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HCM directory

Vycel is a seamless solution for disinfecting clubs, says Ben Dixon

Anytime Fitness has partnered with Vycel to create a safe and disinfected environment, free of bacteria and viruses to protect staff and members and provide peace of mind when training.

Trialled at its Chelmsford, UK club and now being rolled out to other franchisees, Vycel products are designed to easily and effi ciently disinfect spaces.

The Vycel Electrostatic Sprayer protects against viruses by delivering a positively charged water-based antimicrobial spray, creating a mist that is drawn to surfaces, evenly coating and wrapping them throughout the clubs, including equipment and kit, changing rooms and lockers.

As a result, the club has experienced a drastic reduction in costs of blue roll, antibacterial spray and

We needed a disinfection solution that also reduced our use of blue roll and cleaning time

Ben Dixon


● The Vycel sprayer creates a mist that’s drawn to surfaces

staff time spent cleaning, having a positive eff ect on the bottom line.

Ben Dixon, chief development offi cer at Anytime Fitness, says: “When I was initially introduced to Vycel I knew it would become an important part of our everyday strategy to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Yes, we still need to clean the equipment to remove dirt, dust and sweat, but that isn’t enough to eradicate the threat of spreading the virus.

“We needed a solution for our disinfection regime that’s not only eff ective in protecting members and staff but also reduces our blue roll use and time spent cleaning. Vycel is proving to be a seamless solution.”

handlebars that simulate the feel of real road riding.

“The Virtual Training Cycle is the best upright bike on the market and gives members the same riding experience as a class but at a time that best fi ts their busy schedules,” said Rob Knox, Matrix product director.

fitness-kit.net KEYWORD Vycel

The Matrix Virtual Training Cycle creates an immersive experience, says Rob Knox

Matrix Fitness has launched its Virtual Training Cycle, an immersive training experience that delivers exclusive programmes, streaming of music, movies and shows, and access to instructor-led content on the gym fl oor to boost user experience.

The high-performance cycle features a 22” touchscreen with appbased interface similar to other touchscreen consoles in the Matrix cardio portfolio. The inbuilt Matrixexclusive programmes include the 20-minute Sprint 8 HIIT, Virtual Active forward-motion HD destination footage and Target Training, which tracks watts, heart rate, RPMs, distance or calories.

The product is designed to keep users motivated by gauging progress through engaging graphics and intuitive colours. Users also have access to iFIT live and on-demand experiential studio and outdoor workouts.

The Virtual Training Cycle is precision-engineered with a freewheel design featuring magnetic resistance, intuitive four-way adjustment, a contoured seat and multi-position

● Users can take part in an on-demand class

The Virtual Training Cycle fi ts into members’ busy schedules

Rob Knox

fitness-kit.net KEYWORD Matrix Fitness

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