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Rigs have become a familiar sight in health clubs. Frances Marcellin asks suppliers how they can be fully optimised

The rig brings the wow factor to the gym fl oor and is on trend with what members are looking for

Tony Gray Core Health and Fitness

As a focal point on the gym floor, the rig is a powerhouse for functional training and a resource to optimise space and boost membership.

Rigs add value to the gym floor and to the member experience, and usage can be maximised through programming, events and customisation.

Programming creates a community of fans and can either be fee-based per workout, membership-tiered, or a value-add option, helping members achieve their goals while differentiating the facility from competitors. A creatively branded programme with excellent workouts will help build a community of participants.

A rig is often the backdrop for social media posts, tags and check-ins. By hosting ‘workouts for a cause’ you can build community support using your rig – events generate buzz for the equipment itself, the gym and the sponsored cause. With the popularity of charity and community fundraising events, competitors will be eager to join a rig-centered competition. From pull-ups to deadlifts, building an event to generate support for a local charity or to sponsor a fundraiser is mutually beneficial.

Customisation is our favourite rig dimension. As the most economical way to build out a gym, the rig is not lacking in capability. We design rigs to meet needs with storage solutions and in-demand HIIT and functional training spaces, but the reach doesn’t stop there, the rig brings the wow factor to the gym floor and is on trend with what members are currently looking for in a facility. MORE: www.corehandf.com

Rigs can be used as the location for charity competitions

Rigs bring the wow! Factor to the gym floor, says Gray

Indigo Fitness installs rigs to order, based on anticipated usage

A functional rig can be the heart of the gym

Tom Rooke Indigo Fitness

The effectiveness of a functional rig really starts at conception. Operators need to be clear on the usage of a functional space, whether it’s for individuals, group classes or both. When not thought through in enough detail and without dynamic programming to support it, the functional rig can end up being under-utilised.

Success is always about designing and providing a full solution, rather than just an off-the-shelf product. A functional rig in the right space should cater for all abilities and uses, making it the heart of the gym.

Great rig design, coupled with suppliers’ knowledge of training and configuration enables operators to maximise the functionality and usage of their training space. more: www.indigofitness.com

I tness h ealth and F photo: Core

Function must come before form says Rooke

The Smart Force rack has resistance delivered by servo motors

We’ve launched a rig driven by servomotors

Juan Pedro Alonso Smart Tone

Rigs offer cost-effective group training and circuit work and maximise space utilisation. We believe so much in the possibilities of rig platforms that we’ve taken them to the next level with the launch of a rig driven by servomotors.

The new Smart Force rack includes digitised stations with automatic weight loading to save users time.

The software-driven equipment provides three kinds of training plans: HIIT, HIST and adaptive resistance training – a workout where we give every rep our all to reach complete muscle failure with the least amount of reps possible, thus reducing training time and revolutionising standard routines. Intelligent aids, such as laser spotting, automatically detect the user’s stress point so muscles can work to failure as many times as the user wishes, accelerating hypertrophy and making workouts productive. The Smart Force rack is versatile and can fit in a 1.8m x 3m area. It provides extensive possibilities for users and allows measurements, training plans and progress to be saved within a functional training circuit.

Each parameter for every exercise can be programmed to optimise workout results – concentric time, eccentric time, rest time between sets – all can be input and displayed by a virtual on-screen trainer who guides the user through the workout. more: www.nexarevolution.com

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We’re seeing a trend where users try and do as much of their workout as possible in a smaller area

Dale Beech Eleiko

When it comes to indoor training areas, in general we’re seeing a decline in the use of basic rig solutions in favour of more inclusive, spaceefficient alternatives – exclusive of purely functional or cross Fit facilities, where the needs are very different. typically, we’re seeing a trend where users try and do as much of their workout as possible in a smaller area. as a result, the inclusion of storage for things such as dumbbells and kettlebells is becoming more common, as is the introduction of cable systems. We recently launched our Prestera cable attachment and the uptake has been far greater than expected. the creation of Strength Stations has created the perfect area for Pts and small group classes with a strength focus, to thrive – again, another building trend. outdoors, a rig is a very cost-effective way of increasing training and facility footprint. it doesn’t need to be as intricate but if accessorised correctly, can be a great use of space for additional sessions such as boot camps. more: www.eleiko.com

Eleiko adds rig elements to support workout trends such as small group training

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