Weight loss for the bride

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H ealth, beauty, spas and fitness

Weight Loss


for the bride BY LEILA KALMBACH


Almost every bride wants to lose a few pounds before her big day. But when you’re planning a wedding, weight loss can seem next to impossible. All your free time is spent working on the

wedding, you’re sampling all sorts of decadent foods for the reception and you’re dealing with tons of stress.

Don’t despair. Losing weight doesn’t

normally exercise, keep this in mind.

you just won’t feel right if you miss a day.

have to be a losing proposition. In fact,

Those first steps you take, those first few

When you do get out there and move your

weight loss can even be easier when you’re

times you go out running or biking, those

body, it’ll feel amazing both during and after your workout.

planning a wedding than it would be oth-

first yoga classes will be the most difficult

erwise. Whether it’s five pounds or fifty-

ones you ever do. If you can get through

So if starting is the hardest part, where

five pounds you’re after, start early enough

the first steps, it’s all downhill from there.

do you begin? You won’t get anywhere with-

After a month or two of regular exer-

out the proper motivation to exercise. But

wedding day and beyond.

cise, your body starts to get addicted to it.

as a bride-to-be, you’ve already got a ready-

This is an example of a positive addiction,

made source of motivation: You want to

Getting started

not like addictions to cigarettes or alcohol.

look good on your wedding day, both for

It’s so much harder to get started exer-

This is an addiction that you want to cul-

your guests and new husband, and because

cising than it is to continue. If you don’t

tivate. Once you’re addicted to exercise,

you’ll be looking at the photos for the rest

and you can get in great shape for your

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H ealth, beauty, spas and fitness

of your life. Don’t accept that you’ll always

self. In fact, you’ll find that weight loss is

ty exercises are better for weight loss, right?

be in the shape you’re currently in. You can

so much easier if you keep eating – and your

Actually, no. While high-intensity exer-

change your body. Keep imagining how you

body will thank you for the nutrients.

cise is very important for cardiovascular

want to look on your wedding day, and use

The only catch is that you have to eat the

health, low- to moderate-intensity exercise

the strong motivating factor of your wed-

right things. In terms of how much they fill

is better for helping you to lose and keep

ding to help you take those first steps and

you up, a calorie is not always the same

off excess weight. The reason for this is that

say no to empty calories.

however it’s served. For instance, one full-

high-intensity exercise uses easily available

sized carrot contains the same number of

energy in your body that then needs to be

Set a realistic goal Another good thing about losing weight

calories as two teaspoons of sugar, but

replenished when you’re done exercising,

which one do you think fills you up more?

while low-intensity exercise actually pulls

for your wedding is that you have a specif-

In general, try to avoid drinking your

energy from your fat stores. In other words,

ic date in mind to have accomplished your

calories. Fruit juice, sugary coffees, sodas

if you go for a brisk run that keeps your

goal. This is good because it will help you

and alcohol are high in calories but won’t

heart rate up the whole time, you’ll be so

leave you feeling full. On the other hand,

hungry when you’re done that you’re like-

On average, a healthy amount of weight

foods high in water content, such as fruits,

ly to eat back all the calories you burned.

to stay on track. loss is one to two pounds a week for

vegetables and broth-based soups, often will

On the other hand, if you go for an hour-

women. This doesn’t sound like much, but

leave you full on few calories. For this rea-

long walk, you’ll be able to satisfy your

remember that extra fat is something of a

son, choose fresh rather than dried fruits

hunger with a light snack or your normal

security blanket for your body – if we

and vegetables.

dinner, and wind up with a calorie deficit

encounter a food shortage, this supply could

Foods high in protein also fill you up

for the day.

keep us alive. If you lose weight too quick-

quickly. Choose lean beef, chicken, fish,

This is good news for brides because it

ly, then, your body will panic that its sup-

low-fat cheese, lentils or beans. Accompa-

means you can work on your wedding at the

plies are running out, and will slow your

ny this with complex carbohydrates, such

same time as you’re getting some exercise.

metabolism down. This means that every

as whole-grain bread, and fresh produce.

calorie you eat will be even harder to burn

It’s hard to eat right when you’re trying

You’re able to walk and talk in a way that you couldn’t do while sweating through a

to choose a wedding cake and a menu for

kick-boxing class. Instead of meeting for

Figure out what a healthy weight would

your reception. But don’t think that you

coffee to talk about wedding arrangements,

be for a woman of your height. There are

can’t participate in this selection just because

go for a walk around the neighborhood to

than before.

Internet sites that can help you with this,

you’re trying to lose weight. Just keep in

talk things over. If it’s possible, try to walk

or if you’re a member of a gym, you may

mind that you’ll be eating more calorie-

or ride a bike to your appointments with

be able to get a free assessment from a per-

heavy foods on the days you’re sampling,

your caterer, florist or wedding coordinator.

sonal trainer. From there, look at how soon

and compensate by eating a salad full of

Look through wedding magazines while

your wedding date is and determine a real-

veggies and lean protein for dinner, and

you’re on the elliptical machine at the gym.

istic amount of weight you’d like to lose,

spend some extra time moving during the

Or take dance classes in preparation for your

keeping in mind that you should stick to

day. In fact, this is important any time: If

first dance at the wedding reception.

one to two pounds a week. It’s important to

you eat something unhealthy one day, don’t

Don’t shy away from weight-lifting,

start early. Aim to reach your goal weight

give up. Just pick back up with your healthy

either. Many women are afraid that lifting

by a month before your wedding so that you

eating habits and exercise as soon as you can

weights will bulk them up, but because

have time for final dress alterations. Make

and you’ll be back on track.

women are built differently from men, lift-

a calendar showing exactly where you’d like to be each week, and keep track of whether you’ve accomplished your week’s goal.


ing weights will give you muscle definition

Exercising right

without extra bulk. Lifting weights may

High-intensity exercises like spinning

cause you to gain weight at first as your

can burn as many as 800 calories per hour,

muscles grow, so don’t worry if you’re not

while low- to moderate-intensity exercises

making your weight-loss goals when you

The good news when it comes to weight

like walking only burn around 250 calories

start lifting. Soon, though, you’ll see that

loss is that you don’t have to starve your-

per hour. Logically, then, the high-intensi-

weight-lifting will help you to lose weight

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quickly, and because muscles take extra

date you can order it and still receive it on

wedding is over? Unfortunately, many brides

calories to maintain, you’ll lose more

time for your fittings. When you do put in

who lose weight for their weddings aren’t

weight without even doing anything if you

your order, order the dress to fit you as you

able to keep the weight off after the big day.

have a few extra pounds of muscle. Try a

are. The dress can always be taken in if you

This is why you need to find other moti-

weight-lifting class if you’re not sure what

lose more weight, but can’t be expanded if

vators to keep you going. Pay attention to

to do, as lifting the wrong way can cause

you don’t lose those last few pounds you’re

how great you feel when your body is in

serious injury.

hoping to get rid of.

good shape and when you’ve got a post-

If you’re creative about it, just about any-

Make sure that you schedule more than

exercise endorphin rush flooding your sys-

thing can be weight-lifting: carrying wed-

one dress fitting. Let the dress shop know

tem. Try to incorporate the changes you

ding presents up the stairs or lifting up

that you’re losing weight so that they can

made for wedding weight loss into your everyday lifestyle.

heavy floral arrangements ... you can even

take this into consideration when making

lift and lower the phone book while you’re

your fittings schedule. If you’ve stuck to

When you get married, you start a whole

on the phone with your vendors.

your weight loss plan and reached your

new chapter in your life. This is a perfect

goal weight by a month before your wed-

time to make other changes to your life too –

Don’t stress

ding, you should have no problems with

the perfect time to become who you’ve

With so much on your shoulders when

your dress.

always wanted to be. Make your wedding a jumping-off point for the new you. Even if

you’re planning a wedding, it’s natural that you’re more stressed out than normal. Many

Beyond your wedding day

you started losing weight so that you’d look

people turn to food to comfort themselves

The motivation to look good on your

good, keep up the healthy lifestyle so that

during these times, but exercise is one of the

wedding day can be a powerful factor to get

you and your husband can spend many

best stress-fighting techniques there is.

you moving. But what happens after your

happy, healthy years together.


If you can retrain yourself to think of exercise as stress-reduction instead of another item to squeeze onto the to-do list, you’ll wind up enjoying it more and probably doing more of it. And be creative – any sort of movement burns calories and helps you to de-stress, not just the activities we commonly think of as exercise. For instance, gardening is a great way to keep your body moving. Even walking around potential wedding venues will contribute to your weight loss and stress relief.

Fit into your wedding dress You’ve found the perfect dress and you want to get it fitted to your body, but you’re not sure what size you’ll be when the day comes. This can be a big problem if you don’t get it right. Don’t worry, though. Weight loss is common among brides, so dress shops and tailors are used to dealing with this issue. Choose the dress you want ahead of time, but talk to your dress shop about the latest

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