4 minute read
Donut Lounge
from February 2016
by Le Journal
Doughnuts Delight
New doughnut shop a taste experience that was more like Lounge’s website, are “part doughnut, introduces inventive eating a chocolate stuffed doughnut. part entree,” and perhaps the most doughnuts to Kansas City. Doughnut Lounge also features more standard doughnuts such as truly creative items on the list. The menu features Noduts like the Glazed BY CHLOE BARRETT ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR glazed, chocolate and strawberry. The strawberry doughnut was a plain & Gravy, which is a glazed doughnut served with sage and sausage gravy doughnut topped with powdered sugar and a fried egg.
What’s the only thing better than and strawberry slices, with strawberry Of course, like more traditional doughnuts? cream filling in the center. It was bakeries, not every item on the
Artisanal doughnuts, of course. extremely fresh, and the strawberry menu is available every day. What is
At Doughnut Lounge, which cream filling was a subtle flavor that displayed in the glass case is all that opened Dec. 17, the doughnuts are really brought out the strawberries was made for that day, and it might not fresh, fluffy and highly creative. adorning the top of the doughnut. be your favorite item. But with such With menu highlights like Oreo Located in Westport, Doughnut creative and diverse flavors available, Stuffed, Maple Bacon and S’More, it’s Lounge was full but without a line. you’ll come each time wanting to try impossible to leave disappointed. Because the doughnuts have already something new, whether it’s breakfast,
The Oreo Stuffed, a glazed been fried, there is no wait to receive dinner or a late-night snack, because doughnut with chocolate sprinkles and the creation you desire. it’s open Sunday through Tuesday 6:30 Oreo instead of a hole in the middle, is Unless, that is, you order a Nodut a.m. to 10 p.m., Thursday through a delicious $3.25. The Oreo, rather than Doughnut, which are made to order. Saturday 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., but closed being crunchy as I expected, was fluffy Noduts, according to Doughnut Wednesdays. and somehow the same consistency as the rest of the doughnut, which created INVENTIVE //
Menu Highlights
S’More chocolate ganache glaze, marshmallow fluff, graham cracker crumble Maple Bacon bacon bits, maple glaze
Lucky Charms cereal milk glaze, cereal bits
Ham and Cheese baked ham bits, local cheddar, honey mustard glaze
Apple Fritter yeast-raised doughnut scraps, apple compote, glaze
What’s your favorite doughnut?
Glazed Chocolate Jelly-Filled Other
Out of 96 responses = 5 votes
Musical with a Message

Since the topic of sex trafficking surfaces in “Throughly Modern Millie,” seniors Olivia Neal,Anna Sell and Madison Masilionis centered their senior service project around volunteering at The Willow Tree and helping victims of sex trafficking. Donations of hygiene products were accepted at all three musical performances Jan. 22-24 for the same cause. “I feel like when you do charity, you need to see that person face to face,” Neal said. “It’s about humbling yourself, and it makes it more of a lifestyle.” For a video further explaining this message and more pictures from the musical, go to lejournallive.com
2. 3.

1.Senior Natalie Sopyla belts out “Gimme Gimme” during her leading role as Millie. “I feel that there is so much of Millie in my personality because we are both passionate and determined people that have big dreams,” Sopyla said. (Photo by Sophie Nedelco, Illustration by Aubrey Makar) 2.Senior Guthrie Kimball poses for her mugshot after being arrested at the 1920’s speakeasy. “This has been the best cast I’ve ever been a part of .and I’m so sad to leave them next year,” Kimball said. (Photo by Sophie Nedelco) 3.Sophomore Emilie Connors fixes her costume during dress rehearsal. “Opening night, all the nervousness kicked back in and just having the cast be so supportive is what helped me conquer my stage fright and get me through it all,” Connors said. (Photo by Lily Coit) 4.Junior Maria Arroyo sings “How the Other Half Lives” upon her arrival at the Priscilla Hotel. “Miss Daisy is trying to rid herself of the shallow and superficial aspects of her life, and she really just wants to find people that truly care about her, and I think anyone can relate to that,” Arroyo said. (Photo by Sophie Nedelco) 5. Seniors Elizabeth Arroyo and Anna Sell react to the death of Sell’s only family member before being sold into “white slavery.” “The cast was so supportive, and I got to play a character that was really fun for me to portray,” Arroyo said. (Photo by Sophie Nedelco)