5 minute read
HCM people Gunnar Peterson
from HCM Issue 4 2022
HCM people

Chief of athletics, F45

Peterson has a background in PT, and as an NBA strength coach

The ‘Gunner Peterson’ workout will help build the strength and endurance of an athlete

Tell us about your new gig with F45. What’s happening? I’m their new chief of athletics and am curating exclusive new workouts for the F45 studios.
The first rep-based workout is a hybrid session combining cardio, resistance, agility and core movements, ensuring members get the best of both worlds for ultimate full-body burn.
The ‘Gunnar Peterson’ workout is based on a pyramid style of training – people will push themselves to the max by increasing their weights as they move through each circuit, helping them build strength and endurance like an athlete.
Why F45, and what’s your professional view on their workouts? It’s a perfect fit – they do what I do, but on a larger scale and with way better technology. I love it – feels like hand in glove.
They’re terrific, and that’s what drew me in. The workouts are efficient, realistic and well planned-out from micro to macro level. It’s easy to progress, and easy to regress when needed.
How will you improve the workouts? I hope to add some simple pieces of equipment that provide versatility from a programming standpoint, as well enjoyment to the end user.
The programming, the member interaction, and the trainer interaction is what I’m really looking forward to. The whole athletics team at F45 is an absolute dream to work with.
Why do you see functional fi tness as fundamental? Functional fitness means that it also translates to other aspects of your life, from loading your groceries, to moving up the leaderboard at your tennis club, to keeping up with your active
toddler, or to being a lot more resistant to injury and illness. So it means that everyone wins.
What strengths will you bring to F45 in your new role? I bring 30 years of one-on-one, F45-type training to the team, along with cueing, exercise sequencing, industry connections, and relationships – and this to an already finely tuned machine.
Where do you fit into the management team? I’m on board with the athletics team and it has been very smooth thus far. More family than team and that suits me to a ‘T’.
How long have you signed up for? I’m signed up for three years, but I’m looking to be there for as long as I can be of use. There’s so much growth and opportunity. From the CEO down, F45 is poised to make massive changes in the fitness industry.
Tell us a little more about your professional background I’ve been a personal trainer in Beverly Hills, as well as an NBA strength and conditioning coach, and strength coach to a variety of athletes – male and female.
I’ve done group exercise, workshops, clinics, speaking engagements, and now the biggest challenge – F45 Athletics!
What major trends do you see emerging when it comes to exercise? The honing of the hybrid model, which is strength plus conditioning, plus movement, all brought to life with futuristic technology.
F45 is at the forefront of this and showing no signs of slowing down. I’m excited to be a part of it.

Peterson will be creating exclusive new workouts for F45 studios
Peterson’s hybrid model involves strength, conditioning and movement

photo: F45

Have we devoted enough attention to recovery? I think that we’re starting to do so. The science is now in, and we’re hearing the message loud and clear. Listen to the experts, listen to your body, and you will be able to experience results beyond your wildest dreams.
How does exercise fit into the wider discipline of wellness? Exercise is the cornerstone of wellness in my opinion. It sets the table for good choices in the rest of your life. It’s the best way to prime your body AND your mind for improvement.
Gyms that offer comprehensive programming to a wide demographic are the future. Inclusion not exclusion wins the day.
In your opinion, how do you feel the pandemic has changed the health and fitness sector? Initially I think many people were simpy left to fend for themselves. But many health and fitness providers quickly adapted and created ways to follow along at home and remain connected with the mothership, which is key.
Human beings are social by nature and we need that connection.
F45 created an app that allowed you to stay in that ‘team training, life changing’ mindset, even when many couldn’t get into the studios.
That type of innovation is what the network really needs. Hats off to them for leading from the front. What's your own personal wellness regime? Being consistent. Not perfect, but consistent. I never miss my workouts, I mix them up, my food isn’t perfect but it’s on point, I work at recovery, and I try to keep stress at a manageable level.
What advice do you have for people who struggle to stick to an exercise regime? Choose consistent over perfect. That’s the long game. It’s never too late to pivot to that mindset. l