article in the New York Times. 58·Among recipients of Pioneer Fund money was Stanford University Nobel laureate, William Shockley, who advocated forced sterilization of all persons with an IQ below 100. He got more than $1 million in research funds from Osborn's Pioneer Fund. 59 When Osborn wrote those words advocating "unconscious voluntary selection;' he was still Secretary of the American Eugenics Society and President of John D. Rockefeller Ill's newly-founded Population Council. JDR III was chairman and Princeton eugenicist, Frank Notestein, was board member, and later became President of Rockefeller's Council. Yes, Hello Dolly ... Member of the Rockefeller Foundation board and close family friend, Frederick Osborn was an unfettered enthusiast of the Rockefeller Foundation's support for Nazi eugenics experiments. Scion of a wealthy American railroad family, graduated in 1910 from Princeton University, which would later be the school ofJohn D. III, Osborn was a part of the wealthy American upper class. Under the banner of philanthropy, Osborn would pursue policies designed to preserve the hegemony and control of society by his wealthy associates. In 1937, Osborn had praised the Nazi eugenics program as the "most importarrt experiment that has ever been tried."60 One year later, Osborn bemoaned the fact that the general public seemed opposed to "the excellent sterilization program in Germany because of its Nazi origin."61 Osborn and the Rockefeller Foundation knew well that their money was going toward the Third Reich, even though they later piously disavowed this knowledge. As late as 1946, after the war and the ghastly revelations of the human experiments in Auschwitz and other concentration camps, Osborn, then President of the American Eugenics Society, published, in his Eugenics News magazine, the so-called Geneticists' Manifesto entitled, "Genetically Improving the World Population:' In 1968, Osborn published his book, The Future of Human Heredity: An Introduction to Eugenics in Modern Society. He had