1 minute read

Beatriz Ball,
founder, Beatriz Ball
How do you perceive the retail landscape at the moment for homewares/ home décor/ tableware suppliers?
Although there were gloomy forecasts for the fourth quarter of 2022, all retailers that we have spoken to tell us they had a very robust festive season. We did as well, and customers are in an upbeat, optimistic mood--in spite of all that is going on around the world. Do you currently sell more online or in brick & mortar stores?
The bulk of our business is to our wonderful brick & mortar retailers. What is the strongest sales territory for your company?
The southeast of the United States. How do you market/encourage sales of tableware in a cost-of-living crisis?
The pandemic forced us to stay at home, and we all enjoyed the moments where we could set a pretty table to lift our spirits, even if it was just for the immediate family. That renewed focus on items for the table has remained at the forefront as a favourite category and has helped us have such a great two years in sales.
Do you have a hero collection for the new season?
Yes! My new Foglia Collection of leaves in all sizes and shapes, that come in our traditional silver colour and also in a luscious gold tone. Cast from real leaves they are absolutely stunning!
Finally, how do you think the industry will perform in 2023?
I think it will be another great year! We have so many beautiful new items that will launch in this market season we feel our customers will be very, very excited to have all that beauty available to them.