The more young people meet with real people in real jobs the more options they have about their own career path John Yarham, CeO of The Careers & enterprise Company
Career options Leisure sectors attracting five times as many young people as there are jobs available
ive times as many young people want to work in leisure sectors such as sport, arts, culture and entertainment as there are jobs available. The figure comes from
a major report published by charity education and employers, which suggests that a number of industry sectors – including those within leisure – could have the pick of talent due to an abundance of applicants. The report, based on a survey of 7,000 young people aged 14-18, does, however, also indicate that the aspirations of young people in the uK are poles apart from the reality of the labour market, with significant implications for the economy.
■■The sector with the greatest shortfall in interest is also within leisure, with only 1.5 per cent of young UK people currently showing an interest in a career in hospitality
While some sectors are "oversubscribed" with young people wanting to work in it, many others ©Cybertrek Ltd 2020
Issue 781