3 minute read
Leader with Tim Murray
At the heart of retail
Also by Lema Publishing
The DreamToys launch is, as one or two attendees said at the event over in the hinterland between the discussed the items that made the final 10. Even before becoming a parent, City and east London, the traditional I went to a Disney and Pixar sign of the beginning of Christmas. event during my lengthy stint in Although, on a cold but not freezing the home entertainment business for the November day, with rain pelting down as launch of Toy Story – the first one – and was it seems to have done for weeks on end, gifted a Buzz Lightyear, the toy that became it didn’t feel very Christmassy at all. 1996’s must-have item come Christmas, which
But what it missed in seasonal weather was part of the excitement, making me the envy was more than made up by other of many (no, I didn’t flog it, perish the thought). elements of the event, which saw, as These and the other events I’ve been to since ever, the great and good of the industry the last issue came out (I’ve been to Hamleys showing off their wares and laying claim for the launch of its Christmas grotto, and to to being the year’s must-have items. a Spielwarenmesse press event to talk about
As a long-time watcher of the toy the February show), also go to illustrate the industry, I was familiar with the list, importance of getting up close and personal along with others written about in the last issue of TnP as well as here, from “ Dream Toys really does with products and also the benefits of face-to-face meetings. That will come into play both before Christmas and throughout December as we head seeing the amount of highlight into the final pre-Christmas retail rush coverage these events how the toy and after as we head to Toy Fair and garner across hungry newspapers and industry can Spielwarenmesse early in 2023. The tactile nature of toys, the importance thirsty television and marshall itself of actually meeting up with someone… radio outfits. to work together these are what we’ve missed and The list is covered religiously in national for the good of these are now there. All of these – DreamToys, a Hamleys outlets and the rise the industry as event, Toy Fair and Spielwarenmesse
of influencers across a whole ” – are featured in this, our December social media has also issue, as we head into the new year added to the depth and 2023 in style. We’ve brought in and weight of coverage. (And, from another new feature, our Month In Numbers my experience, influencers can make page, outlining some of the news highlights journalists seem well-behaved and of the past few weeks, adding to our recently relatively modest when it comes to not launched Retail Barometer – expect a few more only accepting freebies, but helping of these in the coming months as the magazine themselves to anything that isn’t nailed slowly evolves and we add, rather than take down, so respect to the DreamToys away, elements. Elsewhere, there’s a look ahead crew for having all their products still to Q1 ranges and a further bit of crystal ballon show when I arrived towards the end gazing into the rest of 2023 and all our usual of the stint.) regulars and more.
It really does highlight just how the And, of course, remember that the following toy industry can marshall itself to work January issue, will include a full guide to both together for the good of the industry Toy Fair and Spielwarenmesse. as a whole and can develop common Lastly, we hope your December business themes and newsworthy items that is all you’ve wished for and we hope you’re can earn column inches and air-time. looking forward to 2023 – going to shows, And, as a parent, before I joined the getting up close and personal with product, industry, the list would spark debate and meeting each other face-to-face and all – among our family at dinner-time, as we as much as we are.