Architecture Design Project- Final Report

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Bachelor of science (Hons) in Architecture School of Architecture, Building and Design Centre For Architecture Studies in Asia (MASSA) Architecture Design Project Project 1C Detailed Design Report Art And Performance Training Center, Tasik Titiwangsa , Kuala Lumpur. Name: Ng Zheng Si Student ID: 0322585 Tutor: Mr Ari Methi

01 Introduction In this Architecture Design Project, “ Sustaining Humanities is the given theme. “ Sustaining Humanities�- architecture for people, place and time, one key aspect of the design project is to develop holistic and integrated aspects of technology, environment and cultural context in architectural design. Based on the theme, students are required to further develop scheme with the incorporation of environmental strategies and technological resolutions. The site is located nearby the art & performance district which is well known by our Istana Budaya and also the National Art Gallery. The condition inspires an opportunity for a subtle architectural intervention to envisage a physical and cultural re-connection between the art and community.

Goal Together with Istana Budaya and National Art Galllery, the center aims to become a new catalyst to strengthen and promote the awareness towards art and performance through education.

Objective 1. To provide a creative platform that encourages artists from different kinds of filed to exchange ideas and skill.

The proposal frames an interaction platform for the public and the art community to have new perception in art & performance through creative and explorative body movement approach in the building. Expansive curve bridge facing the lake view is the platform to reconnect community with the site, performers and public, and parents and children, creating a platform for the exchange of mind and interaction.

2. To create a platform for artists to showcase their talent and have the opportunity to be an educator.

The achievement of the performers are celebrated as well as the backstage production and their hardwork. By exposing it to the public, a community is formed and connected by art and performance.

3. To encourage the community to be involved in the art and performance training in this experimental center.

02 Site Investigation & Contextual Studies 2.1 Historical Background

1800 Tin mine was coincidentally formed as a natural edge for future development, creating a bloom in tin-mining industry.

1970 The tin-minning pool in Titiwangsa that lay dormant for years leads to an expansion opportunity of the new land use. The area was transformed into a recreational park during the mid-70s. The dormant space is to support the urban growth. Jalan Tun Razak was then, the only major road leading to the excavated lake as a service road.

1975 1800-Blooming of tin mining

1970- Declination of tin industry

The construction began for a recreational park surrounding the manmade lake, aim to east confestion at the Perdana Botanical Gardens. The park was named, Taman Jalan Kuantan. Several purpose of the park was to increase the quality life of the residents as well as to ease congestion of visitors in the main lake garden. Once done, the park will be the second oldest and largest lake park in Kuala Lumpur.

1980 The first phase of the project includes carparks, indoor game center and landscaping was completed. The 114 Acres of land was designed by Japanese Landscape Architect, Rio Takahashi and supervised by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall. The official opening ceremony was held in lieu of the federal day. Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn changed the name of the park to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa as he find the view of the greenery within the park reflects the backbone of Peninsular Malaysia, Titiwangsa Mountain.

2000 The second phase of the project aims for the cultivation of urban wellbeing. Taman Tasik Titiwangsa has become an urban softener. 1980- Renovation & Accommodation

2000- Cultivation of urban wellbeing

02 Site Investigation & Contextual Studies 2.2 Urban Study

District Site is located near the recreational and institutional district. Istana Budaya and National Art Gallery serve as a cultural public building in the institutional district. Thus, it is an opportunity to combine cultural and education together in program wise.

N Urban Grain Hard Edge High speed traffic with large scale of roads defines the boundary of the area. Sungai Bunus acts an edge as it separates the area and are only connected by a few bridges

Soft Edge The soft edges defines the boundaries of the district, separating into 3 different boundaries

The figure ground map illustrated that it is visibly high density with small building blocks arrange closely together due to the residential area. This arrangement encourages high visual and physical permeability, creating a more intimate feeling. In comparison, the surrounding building blocks are larger, scattered and loosely arranged, creating pocket spaces in between buildings.

02 Site Investigation & Contextual Studies 2.3 Macro Site Analysis

Daily nodes Daily nodes are concentrated around the school area where the bus stations are located and also the junctions where parents will pass through when bringing their kids to school.

Weekly Nodes Weekly Nodes consist of religious places such as churches, Masjid and Temples.

Programmatic Nodes Programmatic Nodes are the places where activities happen occasionally mainly the national heritage buildings where performances or exhibitions are held at certain times.

Landmark The national landmarks along Jalan Tun Razak visually attracts vehicle users and forms as an understanding to the existence of the area. Istana Budaya forms as a indirect gateway to draw people into the park

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.1 Micro Site Analysis

Congested traffic Ingress point

Titiwangsa LRT Station Future MRT

Alternative path route

Proposed link bridge Car park area

Traffic jam in Jalan Pahang ,Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Kuantan during working days There are 3 ingress points which ease the accessibility of vehicles to the park. The closest ingress and egress point to our site chokes up the road during peak hour due to the school nearby.

Current nearest LRT station is the Titiwangsa LRT station, but need 30 mins walking to our site. Future nearest MRT will be the Hospital Kuala Lumpur station , an underground station located at Jalan Tun Razak between Istana Budaya and Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

SWOT Strength • A strategic location at site. Located at high human density area. • Potentially a dynamic and flexible site which could attract target users due to the strategic position that is near to Istana Budaya and National Art Gallery. There is also a school nearby. • Creating a new platform that response to the characteristic of the proposed site, an interactional space between users.

Weakness • One-way circulation might cause visitor to miss the entrance of the building • The surrounding site has more public space and green area than proposed building • Less crowd visit Tasik Titiwangsa during weekday.

Opportunity • The proposed site is facing the lake, thus giving an opportunity to frame the view • There is a high demand of education of arts which would increase the project viability. • Uniqueness of program at site provide the visitors a wider range of activities.

Threat • The construction of MRT Station nearby causes noise pollution • Located at the intersection point of ingress and egress of the site, the road will choke up and causes inconvenience.

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.2 Precedent Studies

National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts Wei Wu Ying Location : Kaohsiung Architect: Mecanoo Description: Inspired by the local Banyan trees with their iconic crowns, the vast, undulating structure is composed of a skin and roof, and connects an extensive range of functions. Underneath the roof is Banyan Plaza, a generous sheltered public space. Residents can wander through here day and night, practice Tai Chi or stage street performances along walkways and in informal spaces. An open-air theatre nestles on the roof where the structure curves to the ground, with the surrounding park forming the stage. Designed with the subtropical climate in mind, the open structure allows the wind to blow freely through Banyan Plaza. The seamless flow between interior and exterior creates opportunities for crossovers between formal and informal performances.

The ground floor area is the common area for the public which could attract visitors to the building. Visitors to the park could have another choice of activities instead of just jogging and exercising.

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.3 Design Intention Body movement study From macro site aspect, our site Tasik Titiwangsa is nearby the art & Performance district which is well known by our Istana Budaya and also the National Art Gallery. To accentuate the importance of education in art & performance, a friendly, nurturing & experimental art & performance training center is proposed to strengthen the promotion of art awareness among the local community. Art & performance is introduced to children and parents through creative approaches & explorative body movement, inducing them to indulge themselves in all kinds of art. The backstage production and the achievement of performers are shown. The interaction between artists and visitors is important.

Symmetric opposition

As creative approaches and explorative body movement strategy is used to induce users to indulge themselves in the building, thus the relationship between body movement and architecture is studied. Different kinds of body movements could generate different emotions and feelings which is able to affect the genius loci and poetic feeling in the building.

Asymmetric opposition

Performance Back production Training Public

2D and 3D art and performance training is linked with a bridge which creates a platform for interaction

Different levels with different function

Symmetric succession

Asymmetric succession

Ramp and curved walls induced dramatic feeling

Visual interaction between visitors and performers at the big stair

Different height of openings create fun exploration for children.

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.4 Massing Strategy

2 kinds of arts in the training center, which is the 2d and 3d art

2 cylindrical massing is split to create a common space in between them.

Public service core which is the public toilet is located

Connecting the massing with a bridge Curving radius of bridge facing the view of lake

Elevate massing to create spaces for public on the ground.

Free flow public spaces due to the use of column instead of walls.

Main vertical circulation, a big staircase as main feature

Roof tilted in certain direction according to the function of spaces.

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.5 Site Analysis and Site Response

East and West side of faรงade is covered with timber louvers to minimize heat gain in the building, achieving thermal comfort for users.

Responding to the folding roof of Istana Budaya which is inspired by the flying kite, curves on the exterior is created through the arrangement of louvers, creating a dramatic feeling.

Different from the programs in the park, interesting activities such as busker performance happen on the ground floor, attracting more visitors to the building. Resting and hang out area is also a resting point for the joggers.

Responding to the lake, the massing of the building is aligned to the axis towards to lake, framing the view of the lake, embracing the surrounding site.

Curtain wall creates visual permeability from site to building, and also building to surrounding, creating a connection between site and users.

One way traffic on site might cause inconvenient. Thus entrance is located further than the exit so that visitors have lower chance to miss the entrance. Drop off located at the back to avoid traffic congestion at site.

As the site is full of joggers, entrance for pedestrians are located at both ends to invite public from different direction, increasing accessibility to site Pedestrian pavement is designed to increase the walkability and ensure the safety of users at the public space of building.

Maximizing the vegetation by planting trees around the building, creating a greener and comfortable environment for user, retaining the site.

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.6 Programme & Project Brief

For ground floor, the programs are open for the public, creating a platform for the public to interact and hangout. Programs including café, lobby, prop making room and buskers area. Buskers area is located right at the entrance, which could attract visitors into the building easily. As the activities at the busker area is different from the activities in the park, people have a wider variety of activities to choose from,increasing the chance for people to enter into the building. Café is designed for parents to hangout as they are waiting for their children having classes. Prop making room is visually permeable for the visitors to induce their interest in art and showcase the back production.

On the first floor,the programmes are mainly 2D and 3D art and performance training. For the 2D art and performance which is located on the east wing, there is art studio and art gallery. Art studio is positioned facing to the scenery view of the lake, which allows students to enjoy making art while connecting with the nature. Art gallery will be showcasing the work of students based on monthly theme. Visitors could enjoy the art made by the students. For 3D training, there are drama classroom, classroom, music studio and dancing hall on the west wing. Workshops and classes are held in this area. Second floor is the private area which is accessible by staff and performers through the fire staircase. This could ensure the security of staff accommodation which is located at this floor. Backstage and changing rooms of the theaters are located on this floor. Third floor is accessible by public through the grand staircase. Visitors could choose to access to the Main theater which is located on the west wing or Black Box which is located on the east wing. Before reaching the theaters, visitors will pass through the prefunction foyer which allow them to know more about the performance. Main theater is for larger scale performance while black box is for smaller scale performance. Larger scale performance such as dancing, orchestra performance and more will be in main theater while smaller scale performance such as storytelling and drama will be performed in the black box. An outdoor courtyard is located on the west wing near the main theater. This is to create a green breath pace for the public.

Space Ground Floor Lobby Café Prop room Lift M&E room Fire Staircase 1 Fire Staircase 2 Toilet Storage Total

Gross Floor Area, GFA (m2)

Space First Floor Corridor1 Corridor2 Box Office Office Toilet Art Gallery Art Studio Lounge Drama Classroom Classroom Music Studio Dancing Hall Lift M&E room Grand Stairs Fire Staircase 1 Fire Staircase 2 Total

Gross Floor Area, GFA (m2)

100 70 70 7 8 17 17 30 24 343

60 45 10 13 30 50 70 30 56 56 66 120 7 8 23 18 18 680

Space Gross Floor Area, GFA (m2) Second Floor Changing Room 1 23 Changing Room 2 20 Backstage 1 40 Toilet 1 30 Toilet 2 23 Staff Accommodation 30 Storage 10 Corridor 34 Lift 7 Fire Staircase 1 18 Fire Staircase 2 18 Total 253 Space Third Floor Main Theater Black box Pre-function foyer 1 Pre-function foyer 2 Toilet 1 Toilet 2 Corridor 1 Corridor 2 Storage Lift M&E room Fire Staircase 1 Fire Staircase 2 Total


Gross Floor Area, GFA (m2) 250 120 40 44 30 35 70 60 10 7 8 18 18 710


03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.6 Programme & Project Brief

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.6 Programme & Project Brief

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.6 Programme & Project Brief

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.6 Programme & Project Brief

03 Project Background & Design Intentions Strategies 3.6 Programme & Project Brief

Main feature of the building is the grand staircase which connects first floor to third floor.

Visual permeability is allowed into the training area, induce curiosity and interest of visitors towards arts.

People could enjoy the view of the lake at the staircase, also able to interact with the performers.

Curve ramp is designed to create dramatic feeling and trigger their emotions as they walk through the ramps.

The bridge is the platform where performers could exchange their ideas, visitors interact with each other.

Outdoor courtyard at the prefunction area allows people to take a breath and relax in the nature.

04 Environmental & Technological Strategies 4.1 Wind and Solar Analysis

As site is facing north, thus more windows and openings are positioned on the north side of the building, which also offers the view of lake to the users in the building.

Most of the wind prevails at southwest and northeast. Thus the massing is positioned to invite the prevailing wind instead of blocking it.

04 Environmental & Technological Strategies 4.2 Solar strategy

Morning 8am, the east side of the building is exposed to sunlight. Yet, louvers are designed to avoid excessive heat gain in the building. Front part of the building is shaded, suitable for public to undergo activities in the morning.

Service core positioned to block direct solar heat penetration into the building. Public area at the front is shaded by the shadow of the building, creating a comfortable pubic common space for the community.

To avoid heat gain from the roof in the afternoon, roof is painted in white to reflect the sunlight, avoiding heat entering from the roof.

In the evening, west side of the building is exposed to sunlight. The louvers are designed to avoid heat gain. This could protect the 3D art training classrooms from excessive heat gain.

Louvers are arranged on the west and east, and also on the north on the curtain wall. Louvers on west and east is to protect the building from excessive heat gain. Curtain wall positioned on the north of the building allow natural light penetration into the building but to eliminate excessive uv ray, louvers and low-e insulated glass is used.

04 Environmental & Technological Strategies 4.3 Wind strategy

Wind mostly coming from the Southwest and Northeast direction. The ground floor is open and less walls and boundaries which allows natural ventilation happening. The curve of the building is positioned in a way that wind could pass through the ground floor and not blocked by any walls. This could achieve thermal comfort on the ground floor. For the public.

04 Environmental & Technological Strategies 4.4 Material and resources

SHERA LOUVERS and SHERA PLANKS are used to replace the non environmental friendly traditional wooden planks. SHEARA PLANK is a unique fibre cement composite of natural fibres bonded tightly in a high-grade silicate structure. This autoclaved wood-grain siding acquires impressive thoughness yet remains flexible and dimensionally stable. It is cellulose cement plank that contains absolutely no asbestos fibre, fibre glass nor formaldehyde.

The innovative green mixed concrete is the latest technology from University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) which is manufactured using conventional materials but partially replaced with suitable waste and recycled materials to achieve acceptable performance, economics and sustainability. It is made of new raw materials, namely fly ash, recycled concrete aggregates and aluminium can fibres. This could reduce carbon footprint of building.

Low-e insulated glass is used for the curtain wall glass to reduce heat gain and minimize UV transmission into the building. No special cleaning is needed. It could also act as the sound insulation to avoid noise disturbance from the site into the building

Rather than being a precast concrete block for the pavement, grasscrete is used. It is an environmental solution that assists in providing aesthetically pleasing and environment friendly urban surroundings.. Grasscrete self-drains extremely well.

White paint on the roof and exterior wall could reflect the heat away, minimize heat gain from the wall and roof

4.6 Acoustical Consideration

50mm acoustic mineral wool and 19mm acoustic mat sandwhiched in between 2 layers of 12.5mm acoustic plasterboard

SHERA Louvers are installed on the West and East to avoid heat gain and create sound insulation to the theaters.

Low-e insulated glass is used in the curtain wall to create sound barrier from the exterior, creating a more quite and comfortable interior

50mm acoustic mineral wool and 19mm acoustic mat sandwhiched in between 2 layers of 12.5mm with fabric finishing for the walls in both theaters

05 Architectural Drawings and detailing

05 Architectural Drawings and detailing

05 Architectural Drawings and detailing

05 Architectural Drawings and detailing

05 Architectural Drawings and detailing

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