1 minute read

Danolene Johanessen (honourable mention


My name is Anna, sister of two younger brothers who are my responsibility. We live on a farm and take turns sharing one pair of school shoes. Big feet, small feet, we make it work. There never seems to be enough money for food and clothes. We walk barefoot for many miles daily to get to school.


BAREFOOT BUT NOT ALONE Danolene Johanessen (Honourable mention)

This children’s photo art book captures the emotions of impoverished children everywhere hoping for a better day, for themselves and those they love. A child’s faith is childlike, simple in spirit, generous and kind.

DANOLENE JOHANESSEN is an artist from the Western Cape. In 2013 she founded the non-profit organisation Royal Kidz. The NPO seeks to restore dignity to children from impoverished communities by providing school uniforms and shoes.

JURY REPORT Danolene Johanessen’s illustrations are bold and striking, and well-suited for the subject matter. Her use of digital photo manipulation techniques give the illustrations a realistic feel. Given the right project to work on, this illustrator’s technique could make for a bold, child-friendly picture book.

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