Spa people
By: Karen Maxwell, editor
photo: the pavillions hotels & resorts
Scot Toon
Locals want internationalstyle treatments, whereas international guests want local and authentic experiences Scot Toon MD Asia, The Pavilions Hotels & Resorts
What’s your background? I’ve spent all my career opening and managing luxury resorts and spas in island locations such as The Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Phuket – and also managed a small international spa collection.
Who are your nearest competitors? For The Pavilions Hotels & Resort, we’d compare ourselves to groups such as Como Hotels, and for Explorar Hotels & Resorts, we’d look at Selina or Mama Shelter hotels.
Two Explorar resorts were developed during the pandemic
18 issue 2 2022
photo: shutterstock/Adrian Baker
Tell us about your current remit? I’m the MD for The Pavilions Hotels & Resorts and co-founder of new brand, Explorar Hotels & Resorts. We’re a privately-owned company with a number of hotels – we also have other hotels in our group under franchise or management agreements.