INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN the Print Portfolio of Leisy Vidal
LESSON PLAN 1 Background Information
Title: Working with KWL charts BACKGROUND This lesson plan was developed to demonstrate the application of the small group instruction framework developed by Orange County Public Schools. The framework abides by three main stages: before reading, during reading, and after reading activities. The ‘before reading’ stage is meant for reviewing and previewing reading materials. The ‘during reading’ stage allows students to read text. Finally, the ‘after reading’ stage
is meant to confirm a final comprehension of all materials read. View the full instructional material guidelines for small group instruction on: currareas/read/IR/lessonplans/Pages/ Elementary.aspx This lesson plan focuses specifically on KWL Charts, and their application during classroom reading activities.
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS The development process for this lesson included finding a real-world application of the before, during, and after reading activities. Results of research concluded with KWL charts, bubble charts, and mind maps. The process then narrowed towards researching existing KWL lesson plans on, Florida State’s source for standards information and course descriptions. The lesson plan ‘Ant Text Feature and Writing Picnic’ was used as a model. It can be found on the CPALMS website at: Preview/50936
MODELS IMPLEMENTED 1. Orange County Public Schools small group instruction framework. 2. Gradual Release Model: Orientation, Guided Practice, Independent Practice.
LESSON PLAN 1 Lesson Plan
Title: Working with KWL Charts Introduction: Students will learn how to make inferences on their readings before they even open a book, just by applying prior knowledge of genres, settings, and characters. Objectives: Students will compose KWL charts before reading a book to dissect the book. Students will make inferences to predict the storyline of the book. Students will then either prove or disprove their inferences (with facts from the story) after reading the book. Intended Audience: Grades 2-3 Standards: LACC.2.RI.1.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. LACC.2.RI.2.5: Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently. LACC.2.W.1.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Strategies: Before Reading Strategy: Students will make inferences for future readings to dissect their book before reading, and display them on a KWL chart. During Reading Strategy: Students will fill in the learned section of the KWL chart while reading to answer questions they had about the book beforehand. After Reading Strategy: Students will check to make sure all questions they listed on the KWL chart were answered by using facts from the book’s storyline. Orientation: The teacher will use a KWL (Know, Want to Know, and Learned) chart to map out inferences. A whiteboard in the classroom will have a 3-column chart.
LESSON PLAN 1 Lesson Plan (cont.)
The teacher will ask the following: 1. What is KWL chart? 2. What is an inference? 3. What type of information can I base my inference on? i. Book cover illustration ii. Author iii. Genre iv. Setting 4. How can we check if our inferences were correct? The teacher will then explain to students that in this lesson, a KWL chart is used to figure out what students know about a book they have not yet read, as well as to chart questions that they want answered that are still unknown prior to reading the book. In the ‘know’ column, students will write what they know about the book. What they know can include how books of the same genre have a specific story pattern, or if the cover introduces any possible characters. In the ‘want to know’ column, students will ask questions related to the book. While working in the column, the teacher will explain to students that inferences are educated guesses based on prior knowledge or experience. Here, the teacher will ask students: “Based on what we know, what do you think will happen in this book?” The teacher will also ask students to frame their inferences into questions for the chart. The teacher will explain that once they are done reading, they will use the learned column to answer the questions from the ‘want to know’ column. The ‘learned’ column will remain blank for now, as it will be filled with answers to the inferences made after reading the book. Model: The teacher will model the KWL-assisted inference making by creating his or her own chart on a board, filled with student suggestions. The teacher will explain to students why each component goes in its corresponding column. If no student suggests inputs, the teacher will ask probing questions about the cover and possible genre to get the students conversing and thinking about the book.
LESSON PLAN 1 Lesson Plan (cont.)
Guided Practice: Students will copy the class KWL chart on paper. They can add their own information to the columns, and contribute to class discussion during chart making to explain what they did differently. If they have any questions, they can ask the teacher for guidance concerning how to use the chart. The teacher will start reading the book once all students are done. The teacher will stop periodically to ask students if they have found any answers to their questions yet. The teacher will periodically ask students what the KWL sections signify and if they have any input to contribute to either area, as well as why that contribution is appropriate. The teacher will also walk around to observe the chart making process to ensure all students are capable of following the lesson. Independent Practice: Students will fill in their own answers to the ‘learned’ column as the book is being read. They will have time afterwards to complete and finish anything they missed during the reading of the book. Assessment: As a class, the teacher and students will review the ‘want to know’ section of the KWL chart. Students will raise their hands and answer the questions they wanted answered before the teacher read the book. The teacher will fill in the ‘learned’ column on the board with answers. Students will be assessed at the end of class, when they turn in their KWL charts. The charts they created will be graded on quantity and quality of items added to all columns of the KWL.
LESSON PLAN 1 Materials
LESSON PLAN 2 Background Information
Title: Identifying the Parts of a Word BACKGROUND This lesson plan was developed to demonstrate the application of the small group instruction framework developed by Orange County Public Schools. The framework abides by three main stages: before reading, during reading, and after reading activities. The ‘before reading’ stage is meant for reviewing and previewing reading materials. The ‘during reading’ stage allows students to read text. Finally, the ‘after reading’ stage is meant to confirm
a final comprehension of all materials read. View the full instructional material guidelines for small group instruction on: currareas/read/IR/lessonplans/Pages/ Elementary.aspx This lesson plan focuses specifically on practicing syllables, and sounding out vowels and consonants with the usage of vocabulary flashcards.
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS The development process for this lesson included finding a real-world application of the before, during, and after reading activities. Results of research concluded with vocabulary flashcards and online games. The process then narrowed towards researching existing syllable flashcard lesson plans on, Florida State’s source for standards information and course descriptions. The lesson plan ‘Advanced Phonics: The Syllable Game’ was used as a model. It can be found on the CPALMS website at: Preview/31191
MODELS IMPLEMENTED 1. Orange County Public Schools small group instruction framework. 2. Gradual Release Model: Orientation, Guided Practice, Independent Practice.
LESSON PLAN 2 Lesson Plan
Title: Identifying the Parts of a Word Introduction: Students will practice finding syllables from a list of vocabulary words. They will sound out long and short vowels and distinguish the sounds consonants and vowels make. Students will draw vocabulary words from a stack. They say how many syllables are in the word they drew, and sound out the syllables. If the student is correct, they will move the number of spaces on a game board equivalent to the number of syllables they sounded out correctly. The goal is to reach the end of the board game. Objectives: Students will properly sound out the syllables in the words selected from a stack of notecards. Students will also identify the number of syllables in the words they select from the stack. Intended Audience: Grades K-3 Standards: LACC.2.RF.3.3 : Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. • Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words. • Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. • Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels. • Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. • Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences. • Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. LACC.3.RF.3.3 : Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. • Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. • Decode words with common Latin suffixes. • Decode multisyllable words. • Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
LESSON PLAN 2 Lesson Plan (cont.)
Strategies: Before Reading Strategy: Students will practice sounding out vowels and consonants. During Reading Strategy: If students have problems finding syllables, they will write down the word, and underline each part of the word as they sound it out. After Reading Strategy: Students will write the words they had the most trouble with on a sheet of paper. That will be collected at the end of the lesson for the teacher to conduct the next lesson with and elaborate on. Orientation: The teacher will introduce syllables, vowels, and consonants. The teacher will ask the following: • What is a syllable? • What is a vowel? • How many vowels are in the alphabet? • What is a consonant? The teacher will then explain to students that in this lesson, they will be using vowels, syllables, and consonants. Students will pick up a word from a stack of vocabulary flashcards. Students have to sound out every syllable, and count the total number of syllables in the word. If they answer correctly, they will move forward their game piece on a game board. Model: The teacher will explain to students the process of playing the game. The teacher will then model it twice. He/she will draw two vocabulary words from the stack. He/She will then sound them out. If the sounding out of the word was correct, the teacher will move the same number of spaces as the length of the syllables. If not correct, the teacher will stay in the same position on the board. Guided Practice: Students will instruct the teacher on what to do during the third turn. The teacher will conduct two rounds of practice. The teacher will draw a vocabulary word from the stack, sound it out, and have students check if the sounding was correct. If correct, the teacher will also move their game piece on the board to show students the whole process. If not correct, the teacher will stress that their game piece should stay in the same position until the next round.
LESSON PLAN 2 Lesson Plan (cont.)
Independent Practice: Students will play the game on their own in groups of four. They will practice taking turns spelling out words from the vocabulary stack until all vocabulary words have been used up. Assessment: The teacher will walk around to watch students as they play. They will listen to students sound out words and correct themselves with the answers on the back of the cards. Any students that have fallen behind or are having any difficulties, the teacher will help with sounding out words and finding the syllables.
LESSON PLAN 3 Background Information
Title: Web Typography BACKGROUND This lesson was designed to educate a classroom full of senior-level university students on an aspect of cutting-edge technology. University guidelines required this lesson to include a hands-on demonstration that could be accessed from any computer, regardless of operating system. This lesson also needed to have an ultimate end goal that would provide students with the tools needed to improve
their future user interface designs. From those requirements, the presentation topic was narrowed down to web typography. The final web typography lesson was presented to 42 senior-level university students enrolled in a web development course in April 2015. Instructional aids used include a PowerPoint presentation with extensive speaking notes and link referrals for reviewing after presentations.
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS This course was created from researching the top resources for learning web typography. The sources include e-books, top industry reporters, Smashing Magazine articles, TypeCon convention videos, and even online courses from Treehouse and Skillshare. Because of the vast array of subtopics included under the umbrella of web typography, and the 1-hour time limit for time-on-task, just seven subtopics were chosen to be covered. Those topics range from the importance of web typography, all the way to browser extensions and web font implementation. To account for the University guidelines that the hands-on demonstration had to be accessed from any computer, I chose to present usage of the Type-o-matic browser extension. To account for grievances with internet connection, the PowerPoint presentation included screenshots of the demonstration process.
MODELS IMPLEMENTED 1. Gradual Release Model: Orientation, Guided Practice, Independent Practice.
LESSON PLAN 3 Lesson Plan
Title: Web Typography Introduction: Web typography is the use of typographic elements, processes, and styles within a web browser. Students will learn the importance of web fonts, and will be introduced to the different resources for finding web fonts. Students will learn how to implement those web fonts, and where to find tools and resources to better their user interfaces for future projects. Objectives: Students will record resources for finding web fonts and typographic pairings. Students will successfully describe the three ways webfonts can be implemented. Students will also use the Type-o-matic browser extension to detect existing web font combinations. Students will then describe the 5-step process for selecting great fonts for their next user interface design. Intended Audience: Univeristy Students Standards: N/A (University Level does not require SS or CC standards) Strategies: N/A (University Level does not require SS or CC strategies) SubTopics: • The importance of web typography • Examples of good and bad web typography • Finding web fonts • Typographic pairings • Type-o-matic browser extension • Field research via blogs, online coursework, and conventions • Implementing web fonts Orientation: The teacher will ask students what web typography means to them. After receiving some
LESSON PLAN 3 Lesson Plan (cont.)
feedback, the teacher will define web typography as the use of typographic elements, processes, and styles within a web browser. Students will be asked to provide some examples of how they’ve seen web typography used. The teacher will then tell students that today they will learn about different areas of web typography, including but not limited to: finding web fonts, typographic pairings, and implementing fonts. Model: The teacher will present the attached PowerPoint presentation from slides 1-11, paying close attention to the talking points included in the PowerPoint notes. Topics covered include: the importance of web typography, examples of good typography, where to find fonts, typographic pairings, and blog resources. After completing the guided and independent practices below, the teacher will return to model and present slides 19-22, which concern conventions, online courses, and implementing fonts. Note: all talking points are included in the PowerPoint presentation under the notes area for each slide. Guided Practice: At slide 11, the teacher will explain that Type-o-Matic is a free browser extension that allows users to view all the CSS code used within a website. The teacher will then commence the guided practice that explains the process of using the browser extension shown through slides 11-18. By physically tapping on each red arrow in the PowerPoint slides on the screen, the teacher can simulate what it’s like to actually use the extension to learn about web typography. First the teacher will explain how to install an extension in the browser. The teacher will then tap on the firebug extension in their browser image on slide. The typography tab should show on the next slide. Tapping on the tab, and choosing the button for “generating report” will run statistics for all fonts used on that website.The teacher will demonstrate how Type-o-matic categorizes font-families, styles, weights, colors, and even shadows.
LESSON PLAN 3 Lesson Plan (cont.)
Note: The red arrows indicate what areas were clicked on to continue through the process. Independent Practice: Students will practice running typographic reports with Type-o-Matic on their own laptops or other personal devices. They will have time afterwards to complete and finish anything they missed during the practice. If students struggle, or encounter technical difficulties, students can work in pairs to finish the exercise. The teacher will periodically ask students if they have any input to contribute, or if they have any questions as to how the extension can help them improve their user interfaces. The teacher will also walk around to observe the independent practice process to ensure all students are capable of following the lesson. Assessment: As a class, the students will review slide 23, where they are asked the following review questions: • Why is it important to use typographical pairings? How do I find the right pairings? • What is the extension your browser uses to run typography reports? What kind of data does the extension export? • What resource do you think is the best way to get started with typography? Explain why. • How is typography implemented on a web page? List two ways of doing this. • Why is typography important? How can it help you content-wise with clients? Review: As a class, a question and answer session will be held to review any material or topics covered. The powerpoint will be available for review with links guiding students as to where to continuing their studies concerning web typography. Powerpoint Download: The powerpoint will be available for review and download on the University of Central Florida’s College of Computer Science website at: pres under the filename vidal.ppt
SUMMARIZATION External Resources
THANK YOU! Thank you for taking the time out to view my instructional design portfolio. For access to the fully developed, online version of this portfolio, please visit my website at http://www.learn. Anyone interested in downloading lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, or any other instructional design material can also find downloable files available on the online portfolio website as well. Thank you for reading!