course, American agribusiness firms like DuPont, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland. Thus, encouraged by the Rockefeller Green Revolution, beginning in the late 1950's, US agribusiness export was rapidly becoming a strategic core of US economic strategy alongside oil and military hardware. In Brazil and Venezuela As the Rockefeller Foundation's Green Revolution was making major inroads in Mexico, Nelson Rockefeller set up another organization to pursue similar work in Brazil and Venezuela. He wanted to continue projects he had started at the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Intelligence Affairs (ClAA) during World War II. Joining with several former ClAA colleagues, he created the American International Association for Economic and Social Development (AlA). The declared objective of the AlA was the transfer of technology and education. With the AlA, Rockefeller wanted to rapidly modernize basic infrastructure. The AlA argued that if their efforts failed, the region faced the prospect that an exploding population would decrease the standard of living. As a major stockholder in Venezuela's Creole Petroleum, Rockefeller convinced Shell, Mobil, Gulf, and various other private donors to join him in underwriting the AIXs projects after 1946. Nelson and his brothers had sponsored a series of studies, a precursor to NSSM 200, pinpointing which nations in Latin America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa were likely to be "soft on communism." Brazil and Venezuela in Latin America were singled out in the study-Brazil because of its vast untapped wealth and Venezuela because of the Rockefeller family's involvement with its oi1. 25 Nelson A. Rockefeller was a master of deploying the rhetoric of Cold War necessity in the name of US "national security" while advancing family interests. It did not hurt his effort that his old friend and former head of the Rockefeller Foundation, John Foster Dulles, now Secretary of State, pursued a policy of nuclear "massive retaliation" and Cold War "brinksmanship:' which made the population ever-aware of the alleged dangers and threat of the