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People: Melissa Ruminot
Melissa Ruminot, president-elect, TEA
hoto & Design p s DK inot © photo: Melissa Ru M Melissa Ruminot will take over from Chuck Fawcett next year T he Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) has named Melissa Ruminot as its president-elect.
Ruminot, a current TEA International Board member, will officially begin her tenure as president in November 2022, assuming the role held by Chuck Fawcett.
“I am confident that Melissa is the right leader to carry the TEA into a new era of growth,” said Fawcett.
“She is extremely strategic with unmatched attention to detail and has been an exemplary leader for many years as the Eastern Division president, chair of the Executive Director Selection Committee, and most recently, in covering operational responsibilities at headquarters during a period of staff transition.”
The TEA’s Thea Awards are the Oscars of the industry. Blackpool Pleasure Beach was a winner in 2021
Over the next 15 months, Ruminot will continue to serve on the Executive Committee and play an instrumental role in the International Board’s upcoming board planning meeting in Chicago.
Commenting on her appointment, Ruminot said: “Understanding the priorities of our global membership is critically important to the health of our organisation and will influence its overall strategy going forward.
“I also very much enjoyed attending IAAPA Europe and the recent SATE conference in Barcelona and engaging in a deeper way with TEA’s members abroad,” she said.
Outside her TEA role, Ruminot is VP of marketing for the Companies of Nassal (www.companiesofnassal.com), which specialises in scenic and rockwork fabrications for theme parks, visitor attractions, zoos and aquariums.
Ruminot’s appointment was confirmed in a unanimous vote by TEA’s International Board. l

More: www.teaconnect.org