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CONTENTS Uniting the world of fitness
from HCM Issue 1 2023
issue 1 2023 N o 310
05 Editor’s letter
The industry must decarbonise now to significantly reduce its energy bills and show leadership, says Liz Terry
Write to reply
We hear from Jack Shakespeare at UK Active on a new physical literacy initiative and Jenny Patrickson at Active IQ who believes we need a revolution in training
14 HCM people
Rachel Katzman and Julie Cartwright
The team behind female-focused workout protocol, P.volve, talk about their plans to build a global omnichannel brand based on technical training
20 HCM people
Duncan Jefford
Everyone Active is spending £7.5m this year reimagining its health and fitness offering to bring all its wellness services under one roof
26 HCM people
Ann Marie Barbour
The Mine in Baltimore has a strategy of 360 degree wellness and plans to grow across the US. We find out more from its director of operations
34 HCM news
In the news this issue, Life Fit Group buys Fitness Loft, Pure Gym Arabia opens in Dubai and Xponential opens in London
42 Interview
Justin Musgrove
The industry veteran has opened Core Life in Saudi Arabia for Kun Investment Holdings, with plans to take the concept to the world’s major cities, as Kate Cracknell discovers
60 Life Lessons
Industry leaders share insights into the challenges that have shaped them both personally and professionally
66 New directions
Mindbody and Classpass have published their annual trends report. We find out more about how 2023 will unfold
74 Trending now

ACSM’s 2023 insight report tracks industry trends each year, creating a barometer of what’s hot and what’s not. HCM gives the lowdown
82 Standard delivery
Quest has launched an Exercise Referral Standard which will enable operators to transact more effectively with the medical profession, as Abi Harris explains

86 Talkback Tackling 2023

Another year of challenges lies ahead. Kath Hudson asks key players how they intend to optimise the opportunities presented by the market
94 Product innovation
Palm cooling can transform athletic performance, explains Colin Edgar from Core TX, while Spren Vision has created an algorithm that turns smartphone cameras into real-time biomarker sensors

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In praise of eccentricity
New research from Edith Cowan University has shown eccentric muscle contractions create the strongest training effect, as Liz Terry discovers www.HCMmag.com

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©Cybertrek Ltd 2023 ISSN 1361-3510 (print) / 2397-2351 (online)
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Style: HCM follows an editorial house style which precludes the use of marketing devices in body text and headlines, eg: CamelCase, capitalised or part capitalised names and registered trademarks. Contact the editor for more details – lizterry@leisuremedia.com.

Copyright details: HCM (Health Club Management) is published 12 times a year by Leisure Media, PO Box 424, Hitchin, SG5 9GF, UK. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder, Cybertrek Ltd 2023.
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