LITTLE WONDERS Little Wonders, written by Danelle van Eeden, tells the story of Helena, a little girl who wakes up one morning and nothing is ‘right’. Her hair is too straight, her clothes just aren’t comfortable, the floor is too cold, the sun shines too brightly through her window…and so forth. Her mom suggests that she takes Nora (her favourite soft toy) for a walk to the treehouse by the river, where she can spend the morning thinking about all the things that are bothering her. Later, when she returns home for lunch, her mom will sit down with her, and they can think of solutions to all of her ‘problems’. Her walk turns into an exciting morning, bursting with so many adventures which quickly make her forget all about her state of unhappiness. She loves her life on the farm, and when she returns home, just in time for lunch, she finds that, to top it all off, her mom has prepared her favourite meal. When her mom asks her whether she is ready to discuss and think of solutions as planned, she bursts into laughter as she realises that she has SO much more to be grateful for than she ever acknowledged before. The two of them end up talking about all the blessings (instead of problems) and wonders surrounding them every day on the farm, feeling grateful and in love with their life.