Ceremony and receptions
great wedding BY LEILA KALMBACH
Turning the great outdoors into a
Maybe you dream of walking down the aisle barefoot, the sea lapping
at your feet, the sun setting behind you. Maybe you want to marry on a sunny rock overlooking a waterfall. Maybe you want to say “I do” in a field of wildflowers. The great outdoors can add an element of enormity and beauty to your event, and provide the perfect backdrop for a romantic
wedding, so it’s no surprise that so many people want to be in nature to say their vows.
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Ceremony and receptions
However, nature doesn’t always behave the way we’d like it to. It’s part of the power of the great outdoors that one day
here are some tips for making everything
ily move inside in case of rain, you might
go smoothly.
want to include a note in the wedding invi-
Expect the best, plan for the worst.
tations informing guests of the alternate
it can be 75 and sunny, and the next it can
Choose a venue that has both indoor and
be 45 and hailing, but this shift becomes
outdoor areas so that you won’t be stuck
Find out about permits ahead of time.
much less appealing when you’re count-
outside if the weather is awful. If it’s sprin-
If your wedding will be held in a public
ing on nice weather for your wedding.
kling or the temperature is not ideal, you
place, you may need a permit. Make sure
can always have the ceremony outside and
you ask about all the rules for weddings.
So do you want to risk it? If you do
location in case of rain.
have an outdoor wedding, you must be
the reception inside – or if the weather is
Some places limit the amount of time your
prepared for the possibilities. You must be
really bad, you can move everything
wedding can take place. There may be
able to be flexible and not stress out too
inside. Make a plan for how things will be
rules about photography, setting up tents,
much if some part of the plan has to be
set up both outside and inside so that you
table and chair setup, sound volume, lit-
changed at the last minute. If you’re not
and the people you hire to help you will
tering, serving alcohol and more. Be sure
OK with last-minute changes, you may
be prepared either way. You might also
you know ahead of time so that you don’t
want to stay inside from the get-go.On the
consider renting a sturdy tent in case of
run into last-minute snags.
other hand, if you prepare adequately and
brutal sun or light rain. In heavy rain,
Plan drinks to combat bad weather. If
know you’ll stay cool no matter what, an
though, no tent will save you from the
you suspect it may be hot out on the day
outdoor wedding can be a beautiful way
mud that will be created when the ground
of your wedding, plan to offer cool water
to celebrate your marriage. If you do
gets soaked. If you’re unable to hold your
or other beverages to guests as they get
choose to have your wedding outdoors,
wedding at a location where you can eas-
seated. If it might be cold or rainy, plan
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Ceremony and receptions
to serve hot coffee and tea. Make sure
Talk to your vendors about holding the
appropriate beverages are available to
wedding outdoors. Your florist will be able
your guests after the ceremony and
to advise you of which flowers will stay
throughout the reception as well – more
freshest even if the weather is unpleasant.
than just alcohol, which is dehydrating.
Your caterer will be able to help you choose foods that won’t spoil. Your rental and decor shop will be able to advise you
unpleasant weather.
of what sorts of tables, table coverings and
Blowing in the wind.Even on the most beautiful of days, wind can be a problem in outdoor weddings. Don’t let wind catch you by surprise. If you’re hoping to have your wedding outdoors, choose fabrics for
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Beverages can go a long way toward making your guests feel more comfortable in
erence. Make sure your hairstylist knows
decorations will fare the best in the outdoor conditions you’re likely to encounter. You may be surprised at all the little things you must take into consideration when planning a wedding outdoors, but your
your wedding dress and bridesmaids’
that you’re having an outdoor wedding so
vendors will be aware of what they can do
dresses that aren’t so light they’ll blow all
that he or she can plan accordingly for a
to help.
over the place. When you choose your
style that won’t get messed up within a
Consider the noise. Imagine having a
dresses, make sure to tell the person help-
matter of minutes. Also, make sure to alert
conversation with a friend inside a silent
ing you that you’ll have an outdoor wed-
the bridesmaids and groomsmen that
church. Now imagine one at the beach, the
ding. The consultant should be able to
there may be wind andthey’ll probably
waves crashing behind you, kids running
help you choose fabrics that will stay put
want to wear pomade, hairspray or other
around playing and shrieking, and gulls
or just blow lightly, according to your pref-
styling products.
cawing. You’ll have to talk a lot louder on
Ceremony and receptions
the beach in order to be heard by your
If you’re expecting flowers that haven’t yet
prevalent at dusk, when a lot of weddings
friend, and the same is true of your wed-
bloomed, you may need to bring in extras,
are just shifting into the reception. If you’ll
ding guests. If you plan on holding your
whether cut or potted.
have fans set up to combat the heat, you
wedding outdoors, plan ahead to make
Dealing with the sun. If your wedding
may be able to keep most bugs at bay at
sure you can hear what’s going on from
day is likely to be sunny – and in Cen-
the same time. You might also consider
everywhere guests will be seated. You
tral Texas, the chances are good – then
setting up citronella candles or bug zap-
might want to rent sound equipment,
plan ahead to avoid discomfort on your
pers, or leave out a bottle of bug spray for
including clip mikes for those with speak-
part and that of your guests. Plan the
guests to use.
ing parts, if you have any doubts that
event to be held in shady areas as much
It can be nerve-wracking not knowing
you’ll be heard. If you’re hiring a DJ or a
as possible, or consider putting up a tent
whether you’ll need to change your day-
live band, you may be able to use some of
or tarp to block out some sun. If your cer-
of plan on the day of, but with proper
their equipment for an extra cost.
emony will be held during the day,
planning you can be prepared for whatever
Preparing the venue. For an indoor
arrange things so that the sun will be
nature throws your way. Done right, an
wedding, most of your preparations will
behind guests, not in their eyes. If the
outdoor wedding is an experience that
be done the morning of the event. An out-
ceremony will be at sunset, you’ll prob-
can’t be beat, but only you can decide
door wedding, on the other hand, requires
ably want the bridal party to stand in
whether you’re comfortable with the
a little more prep ahead of time. Head to
front of the setting sun.
unknowns. For an experience as big and
your site a few days before the wedding
If there’s one aspect of the great out-
life-changing as getting married, being sur-
to make sure everything is as you’ve
doors that will really bug you, it’s the bugs.
rounded by big and powerful nature may
agreed: grass mowed, hedges trimmed, etc.
Unfortunately, mosquitoes tend to be most
be the perfect way to go. AWD
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