Spa Business Insider issue 387

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spa business insider 23 December 2021 Issue 387

A Spa Business publication

Preidlhof links to ancient spring


Destination spa and health resort Preidlhof in Naturno, South Tyrol, is on the cusp of introducing a new medicinal bathing offering, following a five-year project. Costing €2m (US$2.26m, £1.7m), the new hydrotherapy experience will comprise an 80sq m indoor pool and a selection of private whirlpool baths All will be filled with mineral-rich water sourced from a 400-year-old spring located under Naturno’s Reinhold Messner Castle, 5km photo: Preidlhof

away from the resort. The upgrade is fitting for Preidlhof, as the Naturno destination is only a 20-minute-drive from the famed Italian

■■ The hydrotherapy experience is set to open in late December 2021

spa town of Merano, home to a host of public bathing facilities powered by

transformational wellness coach.

in the whirlpools infused with detox or

Bortolin explained to Spa Business

regenerative bath oil blends, inspired by

independent, combined community

that she's busy curating new spa

the traditional Merano bathing ritual.

initiative led by the local hospitality

programming incorporating the upcoming

industry,” explained Patrizia

medicinal baths into Preidlhof’s offering,

slated to open in late December 2021.

Bortolin, Preidlhof’s spa director and

including private bathing experiences


its famous healing mineral water. “This project is the result of an

Community will encourage play for all ages



Six Senses to debut in Japan in 2024 New location to open in Kyoto with wellness centre

Shutterstock/Andrea Raffin

Playfulness to inspire new Serenbe wellness hamlet


Shutterstock/Vasilyev Alexandr


The medicinal mineral baths are


Karl Lagerfeld-designed spa opens in Macau


Late designer infused spa with distinctive style



Ecofriendly & Organic Linen for the Guerlain Spa

RKF Linen at Le Château de Versailles

RKF’s PPE Masks combining high safety standards with style & chic

Exclusive Linen Collection for the 17-story Carlton Tower Jumeirah Hotel: 186 new Bedrooms, Suites & Spa

spa business people Chunxia Gao is MSpa International’s new group director of spa and wellness in Asia


inor Hotels has

At Six Senses, Gao

appointed Chunxia

honed her skills in spa

Gao as group director

operations, design and project

of spa and wellness to lead

management, including

the Asia region of its spa

concept creation of new spas

division, MSpa International.

in resort and urban locations,

MSpa is the spa

as well as wellness facilities

management arm of Minor

and destination retreats. photo: MSPA INTERNATIONAL

Hotel Group and was launched in Thailand in 1999. The company now operates over 70 spas around the world. In this role, Gao will head up MSpa and oversee operations ■■ Gao has spent 20 years in the spa and wellness industry

and the expansion of a series

She initially began her career as a spa manager and has also worked with Hilton and Crowne Plaza. Having lived and worked in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Latin Americas, Gao

of medical wellness facilities

is committed to delivering

Gao is committed to delivering exceptional experiences adapted for a variety of cultures and clientele

throughout Asia under various brands and partnerships. The position at MSpa was

experiences adapted for a variety of cultures and clientele. Fluent in Mandarin

previously held by industry

and English, she’s now based

figure Zoe Wall for four years. Gao has joined the spa management company

after a 17-year stint at Six

technical services and

Senses. Her specialism lies

design for new global spa

husband and three children.

in management, pre-opening,

and wellness facilities.


in Bangkok with her French

ResortSuite to be acquired by Agilysys, reveals Frank Pitsikalis


ospitality management software system ResortSuite will be

This will accelerate the move to fully cloud-native solutions for ResortSuite customers

acquired by Saas software “This combination will bring

provider Agilysys in a US$25m

solutions for ResortSuite

(€22.2m, £18.8m) deal.

customers,” explained Frank

together two of the leading

Pitsikalis, ResortSuite CEO

providers in hotel/resort, spa/

to bring next-generation SaaS

and founder. “Both companies’

wellness and club operations

solutions to ResortSuite

customers will have access to

and amplify the unique value

customers and enable

next-generation cloud-native

we can deliver to our joint

revenue synergies, delivery

technology-based products

customers’ operations and the guest experience.”

The acquisition is designed photo: RESORTSUITE

of high-end integrated hotel

and the opportunity to offer

■■ Frank Pitsikalis, ResortSuite

property management and

a fully integrated contactless

CEO and founder

contactless capabilities to

solution for guests while

see him report to Agilysys

the hospitality industry.

empowering all departments

CEO Ramesh Srinivasan

“This will accelerate the move to fully cloud-native


Pitsikalis’ new role will

through a unified common

as VP of strategy.

profile across the entire resort.


©Cybertrek Ltd 2021

sBinsider Issue 387

spa business people

spa business insider Contents issue 387

photo: Danielle Nowak & Nomadic Reverie


People on the move


Wellness communities




Training news


Spa Business insights

■■ Huey served as Montage's VP of spa and retail since early 2018

Huey’s new title is executive director of membership, programming, The ‘Quin Impact Fund and marketing

Patrick Huey leaves Montage – joins The 'Quin House


SPA board chair Patrick

appointed to oversee its

Huey has left his role

membership division while

at Montage Hotels and

directing the club’s marketing

Resorts’ VP of spa and

team, as well as advising

retail and joined the team at

on community philanthropic

Boston’s new luxury private

initiatives through The

social club, The ‘Quin House.

‘Quin Impact Fund.

Huey’s newly-assumed

industry and his appointment

director of membership,

could signal ambitions from

programming, The ‘Quin

The ‘Quin House to develop

Impact Fund and marketing.

and grow its wellness concept

The five-floor social club is home to a wellness and fitness

and spa programming. Prior to Montage, his roles

centre, eight guestrooms,

included group spa director

four dining venues, three bars

for Asia for Minor Hotel Group,

and five lounges, as well as a

Four Seasons spa director

rooftop deck and event space.

and corporate director of

According to The ‘Quin

sBinsider Issue 387

Playfulness to inspire Serenbe's fifth wellness hamlet

Marriott developing open-air Ritz-Carlton Reserve and spa on tropical island in the Bahamas

New course launches to help educate spa staff in how to bestserve transgender clients

World's first Karl Lagerfelddesigned spa opens in Macau Transforming Madrid – council proposes €100m investment in wellbeing hubs


Supplier innovation

The latest in products and innovation from Gharieni, Tara Spa Therapy, Decléor, Beata Aleksandrowicz and Germaine de Capuccini

Huey is a veteran of the spa

title at The ‘Quin is executive

House, Huey has been

Tom Chunxia Gao is MSpa International’s new group director of spa and wellness in Asia

spa for Sandals resorts. More:

©Cybertrek Ltd 2021

Sign up to Spa Business insider: Online: Email: Tel: +44 (0)1462 471930 Annual subscriptions: International £114, UK £80 and UK students £42. @spabusinessmag Read Spa Business and Spa Business insider free online:


spa business news WELLNESS COMMUNITIES

Play to inspire new Serenbe community Georgia-based wellness

component of wellness

community Serenbe is set to

and wellbeing: “Play brings out curiosity,

gain a brand new wellness community dedicated to play,

adventure, whimsy, movement

said co-founder Steve Nygren,

and risk-taking,” he says. elements in our lives to stay

Named Spela – which means play in Swedish, the

vital and stimulate us mentally

new community will open

and physically at every age.” Each hamlet within

in 2023 and become the

Serenbe’s master plan has a

community’s fifth hamlet.

different centre focused on

With construction in early stages, Nygren revealed

the elements of a well life:

plans include a community

arts for inspiration, agriculture

centred around a 4-acre park

for nourishment, health for

designed with both kids and

wellbeing, education for

adults in mind. The park will

awareness and now, play.

Shutterstock/Vasilyev Alexandr

“We all need each of these

speaking to Spa Business.

■■ Spela will become Serenbe's fifth hamlet and focus on play

Serenbe’s earth-friendly

sit on a steep hillside with townhomes and cottages

community is home to

forming the urban wall

more than 650 people and

around the town square.

underpinned by a strong

Play brings out curiosity, adventure, movement and risk-taking

connection to nature.

For Nygren, play and

Steve Nygren


Kenneth Ryan and CG Funk joining ISPA board in 2022 ISPA will grow its board of directors and officers in 2022 with five photo: ispa

newly-elected members. These include: ■ CG Funk, senior VP of culture and



playfulness are a crucial

■■ Pictured: CG Funk (L) and Kenneth Ryan (R)

industry relations, Massage Heights. ■ Barry McCaffrey, VP of sales,

Interest in board service reached unprecedented levels this year Lynne McNees


“Interest in board service reached

professional channels, Babor.

unprecedented levels this year, and

■ Charlotte Prescott, director of spa

we’re grateful for the commitment

and fitness at Fisher Island Club.

made by these volunteer leaders to

■ Kenneth Ryan, Marriott

help guide our association forward and

International’s global head of spa.

pursue our vision of elevating the spa

■ Jessica Shea, senior director

industry to new heights,” commented

of spa and wellness, America

Lynne McNees, ISPA president.

operations, Hilton Worldwide.


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sBinsider Issue 387

spa business news

spa business insider

mental health

MEET the team

NICE: Use exercise to ease mild depression People suffering from mild

Earlier this year, the Move

depression should be offered

Your Mental Health report –

exercise, mindfulness or

summarising data from 1,158

meditation before medication,

studies and reviews 20+

such as antidepressants.

types of physical activities

New draft guidance,

in relation to mental health

published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that a “menu of treatment options” – including exercise – should be offered before medication is considered.

For email use:

89 per cent of studies reported "significant positive relationships" between physical activity and mental health outcomes

Studies have suggested

Editorial director

Liz Terry +44 (0)1462 431385

outcomes – found that people Spa Business editor

with depression should be

Katie Barnes

prescribed exercise and

+44 (0)1462 471925

monitored for the first 12 weeks of their regime. Out of the 1,158 studies, 89


per cent reported “significant

Astrid Ros

positive relationships”

that exercise can be used

+44 (0)1462 471911

between physical activity and

as an effective treatment

mental health outcomes.

for depression.


Head of news

Tom Walker +44 (0)1462 431385

GROWTH Assistant editor

Ritz-Carlton Reserve to open on tropical island in Bahamas

Megan Whitby Shutterstock/BlueOrange Studio

Marriott International has inked a deal with Cotton Bay Holdings to introduce property on the island of Amenities are slated to

pristine island,” said Laurent

include a luxury spa and

de Kousemaeker, Marriott’s

end of the island, the

wellness centre, an 18-hole

chief development officer,

Ritz-Carlton Reserve in

golf course, pools and

Caribbean and Latin America.

Eleuthera is expected to

restaurants, all surrounded

feature a 90-room open-air

by tranquil beaches and

with Cotton Bay Holdings in

resort forming part of the

Located on the southern

“We’re excited to partner

tropical flora and fauna.

developing this luxury resort,

community once known

Plans also call for the

where the original Cotton Bay

as the Cotton Bay Club.

inclusion of 60 Ritz-Carlton Reserve-branded residences,

The resort will join

Club was built in 1959.” De Kousemaeker explained

Marriot’s portfolio of only

featuring between two- to

that this deal has been six

five Ritz-Carlton Reserves

five-bedroom villas.

years in the making and that

around the world, located in

“We’re thrilled to bring

Thailand, Japan, Indonesia,

the Ritz-Carlton Reserve

take four years to complete.

Puerto Rico and Mexico.

brand and service to this


sBinsider Issue 387

Head of digital

Tim Nash +44 (0)1462 471917

■■ The resort is being built on Eleuthera island

a new Ritz-Carlton Reserve Eleuthera in the Bahamas.

+44 (0)1462 471906

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the project is expected to

Spa Business insider is published fortnightly by The Leisure Media Company Ltd, PO Box 424, Hitchin, SG5 9GF, UK. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher The Leisure Media Company Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder, Cybertrek Ltd. Printed by Preview Cromatic Ltd. Distributed by Royal Mail Group Ltd and Whistl Ltd in the UK and Total Mail Ltd globally. ©Cybertrek Ltd 2021. ISSN: Print: 1753-3430 Digital: 2397-2408 Subscribe to Spa Business and Spa Business insider at to, email: or call +44 1462 471930.




Ultra-low height range (50 cm - 90 cm) Built to order Thermasoft™ dual-zone digital warmer Digital warming drawer Wireless controls LED lit soft-close cabinetry Luxury GelTech™ mattress (option)

Photo Credit: Marriott Opelika Resort & Spa at Grand National Alabama, United States


+1 7 6 0 - 5 9 7 - 2 1 5 5 liv in g e a rth c ra fts.c o m • in f o @ liv in g e a r t h c r a f t s .c o m

F a v o r it e Tre a t me n t Ta bl e Ma n u f a c t u re r 2 0 1 0 - 2020

spa business news development

Six Senses to debut in Japan in 2024 The spa lounge will

Global hotel and spa operator Six Senses will

incorporate a retail offering

open its first Japanese

including vibrant fashion

property in Kyoto in 2024.

and homeware collections and a variety of skincare

Six Senses Kyoto is

and lifestyle products.

being realised as an

a sense of wellbeing into its

temples, architecture

81 rooms; organised around

and cherry gardens.

a central courtyard, rooms will connect guests to nature

The destination is

through biophilic design.

being conceived by

Neil Jacobs, Six Senses

BLINK Design Group. The property’s spa with

CEO said: “We’re delighted

wellness facilities will blend

to announce our entry into

traditional healing and

Japan’s cultural heart, Kyoto.

Japanese Zen culture into the

The location's healing and

wellness experience. From

bathing rituals, thoughtful

the Ryokan-style welcome to

service, gardens and

tea ceremonies and signature

architecture will create an

treatments, the spa will

exciting location for guests

focus on healing rituals to

to relax and reconnect.”

induce calm and wellbeing.


■■ The spa will blend traditional healing and Japanese Zen culture


famed for its Buddhist


Six Senses will also infuse

urban sanctuary in a city

We’re delighted to announce our entry into Japan’s cultural heart Neil Jacobs

New training helps spas best serve transgender clients A new trans-awareness course, certified by Habia, has been launched for the spa sector to help teach spa staff how to accommodate, attract and support transgender clients.

Shutterstock/MakeStory Studio


■■ The course features treatment adjustment tips

Named Trans Awareness for Spas,

All spa and beauty businesses should complete trans awareness training Helena Grzesk sBinsider Issue 387

the programme includes guidance

they’re educated to represent, respect

for spa teams on how to conduct

and welcome everyone they serve as

treatment adjustments, manage gender

well as their colleagues and peers,”

dysphoria during treatments and how

comments Helena Grzesk, chief operating

to use the correct pronouns, titles

officer at the British Beauty Council.

and language in-person and online. “Every hair and beauty brand, business

Costing £197 (€235, US$263) each, the training can be hosted through

owner and practitioner should complete

Zoom or conducted in-house at spas.

trans awareness training and ensure


©Cybertrek Ltd 2021


Spa Business insights

Fashion-forward The world's first Karl Lagerfeld-designed hotel and spa has opened in Macau


fter a five year project, the world’s first hotel and spa designed solely by late legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has launched in Macau, on the south coast of China.

Design influence Lagerfeld was known for his simplistic yet elegant design approach and dedicated his life to fashion, working with both global fashion houses Chanel and Fendi for more than 35 years. The Karl Lagerfeld destination was

one of the designer’s last projects before he passed away in early 2019 and has been infused with his distinctive sense of style.

brands including Balmain, Chanel, Fendi and Valentino

ShutterStock/AndreA rAffin

■■ Lagerfeld worked with major

The spa Lagerfeld’s creative vision for the spa was to sensitively blend elements of traditional Chinese and european Art Deco design, while also drawing on his passion for the beauty of simplicity. His signature style is evident throughout the spa through striking

Lagerfeld’s creative vision for the spa was to sensitively blend elements of traditional Chinese and European Art Deco design 10 26

black marble and gold mosaic touches. The spa menu offers treatments powered by science-led spa beauty brand 111skin, from Harley street, London, and includes option such as the ultimate Celestial Black Diamond ©Cybertrek Ltd ©Cybertrek 2021 Ltd sBinsider 2021 Issue 387

■■ The hotel is located in Macau which is known as a central gambling hotspot and often referred to as the 'Vegas of Asia'

ShutterStock/ BennY MArtY

Each spa guest is encouraged to explore their own creative side by using a Lagerfeld-inspired colouring book experience and the the ultimate Rose

Passion for creativity

three towers, each with its own distinct

Gold experience, which both last two

In line with Lagerfeld’s passion for

hotel and spa concepts.

and a half hours and include face and

creativity, each spa guest is encouraged

body treatments using antioxidant

to explore their own creative side by

recently-opened Grand Lisboa Palace

and rose gold formulations and rose

using a Lagerfeld-inspired colouring

Macau and the upcoming Palazzo

quartz crystals respectively.

book to help them relax, either after

Versace Macau respectively – the first

treatments or in relaxation rooms.

destination of its kind in Asia.

111skin has also supplied its 111Gentleman range of facials

The Karl Lagerfeld spa team claims

The other two towers encapsulate the

and massages, as well as its

that colouring induces the same state

The first-of-its kind

111Aromatics massage treatments.

as meditating by soothing a restless

The Karl Lagerfeld hotel is the first

Additional facilities at The Karl

mind and encouraging mindfulness,

property to fall under the international

Lagerfeld hotel include a Technogym-

allowing the mind to rest and reach an

hospitality brand Karl Lagerfeld Hotels

equipped workout space, two distinct

overall sense of calm.

& Resorts, owned and launched by The

dining concepts, a european-style

Karl Lagerfeld Group back in 2016.

garden for relaxation and mindfulness

Casino investor

and an indoor pool.

Local Macau casino concessionaire

well-known for his love of living in

sJM Resorts has been the driving force

hotels, and also also created a glass

was contracted for the design and

behind the 271-room project, acting

artwork for the pool at the Hotel

layouts of The Karl Lagerfeld’s wet

as operator, owner and developer.

Metropole in Monte Carlo and a design

Wet area specialist Barr + Wray

area and mechanical services, while

The 20-storey hotel is part of sJM’s

During his career, Largerfeld was

device for the sO/sofitel singapore.

wellness equipment supplier Gharieni

HKD39bn (€4.4bn, us$5bn, £3.8bn)

Other hotel projects included a lavish

was appointed to provide its MO1 spa

integrated Lisboa Palace resort in Cotai,

four-year renovation of the Hôtel de

treatment beds.

featuring 1,892 rooms spread across

Crillon in Paris. ●

sBinsider Issue 387Issue ©Cybertrek 387 Ltd ©Cybertrek 2021 Ltd 2021

27 11

Spa Business insights

Our partners at Madrid City Council should be applauded for their vision GO fit

The right to move Plans have been announced to invest €100m to create wellbeing hubs in the City of Madrid


he City of Madrid could become one of the healthiest in the world if recently-announced plans by the council come to fruition.

The local government has

revealed plans to develop wellbeing infrastructure for the next generation, including significant investment in new facilities, to include the creation of 14 new wellbeing hubs – mixing sport, fitness and other activities – over the next six years. Located across the city, the wellbeing hubs will create an enhanced

Photo: Go fit

■■ Madrid City Council has worked with Iberian operator, GO fit

network of facilities as part of a strategy to connect each and every citizen to better health and wellbeing. each will be built by publicprivate collaboration with more than €100m being allocated for the

12 28

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■■GO fit has 20 wellbeing hubs across Spain and Portugal

Photo:Go fit

Madrid City Council showed that they understood the essential nature of wellbeing for the people in any community this including taxpayer money. The model will see private

Madrid is also home to Iberian operator GO fit, the wellbeing company with 20 wellbeing hubs across spain

companies build the facilities,

and Portugal – eight of which are in

in return for the right to manage

Madrid serving over 100,000 people.

them for 25 years, while the city

In 2014 GO fit worked with

retains ownership of the buildings,

Madrid City Council to develop the

control of pricing and visibility of

Vallehermoso Hub, a site on a historic

performance with regards to quality

former sporting facility in the city.

and social impact in what will remain a public service for local people. Three of the centres are set to be built and completed by the end of 2023. Madrid City Council earned plaudits

GO fit and Madrid City Council followed this with the 2018 opening of the Peñagrande Hub. A GO fit spokesperson said: “There

supports people's right to access

future development of these plans but

sports and fitness facilities

our partners at Madrid City Council

support of the rights of people to

should be applauded for their vision.

The authority designated facilities

“They showed during the pandemic that they understood the essential

as essential services that have

nature of wellbeing for the people in

remained open under restrictions since

any community. This is another step

the end of the first lockdown in 2020.

to build on that in the years ahead.”●

sBinsider Issue 387Issue ©Cybertrek 387 Ltd ©Cybertrek 2021 Ltd 2021

■■ Madrid City Council strongly

remain many questions regarding the

during the pandemic for its strong access sports and fitness facilities.


creation of the hubs – but without

29 13

photos courtesy of IyashI Dôme


Iyashi Dômes offer multiple treatment possibilities

Iyashi Dôme’s touchless infrared tech is the perfect investment for the post-lockdown world, says Florent Cornelis Iyashi Dôme’s head of training Florent Cornelis explains how the brand’s hands-free, noncontact treatments combine profitability with safety Why should operators invest in Iyashi Dôme technology? High-tech touchless therapies allow spas to offer effective, hygienic treatments and seamless customer experience. This is especially timely today as they can cater to customers who are concerned about close contact with others but still looking for spa treatments. What are the health benefits of using the Iyashi Dôme? Far-infrared treatments are known to be effective for anti-ageing and slimming with real and proven results, as well as supporting the immune system, reducing muscle stress, encouraging restorative sleep and detoxification and improving skin issues. Ultimately, we help guests feel rejuvenated. Who can operate the Iyashi Dôme and how much training is required? Iyashi Dôme technology can be used across many different sectors including spa and wellness, health and fitness and the medical field. sBinsider Issue 387

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Treatments restore guests’ balance and help their body feel rejuvenated Anyone can operate the technology following our mandatory training day received upon delivery and an additional half-day of training a few weeks later. We follow up with all partners to ensure they’re confident using the technology and communicating protocol to customers. Describe the Iyashi Dôme customer journey The journey starts with a welcoming drink and hot refreshing oshibori towel, followed by a short interview with a therapist to complete the disclaimer and choose the correct intensity – either Intense or Soft. A 30-minute Intense treatment is practised naked or in disposable underwear and is designed to trigger heavy sweating, while a Soft session is intended for those searching for a relaxing infra-red experience. The latter can be practised dressed and lasts from 15 to 45 minutes without stimulating sweating.

During both sessions, therapists check on guests halfway through to ensure they’re comfortable. The ritual is completed with a warm shower to help relax and invigorate users. How can Iyashi Dôme therapies be combined with other treatments? The device can effectively prepare the body to receive other treatments – including facials, massages or body treatments – and help enhance guests’ experience of other treatments offered. How much does an Iyashi Dôme and its treatments cost? How long does it take to achieve a return on investment? A standard Iyashi Dôme device costs €28,000 (£23,698, US$32,860). With a recommended price of €50 (US$61, £44) per 30-minute session, Iyashi Dôme offers spas a return on investment in less than nine months, at the rate of just three sessions per day. keywords:

Iyashi Dôme issue 3 2021 93 15

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All the Features You Need to Manage Your Spa and Delight Your Customers Online Booking • Staff Scheduling • Integrated POS • CRM • And More

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SUPPLIER NEWS Suppliers tell Spa Business insider about their latest

For the latest supplier news and company information, visit

product, design and technology launches

photo: Bergamos Retreat Friendswood, Texas, USA / Gharieni

■■  Welnamis can be combined with other treatments and also be offered as self-guided touchless therapy

Welnamis represents the next-generation of touchless treatments, says Sammy Gharieni



harieni has launched its

designed for the delivery of

come to a point in our

next-generation touchless

specific brainwave frequencies.

30 year-history where we

According to Gharieni, similar

know we’re in the middle

treatment concept bed,

the Welnamis, which combines

to meditation, the experience

of a convergence between

specific binaural acoustic and

helps slow down mental

traditional spa and wellness

vibrational frequencies to deeply

activity, rebalance the body’s

practices and medicine.

relax both the brain and body.

chakras and encourage anti-

The dual-therapy experience involves guests laying on the

inflammatory responses. Welnamis can be combined

“When we initiated our third-party research on the previous SpaWave, we found

Welnamis bed which delivers

with other treatments and also

out exactly what works best

■■  Sammy Gharieni,

dynamic vibrational therapy

offered as self-guided therapy.

in terms of programming and

Gharieni Group CEO

through the body while they

targeted treatment outcomes.

listen to multilayered binaural

developed from the findings

The result is the Welnamis –

acoustic audio programmes

of third-party research into

which is inspired by the phrase

through headphones.

the proven benefits of its

‘well wave’ in Japanese.”

The new and additional

first-generation concept bed,

programmes combine the

the now-retired SpaWave.

positive health benefits of

Gharieni CEO, Sammy

vibration and sound therapies sBinsider Issue 387

The new experience is

©Cybertrek Ltd 2021

Gharieni, comments: “We’ve

More on






In the heart of the Corrèze, through our Advanced Research Laboratory, Sothys has created the Sothys Organics™ line, the perfect combination of organic skin care and advanced efficiency.

Sothys is partnering with Plastic Bank and has made its Sothys Organics™ range plastic neutral.

exclusively in beauty institutes & spas

Tara Spa Therapy unveils portable aromatherapy trolley phoTO: Tara Spa Therapy

■■ Tara Grodjesk, founder and president of Tara Spa Therapy


ara Spa Therapy has introduced the Tara Well Bar, a mobile caddy that

offers grab-and-go aromatherapy self-care products.



■■ The Tara Well Bar is designed to promote self-care practice

The trolley doubles as a point of purchase kiosk and

“Our new Tara Well Bar

experiences that go beyond

an aromatherapy blending

expands the possibilities

the treatment room and involve

bar where guests can create

for spas, hotels and resort

guests in creating products are

their own aroma wellness

properties,” explains Tara

hugely popular. Plus, considering

blends to take home.

Grodjesk, founder and

the industry's staffing shortage,

president of Tara Spa.

any opportunity to keep guests

The Tara Well Bar is designed to promote self-care

“For years I’ve had an

engaged that isn’t dependent

practice by giving hotel and

aromatherapy blending bar

on a therapist or treatment

resort guests easy access to

where therapists create custom

room is essential right now.”

eight collections of organic,

blends for guests to use within

holistic body products to

their treatment and gift to

use for home spa rituals.

them after the ritual. But now,

More on

Decléor enriches Vitamin Glow Cream with citrus essential oils Green Mandarin Glow range with a face cream photo: Decléor


ecléor has enhanced its

designed to strengthen, brighten and smooth skin while combating oxidative stress. According to Decléor, oxidative stress damages the skin and the body’s cells through aggressors ranging photo: Decléor

from pollution and UV rays to lifestyle factors such as lack of sleep or smoking. With this in mind, the brand’s new Vitamin

■■  Jennifer Hirsch, Decléor beauty botanist

Day Glow Cream has been formulated with antioxidants

Powered by 98 per cent

Decléor revealed that there

Hirsch, Decléor beauty botanist.

in order to neutralise oxidative

natural origin ingredients, the

are plans to incorporate the

"Research is currently underway

damage and limit potential

lightweight formula is also

cream into treatments in 2022.

to investigate the science

damage to the skin.

enriched with vitamin CG,

The cream’s star ingredient

“The cream contains a blend

vitamin E and hyaluronic acid

of citrus essential oils including

is green mandarin rind

as well as an illuminating

green mandarin essential

which is known for its

pigment claimed to leave

oil, lemon, sweet orange and

antioxidant benefits.

users with a healthy glow.

grapefruit," said Jennifer

sBinsider Issue 387

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behind how these oils support relaxation and stress reduction.”

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SUPPLIER NEWS Beata Aleksandrowicz launches new beauty range founder of the Pure

photo: Beata Aleksandrowicz


assage expert and Massage Spa Training

Method, Beata Aleksandrowicz has created her own beauty brand; Beata: Love Life Beauty. The collection’s star photo: Beata: Love Life Beauty

product is the aromatic Beata Home Coming Facial Oil infused with organic Jojoba Oil and Bulgarian Rose Otto essential oil. Aleksandrowicz claims that when used in combination with

■■ Beata Aleksandrowicz, massage expert

face massage, the oil helps to boost collagen and elastin

A, B, D and E and Essential

which feature easy-to-follow

element of Aleksandrowicz’s

production to lift and restore

Fatty Acids, Omegas 6 and 9

instructions for Aleksandrowicz’s

offering to clients. She will

the face, leaving skin radiant,

to regenerate skin cells and

series of at-home face

also host masterclasses as

nourished and balanced.

repair damaged skin tissue.

massage techniques. Designed

part of the new launch.

Suitable for sensitive and

To complete the offering,

to be used with her Beata

mature skin, the formula is

the new collection includes

Home Coming Face Oil,

rich in skin repairing Vitamins

a set of educational cards

the cards are an important

More on

Germaine de Capuccini launches Expert Lab cosmeceutical range has launched a chemical peel line exclusively photo: Germaine de Capuccini



ermaine de Capuccini

for professional use. Named Expert Lab, the products encourage superficial peelings to reveal rejuvenated skin and have been conceived to offer safe and effective protocols for skin

■■ The new products are suitable for all skin types

■■  Olivia Llorens, Germaine

conditions – such as ageing,

de Capuccini global

hyperpigmentation and acne.

been formulated to offer

can be combined in a course of

marketing director

The range features two

maximum effectiveness

treatments offering versatility

mono-substances peelings,

with minimum irritation.

in the personalisation of each

two combined peelings as

as a result of market

Dermo Protective Hydrating

demands,” says Olivia Llorens,

to grow the range in future to

Gel to be used as a final

Germaine de Capuccini

solve more aesthetic concerns.

step after the peels.

global marketing director.

the new products have

facial to suit the clients’ needs.”

well as a Peel Neutraliser and

Suitable for all skin types,


“Expert Lab was devised

She adds that there are plans

“The line includes individual professional products, which

More on

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sBinsider Issue 387

Live. Virtual. At Home


With high season fast approaching, are you set up for success to attract new members and give them what they are craving? Latest research* shows 60:40 is the magic blend members are now looking for when it comes to keeping fit in your gym but also in their homes. Does your full membership mix keep them working out with you, wherever they are? Find out more about an omnichannel membership solution today. *Les Mills 2021 Global Fitness Report


Courtesy of Faena Hotel, Miami Beach. Photographer Nik Koenig, USA

Europabad Karlsruhe, Germany

From the start of planning all the way to the finishing touches, we’re your partner of choice when it comes to bringing health-promoting sauna and spa solutions to life. Whatever your wishes are and whatever the spa trend is, together we can make it happen. After all, one thing is for sure: guests will be looking for a healthy lifestyle, more than ever before. And where better to find it than in the unique spa experience you offer? Chalet Anna Maria, Photographer Alex Kaiser, Austria

Kokon Corporate Campus, Liechtenstein

Be inspired, discover your spa vision of the future at

spa business insider

WEB ADDRESS BOOK Connect with spa organisations from around the world. We welcome your entries – write to Asia-Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition (APSWC) ■■

Association of Malaysian Spas (AMSPA) ■■

Bali Spa and Wellness Association ■■

Brazilian Spas Association ■■

Bulgarian Union for Balneology and Spa Tourism (BUBSPA) ■■

Association of Spas of the Czech Republic ■■

Estonian Spa Association ■■

European Historic Thermal Towns Association ■■

European Spas Association ■■

Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) ■■

Romanian Spa Organization



Global Wellness Institute (GWI)

Salt Therapy Association



Green Spa Network (GSN)

Serbian Spas & Resorts Association



Hungarian Baths Association

South African Spa Association



Hydrothermal Spa Forum

Spanish National Spa Association



The Iceland Spa Association

Spa and Wellness Association of Africa (SWAA)


The International Medical Spa Association ■■

International Sauna Association ■■

International Spa Association (ISPA) ■■

Irish Spa Association ■■

Japan Spa Association ■■

Leading Spas of Canada ■■


Spa Association of India ■■

Spa Industry Association ■■

Spa & Wellness International Council ■■

The Sustainable Spa Association (SSA) ■■

Taiwan Spa Association ■■

Thai Spa Association ■■

FEMTEC (the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy)

National Guild of Spa Experts Russia

The UK Spa Association




French Spa Association (SPA-A)

Portuguese Spas Association

Ukrainian SPA Association




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German Spas Association

sBinsider Issue 387

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