anticipation in the House of Commons like glass. The last nail in the coffin for winter fuel payments.

On Tuesday 10th of September, MPs voted 348 votes to 228 to scrap the winter fuel allowance for millions of pensioners. The payment will instead be means-tested, being only available to pensioners who receive means-tested benefits like pension credit and those under an income threshold. This effectively ends the payment for over 10 million pensioners who are above the threshold.

Despite widespread fears and concerns from organisations and charities that the cut would leave many pensioners struggling to heat their homes, Chancellor Rachel Reeves has repeatedly defended her policy, asserting that the diffi-

cult decision was caused by ‘14 years of Tory failure’ which left a “£22bn black hole” in the economy, causing the treasury to take difficult financial decisions. Away from Westminster however, it is becoming clear that rapidlyapproaching winter is going to be a struggle.

The BBC reported that one pensioner, Dawn Matthews, from Hampshire, lost out on the threshold by a mere £3, telling the BBC that the cuts would force her to “sit in the cold” in her home.

In another report by The Independent, another pensioner, John, said that “We will not be able to cope. My wife is disabled and has a severe vascular problem which causes her to feel the cold terribly. Even with the winter fuel payment last year we struggled to meet the gas and electricity monthly bill, so we will not be able to cope now.”

However, the new Work and Pensions secretary, Liz Kendall, was quick to call out the so-called “faux outrage” propagated by the Conservative Party, who indeed, had been responsible for bigger cuts to the

welfare budget throughout the course of the 14 year rule. She stood by Chancellor Reeves’s decision, stating that the projected increase of the triple-locked pension (i.e a pension which keeps up with the rising inflation) to £460 will mean pensioners will receive more than they lost by the fuel cut, and claiming that the decision to means test the fuel payment will allow them to focus the money on the most vulnerable of pensioners.

But this pension rise is only set to come into effect next April, and a new analysis by leading charity Age UK suggests that 2.5 million pensioners who are on low incomes but are above the threshold will lose their payment. Even more worryingly, the charity reported that 900,000 pensioners lost their WFP being less than £55 over the threshold.

In a scathing letter to the Labour leadership, former leader Jeremy Corbyn condemned the government’s actions.

“We refuse to accept that poverty is inevitable in the sixth richest country in the world. There’s plenty of money- it’s just in the wrong hands”, Corbyn wrote, calling on Starmer and Reeves to stand up to “greedy profiteers” seeing their incomes increase exponentially while pensioners are forced into poverty. He also tore into their decision to means-test the fuel payment, accusing them of continuing austerity: “A tough choice is deciding whether to heat your home or put food on the table. Austerity is not a tough choice. It is the wrong choice.”

While those at the forefront of decision making battle it out over the potential impacts of the cut, the policy will come as a major blow to those that finally wanted an end to 14 years of austerity and budget cuts from the previous Conservative government.

Let’s talk -

Out with the Old, in with the News

Recently, on the way to school, I was listening to BBC Radio 4. On it was a UN humanitarian worker in Sudan saying that they were getting little-to-no aid from the organisation. It got me thinking, why did the Sudanese Civil War disappear from the news?

What makes the news?

To understand why anything is even on the news to begin with, we need to understand appeal and retention. News organisations are more interested in whether you are intrigued by an article than the news it’s actually reporting. The reason? Retention. If you hook a person with an interesting article, the news organisation is more likely to show or recommend more work produced by the organisation or relevant to the article. The more they can get people to follow article after article, it allows them to push their other services and build a rapport with you, the reader. It creates a loyal follower of the organisation and allows them to make money from services

linked to the organisation due to their loyalty.

Why the disappearances?

They stem from the loss of appeal and retention. Yet it also relies on who the audience is. If they are mostly European, that audience is more likely to interact with stories relevant to their corner of the world. If they are American, the audience prefers stories to do with the US and its political enemies. It is apparent that the more relevant the news is to an area or region of the world, the more likely it is to be interacted with and thus pushed to the reader. So, when a major story breaks that happens outside the general sphere of your audience, it is less likely to engage any interaction.

So, using this knowledge, I considered why Sudan has completely disappeared.

First, the relevance to the audience. Those seeing the issue (focusing specifically on BBC News in this situation) are of a ‘foreign’ people, the British. Think, how relevant is what happens anywhere in Africa to Brit-

What’s behind the holidays? -

What is Diwali and why is it celebrated?

In southern India, Diwali celebrates the victory of Lord Krishna when she defeated the demon Naraka who is said to have imprisoned women and tormented his subjects.

In northern India, Diwali honours the triumphant

ain anymore?

How does it affect us? This lack of overall interest created a gradual shift in less and less content being released. The BBC started with around 22 stories based on or around the Sudan Civil War. The following week it went to around 14 stories. Four weeks after the original report, it ceased to exist. People simply didn’t care.

Disappearing news

When looking into this subject, one thing always came up. If the issue disappeared from the news, people didn’t think it was still happening. So when I read and heard about Sudan and its civil war, I was appalled to see these figures: Nearly half the population is dead, those on the run have nowhere to stay (even UN Humanitarian camps are being bombed and raided), neighbouring countries aren’t taking any migrants and aid is at an alltime low.

So, if there is one lesson to be learnt from this article it is: Just because it isn’t on the news doesn’t mean it isn’t real in every sense of humanity.

return of Lord Rama, his wife Sita, and brother Lakshmana, from a 14-year exile in the forest.

What is Halloween and why is it celebrated?

It was believed that on the day of Halloween, souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in scary costumes to scare off the spirits and protect

themselves. Every year it's held on October 31st as people believe that the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain, which occurred on November 1 but kicked off the evening before, is considered the earliest known root of our secular Halloween traditions. Happy Diwali and Happy Halloween from all of us at The Acorn!

New York Fashion Week!

What are this year’s NY Fashion Week’s Best looks?

The first brand I would like to talk about is Zero Waste. Daniel hosted a very unconventional fashion show. Instead of the typical runway he took his collection to the stage for a show that he named “ Sustainable Fashion is a Cabaret”. His upcycled collection was brought to life by real life Broadway stars, including Alexandra Socha, who is currently Glinda on Broadway's Wicked. Another one of their models was Daphne Rubin Vega, who wore an outfit made up of all her

broadway-worn costumes, including one from her award-winning performance as Mimi from the OG production of the sensational Rent.

The next designer I found inspiring was Malan Breton. He is a Taiwan-born designer who, for his last collection during NYFW, decided to take inspiration from fairy tales of the 19th century and 20th century. This tapped into themes of betrayal and hope and his fabrics included silk, pink leather and wool. He had an impressive hairstyling and beauty team consisting of Marco Ma-

The Ocean’s Mysteries Magnify!

More than 95% of the ocean has not been mapped, explored or even seen by humans. Only 5% was investigated on our own ocean floor, which means that the other percentage remains unknown. Our oceans play a major role in influencing changes in the world's climate and weather.

An interesting fact: A far greater percentage of the surfaces of the Moon and the planet Mars has been mapped and studied than our own depths.

Over 95% of waters are unexplored, but scientists believe that it contains a vast diversity of life, including:

Undiscovered species of fish, micro-organisms.

New varieties of marine plants and algae.

Unique ecosystems and habitats.

Undocumented interactions and relationships between marine organisms.

Potential new sources of biochemicals, enzymes and

ranghello who has done the hair for celebrities such as JLo. He also had an outstanding beauty team which was being led by the Emmy nominated Vincenza Carovillano.

This last collection was titled “ Return to the Plaza” hosted at the iconic plaza hotel in NYFW. This show was hosted by Lagence, the iconic landmark of New York and surely one of the most famous hotels in the world. They showcased tweeds, denims and glammed -up jean items. Models were showcased underneath a cherry blossom installation designed by a pop-up florist. They showed all different types of clothing and used gorgeous patterned fabrics depicting an array of floral patterns. The colour scheme was bright including many pinks, blues and whites.

other compounds with medical or industrial applications. Insights from ocean exploration can help us better understand and respond to earthquakes, tsunamis and other hazards. Part of NASA's mission is to develop an understanding of the total Earth system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes on the global environment.

Is it possible to explore 100% of the ocean?

No, the salt chuck will never be fully explored but submarine robots and the analysis of remotely-sensed ocean data makes it possible to understand the ocean in new and exciting ways. At great depths exploration conditions became extreme. Challenger Deep is approximately 10,935 metres deep.

Extraordinary, otherworldly creatures dwell in the depths. New creatures are discovered all the time.

In 2020, scientists found Siphonophore Apolemia.

Also that year scientists made an alarming discovery. They came across a new species of crustacean and it had plastic inside in its stomach. REMINDERwe barely began to explore the ocean, our impact on it already being keenly felt. In 2050 there can be more plastic than fish. How can we control the weather?

Using remote sensing data and computer models, scientists can now investigate how the oceans affect the evolution of weather, hurricanes, and climate. Oceans control the Earth's weather as they heat and cool, humidify and dry the air and control wind speed and direction. Long-term weather patterns influence water supply, food supply, trade shipments, and property values. They can even foster the growth of civilizations, or kill them off. You can't escape the weather, or even change it but being able to predict its caprice makes its impact. And only by understanding the dynamics of the oceans can we begin to do this.

Wonderous World - By

We need to talk about Mental Health

The start of autumn is always associated with the start of the school year, which is also known by some students as an anxiety period. School usually causes so much pressure on people which they can’t cope with. This causes people to have continuous mood swings, stress and eventually may cause students AND staff to burn out.

Schools have started to show the importance of mental health, by providing programs designed especially to support students. Leighton Park has provided pupils with some such as YouHQ and sessions of PSHE which play a significant role in fostering emotional well-being. These programs raise significant topics, including toxic masculinity and mental health awareness, creating safe spaces for students to share their feelings and experiences. Besides that, our school is always speaking proudly of a group of staff “Mental health first aiders” who are always there for students to speak to. They have undergone special training to provide students with help from a professional. They are all around the school and are easily noticeable as they are wearing a purple lanyard. In addition, in “The Gold Book” on page 34 there is a list provided of all of the organisations, phone numbers and sites people who are seeking help can contact.

Help yourself to better mental health

There are a few effective methods to make yourself feel better even though you have a lot of things going on in your life during this period of time. One of them will be physical activities. Activities like walking, yoga, or team sports can help elevate spirits and improve overall mental health.

Surprisingly, limiting social media will help to improve our mental health. Not all of us can limit social media in our lives, but by doing so it can help to develop a stronger sense of self-esteem which reduces anxie-

Also, spending time in nature is good for our mental health: it reduces stress and depression and increases positive emotions.

Meditation or mindfulness help clear your mind and focus on the present. Even a few minutes a day can lead to increased feelings of peace and clarity.

Lastly, it's also important to rest and sleep. Normally people should sleep 7-9 hours each night, establishing a calming effect and helping to reduce anxiety. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can enhance your overall well-being and resilience against stress.

Here’s the Science bit…

We understand that anxiety is caused by the outside factors resulting in us feeling down, but what exactly is happening inside our organism that makes us feel this way? As you may be well aware, the brain is the most important part of our organism and is in control of all the processes. The brain has special chemicals called neurotransmitters that send messages (neuron signals) back and forth to control the way the person feels. Anxiety is driven by the brain's response to perceived threats. The amygdala triggers fear, while the HPA axis releases stress hormones like cortisol, which can increase anxiety if overactive. Neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA also regulate mood, and imbalances in these can lead to anxiety. Genetics can further predispose individuals to anxiety disorders. Together, these biological factors create the foundation for anxiety symptoms. From the outside we just suddenly start to feel a certain emotion without thinking through the causes or of how difficult such process is.

Physical effects

Mental health is not only about our emotions;

as soon as they start to take over, our physical health may start struggling as well.

High levels of anxiety can lead to raised heart rate and blood pressure, which over time can contribute to heart disease. Also, chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Conditions like stress and anxiety can lead to digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause significant discomfort and impact daily life. Sleep disturbances can lead to insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, which can result in fatigue, weakened immunity, and increased risk of chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

This all leads to how, by feeling down, you can also affect your physical health and have different new diseases. Addressing mental health concerns through therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and social support can lead to improvements in overall health and quality of life.

In 2019 the total number of people who had a mental disorder or felt stress or anxiety was a number of 970 million people. Our mental health is crucial for wellbeing. Poor mental health can have many negative effects if not dealt with properly. Addressing mental health early can help prevent these negative outcomes. This shows how important it is to treat it. It is important to share your problems for others to be able to help!

Speak to your tutor/ Head of Year/ Any teacher or a member of Student Services if you ever need to reach out for help.

Student Music hits the Spotlight!

Alana Basinger

Alana is a music scholar currently in year 11 who takes GCSE music. She performs in multiple concerts, both in groups and solos, and has written her own compositions, even winning the ‘Performance of the night’ category for her own composition in year nine. Her music production and lyrics are inspired by artists such as Phoebe Bridgers (and Tony Berg, her producer). In terms of initial ideas, many of her songs take influences from Billie Elishe’s calmer songs and the dynamic range in Olivia Rodrigo’s songs- such as ‘Vampire’.

Issues affecting us-

When describing her writing process, Alana stated that she ‘starts with ideas for a chord progression either on guitar or piano.

‘I then usually hum a melody over the top as I play it. However, for my most recent song - Parachute - I wrote it straight onto the production software so I learnt to write from a different perspective.

‘My lyrics are inspired by events that happen in my life; I like to start with a hook in the chorus. I try to use my lyricism to describe events rather than recount them.

‘One line I am particularly proud of is "There's a person that I'd like to meet, But I never will because I'm in too deep, And they're already laying with the stars."’

Alana is due to release her first single in the upcoming months and afterwards her full album of seven songs before the end of the year. These will be downloadable on most streaming platforms.

The Food Waste Fallacy

Food Waste is the unnecessary throwing away of decent and edible food. Yet it is such a huge problem within the school and the world around us, something has to change.

In the USA during 2023, the FDA recorded 9,200 people on their stances on food waste. Over 85% said they aren’t doing enough. This sentiment is shared across the world but let’s just focus on Great Britain.

The English food organisation DEFRA found that the average English citizen emits 707 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually from food waste. In fact, people recycle so little that only 44% of all food waste sent to landfill is actually recycled in any manner. Meanwhile biological waste sits at 6.8 million tonnes being directly dumped into landfills and food recycling education lies at under 40% of all English citizens.

There’s no doubt that food waste is a serious global issue.

Change begins at home

As a GPP group, we were appalled by just how much food is being wasted, not just around the world, but right here in Oakview. We decided something had to be done, but we need your help to make a real impact. Here are some of the small things you can do to make a difference to the amount of food being wasted in Oakview:

1. Ask for smaller or larger portions depending on how much food you want. Even though getting your food can be a bit rushed, by asking for less, you can reduce the amount of food left once you are full, and if you are worried about not getting enough, just remember, you can always go up for more food.

2. Wait that little bit longer for your friends to finish. We found that for lots of people, the main reason they are wasting food is because their friends left, and they didn’t want to finish without them. But by waiting that extra couple of minutes you can give them time to finish so that they don’t feel like they need to leave food on their plate.

3. Just thinking, ‘am I actually going to eat this?’, when getting your food, don’t grab something just in case you want it. Take the time to question whether you actually like the food or want the food. We don’t want to stop you from having a full meal but you can always come back up to get the dessert you weren't sure you would need.

We are not asking you to have a spotless plate after every meal, but by just wasting slightly less every meal, as a community we can significantly reduce the amount of leftover food wasted every day. So take that time to think, and spread the word !

Student music hits the Spotlight!

Eliza Rincon

Eliza Rincon is currently in the upper sixth of Leighton Park having recently released her song Silver Rain which is now available for download on Spotify. Her harmonies and instrumentation may remind you of the works of Jeff Buckley (who Eliza cited as her biggest inspiration) and those of us in the school community who have seen her perform will all be able to recognise her signature style in every line.

When we asked Eliza about her writing process, she stated “I always start writing my songs on the piano or the guitar and get a chord sequence that I like. In this case, I started on the guitar. Then I figure out my melody and lyrics based on how the chords sound to me in terms of style and mood. After this is figured out, I record the parts and as I listen to it, I figure out what other sounds or instruments I want to put in. I find that writing, recording and producing your own songs is so rewarding and it is my favourite thing to do!”

She also told us about the writing of her lyrics, stating, “I wrote my lyrics based on how I thought the music sounded. After I figured out my chords, I improvised a melody with lyrics. The parts which I liked, I kept and then expanded on that idea and theme.”

Eliza wrote the original version of her latest song in May of 2023 and chose to release it in June of this year. It is now on Spotify and can be listened to and downloaded using the barcode provided.

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips, known by her many fans as ‘Clover’ is currently in the upper sixth of Leighton Park, completing her final year following the September release of her latest single ‘Isn’t It Nice’. Laura has released many songs over the years in both Singles and EPs. Many fans of Lizzy McAlpine, Jeff Buckley and The Cranberries will notice their influence over Laura’s style and love her music. In our interview with her, she told us all about her inspirations and artistic process.

When talking about her writing process, she stated, “My writing process differs massively depending on what I’m writingMore recently, I find that I think of particular lines that I like and I then develop entire songs based on these ideas. For example, in my most recent single, Isn’t It Nice, I thought of the chorus first and then developed the chords and verse lyrics around these chorus lyrics. This song in particular took ages to write as I couldn’t decide what sounded right, and the chords themselves changed a lot before I ended up with what you can now hear on the recording!”

As for the lyrics, she stated “I either think of individual lines or even entire songs before I’ve even picked up my guitar. Sometimes I hear a line in a song that I really like and I then mould my ideas based on this line, whether that be because the flow of individual words inspired me or the general premise of the lyric itself.” You can listen to Laura’s latest single on Spotify now and keep watching your calendar for her next single which will be released at the end of this October!

Scan the codes below on Spotify to listen to our talented students.

Bella Rose Blood

Bella Rose Blood is currently in the upper sixth of Leighton Park having released her last song earlier in the year. You may recognise her influence from artists such as Sara Bareilles and the more ballad-like works of Olivia Rodrigo’s first album. Bella also told us “I love listening to and taking inspiration from smaller artists such as Will Killen, Tom Walker and Clinton Kane. The music these artists produce often has a close connection between the melody and the lyrics, and the music I love to write also often has a deeper meaning.”

When talking about her writing process, she stated “I always start with the lyrics and I think this probably stems from my love of writing and reading poetry. I find it inherently easier to write choruses and hook lines and often build from there. Alongside this I will often have a bank of musical ideas: chord progressions, ideas of a melody, or maybe just a key; and I will choose one that fits with the feel of the lyrics I have created. I make all decisions surrounding instrumentation during the recording process and edit all my music myself, meaning I have full control over the finished sound, which is another aspect that is really important to me.”

You can download and listen to Bella’s latest song ‘Everything Reminds Me of You’ on Spotify now using the barcode provided, and remember to stay tuned for her future releases!

Puzzles Corner by Daniel Bailey

Festive Snacks

How to make a Halloween treat: sweet, simple and SPOOKY

BOO-tiful ghost bananas

Makes 4

You will need

• 100g milk chocolate

• A handful of dark/ milk chocolate chips

• 2 ripened bananas

• Desiccated coconut (optional)

• x4 Lolly sticks


1. Melt the white chocolate in either the microwave or over a pan of

simmering water (make sure the bowl isn’t touching the water), then set aside for a moment while you get the bananas ready.

2. Peel the bananas, cut them into half and push a lolly stick from the bottom up till about half way through the cut banana. Line a large baking tray with baking parchment and make sure you have enough room for the tray in the freezer.

3. Coat the banana halves in the melted white chocolate and, if you want, sprinkle the coconut on top of the chocolate before it sets.

4. Add the chocolate eyes and a mouth with your chocolate chips and freeze the bananas for at least 4 hours and for a maximum of a week.

5. After they have frozen, your banana ghosts are ready to eat. Serve and enjoy!

Credit: BBC Good Food

Fun Festivities - By Emma Castellani and Zoona Khizer

Say hello to the Houses! Cadbury

We all know Leighton Park, but do we really KNOW Leighton Park? Year 7s especially, or new students, might not. Like, is Tubman named after a creature that was half man - half tub? Was Fox named after the animal? You may have heard about what your house was named after already, but if you want to delve deeper into the history of the school’s fabulous four houses, or remember how great your house truly is, keep reading!


Proud winners of last Year's House competitions, Tubman, just like Harriet Tubman, who the house was named after, are hard-workers and determined. Harriet Tubman escorted over 300 slaves to freedom from the year 1850 to 1860, never getting caught.

The motto ‘We are free spirits’ speaks to Tubman’s struggle for freedom. Tubman's beloved house clerk, Ellie Smales, says, ‘The house system gives every student and staff member a sense of belonging, and encourages them to push themselves outside of their comfort zone, knowing that they will be supported by others in the house. They also allow me to let out my incredibly competitive spirit!’ She also said, ‘I also really enjoy watching all of the students from different age groups mixing together and taking pride in the house. My favourite event is either House Music or House Sports Day.’ Tubman’s house logo is a dove which Ellie says, ‘symbolises the freedom that Harriet Tubman fought so hard to get for herself and others’. Good luck to Tubman in this year's house competitions!

Bentsi Enchill

Bentsi Enchill is our remarkable red house. It was named after Kojo Bentsi Enchill: a previous head boy of Leighton Park, an inspiring anti-racist who stood up for himself when made fun of due to the colour of his skin. He told everyone in a meeting for worship in LP that he only wanted to be judged on who he was on the inside and just because he was the only student of colour, at that time, that he didn’t want society to make assumptions based on his skin and appearance. He was offered a scholarship to the University of Cambridge, but declined it. Later he became the owner of his own successful Law firm. Unfortunately, he died on Monday 21st October 1974, because of a motor accident on the 14th from when he was travelling from Aburi to Accra.

You got this Bentsi Enchill!


The symbol for Fox is a hat, which represents George Fox’s hat (the founder of Quakerism), who the house is named after. No matter what he had to go through, he stayed strong in his beliefs and had faith in what he thought was right and true. He was brave and determined, just like the members of his house. Lauren Brandwood, the hardworking and helpful house clerk for Fox, said a while back, ‘ Fox house prides itself in involvement and I truly believe that as a House we are fantastic at getting involved and participating in all events.’ Sure enough, Fox certainly has plenty of House spirit and are rearing to bounce back into the competitions. Go Fox!

Last but most certainly not least, are the winners of 2022’s house competitions, Cadbury. Helen Cadbury, who it was named after, cherished the special Quaker values. She was an incredible author, but there was so much more to her than the face behind her brilliant books. She spoke at a campaign for a nuclear disarmament rally in Manchester when she was only 16. She was also a trustee of the Barrow Cadbury Trust for sixteen years, a trust set up by her great grandfather, chairing it from 2013. Some of her books include To Catch A Rabbit, Bones in the Nest, Race to Kill and Forever Now, but she also wrote plays.

Their house logo is a Helen Cadbury scroll, which as Cadbury’s house clerk Zoe Macpherson says, ‘represents Helen Cadbury's profession and success in her life, a great symbol of her writing, as an author’. If asked to choose another symbol for the house, Zoe says she would have chosen a theatrical mask, as Helen was a drama teacher. I hope you’ve learned more about Cadbury (and a bit about Zoe!), due to her great answers. Cadbury (which I hope you all know by now is unfortunately NOT named after the chocolate.)

Leighton park’s houses, which were only assigned a couple years ago, were chosen by the students not the staff, showing how much the students are trusted and can do. They chose not only the names, but also the colours of the houses. They obviously chose well because all our houses are much loved and wellcoloured! I hope everyone gets involved and has great fun with the opportunities LP gives them.









Comic strip fun - By Larry Wu







Doodle and Chubbs

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