5 minute read
Buzz Beach Ball
from September 2014
by Le Journal
The death of the famous comedian and actor has a deep effect across the world.
The quotations describe a legacy. Written in chalk, they surround a bench in Boston Public Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. Flowers rest on top of the bench, the place Robin Williams sat during a famous scene in “Good Will Hunting”, a movie that won him an Academy Award.
The quotations, pulled from Williams’ movies range from “Aladdin” to “Dead Poets Society”, encapsulating his body of work, with roles that ranged from drama to family to comedy, where he got his start.
“One of his favorite things in the world was to make you all laugh,” Zelda Williams said in a statement released following her father’s death.
Robin Williams, legendary actor and comedian, was found dead in his
Buzz Beach Ball attracts thousands of people to witness 12 bands.
A sea of people before them, The Griswolds steps out onto the stage to the cheers of thousands. Even though they have done this before, it was clear that this wouldn’t be just another show. Twelve bands played at Sporting Park on Sept. 5.
Usually concerts feature 3 or 4 bands at most, but 12 in one day is something new. The artists included Arctic Monkeys, Weezer, The 1975, The Mowglis, J. Roddy Walston and the Business, Broods, Meg Myers, Bear Hands, Big Data, The Griswolds, Ume and Thumper.
Thirty minutes into Broods’ performance, the rain starts to pour
Arctic Monkeys lead vocalist Alex Turner performs during the Outside Lands Music Festival. (Photo by MCT Campus)
down and some people rush for cover while the strong willed stay to hear their favorite bands play. No one can tell if the goose bumps covering their skin are a factor of the music or from the cold.
As the deafening sounds of music fill the ears of many, the next band starts to get ready on the second stage on the opposite side of the park.
This massive event attracted thousands of people, and many Sion girls attended the show.
“I can’t wait to see Arctic Monkeys. They’re one of my favorite bands and I’m hoping they’ll play Arabella,” junior Richelle Robinson said before the concert started.
The three headliner bands, The
Weezer lead singer, Rivers Cuomo, performs at the Made in America Festival. (Photo by MCT Campus)
1975, Weezer and Arctic Monkeys, come on later into the chilly night starting with The 1975. More and more people file in and soon the entire soccer field is polluted with thousands of fans pushing forward for a better view of the band.
With a glowing set it was impossible to look away from The 1975. When The 1975 finishes their set, the crew rushes to tear everything down in time for the next show.
Coincidentally, the neighboring Kansas Speedway also had an event that night, and as soon as Weezer stepped out, fireworks shot into the air giving a spectacular performance introduction.
Although the light downpour
Buzz Beach B al l2014
home after committing suicide on Societs” in 1989, adult Peter Pan in Aug. 11 at the age of 63. “Hook” in 1991, the voice of Alad-
Williams suffered from din’s genie in 1992, as well as starring non-clinical manic depression, which roles in “Mrs. Doubtfire” in 1993, he battled all of his adult life. “Jumanji” in 1995 and “Flubber” and
“The funniest people I know al- “Good Will Hunting” in 1997. ways seem to be the ones surrounded “The public began to see, by darkness,” comedian Jim Norton through brilliant material and public said. “And that’s probably why they’re battles with personal demons, that the funniest.” the people who made them laugh the
Williams started his career in the hardest seemed to be enjoying life 1970s doing stand up in comedy clubs the least. Maybe all those jokes were in San Francisco hiding someand Los Ange- “One of his favorite thing much les, California, darker,” Norwhere he was known for imthings in the world ton said. Williams provisation. Williams was to make you all fought battles and personrose to fame in 1978 when he laugh.” al demons of his own began to play the alien Mork in the -Zelda Williams including depression and sitcom “Mork & Mindy.” The show problems with drug and alcohol adlasted for four seasons, during which diction. Williams developed a drug and alco- Along with his famous roles, Suhol problem. san Schneider, his wife, said in a state-
“Every night was different,” ment released after Williams’ death, James Dulworth, a manager at Dan- “His greatest legacy, besides his three gerfield’s Comedy Club in New York, children, is the joy and happiness said in an interview with CBS News. he offered to others, particularly to
Dulworth noted that Williams those fighting personal battles.” was brilliant yet tortured. His first His wife has also revealed that he lead film role was in “Popeye” in had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s 1980. He has since followed with disease. many iconic roles such as poetry “Robin’s sobriety was intact and teacher John Keating in “Dead Poets he was brave as he struggled with his REVIEWS own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson’s Disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly,” she said in her press statment.
At the 2014 Emmy Awards, comedian Billy Crystal said during his tribute to Williams, “as genius as he was on stage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine. It is very hard to talk about him in the past tense because he was so present in all of our lives.”
Robin Williams attends the 19th Annual American Cinematheque Awards on Friday, Nov. 12, 2004.
(Photo by MCT Campus)
Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner performs on stage at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. (Photo by MCT Campus)
put a literal damper on the situation, the spirits of the crowd were not dismissed by the rain. The crowd sang the uproarious tunes and soon Weezer was finished.
A moment of silence and then the screams of the crowd revealed the final band, Arctic Monkeys. It was impossible not to stand and cheer while singing along to all the songs.
The long awaited concert began at 3 p.m. and lasted until midnight. This concert will register as one of the craziest concerts thanks to nine hours of amazing music to having gigantic beach balls thrown into the crowd. But now that it’s over all that is left are the memories made by the people there. LE JOURNAL ISSUE 125