Attractions Management News 9th January 2019 issue 121

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9 JANUARY 2018 Issue 121

Puy du Fou breaks ground on Spanish park Historical theme park Puy du Fou’s first Spanish outlet has begun construction in Toledo, ahead of its scheduled opening date of 30 August 2019. Puy du Fou en Toledo will host a show on its opening night, called the Great Night Show. In a statement CEO of Puy du Fou Spain, Erwan de Villeon, said the show will centre on "energy and creativity" and use the knowledge of specialists in art and archaeology in Toledo and elsewhere in Spain. The show will mark the completion of the park’s first phase of development and promises to incorporate

■■ Puy du Fou is currently in the

Spanish culture into its design.

midst of a global expansion

"A Spanish Puy du Fou means a park with Spanish stories, rooted

a second wave of searching in Q2,

in the Spanish heritage, made from

culminating in June. Puy du Fou’s park

a Spanish point of view," said Puy

in France is the country’s second most

du Fou chair, Nicolas de Villiers.

popular after Disneyland Paris, bringing in

Throughout Q1 2019, Puy du Fou will begin its hunt for actors and will begin


Nicolas de Villiers



Black Sabbath exhibition coming to band's hometown Osbourne and company coming to Birmingham, UK

more than two million visitors per annum.



Major renovations for Cape Town aquarium completed Two Oceans Aquarium reopens Kelp Forest

A Spanish Puy du Fou means a park with Spanish stories, rooted in the Spanish heritage


€70m Kids’ World centre planned for Finland Attreaction in Espoo will be born from fairytales


Attractions people Black Sabbath come home with special exhibition to go on display in Birmingham, UK


n exhibition featuring

blessed to have had such

historical photos and

dedicated fans throughout my

memorabilia of heavy

career. Like I’ve always said

metal pioneers Black

‘I am nothing without them."

Sabbath is to go on display

Lisa Meyer, co-founder

in the band’s hometown

and artistic director at

of Birmingham, England.

Home of Metal, added: "This

Called Black Sabbath – 50

programme, celebrating Black

Years, the exhibition will run

Sabbath and their global

from June to September

fan base is part of a highly

2019 at the Birmingham

ambitious cultural season

Museum and Art Gallery and

across the city and region.

is presented by Home of

"This will put Birmingham

Metal – a city-wide project celebrating music that was

on the cultural and music ■■The major exhibition will explore Black Sabbath's music history

born in Birmingham.

statement about local

"This will put Birmingham on the cultural and music heritage map and is a strong statement about placemaking"

Materials sourced directly from band members – including Ozzy Osbourne, Tommy Iommi and Geezer Butler – will appear alongside

distinction and placemaking." The project, curated by Capsule, has received support from Arts Council England,

archive at the exhibition.

portraits and stories from the Home of Metal fan

heritage map and is a strong

"It’s an honour to be a part of the Home of Metal," said

the band's lead singer, Ozzy

the Heritage Lottery Fund,

Osbourne. "I'm just a guy

Laney Amplification and

from Birmingham who’s been

Colmore Business District.

Science Museum's Ian Blatchford given knighthood in recognition for services to cultural education


an Blatchford, director and chief executive of the Science Museum Group, has

"The work of the Science Museum is rightly celebrated because its collections rests on remarkable foundations"

been given a knighthood for science institutions, which

foundations, the nation’s key

between them have a

role in the rise of science,

the London Science Museum,

collection of more than

from the industrial revolution

the Science and Industry

7.3 million objects.

to astonishingly creative

services to cultural education. With a portfolio that includes

Museum in Manchester, the National Railway Museum

Blatchford has been

in York, Bradford's National

instrumental in promoting

Science and Media Museum,

science to the nation.

individuals such as Isaac Newton," said Blatchford. "Britain has an amazing story to tell about its contribution

■■In his role since 2010,

and the Science Museum

Blatchford has been

at Wroughton in Swindon,

Museum Group is rightly

the power of rational thinking

Wiltshire, Blatchford is

celebrated because its

must be taken to the young

responsible for overseeing

collections of seven million

people who will change our

some of Britain's largest

items rests on remarkable

world in decades to come."

instrumental in promoting science to the nation


In his role since 2010,

"The work of the Science

to world science. This story of

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Issue 121

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Contents issue 121 02

Black Sabbath exhibition coming to band's hometown Black Sabbath return to roots in Birmingham, UK


Government shutdown shuts down Smithsonian sites US government's partial shutdown closes institution


Lionsgate World to open in China next year

Attraction to open doors in 2019


Finnish fairytales


US and Israel withdraw from Unesco

■■Dr Khalid bin Ibrahim al-Sulaiti and Es'hailSat CEO Ali bin Ahmed al-Kuwari

"The planetarium will take visitors on a journey around the galaxies of the universe"

Khalid bin Ibrahim al-Sulaiti hails Qatar's first planetarium


atar’s first planetarium

displays astronomical figures,

of the Katara Cultural

with the 2,240sq m (7,350sq ft)

Village in Doha, a location

facility also includes a large

blending education,

terrace overlooking the sea. Katara general manager Dr

to appeals to all age groups.

Khalid bin Ibrahim al-Sulaiti

The Al Thuraya planetarium

said that the cultural village

is a high-tech facility with a

wanted to educate young

22m (72.2ft) screen equipped

people in different cultural

with state-of-the-art digital

and scientific fields, to help

projectors for 2D and 3D

diversify their knowledge

tutorial shows and space for

and understanding.

200 seats in the auditorium.

visitors on a journey around

system, the planetarium will

the galaxies of the universe

be able to broadcast and

in a simplified manner that

share live presentations

fits children and adults in

with other domes that

two languages – English

also use this system.

and Arabic," he added.

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Colonial questions

UK museums asking staff to carry out provenance research on colonial items

cLassified & Jobs Job opportunities


sign up to Leisure opportunities: online: email: tel: +44 (0)1462 471930 Annual subscriptions: UK £34, UK students £18, Europe £45, RoW £68

"The planetarium will take

Using a Digistar digital theatre

Issue 121

Governments withdraw respective memberships

Also included, a museum

has opened as part

entertainment and interactivity

E70m Kids’ World centre planned for Finnish city of Espoo

Attractions Management News is published 26 times a year by The Leisure Media Company Ltd, Portmill House, Portmill Lane, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1DJ, UK. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, recorded or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder, Cybertrek Ltd. ©Cybertrek Ltd 2019 ISSN 2516-9114


Attractions news Smithsonian sites remain closed as US's government shutdown continues


he Smithsonian’s collection of museums and galleries remain

"Two-thirds of the Smithsonian’s annual income is reported to come from its federal budget"

closed to the public this week as the US federal

Mexico – a key campaign

government's partial

Two-thirds of the

pledge by President Trump.

Smithsonian’s annual income

shutdown entered its 17th

The Smithsonian has 19

is reported to come from its

day on Monday 7 January.

museums and galleries, plus

federal budget of US$1bn

the US National Zoological Park,

(€872.3m, £783.1m).

The shutdown began on

Now the longest federal

22 December 2018, caused

and is the largest museum

by a dispute between US

organisation in the world. Its

government shutdown in

President Donald Trump and

most recent statement on the

history, there seems little

the opposition Democrat-

shutdown was on 2 January

chance of the impasse being

Center for American Art and

controlled House of

2019, when it emphasised

solved in the short term,

Portraiture in Washington is

Representatives over funding

that animals at the zoo would

as President Trump seeks

one of several sites to close

for a wall or barrier along the

continue to be cared for

US$5.6bn (€4.8bn, £4.3bn)

border between the US and

during the enforced closure.

for southern border security.

■■ The Donald W Reynolds

Georgia's Zoo Atlanta on course for opening of major expansion in Q3 2019


transformation process

following changes to the

at Zoo Atlanta in Georgia,

existing elephant habitat.

US, is on course to

Elsewhere, the old

open in Q3 2019, with the

Cyclorama Building is being

expansion offering significantly

refurbished and renamed

expanded habitats for

Savanna Hall and will be

African elephants and new

the zoo’s special events

ones for giraffes, zebras,

destination. This revamp

ostriches and warthogs.

is expected to open by

The project broke

Q2 2020 and will offer

ground in 2017 and

more than 25,000sq ft

has progressed well.

(2,300sq m) of event spaces.

The elephant habitat will

"Our team went to zoos

improve the zoo's capacity to house up to seven individual

throughout the US to ■■The development has been scheduled to open this summer

elephants and will also

learn what best practices were and develop a wish

"Our team went to zoos throughout the US to develop a wish list. They got just about everything on that list"

include a large pool, two waterfalls and an indoor elephant care centre. The new giraffe habitat,

list. They got just about everything on that wish list. The elephant care team will tell you it’s one of the best

meanwhile, will increase

walkway, giving guests the

its usable space and will

opportunity truly appreciate

welcome a new species,

Raymond B King, president

have an unraised visitor

the height of the animals.

the southern white rhino,

and CEO of Zoo Atlanta.


The zoo will also

facilities in the country." said

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MEET THE TEAM For email use:


Liz terry +44 (0)1462 431385

Managing editor

tom anstey +44 (0)1462 471916


Julie badrick +44 (0)1462 471971

Advertising sales

paul thorman ■■Great Wolf operates 18 water parks across the US and Canada

"As we look to expand Great Wolf to new audiences, we see the potential for additional resorts in the Mid-Atlantic"

US$200m Great Wolf waterpark and resort planned for Maryland


+44 (0)1462 471904

Advertising sales

sarah gibbs +44 (0)1462 471908

Advertising sales

chris barnard +44 (0)1462 471907

proposed US$200m

a family entertainment area

Advertising sales

(€174.6m, £157.8m)

with a rope course, climbing

gurpreet Lidder

project to build

wall, restaurants and shops,

Maryland’s first Great Wolf

and a conference centre

Lodge waterpark would

that could accommodate

deliver up to 600 new full

up to 1,000 people.

and part-time jobs and

"As we look to expand the

could attract more than half

Great Wolf Lodge experience

a million visitors annually,

to new audiences, we see the

according to administrators

potential for additional resorts

of the town of Perryville, US.

in the Mid-Atlantic region,"

Perryville and the Cecil

said Jason Lasecki, director

County of Economic

of corporate communications

Development say they are

at Great Wolf, speaking to

"working towards" the

Attractions Management.

development of a 450 to 500

fit for us and look forward to

completed by Q3 2022. As

continued dialogue with city

well as the waterpark element

and county officials, as well

of the resort, it would include

as the local community."

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tom Walker +44 (0)1462 431385

Product Editor

Lauren Heath-Jones +44 (0)1462 471927

"We feel Perryville is a nice

bedroom resort that would be

Issue 121

+44 (0)1462 471914


Joe neary +44 (0)1462 471910


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news mUSeUmS

Museums exempt from new UK ivory laws Trading of items containing

Elephant numbers have

elephant ivory between

declined by almost a third in

"accredited" museums is

the last decade and around

one of the few exemptions

20,000 a year are still

contained within the UK’s

being slaughtered to meet

new Ivory Act, which gained

global demand for ivory.

royal assent to become law in

There are a handful

December 2018 and comes

of exemptions, including

into force late in 2019.

that of sales between

The bill, which was

accredited museums.

introduced by Britain's

Other exemptions include

environment secretary Michael

musical instruments with

Gove, introduces a total ban

an ivory content of less

on dealing in items containing

than 20 per cent that were

elephant ivory, regardless of

made prior to 1975, items

age, within the UK, as well as

that comprise less than 10

exporting from or importing to

per cent ivory by volume

the UK. It establishes a new

and made prior to 1947,

compliance system to allow

portrait miniatures made

continued trading in exempt

before 1918, and items of

items, and brings in tough

"outstanding artistic, cultural

■■Around 20,000 elephants are killed per year for their ivory

penalties for those found guilty

or historic significance"

Stopping the brutal ivory trade is crucial to ensure a future for elephants

of breaching the legislation.


Paul De Ornellas, WWF

theme parkS

paW patrol-themed area to open at Movie park germany Movie Park Germany has announced an extension of its partnership with Nickelodeon, which will see the opening of a new themed area dedicated to children’s the entertainment brand's

■■ The PAW Patrol addition will be part of Nickland

PAW Patrol TV series later this quarter. The PAW Patrol attraction is titled

We look forward to bolstering our offer with this themed world Thorsten Backhaus


“Adventure Bay” and uses an 1,800sq

with this new themed world and better

m (5,900sq ft) site integrated directly

meet the needs and wishes of our

into the park's Nickland area.

target group, I’m also delighted that

“The PAW Patrol animated series

we have been able to further extend

is particularly popular among our

our cooperation with our partner

younger visitors,” said general manager

Nickelodeon and dedicate an entire

Thorsten Backhaus. “We look forward

themed area to this great show.”

to further bolstering our park offer


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news pLanetarIUmS

Northumberland planetarium plan approved Northumberland's dark skies

and poor visibility nights, and

economy looks set to be

in the summer evenings when

given a boost, after planning

it gets dark at a later time.

permission was granted to

"The potential is endless

build a new planetarium

and should have a much

at the Kielder Observatory

farther reach, especially

in the north of England.

with next year being the

The observatory will now

50th anniversary of the

enter a funding round in the

first Moon landing," said

hope that it can raise the

operations director John

£150,000 (US$189,253,

Holmes. "Stargazing can be

€165,956) it needs to

tremendous for the region."

build the planetarium,

According to research by

which is scheduled to

Northumberland International

open in Q3 of this year.

Dark Sky Park, last year

Newcastle architectural

dark skies tourism was

practice JDDK Architects

worth over £25m (€31.5m,

have been tasked with the

€28.8m) to the county a

design of the planetarium.

year, creating around 450

The plans will mean Kielder

■The ■ observatory sits in the world’s third-biggest Dark Sky reserve



Stargazing can be tremendous for the region

jobs and generating £128m

Observatory can now offer

(US$161.6m, €142.3m) for

visitors activities during the

the local economy since 2013.

daytime, as well as on cloudy


John Holmes








promontory and museum proposed for Maltese coast Architecture firm Hotei Russia have offered to design a replacement for the Azure Window, a famous limestone formation which collapsed in 2017.

The project will preserve the existing natural coastal landscape and serve as a new asset to draw tourists Svetozar Andreev

The Russian architects' conceptual designs for the new landmark – dubbed "The Heart of Malta" – depict a mainland by an overwater promenade. As a new cultural attraction, the

Andreev, CEO at Hotei Russia said the project would preserve "the existing

5-storey monument will also provide

natural coastal landscape" and serve

over 5,000sq m (54,000sq ft) of

as "a new asset to draw tourists".

exhibition space and offer laser shows


■■The new structure would replace the Azure Window

polygonal structure connected to the

Development plans for The Heart of

showcasing Malta’s thousands-year-

Malta have not yet been released.

old history. In a statement, Svetozar


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news SCIenCe CentreS

Dublin attraction combines science with sport A new sport and science

110,000sq ft (10,219sq m)

centre has opened its

centre is also home to a

doors in Dublin, Ireland,

G-force anti-gravity loop in

containing more than 300

which visitors are harnessed

exhibits and featuring a

into a bicycle and rotate 360

large Tesla coil room.

degrees on a circular track.

Located in the Dublin

Other features at Explorium

Mountains, Explorium aims

include a sports science unit

to engage people young

that aims to educate young

and old with science but

sportspeople about their

with a focus on physical

physical potential and how to

activity also at its core.

reduce injury risk; the Maker’s

The Tesla coil – a device

Lab that allows guests to

created by Nikola Tesla

create various objects and

that generates various

learn about electric circuits,

noises through current flow

motors, gears, torque and

and can be used to make

force transference; and the

music – is located in the

Senses exhibit, where visitors

Lightning Room and is the

will learn about bio-electricity,

first publicly usable one

magneto-reception and

in Ireland. Visitors will be

thermos-reception through

able to get as close as

their sensory attributes.

10ft (3m) to the coil. The


■■Explorium aims to engage people young and old with science

Explorium include a sports science unit that aims to educate young sportspeople about their physical potential

vISItor attraCtIonS

disney’s nba experience aims for hands-on immersion Basketball fans will get a hands-on taste of life as a professional player, when Disney’s new NBA Experience attraction opens in Q3 2019 at the Disney Springs leisure district in Orlando, Florida. Visitors will be able immerse

■■ The NBA Experience is due to open summer 2019

themselves in the world of professional

We're excited to bring new and lifelong fans closer to the game Salvatore LaRocca Issue 121

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basketball, experiencing the atmosphere

"The NBA Experience will be a

of the NBA Draft, practicing and showing

destination for basketball fans from

off their skills in a replicated NBA

all over the world, and we're excited

Combine challenge that provides them

to partner with Disney to bring new

with a scouting report highlighting their

and lifelong fans closer to the game,"

stats, and stepping onto the court and

said Salvatore LaRocca, president of

hearing the roar of the crowd as they

Global Partnerships at the NBA.

go through a series of timed shots.



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news vISItor attraCtIonS

Lionsgate World to open in China this year An immersive experience

at the centre, among them

planned for China, Lionsgate

media-driven simulations and

Entertainment World,

virtual reality experiences.

is to open in 2019, its developer has announced. Stretching to five-and-a-

Lionsgate Entertainment World general manager Selena Magill said: "Lionsgate

half acres, the centre will

Entertainment World aims

include attractions, dining,

to become a multifaceted

and retail themed around

destination by engaging

Lionsgate film franchises

guests through storytelling,

that are popular in China,

as well as by encouraging

including The Hunger Games,

participation and social

Twilight and Escape Plan.

activities with opportunities

The experience will be

for plenty of personalisation.

located near China’s border

"By creating immersive

with Macau, in Zhuhai,

entertainment attractions

and is being developed

featuring blockbuster movie

by Zhuhai Hengqin Laisun

properties, we expect

Creative Culture City Co. It

guests in the Greater Bay

was created by experience

Area to enjoy sensational

designers Thinkwell.

experiences with their friends

There will be around 30 attractions on offer to visitors

■■A Twilight experience is among the attractions planned

and families at Novotown."

We expect guests in the Greater Bay Area to enjoy sensational experiences Selena Magill



cape town aquarium completes major renovations The Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa, has announced the completion of several years of renovation and construction, with the reopening of its 800,000 litre Kelp Forest exhibit. One of three large-scale installations at the Cape Town aquarium, Kelp

■■The Kelp Forest holds 800,000 litres of sea water

Forest has undergone considerable

We're finally reopening one of the jewels of the Two Oceans Aquarium Michael Farquhar


refurbishment, with new rockwork

to be repaired, to building the new I&J

replacing the previous fibreglass

Ocean Exhibit, starting the repairs on the

structures. The design was also shaped

Predator and Kelp Forest Exhibits, to finally

to mimic the ocean's rock formations.

reopening one of the jewels of the Two

"It feels like we are at the end of an

Oceans Aquarium," said Michael Farquhar,

era, from noticing over 10 years ago

CEO of the Two Oceans Aquarium.

that our two large exhibits would need


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Issue 121


MUST HAVE RIDEZ With a colorful and attractive design the original WindstarZ interactivity allows riders to be captains of their own experience by controlling the movement of the sail on their own “hang glider”… an other Zamperla signature ride ready to be a best seller! Antonio Zamperla Spa Vicenza - Italy Phone: +39 0444 998400 e-mail:


Finnish fairytales €70m Kids’ World centre planned for Finnish city of Espoo


€70m ($79.53m, £62.92m) plan to build a “Kids’ World” cultural centre near Helsinki, Finland, has been

announced by Finnish organisation Lastenmaailma ry. Expected to open in 2025, the attraction is targeting 600,000 visitors per year and will draw on Nordic children’s culture. Surrounded by world-class architecture and Finnish nature, Kid's World will create a fairytale-like atmosphere where popular children’s stories and characters come to life. The Moomins, Tatu and Patu, Ricky Rapper and traditional Finnish fairy tale characters are all included in the plans, with children able to engage in the stories through reading, playing

■■The space is designed by Lundén

and being creative with their hands. A city planning reservation covering an

Architecture Company

area of four hectares has been made,

together with

which is valid for two years. According to

children and artists

the Lastenmaailma, this two years will be used to finalise the Kids’ World concept, the precise finance plan and construction

We want the architecture, content concept and services of the building to represent new thinking and the best know-how in the field 14

details. It's estimated that 10,000sq m (107,000sq ft) of land will be needed for the centre, and construction could cost between €50m (US$56.8m, £44.9m) and €70m (US$79.5m, £62.9m). Lastenmaailma ry was founded in ©Cybertrek Ltd 2019

Issue 121

■■At the heart of the children's world would be stories and fairy tales that would form the content of the cultural center

We the architecture and services of the building to represent new thinking and the best know-how in the field summer 2018 to promote children’s culture and to build a place for this to flourish. The Karhusaari Kids’ World centre will be built at Karhusaari, an island that is part of the growing city of Espoo to the west of the Finnish capital. Inspiration for the project came from a visit by project leader Taneli Heikka to Swedish children’s museum Junibacken. Collaborating on the project are the Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers, which has 28 member centres, and the Finnish design agency N2 Helsinki Oy, which is responsible for the concept and public relations and communications. Jussi Nurmio, chair of N2 Helsinki Oy’s board said: "Our goal is to build one of the most interesting cultural sites in the world. We want the architecture, content concept and services of the building to represent new thinking and the best know-how in the field." Issue 121

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■■The visitor destination is expected to draw up to 600,000 visitors each year



■■President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Unesc-NO Both the US and Israel withdraw from the world heritage body


he US and Israeli governments have now

state on non-politicised issues. These issues include World Heritage

criticised Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem and named ancient

officially withdrawn their

site protection, press freedom

Jewish sites as Palestinian World

respective countries’

advocation and the promotion

Heritage Sites, as well as granting full

memberships from

of scientific collaboration and

membership to Palestine in 2011.

Unesco, following notices to

education – and the US may take

From then, both the US and

withdraw being handed in by the

the option of applying for observer

Israel stopped supplying funding

two countries in Q4 2017.

state status at Unesco’s Executive

to Unesco and the US has been as

Board meetings in Q2 of this year.

vocal as demanding fundamental

As the new year was sworn in, both countries’ exits from the body

The move has been made at

reform at the organisation.

became effective, however, the US

least in part due to sentiments that

looks set to stay engaged with Unesco

the Paris-based body is anti-Israel.

withdrawal will affect US and Israeli

at non-member level as an observer

Unesco has previously publicly

World Heritage Sites. Unesco


It is unclear as yet how the

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Issue 121

■■The US and Israel have a combined 32 World Heritage sites on the Unesco list

director-general Audrey Azoulay, who

the director of Global Cultural Heritage

took up her post just after the US

Initiatives at Yale University state that

announced its exit plans, has offered

there would be negative effects.

gestures in the way of appeasement – among them, the UN’s first educational guidelines on fighting anti-Semitism. There are 23 World Heritage sites in the US, including Grand Canyon National Park, Independence Hall, Yellowstone National Park and the Statue of Liberty, while Israel currently has nine. A New York Times article written last year saw Stefan Simon, Issue 121

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With the US once responsible for 22 per cent of Unesco’s budget, of course, the announced withdrawal is detrimental

"With the US once responsible for approximately 22 per cent of Unesco’s budget, of course, the announced withdrawal is detrimental," he said. "It would painfully reduce Unesco’s ability to fulfil its important missions, such as advancing and promoting literacy, gender equality, freedom of expression and scientific collaboration."



The V&A is committed to exploring our own colonial history with rigour and transparency - and to building platforms for partnership and collaboration around the world Tristram Hunt, director, V&A Museum

Colonial questions UK museums asking staff to carry out provenance research on colonial items


number of major British museums are taking steps to learn the origins of artefacts on display originally procured in the colonial era.

London’s British Museum and the V&A,

as well as Oxford’s Pitt Rivers Museum, are all tasking current research staff with providing visitors with greater clarity on the origin of such items and are making the process of disseminating their provenance research back to visitors clearer. Curators at the British Museum, for example, are incorporating new provenance research into audio guides, as well as striving for "very honest" labels. Meanwhile, Pitt Rivers is recruiting a research assistant to manage a labelling project. The successful candidate

■■The history of artefacts are being better researched to dtermine their origins

for that role will "tackle a complex problem around historical labelling and language-use in the much-loved and


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■■A crown, made in Ethiopia around 1740, currently part of London's V&A exhibit on the Maqdala Treasure

The V&A has strengthened its commitment to provenance research and recently appointed a dedicated research curator criticised Pitt Rivers Museum", with the aim to "dissect and dismantle some of the complex contested words, stereotypes and concepts that are present not only in museums but in society at large". A V&A spokesperson said that the museum has "strengthened its commitment to provenance research" and recently appointed a dedicated provenance and spoliation research curator. The V&A’s events programme in 2018 also held conferences on the history of Britain’s colonial past called Troubling Objects and Practices of Engagement with Contested Heritage Collections. Tristram Hunt, director of the V&A, said: "Through exhibitions, conservation work, provenance research, talks and events, the V&A is committed to exploring our own colonial history with rigour and transparency - and to building platforms for partnership and collaboration around the world." Issue 121

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■■Many of the British Museum's exhibits benefit from colonial looting in the distant past



A DAY IN THE LIFE Simworx is a media-based attractions specialist acknowledged as one of the world’s leading suppliers of Dynamic Motion Simulation Attractions and 4D Effects Cinemas for the entertainment, education and corporate markets worldwide. It’s CEO, Terry Monkton, takes us through the life of a ride, from conception to creation

GET TO KNOW SIMWORX What products do you offer? Our offering includes 3D/4D effects theatres, Immersive Tunnels, the Immersive Adventurer, VR 4D Rides, the Stargazer motion ride, Mini Flying Theatre, AGV (Advanced Guidance Vehicle) dark rides, the Cobra motion ride and our ParadropVR system. What sectors do you work in? We work mainly with amusement and theme parks, family entertainment centres, museums, aquariums, safari parks, zoos, retail malls, and in the education and corporate sectors. What projects are you working on at the moment? We’re working on a multitude of projects in various parts of the world. Many are subject to NDAs so we can’t give share this information yet. Two we can talk about, however, are the Immersive Superflume for Trans Studio in Indonesia and the first example of our Mini Flying Theatre for Baosun Wildlife Park in Vietnam.

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or the Simworx team, which has designed, built and installed its products in locations worldwide, including in the UK, Europe, North America, South America, Asia, New Zealand and the Middle East, quality and innovation are key. “We strive to be the leading global supplier of media based attractions,” says company CEO Terry Monkton. “At Simworx, we’re renowned for our quality products, performance, technical expertise and creative attraction solutions. The idea that we can successfully work with a client to achieve their aspirations and develop a ride they’re truly happy with inspires us. On opening day, seeing the client and their customers enjoying the ride experience and hearing their comments just adds to that.” The Simworx service book includes full turnkey solutions, custom attractions, product development, manufacturing and service support, to film content, motion programming and complete ©Cybertrek Ltd ©CYBERTREK 2019 Issue AM 4 2018 2018121

Four of Simworx’s Stargazer units have been utilised within Gaffe Á Gaston at Parc Spirou

Issue 121

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We continue to evolve the product range and adopt the very latest in advancements in technology themed attractions. For Monkton, as a leading technology company, Simworx always has to be at the forefront in every part of its business. “We continue to evolve the product range and adopt the very latest in advancements in technology,” he says. “We’re also mobilising the sales team to be truly global so that we can be proactive in territories where demand is high.”

The development process Focussing on the Stargazer and Immersive Tunnel rides completed for the recently opened Parc Spirou in France, Monkton explains how a new attraction goes from conception to reality and the steps that have to be taken to ensure it reaches the highest quality standards. “We were originally approached in June 2013 by a company called Parexi,” says Monkton. “They had developed the concept and masterplan for Parc Spirou and were looking for Simworx to produce a number of media based attractions for the park based on the Spirou IP. “After several meetings this culminated in the Stargazer and Immersive Tunnel attractions being ordered and subsequently opening at the park in June 2018.” For Simworx, the project management team was made up of Richard Monkton and Tony Whiley – overseen by head of projects Martin Booth – along with mechanical and electrical engineers, software and AV technicians. Outside of the company, Simworx worked with a number of different parties, including Parc Spirou’s management team, Parexi’s project management team, IP provider Média Participations, the local authority, shareholders, investors and the park’s safety inspectors Socotec. “Before signing the contract, we discussed the final ride choices, and produced concepts and first draft layout drawings,” Monkton explains. “Once the contract was signed, we moved to the



KEY CLIENTS ●● Parc Spirou, France ●● National Geographic ●● Ferrari Land, PortAventura, Spain ●● Dubai Parks and Resorts – Motiongate Dubai and Bollywood Parks Dubai ●● Hub Zero, Dubai ●● Movie Park Germany ●● Trans Studio, Indonesia ●● Parques Reuinidos ●● Companie De Alpes, Futuroscope, France

design stage, which typically features preliminary design and detailed design. “During these stages we work with our partners to design the rides, to meet their technical needs and to match their creative aspirations. The design then goes through a third party safety design review process and once all parties are happy with this, we enter the procurement and manufacturing stage.” During the design phases, Simworx will work with the client’s architects to provide layout drawings and information for facility load details and power requirements. This means the architects can then make a start on creating a structure to house the ride, queuing areas, pre-show area and the plant room. Through the entire process, quality and safety are always placed at the forefront of the process for Monkton. “The client is invited to check the work in progress throughout ©Cybertrek Ltd 2019 Issue 121 AM 4 2018 ©CYBERTREK 2018

Accompanied by a pre-show staring Spirou, the Dinosaur Island Immersive Tunnel is a totally immersive experience for all ages

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the process,” he says. “We carry out a strenuous factory acceptance test, which the client is invited to attend before the ride’s shipping. “Once the rides have been delivered to site, we carry out mechanical and electrical installation elements and install the AV components. Once hardware has been fully installed, we programme the ride’s motion profile and special effects cues, something we do in conjunction with the client.”

IP creation When working with intellectual properties, an extra layer is added into the process. Typically, the park arranges a licence

For a complex, bespoke ride we offer a ‘hand holding’ service where we have an expert technician on site for 30 days after the attraction opens

agreement with the IP provider. Simworx will then custom-design a ride tailored to the park and the IP’s requirements. “When we produce a ride related to an IP, we produce an initial concept and send these to the parks, who in turn send them to the licensor for approval,” says Monkton. “Depending on feedback received, we’ll then tweak the designs until they’re approved by the licensor.” Simworx’s Stargazer ride, as an example, is based on the character Gaston from the Spirou universe. The ride sees guests seated in replicas of Gaston’s car and taken on a wild ride with the character, who is an enthusiastic inventor.



imworx has recently partnered with with water ride specialist Interlink to create a brand new attraction concept – the Immersive Superflume. Featuring a motion base and immersive screens added to a traditional flume ride, the experience at Trans Studio in Indonesia will be a world first for any visitor attraction when it opens in December 2019.


The under development ride will use 16-seater boats and a conveyor loading system, with riders leaving the loading/unloading station to travel through a dinosaur-themed area. On the ride, they enter an immersive tunnel where their boat will stop and huge screens on either side of them bring the dinosaurs to life. On the ride, the movement of the boats


will sync up with the action on-screen as riders escape the prehistoric beasts. Having escaped, the ride will then continue through another dinosaur-themed section before entering a vertical lift, which will include further theming and various special effects. At the ride’s 12m (39ft) peak, the boats will plunge into a final splash pool, before heading back

The ride’s motion base and immersive screens are added to a flume ride for what will be a totally unique, world first visitor experience

along another section of the ride to the station. Throughout the ride experience, large screens built to accommodate 3D and 4K projection will be used in combination with an audio system to place riders at the centre of the action. ©Cybertrek Ltd 2019 Issue 121 AM 4 2018 ©CYBERTREK 2018

The Mini Flying Theatre concept offers a model more affordable for smaller visitor attractions



esigned to entertain guests of all ages, the first example of Simworx’s recentlyintroduced Mini Flying Theatre will open in Q1 2019 at the Baosun Wildlife Park in Hanoi, Vietnam. Developed as a smaller option to the 60-seat Flying Theatre also offered by Simworx, the Mini Flying Theatre brings this popular

type of attraction into the reach of smaller operators, with a more accessible price range and smaller overall footprint but still utilising cutting-edge ride technology. The ride features an immersive, large format, one quarter dome screen concept, with 20 seats and an hourly capacity of up to 250 guests. Riders are seated in four rows of five – two on

“These are highly dynamic, 6DOF, eight–seater vehicles. Four are used in the attraction,” Monkton explains. “We created the design for the vehicles and then the moulds which again have to be approved by both the licensor and the park. It’s imperative that everything we do is approved by the IP owner.”

Client relationships While some levels of involvement from the client are obviously expected, how much involvement during the development process is up to the client and what the project entails. “It differs between whether the ride is a standard ride from our portfolio or is a custom ride,” says Monkton. “The client is involved through the preliminary design phase – and possibly, once complete, the final detailed design stage. Issue 121

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each side of a central holding structure – on a normal horizontal plane. As the ride cycle begins, the seats are lifted into the air in a smooth transition to panorama mode, with the rear rows moving above those in front. Guests experience movement, matched to the on-screen footage. This includes programmable heave and tilt along with forward

“We stay in touch with the park’s project management team continually, keeping them informed of the development and build of the ride, as well as installation and commissioning planning. “Once installed, the ride is reviewed with the client with a view to obtaining the final signed handover certificate.” As a company with vast experience and many high-profile projects, Monkton says the key to success is to be aware of, and subsequently avoid, any potential obstacles you could encounter through the entire process – from start to finish. “The key to the successful delivery of any project is to ensure you don’t have challenges,” he explains. “We’ve installed hundreds of rides over the years, so we know what can crop up. We’ve learned to ensure the project process runs as smooth as possible, so any issues are addressed before they become challenges.”

and backward motion, while the sensation of flying is enhanced with the riders’ legs dangling freely below them. In-theatre effects are also included, with riders experiencing water spray, wind, snow, smoke and special effects lighting. The Mini Flying theatre is also supplied with surround sound audio and an HD or 4K 3D projection system.

Once the ride has been delivered and is up an running, Simworx continues its relationship with the client, ensuring it remains of the highest quality and is fully operational for visitors. “For a complex, bespoke ride we offer a ‘hand holding’ service where we have an expert technician on site for 30 days after the attraction opens,” says Monkton. “When it’s been running for a month or two, we review the attraction with the client for any minor adjustments. “We also provide an after sales service support contract so that any prospective client knows Simworx will always be on hand to support them.” CONTACT SIMWORX Phone: +44 (0) 1384 295 733 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 296 525 Email: Website:

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PRODUCT INNOVATION Suppliers tell Attractions Management News about their latest product, design and technology launches

For the latest supplier news and company information, visit

● The video walls serve as a spectacular focal point at the entrance of the experience

Amped Digital brings Real Madrid football experience to life with innovative video walls


ustralian digital signage

40m touring pavillion, designed

video content designed by

company Amped Digital has

by Interp, the experience

Tania Price from experiential

completed a major tech

consists of four zones, taking

design firm Immersive. Due to

integration for the Real Madrid

visitors behind the scenes to

the scale of the project each

World of Football Experience,

discover the culture, passion,

screen had to be synchronised

a touring exhibition that is set

players and victories of Real

to ensure frame accuracy and

to tour the world, visiting 15

Madrid. Memorabilia, including

seamless video playback, as a

cities over the next five years.

the club's 13 UEFA Champions

single discrepancy in the frames

League Cups, the FIFA Club of

would ruin the overall effect.

Created by Interp, a company

● Matt Steedman, Amped Digital

specialising in the development

the Century trophy, Golden Boot

and installation of temporary

trophies and the Ballon d'Or

of Amped Digital, said: "We

exhibits, the Real Madrid

trophy will also be on display.

created an AV explosion: a

World of Football Experience

spectacular immersive audio

blends physical interactive

video walls serve as a

video experience that gets

experiences with spectacular

spectacular focal point at the

visitors excited and sets the

AV displays and playable

exhibit entrance. Powered by 18

expectation for what's to follow."

gaming elements to immerse

49" BrightSign HD panels and

visitors in the club's history.

programmed by Amped Digital,

Housed in a bespoke 50m x


Two spectacular 18-screen

Matt Steedman, director

the walls showcase bespoke


©Cybertrek Ltd 2019

Issue 121

Immotion VR centre opens at London's Wembley Park


mmotion VR has opened a new experience centre in London's Wembley Park. Located in the London

Designer Outlet (LDO), next

● The attraction has opened inside Wembley's Lonfon Design Centre

to the Wembley Stadium, the new centre offers a

Lucsa, a sub-sea exploration

range of fully- immersive VR

and seasonal content including

experiences and is equipped

a Christmas Experience.

with VR cinema pod motion

and immersive illusion." Sue Shepherd, centre manager at LDO, added:

"From young to old, VR will

"Immotion VR adds a new

simulators, featuring multi-

take you to new worlds or

dimension to LDO's range of

● Arek Antoniak, head of Retail

directional movement

provide a new twist on familiar

retail, leisure and dining and

Operations at ImmotionVR

and surround sound.

tales," said Arek Antoniak,

is a fun and innovative way to

head of Retail Operations at

experience virtual reality."

Experiences on offer include: Jinxed, a virtual ghost train

ImmotionVR. "With a host of

thrillride, DeltaZero, a mission

different experiences, we can

through space and Legend of

guarantee the most intense


Science centres

SK Films' Volcanoes 3D to open at California Science Center


he California Science Center

Opening 21 January, Volcanoes

or descending into a volcano,

IMAX theatre is set to

3D: The Fires of Creation takes

while remaining safe," said

launch a new 3D experience

guests on an epic journey with

Jeff Rudolph, president of the

that will showcase the

intrepid explorer Carsten Peter

California Science Center.

devastating power of volcanoes

as he scales an active volcano

It was developed by SK

and their impact on the planet.

in Indonesia, descends to a lava

Films, in partnership with Digital Crossing Films, a company specialising in natural history documentaries for IMAX and giant screens. "We often think of volcanoes as being destructive, but they

● Jeff Rudolph

also build and play a beneficial lake in Vanuatu, visits geysers,

role on the planet," said Michael

acid ponds and mineral deposit

Dalton-Smith, director and

fields in Ethiopia. Visitors join

producer of Volcanoes 3D. "I

Peter as he explores Pompeii,

hope that the audience will come

visits hydrothermal vents in the

away with a better understanding

ocean and witnesses the 2018

of the forces that shaped

Kilauea eruption in Hawaii.

the world we know today."

"Volcanoes 3D offers the closest possible approximation to experiencing an eruption, Issue121

©Cybertrek Ltd 2019




Diary dates 15-17 JANUARY 2019 EAG/Visitor Attractions Expo ExCeL Exhibition Centre, London, UK Both EAG International and Visitor Attraction Expo are presented by the

■The 2019 event will bring new technologies and networking possibilities under one roof

industry's trade associations BACTA and BALPPA. The event will showcase

26-28 MARCH 2019

consist of a one-day conference and

more than 300 manufacturers from

Amusement Expo International Las Vegas Convention Center, North Hall 1, Nevada, US

educational schedule – covering

The three-day Amusement Expo

Tel: +1 708 226 1300 Contact:

around the world, with well over 100 leisure brands represented.

Tel: +44 (0) 1582 767 254 Contact:

International, targeting the amusement and FEC sectors, will

a number of topical issues – followed by a two-day exhibition.

25-27 JANUARY 2019 6-8 MARCH 2019

means that it brings in some of the biggest names across the US, Europe,

attractions, is a trade-only event that

IAAPI Expo Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon East, Mumbai, India

brings industry professionals together

The three day exhibition will provide a

each year. Owned by Urban Expositions,

platform to share and learn new ideas.

a Clarion Events Company, the event

Big players from the industry will share

Tel: +971 4 3435777 Contact:

provides a platform for sourcing, learning,

their learning, innovative ideas, schemes

and networking. The event is co-located

and experience. As well as a large show

9-11 MAY 2019

with the Halloween and Party Expo.

floor, there is also a seminar programme


which will see a wide range of topcial

Asia Amusement & Attractions Expo (AAA) 2019 China Import & Export Fair Complex (Area A)

HAuNTcon New Orleans, Lousiana, US HAuNTcon, the leading event for haunted

issues related to the amusement industry being discussed in depth.

27-29 JANUARY 2019 IAAPA FEC Summit Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort, Austin, Texas, US

Tel: +91 902 903 1643 Contact:

Asia, Africa – and of course the Middle East to participate and exhibit.

This years event is set to cover an exhibition area of more than 100,000sq m, with 3,000 booths and more than 500 exhibitors. AAA – which as

Family entertainment center (FEC)

25-27 MAR 2019

integrated with the CIAE & TPAE shows

operators from around the globe gather

– has become the largest event of

FEC Summit 2019 is an educational

Dubai Entertainment Amusement and Leisure Exhibition (DEAL) Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

event for FEC owners and operators with

DEAL is the region's largest trade show

the US and become the largest theme

a specific focus on building the skill sets

for the theme park and amusement

park market in 2020. As a result, In

necessary for success in the attractions

industries. In 2019, the event will be

2019, AAA is expecting to double the

industry. Three days of learning.

celebrating its silver jubilee year as

turnout of international exhibitors.

Tel: +1 703 836 48007 Contact:

it is being held for the 25th time. Its

Tel: +86-20-22106418 Contact:

at this yearly event to learn the latest best practices and share ideas. IAAPA

28 22

popularity as a marketplace for the region's visitor attraction industry

games, amusement, theme parks and attractions in Asia. It is an exciting market, as China is poised to surpass

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Issue Issue105 121


Sally Corporation partners with Aardman to create a Shaun the Sheep dark ride What is it? Aardman, the world-famous animation studio has partnered with dark ride specialists, Sally Corporation, to develop an array of dark ride concepts based on the stop motion series, Shaun the Sheep. The Shaun The Sheepthemed dark ride is being marketed to any park looking for a fun, family ride. What to expect Riders will step aboard customthemed vehicles that will transport them through the rural, rustic and

● Lauren Weaver, Sally Corporation ©CYBERTREK AM 4 2018 Issue 121 2018 ©Cybertrek Ltd 2019

colourful world of Shaun the Sheep. Guests can expect an adventure filled with slapstick humor and all the playful antics that Shaun (the leader of the flock) can conjure up in a four minute ride experience. Immersive sets and scenery and custom animatronics will mimic iconic scenes from the movie and series. Buyers can choose from a classic storytelling dark ride or a repeatable interactive gaming experience. Who’s it for? With Sally’s ability to custom design dark rides, this attraction is suitable for any size park, or FEC looking to satisfy their family sector/demographic and gain a marketable IP for their location. “From farm-themed attractions and play parks, to cafés and stage shows, people are noticing the universal appeal of this popular IP and integrating it into attractions world-wide. Now, Sally gets the opportunity to join in the fun and create a fully immersive Shaun the Sheep dark ride that will be nothing short of a flockin’ good time,”

“Shaun the Sheep loves new adventures,” says Ngaio Harding-Hill, senior manager of attractions and live experiences at Aardman. “We’re thrilled by the opportunity to provide Shaun’s global family audiences with a unique way to immerse themselves in the world of our characters.”

says Lauren Weaver, director of marketing, communications and business development at Sally Corporation. Benefits ■ Family ride ■ Internationally popular IP ■ Funny, slapstick humor ■ Cross-cultural appeal ■ Bonus holiday animation ■ Loved by all ages Background Aardman Attractions and Live Experiences department specialises in creating immersive experiences which appeal to and engage the whole family. Sally’s experience of creating family dark rides for parks around the world, makes this a perfect partnership.

Contact Sally Corporation today to learn more ■ ■ +1 (904) 355-7100 ■ Visit to learn more about our 40 years of destination-quality dark rides


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