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About Sabre...
difficult time, people need to entertain, to have fun and share good times with friends. In order to differentiate, professional are more and more design-conscious. They demand more creative products. Probably a good definitely back in the game! What are your thoughts on trends within the sector – do they encourage the consumer to buy more? temperament and design with efficiency. Their complementary nature has led them to break away from the codes of tableware to offer colour, materials and above all joy and fantasy next to the crockery on the table! first understood this are today extremely successful as the demand is huge. tableware industry as the dramatic growth of inflation will certainly affect our sector both at retail and HoReCa. Even so, as always in difficult times, in 2023 we will refocus on what counts most – our families and friends, and I am sure we will keep doing that around a nice table to share our time and food with them. opportunity for flexible tableware companies.
Degrenne: Consumerism as we have known it in the past decades is no longer socially accepted.
La Rochère: The growing influence of digital channels such as social media tease the consumer by sharing or suggesting many trendy experiences and ideas. This is partially where our traditional tableware should reinvent itself. New and always dynamic gastronomy trends should also drive our inspiration of new products and our products promotion.
Sabre: As mentioned before, we are not doing much in HoReCa, so it is just as a basic Parisian consumer that we will give our point of view. After years of sleepy Paris hospitality, it is fascinating to see how many new, lively restaurants have recently opened in Paris. Paris is
I would say that, as in every other sector, today we cannot encourage people to buy more but we should encourage them to buy better, and in a more conscious and responsible way.
This is our mission, to offer them products that better respond to their needs and that are durable. The companies and brands that
Sabre: Being part of a conservative industry, does not encourage the consumer to buy more. I’m not sure we can see a mega trend on style or shape, maybe with colours. To encourage our customer, we need trendy and exciting places to feature our product. The department store no longer promotes the tabletop industry.

Finally, how do you think 2023 will fare for the tableware industry?

Degrenne: I guess 2023 will be a challenging year for the
La Rochère: Creating value around our products will be the key in order to justify our always higher retail pricing. Generating emotional attraction among consumers and promoting our Made in France good values will help to convince our customers.
Sabre: We have an industry made of small companies, I sincerely believe unless a war is declared or a new pandemic affects the business in general, the year will be what you aim it to be. It is a world of opportunity and being the biggest no longer helps, being the fastest is key.
For Sabre, 2023 will be our 30th anniversary and our strategic plan for the next year is “Destination Moon”!