100 minute read
Bring a Map
from March 2019
by Le Journal
Packing for Spring Break
1. Roll Don’t Fold
To save space in your suitcase, tightly roll your clothes for more efficient packing instead of folding. Not only does this give you more room for souvenirs on the way home, it helps prevent deep wrinkles in your clothes from folding.
2. 3-1-1 Rule
If you are flying to your destination, be careful about the liquids you pack in your carry-on. Don’t be surprised if your full size shampoo bottle isn’t let through security because TSA limits liquids to be in travel size containers 3.4 ounces or smaller, in one clear quart sized bag and one bag per person.
3. Don’t Check Valuable Items
Never check your valuable items such as laptops, passports, identification, money, credit cards or electronics when flying. Whether the airline loses your luggage or a TSA agent gets sticky fingers, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your most important possessions.
4. Bring a Map
You never know when a good old fashioned map will come to your rescue. Phones are not always the most reliable navigation tools, especially if signals are hard to come by. It doesn’t hurt to keep an atlas in the car or find a map for the city you’re in, especially one you’ve never been to before. Though the weather hasn’t been showing it, spring is almost here, Sion. We’re ready for a much needed break, even after all those snow days. Even if you aren’t traveling to a warmer destination next week, there are plenty of fun things to keep you busy in Kansas City over spring break (pg. 26-27). Also, for those who are traveling, read our packing tips before you leave.
If you’re looking for some new restaurants to try over break, we review Guy Fieri’s new taco place in the Power and Light District (pg. 24) and compare Energizing Mission to Vibe Nutrition (pg. 25).
After we come back from break, the spring play “Love, Loss and What I Wore” will be performed March 22-23 at Avila University. Read about the background of the play and why it was chosen for this year (pg. 5). Then come out to support your peers putting in the countless hours of hard work to put on the show, including freshman Olivia Mancina who continues to pursue her passion for the fine arts (pg. 18).
It wouldn’t be spring without buds and blooms. We’re not just talking about tulips and daisies. In this issue we discuss a different kind of budding business: marijuana. Read about the effects of the drug, the difference between recreational and medicinal use and what CBD oil is (pg. 14-17). We also weigh in on as a staff whether recreational marijuana should be legalized (pg. 10).
Winter sports wrapped up on a high note as dance team won their 10th State championship title in a row (pg. 6) and swim team placed 10th overall at State (pg. 7). As we transition into spring sports, preview the lacrosse and track and field season (pg. 20) and the soccer season (pg. 21). Basketball finished up the last of their home games with senior night before the Irish Cup game against St. Teresa’s Academy (pg. 21). Even though it wasn’t the result we wanted, our student section was loud and proud. Way to show our school spirit in the best way possible to the girls at the middle school tailgate (pg. 28). Let’s keep it up!
As always, keep up with our social media and lejournallive.com for stories, podcasts, vlogs and photo galleries, as well as other updates on school events.
We’re getting so close to fourth quarter. Until then, here’s to a fun and safe spring break and warmer weather (hopefully) ahead.
Sincerely, Cecilia & Ava
Senior Mia McLey shoots a free throw during the first quarter of the Irish Cup game and the final home game of the season against St. Teresa’s Academy Feb. 21. The Storm lost 55-61. (Photo by Molly Conway)

LE JOURNAL 2018-2019
A total of 73 students donated their blood at the annual National
Honor Society blood drive Feb. 14. Fifty pints of blood collected went to the Community Blood Center which helps approximately 150 people. NHS members signed up for volunteer shifts throughout the day to keep the snack table stocked and sign in the donors. “I was super nervous because it was my first time donating,” sophomore Emma Grojean, pictured right, said.
“But I will definitely do it again in the future.” (Photo by Cecilia Mohácsi)

Thirty-six students and math teacher Kristi Hilgenfeld will be going to San Andres Itzapa, Guatemala on a mission trip during spring break March 8 to March 15. While they are there they will build concrete stoves, concrete floors and pig pens for the families.
They will also visit the sick and visit an orphanage for mentally and physically disabled children. Pictured is College Counselor
Erin Stein with her sponsored children on the mission trip last spring break. “I think that it’s such a special trip,” Stein said.
“It’s really good to help us experience gratitude. We can gain compassion and empathy.” (Photo by Molly Conway)

Sign-ups to run for Stuco executive officer positions for next year opened Feb. 25. Candidates will give their speeches March 19 to the student body, followed by voting. Class officer sign-ups will begin March 20 with speeches and voting March 26. Sign-ups for representatives and Principal’s Council will begin April 1 with elections April 5 at lunch. Pictured is sophomore Mikayla Gunther giving her speech to the student body during last year’s elections. “I am signing up for Stuco again, but since I was the only one signed up for the position last year and the only one giving a speech I wasn’t that nervous for it. But it was still hard to speak like that in front of the whole school.” Gunther said. (Photo by Kelly Nugent)

The International Sion School Team, a group that represents the Sion schools around the world, visited Kansas City from Feb. 8-11. The group includes Sr. Jackie Chenard from Egypt, Dolene Laurent from France, Sigurd Ramos Marin from Costa Rica, Regina Coeli Baldin Saponara from Brazil, Sr. Margaret Zdunich from Jerusalem and Alice Munninghoff who is chair of the Congregational Schools Team. They are also joined by Superior General of the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion Sr. Mary
Babic from Rome. The team was introduced at the winter pep assembly, pictured left. “I went to Sion for high school,” Zdunich said. “I am glad to be back at one.” (Photo by Katie Fitzgerald)

Feb. 19 French students studied the Napoleon and French art exhibits at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art
Feb. 21 Students served at The Atriums, a senior living community for an after school service trip
March 3 Rock Climbing Club went rock climbing at Apex, an indoor climbing gym
April 5 Foreign language film festival at the University of Central Missouri
(Illustrations by Sela Kincaid)
Mars Rover Ends Mission
The Opportunity Mars rover ended its mission
Feb. 14 after over 14 years on Mars. The rover stopped responding to NASA’s signals in June 2018 during a major dust storm on Mars.
Scientists tried to continue the rover’s mission but it wasn’t responsive. NASA’s associate administrator Thomas Zurbuchen said he had a deep appreciation and gratitude for the rover and then declared the mission complete.
Canadian Spies in China
Two Canadians were detained in Beijing March 5 suspected of spying and the Canadian government plans on having an extradition hearing against Huawei executive Meng
Wanzhou March 6. Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor allegedly were linked as spy and intelligence contacts. According to
China’s state broadcaster CGTN, Kovrig had entered China multiple times since 2017 and allegedly stole China’s sensitive information and intelligence.
U.K. Independent Group
Seven English lawmakers announced their separation from Jeremy Corbyn’s
Labour Party Feb. 18. They then formed the
Independent Group. This group said in a press conference that the Labour Party had not faced anti-Semitism charges and had been
‘hijacked by the machine politics of the hard left.’

Spring Break
(Photo by Emma Hutchin) Conflicts With Other Schools
Spring break is on a different week than Rockhurst and St. Teresa’s Academy
School schedules led to conflicts planning spring break trips this year. While the spring vacation usually falls around St. Patrick’s Day, this year it is the previous week from March 11-15. Most other Kansas public schools, including the Olathe and Blue Valley districts, will be on the same March 11-15 schedule.
However Rockhurst High School and St. Teresa’s Academy will be the following week along with other Missouri public schools including the Lee’s Summit and Raymore districts.
“This happens about once every five years. But we’ve thought about it a lot and have discussed with Rockhurst and STA and have decided that this is what makes the most sense,” High School Principal Natalie McDonough said. “We also look at most of the grade schools that feed into here because of siblings schedules.”
The week of March 11 is the perfect break in the second semester, which is partly why it was chosen, according to McDonough. There are exactly nine weeks before and after spring break, which will give seniors enough time to focus on their grades and testing. If it were the following week, that would only leave seniors with five or six weeks.
“It’s perfect for the amount of time for seniors and with the quarter ending,” Assistant Principal for Student Life Fran Koehler said.
Rockhurst and St. Teresa’s said that they try their best to revolve their spring breaks as close to St. Patrick’s Day as possible. The three schools have stated that they work together to accommodate each other’s needs and find common dates. However, according to Rockhurst Principal Greg Harkness, many times it is not possible that they all line up.
“Since we take the week of St. Patrick’s Day off, and Sunday is the first day of the week,” Harkness said, “we are off during that week.”
STA Principal of Student Affairs Liz Baker said that traditionally, like Rockhurst, they try to keep spring break close to St. Patrick’s Day. Baker said they always try to collaborate with the city’s private schools.
“We want to have due diligence towards our school families keeping in mind the reality of scheduling for siblings and our dear neighbors at Sion and Rockhurst,” Baker said.
As a result, senior Keali Myrick and her friends are choosing to plan their spring break trips accordingly with their friends from Rockhurst, STA, and Shawnee Mission East and will be traveling from Tuesday to Sunday, overlapping the weeks.
“I didn’t like that our schedule was different from Rockhurst and STA because most of our friends go to those schools,” senior Keali Myrick said. “It was sad that we couldn’t spend our break with them but we made it work and will be able to spend days with them which is fine.”
Spring Play is By Women, For Women
Students begin rehearsals for the upcoming spring play, which embodies what it means to be a woman.
The upcoming spring play, “Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” features monologues from numerous women about important life events, and will be showing at Avila University Mar. 22 and 23.
Each monologue is a different story about women, told by women. They describe a time in their lives that was impactful and illustrate what they were wearing when it happened. The play was chosen this year because it showcases being a woman through the many struggles they may face, according to Music Director Elizabeth Mulkey.
“I chose it because it’s a great representation of women and the many unique struggles we go through,” Mulkey said. “Our theme is community this year, and we are a community of women.”
“Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” written by Nora and Delia Ephron, was produced off-Broadway in 2009. It is composed of 28 different stories that highlight female identity. The script alternates between monologues and “clotheslines.” Clotheslines involve the entire cast, and each person comments on a broader topic, according to Mulkey.
“It could be anything from their first bra, to dressing up like Madonna, or wearing black,” Mulkey said. “Cast members are going to write their own clotheslines and we are going to have some of the student body submit lines for the show and audience members do the same during intermission.”
There are many differences between the musical and the play, apart from just the music aspect. The energy level of the musical is exhausting, while plays are more intimate, according to Mulkey. “Love, Loss, and What I Wore” involves raw acting with no scenery or costumes. Cast members instead will be dressed head to toe in black, and a single easel will be placed on the stage.
“Last year was a comedic play, and this is a serious or dramatic play,” senior Tess Prusa said. “There definitely is a completely different vibe to it, and it requires a lot of different thinking. It’s serious and dramatic, but it’s so real. It’s real people talking.”
The show’s monologues are pulled from the book written by Ilene Beckerman and describe how a piece of clothing can embody a memory. Personal stories create an environment where the audience can feel connected to the actresses. “My favorite part is how focused the stories are on women,” senior Tempest Malone Senior Tess Prusa rehearses one of her monologues from the play about a conversation between mother and said. “I think everyone is going to daughter. (Photo by Emma Hutchin) be able to relate to it.”

NEWS Looking Back on the
The Dance Team’s 2018-2019 season ended with the team’s 10th consecutive State win in Division 3 Feb. 23.
Placing first in both their Pom and Kick routines, the dance team won the State title in Class 3 Feb. 23 in St. Charles, Missouri, officially ending the self-proclaimed “Baddie Season.” This past season was characterized not only by the team’s success, but inspired a persona by their metallic jewel toned purple lipstick they wore in their kick routine that led to the Baddie Season mantra, according to Executive Captain and senior Kristen Rogge.
“The pressure, winning 10 State titles in a row is crazy,” Rogge said. “It’s unheard of. When they announced the second place team and we figured out that we got first, that we won for 10 years, I could literally feel the pressure lift off my shoulders.”
Historically the team has performed well at State, with nine consecutive wins under their belt. With their past wins in the record books, and other teams eager to take their place, the pressure to perform well was immense according to junior Ava-Grace Vermillion.
“This is not just handed to us, we have to work for it and so throughout the season we really stressed, we gotta work hard, things aren’t just handed to you,” Rogge said. “You have to work hard in practice to get the outcome that you want at the competitions.”
Less than four weeks ago the team was competing in Orlando, Florida at the United Dance Association’s Nationals. They qualified for finals in both Large Pom and Large Kick categories, which the team has not done since their 2014 season. The team placed fourth in the Nation in Large Kick and 10th in Large Pom. Last year the team placed fifth for their kick routine, and did not qualify with their pom routine.
“It brought us confidence. It proved that no matter what happened at State that we reached levels past teams haven’t made in years,” Vermillion said. “It pushed us to meet the same performance level as Nationals while enjoying the moment.”
With such little time in between the teams two competitions, there were some challenges, according to Rogge. The choreography had to be changed because there are different requirements for each competition, and with the snow days and halftime performances, extra practices were scheduled leading up to the final competition, according to Rogge.
“We worked outside of practice individually to meet our goals,” Vermillion said. “And when it came to practice we worked continuously.”
With seven seniors leaving the team, nearly half of the dancers on the floor will not be returning for each routine. Two of the senior dancers plan on trying out for their respective college teams. Rogge plans to audition for the University of Missouri Golden Girls, and senior captain Megan Broomfield plans to try out for the University of Nebraska’s Scarlets. The team’s community and work ethic influenced Broomfield to take the leap to try her college team, according to Broomfield.
So with the loss of the seniors the team will have a lot of work ahead, and are already planning on working with their specialists earlier in the season, according to junior Libby Slaymaker.
“Our senior class is one of the strongest,” Rogge said “They are gonna have to find that thing inside of them, that makes them want to push hard to do well, because they are not gonna have us to push them.”

Pictured is the Dance Team celebrating their 10th consecutive win at State, as well as members of the team dancing at UDA Nationals, where they placed 4th in Large Kick and 10th in Large Pom. (All photos by Ava Rawson) 1. Seniors , Megan Broomfield, Lily Muehlebach, Emily Koca and junior Olivia Townsend 2. Seniors Caroline Hunter and Chandler Rawson 3. Junior Libby Slaymaker 4. Senior Kristen Rogge 5. Seniors Kristen Rogge, Chandler Rawson, junior Libby Slaymaker and
Emily Koca
6. The team as they pose after awards. 7. The team after hearing they won 1st.
6. 1.






Swim & Dive Make Waves at STATE
The team placed in the top 10 in the State with swimmers and divers receiving individual medals as well.
The swim and dive team placed 10th overall as a team in the State meet Feb. 16. in St. Louis, Missouri.
“State was one of my most memorable moments from my past three years on the team, we’ve improved so so much and our hard work definitely paid off,” junior Olivia Townsend said. “I’m so excited for what we are capable of and to improve even more. And I am forever grateful that I am a part of the team and get to experience that rush one last time.”
Townsend swam her personal best time, 24.98, in the 50 yard freestyle at State prelims, giving her the 7th place seed heading into the State finals. The 200 yard freestyle relay and Townsend in the 50 yard freestyle were the only races in medal contention heading into the State finals.
“The 50 free is definitely one of the hardest races I’ve ever had to swim on being a part of the team, but it’s also the most exciting because it’s so much adrenaline pumping through you,” Townsend said. “I am definitely proud that I got a 24 because that’s a time I’ve only gotten in a relay rather than individually so it was a big accomplishment.”
The 200 yard freestyle relay with senior Katie DeLong, sophomore Kate Conway, freshman Grace Townsend and Townsend placed 6th overall in the State finals. The team swam a time of 1:42.42, dropping time between prelims and finals and swimming their fastest ever time as a team in the State finals, which was a very exciting and emotional moment, according to Conway. Other notable swims from State prelims were junior Peyton Weiwel in the 100 yard backstroke, Townsend in the 100 yard breaststroke, the 200 yard medley relay and the 400 yard freestyle relay.
“It was so exciting to get 6th because when we walked out of the locker room it felt so real when we all walked in our parkas and they introduced us,” Conway said. “When we got out of the water we were on such an adrenaline high and I was so happy to be sharing that exciting and emotional moment with my teammates.”
Junior Caroline Knopke placed 2nd overall in the State diving competition, bettering her performance from last year which was her goal, according to Knopke. The best part of State was spending time with the team riding on the bus down to St. Louis all together, according to Knopke.
“It was a great experience that I will never forget and the feeling after hitting all my dives and knowing that I had come in second and it was such an exciting moment,” Knopke said. “State was so much fun all together and having all my teammates cheering me on and spending time with them was such a fun experience.”
Overall the swim and dive team placed 10th overall which was a huge accomplishment, according to Head Coach Kelly Timson. Last year the team placed 15th so the team was excited to do better this year and every girl that qualified for State also got to swim again in finals which Timson said was just amazing.
“I was really proud of how the girls rose to the occasion and used the “big stage” of the State meet to fire themselves up rather than get nervous and psych themselves out,” Timson said. “They were mentally tough all weekend and really nailed their starts, especially the relay exchanges, and turns which we had been working on all week.”
Pictured is the Swim Team competing and celebrating victory in the State swim meet Feb. 15-16 in St. Louis, Missouri where the team placed 10th overall as a whole with individuals receiving medals as well. (All photos by Molly Conway) 1. Junior Olivia Townsend and senior Katie
2. Junior Bridget Schumm 3. Freshman Grace Townsend, sophomore Kate Conway, senior Katie DeLong and junior Olivia Townsend.
4. Junior Peyton Weiwel
5. Sophomore Kate Conway and junior Olivia
6. Head Swim Coach Kelly Timson
Serving Higher Standards

HIt it!
During practice, junior Liz Jacobs hits at her Dynasty teammates on the opposing side of the net during a drill. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)
Can you dig it? (right)
Before game time, junior Liz Jacobs recalls a play from a past game with her teammate, Staley junior Aly Mihlfield. (Photo submitted by Liz Jacobs)
Meet me at the net (Middle)
Junior Liz Jacobs waits at the net, ready to block during a practice as Brian Tate and caoch Emily O’Dell look on. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)
Serving Up a Storm (far right)
At the rivalry game against St. Teresa’s Academy, junior Liz Jacobs winds her hand back, ready to serve the ball. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)


Junior Liz Jacobs plays club volleyball during tournaments and in the qualifier for Nationals, her team got the school year which challenges her to be a better student and player. 15th out of 167 teams. “We do about 50/50 in town and out of town tournaments,” Jacobs said. “So far, we’ve only had in town BY KAMRYN ROGERS tournaments, but the rest of my season will mostly be out of FEATURES EDITOR town.” Jacob’s club team got the bid for Nationals the past two
The pressure of the rivalry game starts to set in as she squats to a years. She said this makes her hopeful they will get a bid this down and ready position. In the midst of her nerves flaring year and play July in Minneapolis for Nationals. up, former teammates, Allie Weinrich and Kathleen First the team plans to travel to Philadelphia, Orlando, Tushaus tell her sophomore self to stay calm and not to be Indianapolis and Minneapolis during the spring. During those afraid to make mistakes. That was the reassurance she needed tournaments they can expect to play anywhere from seven to to have one of the best games of her sophomore season and to nine games a weekend. captivate her love for volleyball. “On the single day tournaments where we play seven to Junior Liz Jacobs plays club volleyball during the school eight games it can be really tough especially towards the end,” year which comes with its challenges. But her outgoing, disciplined personality has helped her to be captain of both her high school and “ The only time I get tired Jacobs said. “You’re playing the most you can play and it’s exhausting.” As team captain, she helps pick her club team, while staying on top of her school work. of playing is when are teammates up when they are stressed, having a hard time or are in need some “Luckily she was born with some athletic ability and she truly loves playing the team is in a rut. But most advice. She was voted captain by her teammates because of her high energy game,” Jacobs’ mom Susan Jacobs said. “She understands it and works extremely hard at of the time, I’m always during practices and games, according to Jacobs. it between practices, lessons and physical “I take it on as a huge challenge,” training.” down to play” Jacobs said. “I obviously want to get better
Attending Queen of the Holy Rosary but as a Team Captain, I want to be able to Wea School in third grade, Jacobs was -junior Liz Jacobs pull my team out of something.” introduced to many sports like softball and Her love for volleyball persists basketball. But volleyball was what she excelled in. Since then, because of the friendships she has made. One of her best she has always claimed the position of outside hitter, though friends, St. James Academy junior Marea Wortmann, said that sometimes she plays middle hitter. At 5’’8’, she’s about average when she joined Dynasty, Liz was the first person to make her height compared to the others on her club team, Dynasty. It’s feel welcome. because of her natural ability to perform at that position that her “Liz always has a positive attitude,” Wortmann said. “You coaches over the years have put her there. always know she has your back and will always be there for you
“It came very easy to me,” Jacobs said. “I think that I am whenever you need her.” put outside because I can make smart shots in a high pressure Nine years later, her love for volleyball still persists. As situations.” for playing in college, Jacobs is undecided on if she would
Jacobs has played with Dynasty for five years. During that like to play at the varsity or club level. For now, Jacobs focuses time, she has gotten accustomed to the grueling and hectic her time on leading her team in the endeavor to make it to schedule that the team endures. Their season goes from October Nationals. to April but depending on if her team earns a bid to Nationals, “The only times I get tired of playing volleyball is when it could extend all the way to July. All of her tournaments our team is in a rut,” Jacobs said. “But most of the time I’m thus far have been in town. They placed first in two of their always down to play.”

Reaping the Rewards of Legalizing Marijuana

With the benefits far outweighing the risks, it’s high time that recreational marijuana is legalized in the United States.
Starting with Colorado in 2014, the push for the legalization of recreational marijuana in the United States has only been increasing. Since then, nine other states have followed suit, as well as Washington D.C.
While the list of states that have legalized the recreational use of marijuana continues to grow, so does the debate over whether or not legalization is a good idea. There are some risks associated with making the recreational use of cannabis legal. However, the potential benefits far outweigh the possible consequences.
As proved by the criminality of alcohol in the prohibition era, making something illegal doesn’t necessarily mean that people are going to follow the law. Similar to the $11 billion lost to tax revenue when alcohol became illegal, the government spends $20 billion a year enforcing laws against marijuana, according to a study done by Harvard University. By legalizing, and therefore taxing the marijuana industry, the government would not only eliminate this cost, but be able to make a profit of $132 billion, as well as creating roughly one million jobs. Jobs would come in the form of the growing, selling, business ownership and other aspects of marijuana production. In terms of money, the government stands to gain far more than it would lose when it comes to legalizing recreational marijuana.
As it is with any illicit drug, safety is a large concern for those opposed to legalizing recreational marijuana. However, marijuana is safer than legal drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol, according to the Huffington Post. There have been
no reported deaths due to an overdose of cannabis, unlike the six deaths per day due to alcohol poisoning, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Legal drugs like nicotine and alcohol both pose a greater risk than marijuana. Nicotine is an addictive substance that, when paired with tobacco, can cause cancer. Simply by itself, long term exposure to nicotine is linked to the risk of heart attacks and strokes, according to Consumer Reports. Alcohol can lead to liver disease, heart disease and alcoholism.
While smoking marijuana can lead to lung and throat damage, this can be eliminated by different methods of consumption. Excessive use of marijuana can lead to memory problems. However, by itself, marijuana poses far less of a risk than other legal drugs.
Even though there are no recorded cases of a marijuana overdose, marijuana is currently listed as a “schedule I” drug on the controlled substances act by the federal government, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse. This ranking puts marijuana at the same ranking as heroin, and above drugs such as cocaine and meth, despite being safer.
States that have already legalized the recreational use of marijuana have begun to feel the positive effects. After legalization, Colorado collected $135 million in taxes and saw $996 million spent in the industry, according to Investopedia. In addition to that, 18,000 jobs were created in the industry in the year after legalization. As well as creating jobs, arrests of adults for possession of marijuana would no longer be a priority for police, freeing up their time to pursue other more important matters. As it is, someone is arrested each minute for possession of marijuana, according to the American Civil
(Photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Liberties Union. These people are not drug lords, but instead people who only have a small amount of marijuana on them. The current system groups those who are only in possession of a small amount of cannabis with criminals who are selling much harder and dangerous drugs.
As well as allowing law enforcement to relocate their energy outside of marijuana-related arrests, legalizing recreational marijuana would curb the amount of race-related drug charges. Although both white and black people are equally as likely to use marijuana, black Americans are twice as likely to be arrested for possession, according to both the ACLU and VOX. These unfair statistics prove that legalization would be a step forward in eliminating arrests where racial bias is involved.
The criminalization of marijuana does more harm than good. Without regulations, those who choose to use face dangers of their cannabis being laced with more harmful drugs. In Ohio, three people overdosed when the marijuana they used was unknowingly laced with fentanyl, according to the Metro. Legalizing cannabis would not only put regulations onto the production and selling of the drug, but also increase awareness of how to safely consume it.
All in all, legalizing recreational marijuana would do far more good than harm. Keeping the use of recreational marijuana illegal will only hurt the United States in the long run. Economically and socially, the United States stands to benefit by the creation of jobs, tax revenue and decrease in drug-related arrests. The United States will be able to free up the resources that currently go towards marijuana arrests, create jobs, be able to tax and make money off of a completely new industry,
This editorial reflects the views of the Le Journal staff. Twelve out of 20 members voted in favor of this editorial.
52 percent of Americans have tried marijuana at some point in their life, according to NBC. 62 percent of Americans want to legalize recreational marijuana, according to Pew Research.

states where recreational marijuana is not legal
states where recreational marijuana is legal
There are nine states that have legalized recreational marijuana, according to DISA Global Solutions.
more states are expected to legalize recreational marijuana in 2019, according to Forbes. 21 is the minimum age consumers of recreational marijuana must be, according to the New York Times.
Personal Finance Classes are Priceless Many schools do not require financial to take a personal finance course, according to 2018 literacy courses for high school students, but they are beneficial. Survey of the States: Economic and Personal Finance in Our Nation’s Schools. That is less than half of the country, leaving countless students without crucial knowledge that is necessary later in life.BY CECILIA MOHÁCSI Some bills have been introduced and some groups PRINT CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF have pushed for increased personal finance education in states such as Ohio and Massachusetts, but the education
After sitting in class all day, every high school student is still lacking greatly. has asked this question at least once: when will I have to Take a look at millennials and the crushing weight of use this in real life? student loan debt. They have over $1.45 trillion in student
While the formula to find the area of a cylinder may debt, but 45 percent regret taking out such a large loan not be used every day, financial literacy and skills are sure to begin with, according to Next Gen Personal Finance. to come up. However, personal finance courses are not At the same time, only 24 percent have general financial required in the majority of curriculums, and this needs to knowledge. change. Exposure to education about these topics could
Finances are something that every adult will have to potentially change the status of financial issues for U.S. deal with. From debt to credit to loans, there’s no avoiding citizens. Along with this, the leading cause of stress for these terms. Going into it with no concept of what these Americans is money, according to CBS News. Stable mean can have serious negative consequences. Students finances provide for a stable lifestyle, and with basic with personal finance education have credit scores seven knowledge to navigate personal finances and the markets, to 29 points higher than those who do not, according to a Americans would be better prepared. 2014 Federal Reserve report. The education from personal finance classes is proven
The majority of state curriculum across the country to be beneficial and yet it’s not required to be taken in all do not require a personal finance course or economics high schools. It’s time to change that statistic and provide class. In fact, only 17 states require high school students it for all students.
In the Name of Liberty and Lies
Trust in the government continuously dwindles for solid reasons.
Only 18 percent of Americans in 2017 felt as if they could trust their government, according to Pew Research, and with good reason.
For decades the government has given citizens a plethora of reasons to doubt in its abilities to do what is right. Most recently whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked information about NSA spying on citizens. Other examples date back to the Watergate and the Pentagon Papers.
President Donald Trump isn’t spared from the backlash and distrust either and has faced numerous allegations of wrongdoings.
The government is supposed to be the gentle hand guiding a country to success. With these continuous examples of failure, why would citizens ever trust it.
Over decades the government has repeatedly been involved in incidents that call into question its motives and integrity. It has risen to the point that government transparency is a platform that current candidates run on.
Beginning with the Pentagon Papers, published first by the Washington Post in June 1971, the government was exposed for their lack of care for citizens.
Take Vietnam for example. This war continued through five presidents. By the end, Johnson, Nixon and Ford arguably knew that the United States was not in a good place to win the Vietnam War, yet continuously sent and drafted soldiers to live, fight and die, to save face. Further, the papers state the United States not only regularly broke the agreements put in place by the Geneva Convention, they in fact tried to sabotage it from happening at all.
The government has continuously stepped over boundaries, with no regard to the effects. One example is the 1960s FBI COINTELPRO program, which infiltrated organizations such as antiVietnam War groups and the Black Panthers. They later admitted in testimony that they did file reports on the illegal activities but never made an active effort to make sure legal action was taken.
Although this was over 30 years ago, the government has not gotten any better or even tried to prove any difference in their behavior. Following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush created and enacted the Patriot Act. Snowden in 2013 revealed the act had a ‘sneak and peek clause’ which allows the delay of the notification to the person being spied on that their information is being monitored. According to legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union Michelle Richardson, less than one percent of actual sneak and peek investigations are those who are under investigation for terrorism.
For this reason citizens should have no trust for the government. For example, if one were to have a gmail account with a server overseas, sending an e-mail to a next door neighbor could end up in the database purely because it was overseas. For law abiding citizens that have never done anything to draw attention from the government, there is no reason for this.
The United States government needs to change fundamentally. Many candidates have run with statements they would make the government more transparent. But for as many claims as there have been, there has been no change.
As citizens, we can begin the change that needs to happen. Citizens can be more active; like participation in elections; reading the full bills; reaching out to our elected officials and speaking our minds. Public officials best represent their constituents when they let them know what is important to them.
As long as citizens stay active, we can create a government we can trust which is what all citizens deserve.
Biggest American Political Scandals
In 1998, news broke that President Bill CT Campus Clinton had an affair with his intern. It led to Photo b y M Clinton’s later impeachment with charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.
A scandal that was exposed during President Ronald Reagan’s second CT Campus presidency that consisted of the secret and Photo b y M illegal sale of weapons to Iran. The profits were to provide military support to counterrevolutionary efforts in Nicaragua.
This scandal of the 1970s led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon after a k icommons long investigation by two Washington Post Reporters hoto by W i P that started with a breakin at Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington D.C.
A once presidential hopeful, Ted Kennedy drove his k icommons car accidentally into a pond and escaped. But his hoto by W i P passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned. Kennedy did not report the accident for 10 hours.
Divided on Drafting
The American Military is the biggest boys club that the world has ever seen, and this sexist, semi-secret, society shouldn’t be tolerated by the government any longer.
Should World War III come knocking our door, American women are just as responsible to answer the call as men are. And if it’s America’s fault then it shouldn’t just be men cleaning up the nation’s mess on a global scale. Women have a shared responsibility for the plights of the nation, and have just as much at stake in the matter.
It is illogical to argue for gender equality and then turn a blind eye to a system that lets women benefit off of a sexist gendered-exemption from conscription military service. Although men have a higher relative muscle strength than females, according to a study by the Journal of Exercise Psychology, that doesn’t stop women from entering the military and working as lawyers, engineers, doctors or dentists. These offices are just as vital to the success of the military as much as the people who have their boots on the ground and they also make up the highest paid members of the military, according to Military.com. Even the previous Secretary of Defense Ash Carter admitted that “Fully integrating women into all military positions will make the U.S. Armed Forces better and stronger” in a statement after declaring that all military jobs that had previously been closed to women would be opened Dec. 3, 2015.
Women who are currently in the military are for the most part thriving. In the Marines specifically, women are promoted on average a year faster than their male counterparts, according to a study by the Department of Defense. They also suggest that this upwards trend starts early in the female Marine’s career and continues upwards until retirement.
This isn’t a divisive issue for other military powers. There are many other countries that do not take gender into account when drafting such as Norway, Sweden, Israel, China, Eritrea, North Korea, Libya, Malaysia, Peru and Taiwan according to Vox.com.
Studies that have been conducted into the Israeli Defense Force show that the biggest challenge when working with an integrated military force was not due to any defects on the part of women, but rather the men that were causing problems. The male officers “Perceived the induction of female members as a dangerous blow to its social status quo,” according to a study on the psychological aspects of the integration of women into combat roles by the psychology department of the University of Tel Aviv Israel. So if the only thing stopping women from taking a stance is the hurt egos of men then the problem doesn’t stem from the inherent differences between men and women, it’s the perceived ingrained injustice that promote the maltreatment of women in and outside of the military. If this is all about men and their hurt feelings over their all-boys club not being as ‘cool’ because a girl is there, then they should realize with more people in the draft they have less of a chance to actually be drafted. But they would rather go and die for a system of beliefs that is crumbling around them, with their foundation laying forgotten in the dirt, next to the glass from the shattered ceiling. Gender doesn’t affect your ability to serve your country whether male, female or non-binary. (Photo by MCT Campus) (Illustration by Ava Rawson)

Actor Zac Efron (right) will be portraying the serial killer Ted Bundy (left) in the upcoming movie “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.” (Photos by Wikimedia Commons and MCT Campus). Stop Sensationalization

Glorification of serial killers is a dangerous and harmful trend.
Charming. Intelligent. Attractive. These are words that fit more in with describing a movie star rather than a serial killer. However, the notorious murderer Ted Bundy, who killed at least 30 women, is often cast in the same light.
The upcoming feature film, “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile,” stars “High School Musical” star Zac Efron as Bundy. While casting a Hollywood heartthrob as the supposedly charming, attractive monster who perpetrated these crimes doesn’t seem like much of a stretch, it glazes over the true depth of Bundy’s manipulation. Bundy wasn’t truly attractive or charming. It was merely a manipulative facade he used to lure innocent women into his trap. No man who raped and beat women to death should be described as “charming.”
This romantic, idealized version of serial killers has repercussions far beyond entertainment. It hurts victims and their families and can encourage others to become copy cats and commit similar crimes.
From podcasts to movies, books to documentaries, pop culture is infatuated with revolting stories of serial killers, unsolved crimes and the “true crime” genre as a whole. However, what is often left out of the conversation, is the healing and compassion for those hurt by these crimes. These victims are stripped of their identities and their whole existence condensed down to their cause of death. They are exploited by the media who use their memory, not to document and remember history, but to sensationalize and derive entertainment from violence.
Not only does obsession with serial killers hurt victims, but it can also encourage more people to follow in Bundy’s footsteps. Thirty years after his execution, Bundy still captures public attention. From the upcoming movie to Netflix’s recently-released four-part docuseries “Conversations with a Serial Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes,” Bundy seems to have celebrity status.
Not only does this give into Bundy’s desires, who always wanted notoriety and attention, it can also push others over the edge and cause them to start murdering in search of this notoriety. This “contagion” can be seen today in mass shootings, according to a 2015 study from Arizona State University, which suggested that wide-spread media attention contributed to the spread.
There is a fine line between media coverage on violence being educational and historical or it being purely sensationalized entertainment. The latter has dangerous and harmful effects and should be avoided at all costs. From sensationalizing their murders to the glorifying their personalities, many times the media crosses the line when covering serial killers and other violent criminals. Instead of giving these monsters the attention they crave, coverage should be focused on education and history, not entertainment. Let’s leave these criminals and their heinous actions in the history books, not on the movie screens.
After Parties and Political Parties

Awards shows are great opportunities for celebrities to share their political views on a larger stage.
From a “Build The Wall” dress on the red carpet to an appearance from former first lady Michelle Obama, it is undeniable award season has become increasingly more political within these last few years. As the viewership of award shows continue to reach record lows, the question arises as to whether celebrities should use these shows as a platform for advocating their political views.
While some may believe those involved with the media should stay in their lane and out of politics, it is extremely important for celebrities to use their platform to shine the light on issues that are important to them. It disservices viewers to see actors, singers and other celebrities pretending there is nothing wrong in the world today. They should be able to call out and address the pressing issues in the world of media and also in the world of politics.
Just because celebrities have the public’s overbearing eye always focused on them, does not mean they should silence their opinions. A lot of these celebrities have experienced issues first hand that need to be heard.
One of the biggest examples of this occurred when hundreds of attendees wore black at the 2017 Golden Globes. After many women, namely Molly Ringwald, Salma Hayek and dozens others accused director Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, hundreds of others shared their own stories of abuse in Hollywood through social media under the hashtags Me Too and Times Up. This movement, spurred by the use of an entertainment platform, led to many attending the Golden Globes to wear black in support of these women.
The Golden Globes in 2017 show that protesting and facing issues at award shows can be extremely beneficial for the movement as a whole, not just the celebrities there. Although standing in solidarity with someone does not get rid of the problem, it does open the conversation for many women, not just Hollywood, to share their assault stories.
While many of the issues brought up during award shows directly affect Hollywood, celebrities also speak about more universal issues. For example, singer Joy Villa has consistently worn dresses to the Grammy’s that depict national political issues. At the 2019 Grammy’s, she wore a “Build the Wall” dress with a red “Make America Great Again” clutch. This wasn’t the first time that Villa wore her opinions on the carpet. In 2017, she wore a blue “Make America Great Again” dress and in 2018, Villa wore a dress with a fetus on in it to support the ProLife movement.
While some may not agree with the issues brought up by Villa, her opinion and beliefs are still important. She should use the platform given to by these award shows to display her support of issues she believes in.
Most recently, at the 2019 Academy Award’s, immigration and the Mexico-United States border wall were both brought up in many speeches. For the Best Foreign Film category, the presenter, Javier Bardem, spoke in Spanish about the wall and how walls cannot contain integrity. In his acceptance speech for Best Director for “Roma,” Alfonso Cuaron brought attention to the domestic workforce. He also brought up the importance of this kind of character whom is often just in the background. Each of these individuals used the spotlight given to them to bring light to important issues in our world today.
Getting young people involved and interested in politics is extremely important for the welfare of the United States. In the 2016 presidential election, only 61.4 percent of the citizen voting-age population reported voting, according to Census data.
While speaking about their beliefs in their acceptance speeches or monologues will not necessarily increase that number, it is important that when a preaching platform is given, people should use that opportunity to express their beliefs. Therefore, celebrities should continue to show their support or displeasure with certain issues whenever the opportunity arises.

While on the red carpet for the 2019 At the 2017 Golden Globes, Nicole After winning the Best Pop Duo/ Grammy Awards, singer Joy Villa Kidman poses with her award Group Performance for ‘Shallow’ wears a “Build The Wall” dress in dressed in black to support the at the 2019 Grammy Awards, Lady support for President Donald Trump’s women in Hollywood and other Gaga speaks about mental illnesses Mexico-United States border wall. victims of sexual assault. (Photo from in Hollywood. (Photo from MCT (Photo from MCT Campus) MCT Campus) Campus)
At the 2019 Academy Awards, Alfonso Cuaron, who won Best Director for “Roma,” with last year’s Best Director Guillermo Toro discusses the role of domestic workers in films. (Photo from MCT Campus)


As more and more states legalize and decriminalize marijuana, the marijuana industry is becoming a staple of the United States economy.
were secured, Missouri embarked on the first steps for the legalization of marijuana during the Nov. 6 election. With this move, Missouri follows the trend currently flooding the country—the statewide decriminalization and legalization of marijuana.
From the 1960s association with hippies to transforming into one of the top political issues in America, marijuana has been on a lengthy journey. As states across America take measures in legalizing the drug in its medicinal or recreational form, the question arises as to what is the big deal with it all.
Cannabis, or marijuana, is the most commonly used illicit drug for both teens and adults in the United States, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens. Marijuana is the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Within marijuana are the compounds tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The THC compound has mind-altering capabilities, while the CBD compound does not, according to the CDC.
As of now, recreational marijuana is legal in 10 states and medicinal marijuana is legal in 33 states.
From recreational versus medicinal marijuana to the rise of CBD products and rapid legalization, marijuana continues to be a major politicized drug. As the marijuana business grows throughout the country, evaluating and deciphering all the various components revolving around this budding business is essential. can purchase recreational marijuana at dispensaries if they are 21 or older with a government-issued I.D. However, as many states have not approved legalization, the cannabis plant continues to sell in an unauthorized and unregulated market. Currently, marijuana is classified as a “schedule I” drug, according to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. With this classification, the cannabis plant sits alongside both heroin and ecstasy as being the top dangerous drug substance. This classification even ranks marijuana as more of a danger than cocaine. Despite this classification, the ruling is still out among the public on whether or not the drug should be considered addictive or as dangerous as the possible life-taking heroin.
“I think every state should legalize it because it not only provides healing qualities, but it also doesn’t have long term effects like cocaine or heroin,” sophomore Ally Heefner said. “I don’t know why it’s considered a class one.”
Addiction, as defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, “is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.” When looking specifically at drug addictions, addiction often presents itself through tolerance and withdrawal, according to the American Addiction Centers. With addictive substances and tolerance, the body adapts to the drug’s presence and its effects are diminished. This causes the user to desire a greater “high” and to persist in more frequent use, thus creating an increased dependence. With addiction and withdrawal, the body experiences undesirable symptoms when drug use is stopped. Typical drug withdrawal symptoms are anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, irritability, dizziness, tremors, sweating and palpitations, according to AAC.
The major argument against addictive claims is marijuana’s mild withdrawal in comparison to other drugs. Along with this, marijuana addiction is significantly lower in comparison to other narcotics. More than nine-in-ten people who try marijuana never develop an addiction, according

to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. However, the risk of addiction is one-in-six for those who start using marijuana in their teens, according to NIDA.
On the other hand, those who argue the cannabis plant’s addictive qualities, discredit the mild withdrawal as a justification of its nonaddiction. Local therapist Kyle Roste credits the mild withdrawal to the fat solubility of the substance.
“Even though some people think that pot isn’t addictive, it is and it can also be a gateway,” Roste said. “The reason people minimize whether it’s addictive or not is because it doesn’t have the withdrawal symptoms other drugs do. That’s the positive part of marijuana because it’s fat soluble and it stores in fat cells. It doesn’t release as quickly as alcohol and other drugs do. That’s why some people don’t look at that as serious.”
Despite people’s lack of acknowledging the intensity of the issue, when looking at teens, the recreational use of marijuana can be extremely dangerous. Marijuana use in adolescents has capabilities to stunt and interfere with their development, according to the American Psychological Association. During a person’s teenage years, the brain is still under construction, and takes 25 years to fully develop, according to Stanford Children’s Health.
“It can help the brain cells become more sludgy,” Roste said. “When the THC gets in the fat cells of our brain, they can slow things down. That’s where students can have school difficulties, problems with memory, concentration. Sometimes people can have more aggression and difficulty driving.”
These symptoms are few of many associated with adolescent consumption of marijuana. When using the cannabis drug, the amygdala, located in the back of the brain, is stimulated. The THC compound of the drug targets receptors of the amygdala which impairs emotional control.
“The amygdala is the part of our brain that affects our emotions. There are parts of the THC that are affecting the amygdala of the brain.” Roste said. “When teenagers are using marijuana during a time when their brain is developing, that can cause a lot of problems.”
Missouri voters voted to legalize medical marijuana, or cannabis, under Amendment 2, which was passed with a 66 percent approval last November. Under this law, any patient with approval from their physicians will receive government-issued I.D.s that will allow up to six marijuana plants to be grown and purchase up to four ounces at a dispensary on a monthly basis. Cannabis is now legal in 33 states.
“I know so many people who will benefit from medical marijuana,” senior Grace Hopewell said. “I don’t really understand why it took so long but I’m really happy it happened.”
The first medical cannabis clinic, the Green Clinic, opened in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, Feb.13. The clinic features doctors who have no affiliation to corporate health-care companies since most of these companies will not allow doctors affiliated with them to prescribe cannabis as long as the federal government lists marijuana as illegal. Clinics like these are not involved in distributing cannabis and will only determine if patients are eligible to receive a medical marijuana card based off a physical examination.
However, these dispensaries will not be available until 2020, according to estimates by Dan Viets, who spoke at the grand opening. The official rules and regulations regarding medical cannabis do not come out until June 4. So, for now, the Green Clinic will be primarily issuing consultations by doctors who will issue the right to grow cannabis or a voucher for when the dispensaries open after the regulations come out.
“I really don’t see the downside to it,” freshman Madison Miller said regarding the recent legalization of medicinal marijuana. “There’s been so
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(Illustration by Jenna Barackman)

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many studies that prove its benefits. It helps with anxiety, can kill cancer and it’s natural. There’s no one type of medicine that works for everyone, so I think this could help a lot of people.”
Medical marijuana can help with anxiety, nausea resorting from cancer or pain from chemotherapy, chronic pain, arthritis, depression, chronic illnesses “With using medical such as HIV, Crohn’s disease, seizure marijuana, if I’m going to have a bunch of disorders such as epilepsy and many other physical and mental ailments, according to WebMD. And, according to seizures or already medical marijuana user Jenna Miller, it am, I just have to put works better than traditional medicine. a few drops of it under “I had tried so many generic-grade seizure prevention and other prescribed my tongue and they medication from my doctors and none can stop within five of them worked,” Miller said. “But with minutes.” -MEDICAL using medical marijuana, if I’m going to have a bunch of seizures or I already am, I just have to put a few drops of it under MARIJUANA USER my tongue and they can stop within five JENNA MILLER minutes. I don’t even have to call 911 anymore.” Marijuana contains two main cannabinoids: THC, the psychoactive compound which produces the “high,” and CBD which contains most of the medical benefits. Despite containing THC, however, medical marijuana does not produce the high that recreational marijuana does since medical marijuana often has a higher concentration of CBD. The higher the concentration of CBD, the less “high” will result, according to DocMJ.
“You could smoke a joint and take some CBD tablets and you wouldn’t feel high,” Miller said. “There’s only medical benefits from my experience. I don’t feel high when I do it.”
And it has been helping a lot of people. Ninety-two percent of users say that cannabis works to treat their symptoms according to a study done on users in California. Currently, over 3.5 million people use medicinal marijuana, according to Statistica.
But there have been many concerns that though the cannabis is federally regulated, there are not enough resources to do so. A 2017 Penn State Medicine study led by Marcel Bonn-Miller revealed that nearly 70 percent of extracts sold online are mislabeled which could cause potential “serious harm to its consumers.”
This leads physicians and citizens alike to ask if it’s worth it. The use of medical marijuana is new and research is not completely definitive since there have been almost no studies that show long-term effects of both medicinal and recreational marijuana. For this story alone, two doctors declined to comment due to “inconclusive research.”
A seemingly overnight sensation, CBD Stores have appeared on nearly every corner in the Kansas City area. People of all ages are flocking to them for its alleged health benefits for both physical and mental health.
“I get anxious a lot and I kept seeing insane amounts of CBD stores popping up, so I decided to try it,” junior and CBD oil user Chesney Meidel said. “And it definitely helps me, but it doesn’t necessarily live up to the extreme hype around it. It’s a lot more subtle than you might think.”
But despite both medicinal marijuana and CBD primarily used medicinally, there are key differences. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is derived from a chemical found in hemp plants. Hemp plants, which are part of the marijuana plant family, have minimal THC and have no psychoactive effects, according to the Ministry of Hemp. Hemp is the male plant while marijuana is the female plant. In addition, CBD oil is not addictive and there have been no cases of overdose, according to Intrinsic Hemp.
CBD is used to treat a variety of issues such as diabetes, arthritis, ADHD, eczema and a variety of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, according to Health Line.
“Because I have arthritis and stomach issues, sometimes medicines don’t work, so my doctor recommended I try CBD,” senior Hope Locke said. “It doesn’t interfere with any of my other medicines. I use it as more of a pain
$100 Roll-on cold therapy pain relief
$9 CBD Hydrating Lip Balm

$25 Honest Paws Roasted Peanut Butter Flavored CBD Dog Treats
$40 Hydrating CBD Lotion
(Photos by Maleah Downton)
reliever like Aleve or Tylenol. It works for a few hours then goes away, but it’s been super helpful in helping with pain normal pain relievers can’t fix.”
CBD can be taken in a variety of ways including lotion, vaping, soap, lip gloss, oil and water-soluble tablets, each with different effects. Products can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on how much the user has eaten before, according to NanoCraftCBD. The more a user eats before taking CBD, the longer it takes for it to take effect. Whether a user takes CBD by ingesting or by applying it topically depends on what they are suffering from, according to CBD store owner Eric Banks.
“When treating something like psoriasis or eczema, users should buy the products like lotion and soap and apply it topically in a generalized area to see the best results,” Banks said. “When you take it internally it goes through the endocannabinoid system which controls about 90 percent of your body’s functions. So taking CBD internally will result in a more homeostasis balance and help with anything neurological.”
CBD is not only being used for humans but also for pets. Junior Christina Peters has seen significant improvement in her dog’s anxiety levels since giving CBD to her.
“My dog is just so small but very high-strung,” Peters said. “So we started giving her CBD oil and treats soaked in the oil. It helps her so much and she’s so much calmer with it.”
But, similar to marijuana, there is still a lack of research regarding the actual concrete benefits of CBD, especially in animals. Veterinarian Meg Kaemmer does not condemn the use for things like anxiety or chronic pain, but is skeptical about prescribing it for more serious conditions such as heart disease. “Everything is so 45.8% anecdotal right now,” Kaemmer of students support the said. “Some patients come in and say it’s fantastic while national legalization of recreational marijuana others tell me it’s a waste of money. Animals can’t tell us how they’re feeling. We can 83.1% read body language but that doesn’t tell us everything. I need to know more in order to of students support the national legalization of medical marijuana recommend it to anyone.” CBD is legal for both animals and humans in all 50 60.6% states, and no evidence has been found that CBD harms its user. However, long-term of students use or know someone who uses CBD, cannabidiol oil effects are still unknown. Though CBD is well-tolerated and is generally considered 61.2% safe, there is a chance, though of students think those it is low, that CBD will have adverse side effects as displayed incarcerated on marijuana charges should be released with legalization
in some rare cases. These adverse effects include psychosis, nausea, anxiety or depression, diarrhea, changes in appetite or vomiting, according to the US National Library of Medicine.
The CBD market is expected to hit $22 billion by 2022, according to Rolling Stone, as more people and animals continue to reap the benefits CBD has to offer, despite skeptics.
“I’ve got holistic medication that I know works,” Kaemmer said. “So when they prove to me that it does work, I’ll hop on the bandwagon. But, until then, I’ll use what I know works.”
As states across the country legalize marijuana, the question arises as to why it was outlawed in the first place.
Marijuana wasn’t taboo or abnormal when looking at history. The cannabis plant was widely available at drug stores in either a liquid form or as the refined product, hashish, according to Stephen Siff, a writer for the History Departments at The Ohio State University and Miami University. Its medicinal benefits were known to Anglo-Americans and Europeans as far back as the 1830s, according to History.com. Marijuana was only discovered for its recreational abilities through smoking after Mexican immigrants brought the practice to the states at the start of the 20th Century.
As Mexican immigration grew, so did the association marijuana held with immigrants and lower class. With this developed “anti-Mexican xenophobia,” according to Siff. The first form of federal regulation for the cannabis plant was in 1906 with the Pure Food and Drug Act. Since then, according to Siff, marijuana grew to develop a negative connotation as racial and class “With marijuana use, divides fueled continued movements towards illegalization. The drug was I’ve witnessed side essentially banned nationwide with effects where people the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, despite are delusional. Sometimes they just numerous objections from the American Medical Association who advocated for its healing capabilities, according to History. can’t control what com. they do.” With the “War on Drugs” of the -KCPD OFFICER Nixon administration, punishments surrounding marijuana use grew stricter. JOE SMITH Nixon’s study, which was established to prove the dangers of the cannabis plant, concluded in 1972 that there was no physical danger surrounding the drug. Despite this, the push for stronger sentences and stricter laws persisted. Almost 50 years later, one in 20 arrests are based on marijuana, making the cannabis plant the focus of more than half of the drug arrests in the United States, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Kansas City Police Department Patrol Officer Joe Smith has experienced marijuana arrests, which often involve adolescents. These experiences are the reason why he is against the legalization of marijuana.
“The average age of those arrested in those situations dealing with marijuana is between 16 and 25,” Smith said. “With marijuana use, I’ve witnessed side effects where people are delusional. Sometimes they just can’t control what they do.”
Even though some are in disagreement, the shift is taking place. The decriminalization movement started with Colorado and Washington, the first states to legalize recreational marijuana. With these legalizations, teen use has decreased drastically. In Colorado specifically, teen marijuana use has dropped to its lowest point in decades following legalization, according to a National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
When it comes to growing marijuana, the business is witnessing a major shift as well. As public interest grows, more people step into the business hoping to profit.
“Now, it’s all these grey areas. It’s really going to impact small farmers in the long run,” California marijuana broker and former grower/seller James Coldsnow said. “We’re nearing an end of commercial growing because other people are doing it at scale.”
Lawmakers will face the challenges of balancing public health and safety with administrative abilities, along with conflicts with federal law, lack of institutional knowledge and facing an already well-established and grounded illicit market, according to the Regulatory Review. “Now it’s all these grey areas, it’s really going
“I don’t really know,” Miller said to impact small farmers in regards to the possible legalization of recreational marijuana. “I don’t think it will end well because it in the long run. We’re nearing the end of might not stop with marijuana.” commercial growing
This process typically takes 12 to because other people 18 months to work out the logistics surrounding regulations and the are doing it at scale.” implementations of the new laws, -MARIJUANA BROKER according to the Regulatory Review. JAMES COLDSNOW One of the issues surrounding legalization is state government’s need to address matters that are typically left to the federal government’s control. This creates an unknown territory for state officials.
With legalization also comes changes to the economy. Colorado shows the economic benefits equated to marijuana legalization, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. With legalization of the cannabis plant there was a rise in direct employment in the marijuana sector following the passage of Amendment 64. This rise contributed to approximately 5.4 percent of all employment growth in Colorado since January 2014, according to FRBKC. Along with the increase in jobs there is also a notable increase in tax collections, which are equal to about two percent of general fund revenues in the state.
As legalization continues in full force and the marijuana business blooms, the possibility of national legalization appears evermore likely. However, it is still important to be aware and acknowledge the risks. As teens are at an all-time high in marijuana use the dangers this holds is still prevalent. Coincidently, the medicinal and economic benefits this change holds are highly promising. Conversations surrounding marijuana continues to evolve as the United States enters a new era of change.
“It’s an interesting time,” Coldsnow said. “It’s a different game now.”

“I think it’s going to be abused a lot more than other drugs. It’s going to be harder for people to adapt with it around. I like how it’s illegal right now because younger kids can’t start using marijuana. It’s going to cause more problems.”
“I think every state should do it because it not only provides healing qualities, but it also doesn’t have long term effects like cocaine or heroin. I don’t know why it’s considered a class one.”
“It would help out a lot of people here.
It’s a plant, it’s natural. It’s not like it’s being made in a lab somewhere. There are specific studies that have shown and proven that it can help you and better you if you have an ailment.”

Freshman Olivia Mancina plans to pursue musical theater.
Her vibrant red hair is hard to miss as she runs onto stage with a bright red cape flowing out behind her. The audience roars after every high note she sings, performing in her dream role. After the night is over, she is greeted with warm hugs and bouquets of flowers from her family and friends. Freshman Olivia Mancina is able to combine her passion for singing with her love of acting in musical performances. Mancina played Little Red Riding Hood in this year’s production of “Into the Woods” in January. “Little Red Riding Hood has been a dream role of mine ever since I saw the movie come out,” Mancina said. “Besides, like “The Lion King,” it’s the first musical that I ever remember seeing. I really didn’t like it as first because it’s pretty creepy, but I began to appreciate it more as I got older, and it’s been a dream role ever since.” Mancina started performing in musicals three years ago when she heard about Rockhurst’s theater camp held over the summer. In the camp she performed “Beauty and the Beast Jr.,” “Into the Woods Jr.” and “Legally Blonde Jr.” Through these musicals, she explored her love of singing and was able to combine that passion with acting. “I started doing Rockhurst’s musical theater because my singing teacher was the musical director for the camp,” Mancina said. “Sion’s musical was my first non-junior musical. So doing the full version was different.” She started private singing lessons when she was 9 years old with opera singer Catherine Boone. She was Boone’s youngest student, as most students have to be 11 before they can have private lessons. Mancina participated in these 30 minute singing lessons once a week, performing everything from Broadway hits to classical hits. In these lessons she fell in love with singing.
“When she first expressed interest as a very young little girl it was average little girl singing and she loved to sing,” Mancina’s mom Jennifer Reed said. “I just can’t believe the growth from the time she started with Catherine to today.”
Mancina went to Curé of Ars when she was younger and participated in “The Little Mermaid” in eighth grade with her friend, Bishop Miege freshman Clare O’Brien. Mancina played the character Flounder and loved doing the show with O’Brien. Since, O’Brien said Mancina’s love for theater and music has grown over the last few years. Mancina and O’Brien also have made it a tradition to go to all of each other’s shows.
“I love going to her musicals, and it’s always my top priority to make sure I can see her and support her in anything she’s in,” O’Brien said. “Olivia has always been so extremely talented, and it is so crazy to see that she still improves everyday.”
Coming to class everyday, Mancina has a great balance of knowing when and how to have fun, but also working hard and getting stuff done, according to Music Director Elizabeth Mulkey. She said Mancina has been able to stretch and grow her acting technique during her time rehearsing and performing.
“She was excellent from the start. Everytime we go to her piece she knew it before I even had to teach it to her,” Mulkey said. “She had to scream in one scene and she had to cry in another scene, and those were her stretch moments.”
During the musical, other performers would look to her as an example especially during the choreography since she knew all the moves, according to junior Peyton Wade. Mancina always remained in character and didn’t break it, and she never seemed nervous, even right before opening night, according to Wade.
“She got a lead her freshman year and she is just so talented,” Wade said. “I mean she’s just going to be amazing forever.”
Even through the notorious stress of tech week and rehearsals that can last until 10 at night, Mancina stayed calm. She said she managed her time well. She spent even more time “She was focused during class and spent excellent from all her free time doing the start. homework to stay on top of it. Everytime
“I had a we got to her bit of trouble managing a piece she knew sleep schedule and finding it before I even time to have meals due had to teach it to how late practices would to her,” go, but I think -Music Director Elizabeth that being in Mulkey the musical didn’t affect anything academic-wise,” Mancina said. “In fact, I think it maybe helped toward my grades because it gave me the motivation to work harder.”
Musical theater is something Mancina would like to pursue in the future, both in future plays and musicals for the school and hopefully as a career. Her dream job would be to be a musical theater actress, according to Mancina.
“My parents really want me to go into the medical field, so if I could, I would combine those two,” Mancina said. “I definitely will pursue musical theater all throughout being at Sion and then hopefully in college as well.”

TALK TO THE HAND (left above)
Freshman Olivia Mancina performs in an improv skit in Night of One Acts Oct. 3. (Photo by Grace Parrott)
THROWBACK (left below)
Freshman Olivia Mancina poses for a picture after performing in her eigth grade musical “The Little Mermaid.” (Photo sumbitted by Olivia Mancina)
LITTLE RED (center)
Freshman Olivia Mancina sings in the opening scene of “Into the Woods” while holding a basket of bread for Grandma. (Photo by Kennedy Wade)
Spring sports started their seasons Feb. 25. Last year, juniors
Kamryn Rogers and Avanni Martin held both the first and second all-time best discus school records. Junior Lily
Henkle went to State for the 1600 meter race and she said she is expecting to go through postseason competitions again this year. Lacrosse has a new assistant coach,
Lily Molina, who also coached lacrosse for Rockhurst
University. The two tournaments planned this year are in St. Louis and Chicago.“I’m excited about the season,” sophomore Zoe Zorn said. “I can’t wait to see how far we go.”
Pictured is Zorn at lacrosse tryouts last year. (Photo by Meg Travis)

The Kansas City Royals played the Texas Rangers Feb. 23 to start off their spring training. Royals won 9-1 at Surprise
Stadium in Surprise, Arizona, which is home to both the
Royals and Texas Rangers in the spring. “Last season was a rebuilding year but I am hopeful that the rookies from last year got enough playing time under their belt to improve this season,” senior Lilly Concannon said. “I am hopeful that we will continue to win throughout spring training and hopefully bring that momentum into the regular season.”
The Royals’ record was 58-104 last season and they placed fifth in the Central Division. (Photo by MCT Campus)

The cheer and dance team performed for senior night Feb. 11. They both performed at half time during the basketball game against Pembroke. The seniors were walked in by their parents and given flowers and gift bags by underclassmen team members. “The dance team is my family within Sion.
The bonds we form throughout the years are indescribable, and I am beyond thankful for each and every member and coach,” dance senior Caroline Hunter said. “I am going to miss my family immensely next year and I couldn’t have wished for a more beautiful senior night.” (Photo by Ava

Sporting KC kicks off their new regular season against Los
Angeles FC March 3. A week later, they return home to
Children’s Mercy Park against Philadelphia March 10. Sporting KC actually competed in the CONCACAF Champions League before the regular season started. The tournament is a 16 team knockout that started Feb. 19. “I am super excited for this season,” junior Felicia Knox said.
“My parents have season tickets and I’m looking forward to going to as many games as possible.” They will be playing this season without defender Ike Opara who was recently traded to Minnesota United FC. (Photo by MCT Campus)

She’s Got Spirit How ‘bout You?
New cheer coach Tabby McCarthy has been involved with cheer since a young age
At 9 years old she was helping out in classes. By 14 she was running a gymnastics program. Cheering all throughout high school and then as the Baby Jay mascot at the University of Kansas during her years there has prepared her to be a coach for over eight years. Tabby McCarthy: a mom, teacher, and the cheer team’s newest coach.
Given her background with cheer, McCarthy has coached everything from 5 year olds to high schoolers, starting with coaching her daughter’s rec team and moving on to coaching allstar teams in high school.
“My favorite thing with high schoolers is that they’re starting to become their true person, their adult person,” McCarthy said. “And helping them figure that out is always fun.”
Junior Rachel McCrae has known McCarthy for six years because McCarthy worked as a coach where McCrae used to cheer.
“This has been a transition year for the team as a whole but we improved a lot and had a really great season,” McCrae said. “She’s a good coach and I feel like she’s definitely a lot tougher
Coach Tabby McCarthy in her high school cheer picture. (Photo submitted by Tabby McCarthy)
which is good for us.”
As a mom, substitute teacher, and cheer coach, juggling three jobs isn’t easy. McCarthy subs during the day sometimes here or in the Olathe School District.
She has two children who are 11 and 13 which is easier since they are able to do things on their own according to McCarthy. She is not alone with her heavy load and said she is lucky to have her mom and mother-in-law living in town so they are able to help out.
Sophomore Bella Aquino said one of McCarthy’s strengths is how well she clicked with everyone during her first season as the new head coach.
“Tabby’s a really great coach,” Aquino said. “I give her a lot of credit because she came in with really no idea on how our team did stuff or how we worked as a team and I’m sure it’s scary at first being a new coach.”
McCarthy joined just this year and has already led the cheer team to a seventh-place finish in the medium-novice group at Nationals in Dallas, Texas.
McCarthy said she and the team were very proud of how they did at Nationals and can’t wait to see what they are going to do next.
“Dallas was excellent,” McCarthy said. “I think it was a great boost to their confidence for what is to come. It’s just the beginning. ”
Storm Watch: Rival Game Ends in Loss
The Storm fell to the St. Teresa’s Academy Stars in the Irish Cup and last game of season.
In the last home game of the season, the basketball team lost to St. Teresa’s Academy with a score of 61 to 55, surrendering the Irish Cup to the Stars Feb. 21. Before the game, the players celebrated Senior Night and prospective and current students held a tailgate with various activities.
“It was a great finale,” senior basketball manager Kaitlin Jones said. “It was a perfect end to four years of hard work, dedication and everything these girls put into it.”
STA took the lead early on in the game, leading the Storm 31 to 19 at the half. After half time, the Storm began to catch up, trailing by only four in the fourth quarter. Ultimately, the Stars beat out the Storm 61 to 55, winning the Irish Cup. Although the team lost, senior captain Molly Wagner said she was proud of the way the team played.
“It was a very, very intense game and it was rough that we took the L,” Wagner said. “But I think that we had good energy all the way through and I’m very proud.”
Students filled the student section with purple and white, in coordination with the night’s theme. The theme was chosen with accessibility in mind, according to President Alicia Kotarba-Herald ‘02. Students had the opportunity to wear purple and white shirts with their uniform skirts during the school day and the theme required little to no outside purchases. The theme was also meant to be adopted by the middle schoolers. So the simplistic theme of purple and white allowed them to fit in.
“Tonight’s game I thought was fun just because the younger kids could participate in it,” Kotarba said. “But also being mindful that not everyone has money to buy a new outfit.”
Scream Team leaders Savannah Friedebach, Suki Arnold, and Megan Flanagan were in charge of leading the student section in cheers. At third quarter’s Grande Assemble Jan. 10, Kotarba encouraged students to “show up for each other,” after few students showed up for the game against STA Dec. 4 which was held at STA. The attendance for this game was much larger than Dec. 4’s game which Kotarba said made her proud.
“It reminded me of when I was a student and why I loved it so much. There was great energy,” Kotarba said. “I would want to tell the entire student body a huge thank you. The energy was palpable and our school spirit rivaled anything I’ve ever seen.”
During half time, the dance team performed their kick routine, followed by the cheer performance. The performances were the last game day performances for seniors like dancer Megan Broomfield. Though the dance team still had the State competition left, it was the last performance in front of the student body for both teams.
“The crowd was so hype and so fun,” Broomfield said. “It was the best feeling.”
Before the game, the night kicked off in the cafeteria with a tailgate. Along with current students, all middle school girls were invited to get ready with hot dogs, face paint and headband making. Arnold and junior Brie Bowes taught cheers to middle schoolers during the tailgate, followed by a drumline performance.
“The tailgate was wonderful because it gave younger students the chance to experience our school spirit and feel a part of our community,” Kotarba said.
Seniors on the basketball team also celebrated Senior Night before the game. Jones and Wagner joined seniors Mia McLey, Gretta Allen and Vanshay Purnell in the ceremony. Seniors were presented with gifts form underclassman, including a ball for each player signed by the team.
“It was amazing,” Jones said. “Even though it ended up in a loss, I feel like the memories I’ve made over the past four years with these girls kind of overtakes everything from tonight.”
Lily Henkle
searches for a teammate to pass to during the game against St. Teresa’s Academy Feb. 21. The Storm lost 55-61. (Photo by Ava Rawson)

Soccer Prepares for Young Team
The soccer team is getting their head in the game with new coaches and training, in spite of winter weather.
Spring sports are out of the gate and ready to kick off the season, and soccer has done just that. Preseason conditioning, led by senior and team captain Gabby Grimaldi, took place prior to the start of practices to prepare players for the upcoming season.
“We have been doing after school workouts on Mondays and Wednesdays, and we like to go outside and run,” senior and Grimaldi said. “We had to go inside many days because of the weather.” Sophomore Katelyn Last year’s team graduated six starting seniors. The team is looking Brinkman forward to two new freshmen who controls the made varsity and adjusting to new ball at last positions.year’s MO-KAN Tournament championship “I think we have some players that can step up,” Grimaldi said. “Hopefully game where we’ll have some good freshman coming Sion defeated in, but I think we’re just going to be a St. Teresa’s Academy 2-0. (Photo by pretty young team this year.” The goalie program said a tough Phylicia BarnerLewis) goodbye to alumna Afton Fennewald who broke the MSHSAA shutout record with 61 shutouts. She currently is the goalie at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
“It will be a little different with Afton gone because she was such a prominent figure,” sophomore Gabby Gaither said. “I have met the new JV coach, who was a previous goalie and she’s going to help us out.”
Joining the team this year is JV Coach Mary Quinn. Also working as an assistant coach is alumna Stephanie Ostrander ‘17 who played on the state championship team, and currently plays at Rockhurst University.
“It’s different being on the coaching side for sure because you get to see how the coaches were when we were on the team,” Ostrander said. “I want them to know that they can come to me if they need help because I have been in their shoes, and am still in their shoes being a current player.”
The team also has many fun traditions to look forward to such as themed practices, making a team scrapbook, the annual team sleepover and a senior roast as a final farewell.
“I will cherish all the friendships and relationships I have built through this team,” Grimaldi said.
Looking back on last year’s season the team was ranked number one in the nation only three weeks into the season by USA Today. The team also maintained an undefeated record until their final game at State quarterfinals against Helias Catholic School, which resulted in a shut-out, 0-4.
“I look forward to getting back into the season and getting to hang out with all of my teammates every day,” Grimaldi said. “I’m also looking forward to our games and getting to put on the Sion jersey again.”

The Growth work harder in and out of school through the cycle classes. “When I go cycling with Mrs. Wilcox, I sit next to her and her presence pushes me to work harder. Since I went the first time with Emily and Mrs. CycleBar in Leawood with Wilcox. Concannon said Wilcox pushes her to Wilcox, I got hooked on CycleBar,” Concannon said. “I have continued to of a Green cycle with her regularly on Sundays. It’s a nice way to stay in shape while Mrs. Wilcox motivates me.” She also enjoys hiking and traveling and has hopes for even more trips in the near future. For her birthday, she received a trip to Iceland to meet up with her daughter, alumna Maggie Wilcox ‘14, to go hiking and camping for
Thumb two and a half weeks while traveling all over the country in a camper van. Wilcox’s perfect adventure would be traveling the country with her husband John Wilcox. English teacher Melissa Wilcox ‘87 is focusing on her “My dream trip would be traveling around to different national and state hobbies and spending more time outside. parks in a teardrop trailer with my husband and seeing what we can while we are still healthy,” Wilcox said. BY ALLIE DIERKS The Wilcox household consists of two dogs, five lovebirds, and John A&E EDITOR which all require daily care. According to Wilcox, her two dogs Patty and
As a golfer, soccer player, basketball player (where she said Patty because he is less anxious. she spent most of her time on the bench) and a member of National Wilcox’s birds are Sylvia, Ollie, Bart, Gilbert and Wit. Gilbert was born Honor Society and French club, English teacher Melissa Wilcox ‘87 in her care, and Sylvia and Ollie are new additions to the Wilcox family since used to roam the halls as a student. Since she started teaching in 2004, Wilcox November. The lovebirds sit on eggs that she checks often. By holding the has been teaching a full load of five periods per school day. But now, in order eggs up to the light, Wilcox can tell they aren’t fertilized if yellow yoke is seen. to take more time for herself, she is only teaching three classes a day. She has Wilcox’s daughter, alumna Mary Kate Wilcox ‘17 college major stemmed been spending her extra time exercising, hiking, gardening, taking care of her from her mother’s love for wildlife. many pets, composting and reading. “Mary Kate is majoring in Fisheries, Wildlife “I garden, I have some pets I take care of, and I have been reading a lot more. I try to read a novel or “It’s just so nice getting and Conservation Biology. There’s no major in Ornithology, so she’s essentially majoring in biology,” two a week,” Wilcox said. “It’s just been enjoyable.” outside and working in Wilcox said. “But she’s just decided to minor in Wilcox has also found more time to garden and compost. She uses two types of composting to get the yard. Not much tastes English which I’m excited about.” Wilcox is thankful for her education for opening “Black Gold” dirt which is the best dirt for gardening better than a home grown her eyes to the world. According to Wilcox, her according to Wilcox. She has been composting for four years after a disturbance with her drains. tomato.” interest and observation skills increased after her Sion education, and she pays more attention to
“It’s kind of a funny story,” Wilcox said. “We -Melissa Wilcox ‘87 what is going on in the world. As a parent to two have an older house and our kitchen drain meets up alumna, Maggie and Mary Kate, she was able to with our washer drain. And whenever I would put things down the disposal, it see how this education can affect her daughters as well. Wilcox believes her would inevitably clog, and it was just ridiculous.” daughters learned to do what they love and not just what’s popular. According
As she started looking into the process behind composting, she to Maggie, having her mom as a teacher could get interesting, but she loves realized how much good food she was throwing away, and decided to start having someone to read over all her essays. composting. “A great part about having an English-teacher mom is that she still revises
She has also added worm composting into her regiment. The composting my essays to this day. I just applied to grad school, and it’s always great to have done outside is a mix between kitchen scraps, which are considered the green an expert review my personal and academic statements,” Maggie said. “It was waste, and leaves which are considered the brown materials. A balanced sometimes tough to have her as a teacher because we look alike and even mixture between the two is necessary. Then, using chicken manure, it is speak similarly. Sophomore year, to squelch any rumors of favoritism, broken down into soil. Worm composting takes place outside and can be used I dyed my hair in art class directly before English. Because of that with African or European NightCrawlers or Red Wigglers in an urban worm dramatic day, Mom was the only teacher to ever give me a pink slip.” bag. She has four worm bags and feeds them once a week which creates a Her dedication to her students, family and hobbies is Maggie’s good quality dirt used in her garden. favorite quality of her mother’s, and she hopes to be as passionate
“My kids and husband think I’m really weird because I use all the boxes about things as her mother. I get from shipments as worm bedding in my composting,” Wilcox said. “You Similarly to how she encourages her students to grow, are supposed to be able to make worm tea to make nourished water for the Wilcox’s dedication to gardening, composting and taking care plants, but right now I just mix it with existing dirt to make a homemade of herself through cycling and hiking encourages growth and fertilizer.” has formed her from the high schooler who once roamed these
When it come to exercise, one of Wilcox’s main forms is cycling. halls to a lover of nature, plants, animals and the environment. According to Wilcox, she tries to do it at least five times a week. She has been “It’s just so nice getting outside and working in the yard. back to cycling for two years, since her youngest daughter left for college, but Not much tastes better than a home grown tomato,” Wilcox had done it in the past before her kids needed her to be home with them. said. “I also enjoy seeing the bees and other pollinators out in
After finding out Wilcox cycles, seniors Emily Koca and Lilly the garden. Next year I plan on planting flowers that attract Concannon took advantage of the opportunity and attended a cycle class at butterflies around the garden. We’ll see what happens.” Daisy are enjoying having her home more, and Daisy has stopped attacking

LAKE TAHOE VIEWS (far above) During a bike ride in Lake Tahoe in July 2018, English teacher Melissa Wilcox and her husband John Wilcox stopped to take in the view. (Photo submitted by Melissa Wilcox)

FAMILY FUN (above) Before daughter Maggie Wilcox left for a job teaching in France, the family enjoyed an outing to see Smashing Pumpkins last August. (Photo submitted by Melissa Wilcox)
GARDEN GODDESS (left) As Melissa Wilcox has been gardening for six years now, she says tomato plants are her favorite food to grow because nothing tastes better than a homegrown tomato. (Photo by
Allie Dierks)

(Photo by MCT Campus)
Ariana’s New Album is
Ariana Grande’s latest album “Thank U, Next” is worth listening to.
Ariana Grande’s name has been everywhere the last few months as the singing star has been releasing record-breaking single after recordbreaking single. Don’t get tired of seeing her name yet because her newest album “Thank U, Next” is topping the charts as well.
Released Feb. 8, the album came out less than a year since “Sweetener” which Grande released in August. It’s the ultimate relationship album as Grande talks about all of her feelings within the songs. The 12-track album includes singles she released prior to the album such as “Imagine,” “7 Rings” and “Thank U, Next,” the titular track.
Once again, Grande’s incredible vocal abilities are showcased in this album. Towards the end of “Imagine,” Grande can be heard singing whistle notes that sound angelic and stunning. The chorus of “In My Head” is really fun to listen to as it goes from low to high through all of the ranges. One of the more upbeat songs on the album is “NASA” which has a catchy chorus and chant. The message is a unique way to say she needs space.
Not only did Grande release the album, she also released the music video for the album’s third single “Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored.” The song is one of the more fun and upbeat songs on the album and the video has received more than 35 million views and counting.
The song is about an obsession with someone who is already in a relationship, and throughout the video Grande is seen flirting with a guy whose girlfriend shares a striking resemblance to Grande, sporting a sleek high ponytail. However, at the end of the video it appears that Grande leans in for a kiss with the girl. This scene has caused fans to comment on her sexuality and queer-baiting.
Like with any album, not every song can be an all time favorite. “Needy” was repetitive and didn’t have a strong beat. Grande’s voice was overpowered by a background chime that drew all attention away from her voice.
Grande’s name just keeps getting bigger with everything she releases, and this album is not one to miss.
Disappointment in Flavortown
Guy Fieri’s Dive and Taco Joint miserably fails to wow in its opening weekend.
As a giant fan of “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives,” the expectations were high for Guy Fieri’s newest addition to his restaurant repertoire, Guy Fieri’s Dive and Taco Joint in the Power and Light District. Sadly, the built up excitement was crushed by strange decor, tiny tacos and a constant stream of waitresses yelling out names for orders.
While going to an opening weekend of any restaurant does not necessarily give a true representation of a restaurant, it will expose flaws in the restaurant concept as a whole.
Confusion immediately hits customers walking into the restaurant as there is no host or staff directing the hundreds of customers coming through the door. This already starts the experience off poorly as customers have no idea if they sit at the sparse tables, stand at one of the two bars or find the end of a line streaming through the entire restaurant.
After waiting over 30 minutes in line just to order food where only one cashier was taking orders, the food came out fairly quickly, in only about 20 minutes.
Another problem with the design came up when no numbers were given out to show food runners where to give the orders. Instead, to make the restaurant even more of a dive, they had the brilliant idea to have their food runners walk around the large restaurant screaming out the names on the orders. Over the loud and obnoxious rock n’ roll music in the background, the names were drowned out and muffled. No one wants to get yelled at just to receive their dinner. There are much easier and more reliable ways to distinguish orders than yelling names and forcing customers to chase their meals around the restaurant.
These terrible experiences already tainted any opinions about the food to be had. However, the food is nearly as disappointing as the restaurant as a whole.
The three miniature tacos were way overpriced at $10. While the Diablo Shrimp tacos were decent, the Tacos Al Pastor and Trash Can Nachos were utterly disappointing. The Tacos Al Pastor were sickly sweet. As for the Trash Can tacos, they came out with a cardboard cup on top to keep the nachos from toppling over. However just seconds after removing the cup, the tower completely collapsed. Now a complete mess of chips and overcooked meat, the nachos lost all charm that the cup held.
Also, can someone please tell Guy Fieri that putting up random, taxidermy bird houses and neon signs does not make his restaurant a dive. He is a well established chef who should put more thought into his “concept” restaurants instead of trying to differentiate his restaurant from others in the area.
Without a doubt, Guy Fieri’s Kansas City endeavor was disappointing. His signature flair and delicious taste are absent from his restaurant, lacking everything that makes the man so enjoyable to the American masses. Guy Fieri drove in the opposite direction of flavortown, in a tiny, overpriced taco joint of a car. At the end of the day, who is he to judge what flavortown is if he can’t create his own.
The Trash Can Nachos served at Guy Fieri’s Dive and Taco Joint in the Power and Light District failed to impress. (Photo by Dani Rotert)

The Diablo Shrimp tacos served at Guy Fieri’s Dive and Taco Joint in the Power and Light District were one of the better items on the menu. (Photo by Dani Rotert)

Rebel Wilson stars in New Line Cinema’s comedy “Isn’t it Romantic,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. (Photo used with permission by Warner Bros.) Falling in Love with
Rebel Wilson’s newest flick is totally relatable but also promotes an important lesson on self-love.
“Isn’t It Romantic,” released Feb.13, achieved its goals of poking fun at romantic comedies while also giving us a feel-good movie to enjoy.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the film follows the story of Natalie, played by Rebel Wilson, on her journey through a seemingly perfect world.
After getting mugged and falling into a coma, Wilson wakes up to a bright and clean New York City with people dancing in the street and flowers on every corner.
Although the movie was intended to point out how predictable and over the top romantic comedies are, it became a bit too much to handle. It seemed almost impossible to escape the dramatic rescue scenes and heartfelt speeches.
“Isn’t It Romantic” was directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson, who has worked on smaller projects and short films in the past. This movie is his largest production and a good one at that. His unique film style made the movie intriguing, it was shot almost like a sitcom. The camera followed Wilson’s movements and seemed a bit more laid-back and organic.
In an effort to mock the made-up fairytale that is most romantic comedies, the film is packed full of attractive co-stars, kissing in the rain, speedy engagements, and fancy helicopter rides. Natalie mistakenly comes to the conclusion that in order to get back to the real world, she has to make someone fall in love with her.
One of the major overarching themes is positivity and self-love. The film incorporated this lesson in an attempt to spread a message of finding true happiness without shiny things. It doesn’t matter what size you are, where you come from, or how much money you make, love can be found anywhere.
A cinema soundtrack can make or break a movie. This film incorporated the perfect cliche music such as “I Wanna Dance With Somebody,” “A Thousand Miles,” and “Oh, Pretty Woman.” The music made it difficult not to get up and belt it out and join in the numerous dance numbers.
Whether you have a significant other or a group of gal-pals, this movie is sure to make you laugh. Heart-warming lessons and predictable plots create a dynamic story that pulls you in. It was easy to fall in love with this movie and its message on loving yourself first.
Not Vibing with the Energy and Prices
Vibe Nutrition and Energizing are not worth the hype. BY STEPHANIE VINCE REPORTER
Meal replacement shake stores such as Vibe and Energizing have become increasingly popular. Both places offer a three step ordering process starting with an aloe vera shot followed by an energy tea and concludes with a shake. Each place offers an array of shake flavor categories such as peanut butter, chocolate and fruity with names such as Peanut Cookie, Blueberry Muffin and Snickers.
Although both Vibe and Energizing use the same protein powder in their drinks, they differ in prices. Both places did a bad job of informing their customers about additional fees.
At Vibe to add energy booster it is an additional $5. To mega size the drink it is an additional $2. And more, a shot of aloe is also an additional $1 at Vibe.
If you order a specialty shake or add a tea booster at Energizing they add $2 compared to Vibe’s addition of $5. Energizing also only offers one flavor for the shot of aloe vera versus the variety at Vibe such as mango and cranberry.
Both have a similar interior including a bar with high-standing chairs. But Energizing offers a more homey feel while also being smaller in size. Both have enthusiastic, caring servers ready to give you information and help you enjoy your experience altogether. For example, these employees give customers amenities they can sign up for such as figuring out their body fat percentage.
Although both Vibe and Energizing had similar taste due to the same protein powders, Energizing adds extra unhealthy ingredients. For example, they topped off their Reese’s Pieces shake with chocolate drizzle, whipped cream and Reese’s pieces candy. Although this might help the taste of the overall drink, it decreases the overall health in the shakes and changes the nutrition facts they claim. They present that their shakes include 9g of sugar, but they are not accounting for their mix-inns.
However, this is a great alternative for when you are short on time or on the go. Instead of running to a drive-thru or skipping a meal, picking up a quick protein-filled drink can be more beneficial.
The fad of these drinks is based on the idea that they are for weight loss and boast just 200 calories or less. The restriction for this meal is not healthy to maintain and will put you at an extreme calorie deficit. It is healthier to just eat a normal, well-balanced meal than a drink. The maximum 200 calorie limit with 25g of carbs and 18g of protein did not provide the same satiety as a normal meal would.
Overall, both places did a poor job at informing their consumers about pricing. Their overall shakes are a better alternative for fast food, but not a sufficient way to maintain your diet. Although these meal replacement shakes are meant for weight loss, they are extremely low in calories, and could be better achieved by a whole, healthy and balanced diet.
5813 Johnson Dr. Mission, KS 66202 “I like Energizing better because it has a lot more flavor to it. They put extra puddings and flavoring so instead of feeling like your drinking an actual protein shake, you’re drinking a dessert. Also, you get more bang for your buck. At Vibe, if you want the tea, shake and aloe it comes to $10 which I think is personally insane,” senior Annie Schorgl said.
12591 Antioch Rd. Overland Park, KS 66213 “Personally I prefer Vibe because the shakes are more flavorful without all the added ingredients. I also like the vibe of Vibe. It’s very open and inviting compared to Energizing which was very crowded and loud,” junior Brooke Walker said.
Whether you’re staycationing for spring break or need a new local place to explore, check out these locations this spring.
The Country Club Plaza 4706 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64112
2 Town Center Plaza 5000 W 119th St, Leawood, KS 66209
3 Prairiefire 5661 W 135th St, Overland Park, KS 66223 4 Brookside 63 W Meyer Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64113
5 Oak Park Mall 11149 W 95th St, Overland Park, KS 66214
14 Zarda Bar-B-Q 11931 W 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66215 15 Tuscany Italian Restaurant 1800 MO-7, Blue Springs, MO 64014 16 The Bristol Seafood Grill 51 E 14th St, Kansas City, MO 64106 17 Jun’s Authentic Japanese
Restaurant 7660 State Line Rd,
Prairie Village, KS 66208
6 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 4525 Oak St, Kansas City, MO 64111 7 Museum at Prairiefire 5801 W 135th St, Overland Park, KS 66224 8 National WWI Museum and
Memorial 2 Memorial Dr, Kansas City, MO 64108 14
Jacob L. Loose Park 5200 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64112 10 Leawoof Dog Park 106th & Lee Boulevard, Leawood, KS 66211
The Kansas City Zoo 6800 Zoo Dr, Kansas City, MO 64132
12 Starlight Theatre 4600 Starlight Rd, Kansas City, MO 64132
13 Shawnee Mission Park 7900 Renner Rd, Lenexa, KS 66219 13
3 1
10 6
2 15
12 11 Take a sneak peak at some of the map highlights up close and personal below.
1 (Photo by Ava Rawson)

6 (Photo by MCT Campus)

8 (Photo by Taylor Pitzl)

9 (Photo by Molly Conway)

10(Photo by Erika Sesler)

16(Photo by Ava Rawson)

The student section bled purple and white as The Storm took on St. Teresa’s Academy Feb. 21.

6. 2. 3.

4. 5.

1. JUMPING FOR JOY Junior Brooke McKee jumps with excitement during the rivalry basketball game Feb. 21. “I love how hype the student section is during games against STA,” McKee said. “The STA game was a great example of Sion’s energy and unity as a school. It was like a big party.” (Photo by Molly Conway) 2. SENIOR NIGHT SMILES Senior Mia McLey runs through the cheer tunnel with a smile towards the crowd. Since it was her last home game, McLey went into the game with motivation to leave everything on the court. “I really wish we could have deleted the first half because we were not playing how we normally do,” McLey said. “I was very proud with how we came back in the second half to put up a good fight. It made the comeback exciting for us and hearing the crowd really got us going.” (Photo by Ava Rawson) 3. DRUMMIN’ TO THE BEAT Senior Claire Lewing performs with drumline in front of the student section to pump up the crowd before the game against St. Teresa’s Academy Feb. 21. “I love how the crowd dances along when we perform. It’s a great way to pump everyone up before a game,” Lewing said. (photo by Cecilia Mohácsi) 4. PERFORMING WITH PASSION Performing the kick routine from nationals, junior Ava Grace Vermillion looks into the student section while doing a bronco kick. “I was really sad because it was our last game of the season to dance with our seniors,” Vermillion said. “I was very excited to show off our dance to future Sion girls and pump up the student section.” (Photo by Ava Rawson) 5. HANDS TOGETHER Seniors Lola Tebbe, Savannah Childress and Liz Oltjen clap their hands while performing at halftime of the game against St. Teresa’s Academy Feb. 21. “The best part of performing at home games against STA is definitely the energy you get from the crowd,” senior and cheer co-caption Childress said. “The student section hypes you up and it makes the whole thing so much more fun.” (Photo by Molly Conway) 6. DANCE BREAK Getting excited with the crowd before the game, junior Emily Rine dances to basketball’s warm up music. “It’s always so much fun to be dancing and cheering with your friends,” Rine said. “Dressing up is one of my favorite things, so I love seeing everyone’s costumes and their interpretation of the theme.” (Photo by Ava Rawson)