The Vietnam War and its divisive sodal impact were to last until the humiliating resignation of Nixon in August 1974, a losing victim of power struggles within the US establishment. No figure had played a more decisive role in those power plays than former New York Governor, Nelson Rockefeller, a man who desperately wanted to be President if he could. To reach that goal in the midst of Nixon's crisis was in fact the main aim of Nelson Rockefeller. Rockefeller, together with his brothers David, Laurance, John, and Winthrop, ran the family's foundation along with numerous other tax-exempt entities such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. At the beginning of the crisis-torn 1970's, certain influential persons within the American establishment had clearly decided a drastic shift in direction of US global policy was in order. The most influential persons were David and Nelson Rockefeller, and the group of influential political and business figures around the Rockefeller family. The family's power center was the exclusive organization created in the aftermath of World War I, the New York Council on Foreign Relations. In the 1960's the Rockefellers were at the power center of the US establishment. The family and its various foundations dominated think-tanks, academia, government and private business in the 1960's in a manner no other single family in United States his ~ tory had managed to then. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had been their hand-picked protege, recruited from Harvard in the late 1950's to work for a new Rockefeller Foundation projecL 2 David Rockefeller's "Crisis of Democracy" One response by the US establishment inner-circles to the late1960's crisis in the American hegemony, was a decision to create a new division of the global economic spoils, for the first time inviting Japan into the "rich-mens' club". In 1973, following a meeting of some 300 influential, hand~ picked friends of the Rockefeller brothers from Europe, North America and Japan, David Rockefeller expanded the influence of his establishment friends and founded a powerful new global policy