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Retail challenges

As soon as baby is born, out come the nappies – which in turn means a plethora of products. From the nappies chosen, creams, changing mats and bags – this is an established daily routine from birth. With the ever-increasing cost of living, now more than ever might be the time where parents will start to focus on the benefits that cloth nappies offer – not only are these great for the environment there is also a fantastic cost saving to be had.

When we talk about the green credentials of using cloth nappies and with a new generation of parents who are now looking more closely at products that they purchase, the desire for eco-friendly products is no longer just a ‘fad’. This is a trend, and one which is set to stay and grow!

A great example of how these can impact our planet comes by way of information from The Nappy Alliance which illustrates that the UK throws away nearly 3,000,000,000 disposable nappies a year, all of which will go through household waste streams which means either incineration or landfill where they can take more than 300 years to break down. Disposable nappies are one of the biggest contributors to single-use plastic waste, the worst cause of contamination in recycling and cost councils and parents too much money whilst damaging the environment. For further information on The Nappy Alliance, visit www. nappyalliance.co.uk

Nursery Today had the pleasure to catch up with Modern Cloth Nappies Owner & Founder Stephanie Revill to find out her thoughts.

Stephanie Revill, Modern Cloth Nappies

With the current cost of living crisis have you as a brand seen an increase in the uptake of cloth nappy systems?

We have seen a rise in interest towards not only our products but our brand and general awareness of reusable nappies. Consumers are coming forward and asking questions which is then leading to them trying and loving our nappies! What is the general savings that a consumer can make by using these in comparison to using disposable nappies?

Even with the current costs of living, consumers can still save over £300 per child when using reusable nappies (based on potty training at 2.5 years) instead of disposable! Plus, you may be shocked to know that there is also a great second-hand market for reusable nappies too! Of course, these are also great for the environment – how do these assist when we look at landfill etc.?

You only need to look at the horrifying numbers to see how much waste is diverted away from landfills when using reusable nappies. The UK alone disposes of around 3 billion disposable nappies annually, which equals around 400,000 tonnes. This doesn’t even consider the number of disposable wipes used each year too…

Do you feel that consumers are actively searching for these now online and conducting research prior to making a purchase?

Absolutely, consumers are more aware now more than ever of single use plastic waste, which is leading to researching about reusable nappies and also what other changes they can make. I also think that they are looking for a nappy brand that they can trust. There are myths around cloth nappies leaking or smelling, but customers are shocked to find that if fitted correctly you’ve less chance of a ‘poonami’ with a reusable compared to a disposable! Also with proper washing, you won’t ever have to worry about any smells!

How important are the fabric/textiles used to create cloth nappies?

The materials used to make a reusable nappy are most important because of these factors to consider:

• Some fabrics are more absorbent than others

• Some take longer to dry than others

• Some fabrics are less sustainable than others to produce

• Some fabrics also wear faster than others

What can retailers expect by stocking cloth nappy systems – are there any particular retailer benefits?

With consumers making and wanting to make change, it is absolutely a great time to stock reusable nappies. Our nappies are loved by parents and carers all over the world for their fuss-free, easy to use design and our company ethos.

By making reusable nappies accessible too via retailers, it means that retailers can expect return custom with the average child needing between 18-25 nappies full time. We also find that customers that have made the switch actively look to make other changes, such as ditching disposable sanitaryware products for reusable options as well as cloth wipes, which we also have available too!

Coffee Break

Exciting times ahead for Whizzer, the new innovative product for ‘on the go’ needs! We caught up with the founder of Kiddiwhizz Zoë Chapman to find out more.

Was there a particular incident where you felt that there was a need for the creation of the Whizzer?

Yes, many! I remember I used to take my son to the zoo regularly and there was one day where he seemed to need a wee in front of every animal enclosure. I still have a photo of him in front of the Lions then the Rhinos sitting on his potty. There were many other not so funny reminders though where my son would get so desperate for the toilet I’d have to let him go on trees or behind cars frequently. The looks of disapproval I got forced me to design my first prototype of what would later become the Whizzer. It was essentially just a disposable coffee cup - it was private and mess-free.

How long did it take to bring this product to market and what type of reaction/success have you received so far?

I sent my first design ideas off to be assessed about six years ago, however as I couldn’t afford the costs involved, my original product idea got ripped off by a factory. Luckily it was done poorly and although it disheartened me for many years, it made me rethink everything.

I started from scratch and came up with the real Whizzer that is loved and trusted by parents today. The reaction is honestly what has kept me going. It’s been incredibly tough to get to where I am with no financial backing and just myself to take on every role in the business, from legal matters to finance and from manufacturing to social media. When I get messages from parents telling me how much their child loves their Whizzer, how it’s helped them master potty training or removed the daily stress of finding a toilet when out and about with kids, it pushes me to keep going.

Is there a particular age that is most suitable for this product?

I recommend as soon as a child is at the toilet training milestone of them knowing that it’s just a wee they need. A proper potty is best in the early stages and when they’re not sure what’s coming out. They need to be able to sit and relax their muscles, learn their body signals etc. The Whizzer is really a quick solution for the later stages of potty training when you’re leaving the house and for the years that follow while they aren’t able to hold their wees for very long, however long that may be. It’s important to always remember that all children’s bladders are different so never compare. Some can wait to use the toilet for far longer than others, regardless of age.

What is the unique selling point of the Whizzer?

Aside from it being the only silicone product of its kind, it is also 100% leakproof.

You can carry around a Whizzer full of wee until you find somewhere suitable to dispose of it. As long as the leakproof funnel is in and the lid is on properly the whizzer can be upside down in your bag and still won’t leak a drop.

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