Autumn-Winter 21/22
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Winter Fashion Trends Cold weather outfits ideas
Lemonizing Oliver Furniture
Winter Palette Shopping Pages
Acid Choices Polarn O. Pyret
Power Mum Amelia Webb
Can You Guess? Shopping Pages
Fast Questions We Ask 3 Brands About Their Day-To-Day Work, What’s Important to Them and What’s Next
Grace I Want to Do the Boogie Woogie with You!
Studio 54 Shopping pages
Cool Dad Dino D’Santiago
My Dad Is Cooler Than Yours Shopping Pages
Hey Kids, This Is My Boyfriend! When You Are Already a Mother, Starting A Relationship Is Not Just About You
The Others and Me. Growing Up in A Heteronormative Society
Wonderkid Brody Hudson Schaffer
Arty For The Little Ones
Raw Family Mia Taninaka
5 Steps to A Greener Christmas Tips For Being More Sustainable This Christmas
Marine Megafauna Foundation Changing The World One Ocean at A Time
Let’s Party! Shopping Pages
Recipe Chef Diogo Rocha
LEMON Shots A Quarterly Dose of Love for Our Favourite Brands
Aromatherapy Practical Tips on How to Incorporate Essential Oils into Your Daily Life
Travel Riding Around Africa
Packing List Shopping Pages
Novo editorial xxxxxxx
Days of Wild Colouring Outside the Lines The Animal in You Shopping Pages
Family Home Raffaela Jenkins
Snowy Lane Shopping Pages
Natural Tones Shopping Pages
Closet Laerta Dedukaj
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The Mum Issue All Mums Have Issues. It Just Happens That I Have More
Mummy Confessions Let’s Get Real for A Minute
I love you snow much
Tis the ´ ski-son to be jolly!
FOUNDER & EDITOR- IN - CHIEF Bárbara Perino P E R S O N A L A S S I S TA N T T O T H E E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F Isabel Matias Love at frost sight
C R E AT I V E D I R E C T O R Bárbara Perino
FA S H I O N E D I T O R Annah Segarra
T h e r e ’s s n o w place like home
EDITOR IN CHARGE L a r a Fr a n co G o m e s I t ’s u n - b r r rlievably beautiful here
WRITERS Ana Roque Erica Loi L a r a Fr a n co G o m e s
Snow much fun!
PHOTOGR APHY Annie Bundfuss F e d e r i co L e o n e L e o n i e Fr e e m a n
To t a l l y sleigh-ed it
Freeze the day
STYLING Olly Paton Annah Segarra Yvadney Davis MAKE-UP & HAIR Amy Sachon Elizabeth Hsieh Estrella Elorduy
Time waits for snow man
DESIGN P a co t e d e A ç ú c a r D e s i g n g e r a l @ p a c o t e d e a c u c a r d e s i g n .c o m Diogo Sargento | Image Retouch Shut terstock | Image Bank I L L U S T R AT I O N Pinknounou
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OWNER All Things Lemon Lda VAT P T 515 2 0 45 4 4 PRINTING KO PA w w w. ko p a .e u
CONTRIBUTORS L u c y To d d Manuela Marques Ta t i a n a B r i t o
We g l o v e y o u
COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR Erica Loi c o m m e r c i a l @ m y l e m o n m a g a z i n e .c o m ONLINE m y l e m o n m a g a z i n e .c o m Instagram lemon.mag FB lemon.mag g
ART DIRECTOR Pedro Leitão I t ’s a w i n t e rful life
PROOF READER Ke n n i sTr a n s l a t i o n s
Easy freezy lemon squeezy
Icy what you did there!
ISSN 218 4 -7 3 8 Xv
RCS : 502 654 247 / CREDIT PHOTO : @caurentin_bertau
CRISTINA Tie dye scarf and soft beanie Bellerose Sweater, skirt and brown beanie Oeuf ZORYANA Dungaree and patterned scarf Wander & Wonder Sweater Oeuf Soft pink scarf Il Gufo
Hello there and good morning! Want to play outside? Zip up your jacket, pull on your hat, wrap your neck in a scarf and pull on your mittens, we’re going to have so much fun! Winter days are here… hurray! Photography Federico Leone Creative Direction and Styling Annah Segarra Make - up and Hair Estrella Elorduy Models Cristina and Zor yana - Sugar Kids
ZORYANA Pants Bellerose Blue sweater Il Gufo Patchwork sweater Tambere Checked sweater Bonnet à Pompon Glasses stylist's own
ZORYANA Coat Tambere Sweater Bellerose Beanies and gloves Oeuf Gloves Bonnet à Pompon
ZORYANA Blue puffer jacket Il Gufo Orange puffer jacket Finger in the Nose Striped puffer jacked and tights Bobo Choses
CRISTINA Boots Bobo Choses Tights The Campamento ZORYANA Boots Stella McCartney Tights Bobo Choses
CRISTINA Sweater and checked coat Bellerose Checked jacket Tambere Pants and ski mask Finger in the Nose
CRISTINA Blue beanie and striped sweater Wynken Red beanie Givenchy Striped beanie Finger in the Nose Coat Bobo Choses Cardigan The Campamento ZORYANA Gloves Oeuf Blue puffer jacket Il Gufo Cup Bobo Choses
ZORYANA Coat Il Gufo Sweater and scarfs The Campamento Beret and socks stylist's own
CRISTINA Beanie Wynken Checked jacket Tambere Fur coat Stella McCartney
ZORYANA Coat Tambere Sweater Bellerose Beanies and gloves Oeuf Gloves Bonnet à Pompon
CRISTINA Bucket Il Gufo Jacket Tambere Dungaree Bobo Choses Sweater Stella McCartney
CRISTINA Tie dye scarf and soft beanie Bellerose Sweater, skirt and brown beanie Oeuf ZORYANA Dungaree and patterned scarf Wander & Wonder Sweater Oeuf Soft pink scarf Il Gufo
St yling Assistant Jon Roz
WINTER PALETTE T h is is t h e s e as o n t o p l a y w i t h f as h io n ex t r e m es . You c a n b e s o f t a nd b o l d , d a r k a n d b r i g h t, su b t l e a n d b r i l l ia n t a t t he s a m e t i m e. I ns p i r e you rs e l f a nd ha ve f u n . H e r e’s a l i t t l e s o m e t h i ng t o he l p you !
By Boss Mum
Soft Gallery Soft Gallery
Simple Kids
Suuky Zig + Star
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Front Street 8 Ugg
Wolf & Rita
Dr. Martens
Stella McCartney Kids
Kids on the Moon Sticky Lemon Goorin Bros
Evolve Together
Finger in the Nose Fendi Pèpè Sons+Daughters
Hello Simone
Nellie Quats
Play Up
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was founded in Sweden in 1976. 19 years later, it was brought over to England and Ireland as a franchise headed by Jo Nilsson and her Swedish husband Mats. By Erica Loi Photography courtesy of Polarn O. Pyret
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Jo Nilsson and her Swedish husband Mats have been running the Polarn O. Pyret franchise in England and Ireland since 2006. All because of a top that Mats’ mother gave their newborn son. “I kept choosing that same top, again and again. No matter what we were doing, that blue-striped top made my baby stand out from all the others. What’s more, I loved the way it fitted properly, however I held him. I had to keep adjusting all his other clothes,” says Jo. This, essentially, was how the brand, already established in Sweden, first arrived in England and Ireland. After Jo and Mats
became aficionados of PO.P, it seemed more and more clear to them each time they visited Sweden that it was a no brainer to turn it into a business. “One day, I was sitting in the playground thinking about why I liked them so much. I looked at my kids as they were playing and saw how their clothes fit them better and gave them such great freedom of movement. It had something to do with the cut, especially the shoulders and sleeves. The colours were brighter and the prints more appealing. And no matter how often I washed them, they kept their shape and didn’t fade. I spoke with Mats, who had grown up wearing the same clothes. We were confident that British parents would love the quality too.”
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We asked Jo and Mats some questions to learn more about the brand and about them! LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: When did PO.P start and how? Jo and Mats [J. & M.]: Polarn became Polarn O. Pyret (which means Buddy and the Little One in Swedish) in 1976. A group of inspirational working mothers, including designer Gunilla Axen, took over a 50-year old family business that made baby clothes. They wanted to make clothes for all children that would be easy to care for and hand down to the next child. Fast forward 40 years to 2006, Mats and I approached retailers in the UK with this national treasure of a brand as we loved the PO.P clothes that had been gifted to us by Mats’ Swedish family. [LEMON]: What’s the most important item of clothing, for PO.P, when going skiing, and why? [J. & M.]: The most important layer has to be the outer layer, so jacket and trousers. Why? Because keeping the snow out and everything dry inside is paramount in cold temperatures, especially when you can be out all day long. Children spend far more time laying or falling on the snow, so waterproof solutions need to be maxed out for them. [LEMON]: What’s your favourite place to ski? [J. & M.]: We’ve had the most fun at Les Arc, Mats is an excellent skier, and I’m not, so there is something there for both of us. [LEMON]: If PO.P could clothe any famous skier/ snowboarder, who would it be and why? [J. & M.]: We only wish PO.P did ski gear for grown-ups, although I do squeeze into the merino layers for 12-year olds. Chloe Kim, the US snowboarder, has inspired so many youngsters in recent games – we think she would love our designs. [LEMON]: What is PO.P’s collection all about and what can we expect for the SS22 collections? [J. & M.]: The whole collection is designed with the needs of babies and children in mind. Our clothes are not mini-versions of adult clothes for good reason. Function, style and sustainability are all equally important. SS22 will see a couple of new style jackets and some gorgeous new prints with an under-the-sea theme. [LEMON]: What’s your most treasured item from any PO.P collection? [J. & M.]: We are keeping a navy and white striped bodysuit that our boys wore as babies. This is the garment that inspired us to bring PO.P to the UK and yes, maybe one day if we are lucky, a new generation of our family will wear it.
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Amelia Webb is a renowned freelance make-up artist from Melbourne, Australia. With her flair for flawless, natural and dewy glow ups and informative and creative content, she is rapidly developing a following of people who hang on her every Instagram post. Amelia and her partner went through the most unimaginable grief when they lost their little baby Tommy at 17 weeks. Her followers have accompanied her every step of the way, showing amazing support as Amelia shares her journey with them. She hopes that by doing so she can help other mothers who have experienced the same thing. By Bárbara Perino P h o t o g r a p h y c o u r t e s y o f A m e l i a We b b Illustration Ana Carriço @anafromnounou
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Dear Amelie, I hope we find you and your family well. We love your social media handle and we are inspired by you. When did you start taking social media more seriously? Amelia Webb [A.W.]: I started my Instagram account when I began my makeup business back in 2011 as a way of showcasing my work and attracting clients. I then began to share makeup tutorials and more about my personal life and it grew from there. I realised that everyone I worked with found me on Instagram and could see my work from there. Once I realised the reach I had through social media, I put more into creating fun content for my followers and potential clients. [LEMON]: You have a beautiful little boy. What is his name and how old is he? [A.W.]: Yes, I do. His name is Aston Billie O’Brien and he just turned 2 on the 8th of September 2021. [LEMON]: Where are you guys based? [A.W.]: We are based in Melbourne, Victoria, but I am originally from Adelaide, SA. [LEMON]: Every time I go to your account, I wish I could do my makeup like you. How can a busy businesswoman and mother have a morning beauty routine in 4 steps? [A.W.]: I think a great makeup application/routine comes down to good skin. So, invest in a good skincare routine. But if I had to narrow it down to 4 steps, it would be a great tinted moisturizer, tubing Mascara so it lasts all day without smudging, a cheek and lip tint, and a good concealer. [LEMON]: What’s your daily family routine? [A.W.]: It’s very different each day depending on Aston’s mood (toddler life) but he goes to childcare two days a week, which is Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and on the other days, his Dad Nick gets him up and gives him breakfast while I have a little sleep in. I then get up myself and get him ready for the park. I like to try and get him out in
the morning for a couple of hours before his nap time at 12:30pm. He has lunch before he goes to bed and then sleeps until about 2:30/3. In the afternoon I like to let him watch some tv. He is obsessed with Peter Rabbit, so we watch a couple of episodes and then maybe have a play with his toy or go for a walk. By this time, it’s normally time to get the nighttime routine started. I like to start dinner as early as possible, so we get Aston showered or bathed by 6/6:30 and into bed at 7:30pm. Once Aston is down, Nick and I enjoy a series we are watching or if we are exhausted (which we normally are), we head to bed by 8/8:30. I read my book and Nick reads Twitter. [LEMON]: Does your boy go to school? [A.W.]: Aston goes to childcare two days a week and he absolutely loves it.
"Unfortunately, we lost our second son Tommy at 17 weeks. It has been a really tough time[...]”
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[LEMON]: How does he react when he sees your makeup work? [A.W.]: He is OBSESSED with all my makeup products and loves playing with everything. When he sees me all glam, he actually isn’t fazed at all. Sometimes he will look at me funny if I have a super glam look applied. He is only 2, so only starting to say a couple of words. [LEMON]: Where do you see your work in a few years? [A.W.]: I’m hoping to get back into weddings again. After the lockdown here in Melbourne, I haven’t worked in nearly two years. So, I am so excited to get back into it. [LEMON]: Any dream in your career you still want to achieve? [A.W.]: I would absolutely love to be able to travel for makeup gigs. I haven’t had the opportunity to do makeup overseas yet (although this may be hard with covid now) but I am really hoping one day I will be in Europe doing makeup for a bride. [LEMON]: Do you and family follow any family diet? [A.W.]: No diet at all for us. I like to think we all have a really healthy balanced diet. We love to have chocolate most nights and enjoy a glass of wine every now and then.
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[LEMON]: What changed when you became a mother for the first time? [A.W.]: I think everything changed when I had Aston. He changed us for the better and we realised how lucky we were to have him. Don’t get me wrong. There have been some super tough times, but we wouldn’t change it for the world. He has bought so much love into our and our family’s lives and he is just so perfect. [LEMON]: Tell us a funny story with Aston. [A.W.]: We were at the park a month ago and he loves to take his shoes and socks off. So, this is normal for him but one second later I look back over and he has completely taken off his pants and is running around with just his nappy on. People were looking at me but it’s actually very hard trying to get a toddler dressed, especially when they are at the park having way too much fun without his pants on. [LEMON]: You are the mother of two beautiful boys. Unfortunately, Tommy became a star in heaven and your tiniest guardian. Tell us a bit more about that painful yet interior journey. [A.W.]: Unfortunately, we lost our second son Tommy at 17 weeks. It has been a really tough time managing the
grief as it was such a shock to our family and we never thought this would be our reality. It’s really made me realise that life is a gift and pregnancy is a privilege. He is in my heart and I know he is looking down on Aston now. [LEMON]: How can a mother live after that? What is the little thing you do to keep going? [A.W.]: The first couple of weeks, I couldn’t get out of bed and Nick really took on the parenting while I grieved for Tommy. But Aston is the one who really gets me up every day. His smile and funny personality have really made me laugh again. I needed to be strong for him and be the best mum I could be for him. I really keep going for him. [LEMON]: Did you talk to or explain what happened to Aston? [A.W.]: Yes, Aston got to meet Tommy in the hospital and we talk about him all the time. We have Tommy in this beautiful cuddly bear that sits in our room and Aston sees the bear as Tommy’s Bear. He is so gentle with him, and occasionally will want to give him a cuddle but he’s always been so gentle and caring with him. It’s so beautiful to see the connection they have. [LEMON]: What's the biggest lesson you learned with this tragedy? [A.W.]: Losing Tommy has changed me for the better as a person. I don’t take anything for granted anymore. [LEMON]: If you could talk to him one more time, what would you say to him? [A.W.]: I love you and miss you every single day and I am the luckiest Mama in the world to have you as my son. [LEMON]: My dear Amelie, first of all, thank you for talking to us. I want to tell you that the most difficult missions are handed down to the finest soldiers, and you are one strong soldier. May you always be happy with your family and with your baby angel always in your heart. @makeupbyameliawebb
"But Aston is the one who really gets me up every day. His smile and funny personality have really made me laugh again”
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CAN YOU GUESS? Tuc k s m e i n , hu gs m e t ig h t, p ic k s m e u p, s h ows m e h ow, b e l i eves i n m e, t e a c hes m e t h e m os t a m a z i n g s t u f f, a nd m a kes m e h a p py… w h o is i t? Ca n you g uess? Yes , i t ’s m u m ! By Boss Mum
Le Specs
Deveaux New York Saint Laurent
Gucci Balmain
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Cartier Louise Misha
Rylee + Cru
Mango Moncler
Isabel Marant Maje
Ulla Johnson
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DAY-TO-DAY We ask 3 brands about their day-to-day work, what’s important to them and what’s next. By Erica Loi Photography rights reserved
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Annafie, originally founded in 2005, is run by London based mother of four, Leonie von Schweinitz, since 2019. The brand specialises in small batch, classic and understated elegant designs but with an easy care to them, meaning they can be worn any day of the week.
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Where do you get your inspiration from and how do you then translate that into your designs? I get my inspiration from the smocked dresses I was dressed in as a child and even some that my grandmother was dressed in! I am passionate about creating items that can stand the test of time. There has never been a better, or more important time for brands to think about what we produce and to do everything we can to make sure it can be handed down to as many children as possible. Which goes back to why we create timeless designs that stand the test of time. [LEMON]: What got you into smocking and traditional wear? I’ve always loved the traditional craft of hand smocking and grew up wearing
smocked dresses. My mother dressed us in smocked clothes all the time and not just for special occasions - and I remember loving the ‘twirl’ factor. I love the idea of dressing children as children, and not as mini-adults - they have so much time to look grown up! [LEMON]: If Annafie could clothe any celebrity child, who would it be and why? Princess Charlotte! She wears smocked dresses beautifully and we would absolutely love to see her in one of our designs. We have dressed some of the world’s style icons already, but she is definitely at the top of our list! [LEMON]: What is Annafie’s AW21 collection all about and what can we expect for the SS22 collections? We’ve all had quite a year (and a half!). This AW21 collection is all about being able to celebrate the festive season ahead in style again with friends and family, whom we have missed for so long. We have traditional and soft tartans that can be worn for the festive season, but which can also be paired with some tights and wellies for a muddy winter walk. Our new toile de jouy fabrics in 100% organic cotton look so elegant and
transcend seasons. We have added some beautiful new florals which are soft and feminine but are also durable and warm at the same time. And lots of new smocked pyjamas which will keep little ones comfortable and stylish on Christmas Day! [LEMON]: What’s your most treasured item from any Annafie collection? That would be the sky-blue toile de jouy Theodora dress! It is gorgeous in every way and for me, it’s the dress that has come to define Annafie’s style - soft and feminine, with delicate smocking and embroidery. Timeless, traditional, and classic, but a dress that will never date. We have yet to find a little girl who doesn’t look absolutely perfect in it! This season we have created new versions of our Theodora dress: the Dorothea dress in sky blue which features a ruffle collar and the Giselle dress in royal blue with a sweet Peter Pan collar in royal blue, both with hand-smocking and long sleeves for the colder season. We hope our customers see our pieces as treasures that they will keep for years to come.
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The first Tia Cibani collection was created on a whim. It was only when she left her full-time role at a womenswear fashion house to start a family that Tia Cibani, the label, really took off. The brand is a beautiful mix of Tia’s North African roots as well as influences from worldwide travels and her kids!
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[LEMON]: Where do you get your inspiration from and how do you then translate that into your designs? My inspiration stems very much from my travels. I am drawn to a global aesthetic and so my heritage plays a role, but I also look to global cultures and art to inform me. I love to take the dramatic and apply it to everyday dressing. Statement colours and prints are worked into casual jumpsuits and easy dresses for example.
[LEMON]: What’s your favourite country and why? Gosh, that is a toughie…I love so many places. Perhaps my favourite place that gave me so much inspiration is India. Colours, fabrics and textures beyond my wildest dreams. I long to go back. [LEMON]: If TIA CIBANI could clothe any celebrity child, who would it be and why? I don’t want to leave any kiddos out. I would love to dress them all :) [LEMON]: What is TIA CIBANI’s AW21 collection all about and what can we expect for the SS22 collections? The FW21 collection is inspired by Frank Stella’s colourful and geometric paintings. Cosy tufting can be seen throughout the collection along with playful graphics on pullovers and artisanal hand knots to name a few. The SS22 collection continues with Frank Stella’s work taking
inspiration from his deconstructed rainbow canvases in pastel tones. Bold seersucker stripes in ice cream colours, sequins on socks, sweet eyelet embroideries and ric rac trimmings are a few of the highlights. [LEMON]: What’s your most treasured item from any TIA CIBANI collection? The red pleated dress that my daughter and I are wearing is my new favorite!
Art Direction and Styling: Maria Monane Photography: Diana Tamayo Location: North Salem, NY
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KIDSWEAR COLLECTIVE Kidswear collective, founded by Shoshana Kazab in 2018, is one of the first pre-loved kids companies to have launched in the U.K. Kidswear collective focuses on past season designer wear and pre-loved items of a very high quality. They also work with the NSPCC, donating a minimum of 2.5% of their sales to the charity.
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[LEMON]: How important is it to KC to reduce, reuse, recycle? We don’t want to be ‘preachy’ about being sustainable. What motivates us is to create an edit of the most beautiful, well made, unique kidswear pieces - which happen to be sustainable. We want to change the perception of what pre-loved looks like and to constantly surprise and inspire our customers. Which is why we invest in photoshoots with some of the industry’s leading professionals to bring the clothes to life, with kids wearing them. Who says a Dior dress can’t be matched with a Moncler coat or a Burberry windbreaker can’t be worn underneath a Ralph Lauren tweed jacket! Kids develop their own unique sense of style from such a young age and we like to think we are enabling them to express themselves with our one off pieces! The reason why we decided to focus on luxury kidswear, as opposed to high street or fast fashion, is that the garments are simply much better quality and have so much life left in them. According to a TheadUp report, pre-loved fashion is going to overtake fast fashion within the decade, how exciting is that! [LEMON]: Explain how a secondhand clothing company works. What are the levels of quality checks that you do for example? When we launched, we toyed with the idea of launching as a peer-to-peer business (along the lines of eBay where
sellers upload their own images), but what was really important to us was to assess every single item and to ensure that only the best possible pieces make it onto the website. This means that we physically inspect every piece, make small repairs where necessary and authenticate to provide the maximum assurance and comfort to our customers. [LEMON]: We would love to know how you get such great influencers to sign up as sellers. This is obviously a great selling point for KC. We are very aware that word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing and
today, influencers are among the most trusted voices around whose looks we often try to emulate for ourselves. So, it made perfect sense to get them involved with Kidswear Collective. We have some amazing sellers, from The Fashion Bug Blog and Hannah Strafford Taylor to Mary McCartney and Pearl Lowe - all very different women with very different looks! We also have some of the industry’s leading stylists selling through us and some high-profile sellers too, who aren’t ‘visible’ on the website. What they have in common are their amazing kids’ pieces! Anyone can sell with Kidswear Collective - they just need to fill in a
mailing bag request form online and send their garments back to us and we do the rest. We inspect the garments, get them cleaned (we use a sustainable cleaners called Oxwash), professionally photographed and stored until sold. The garments are then sent out in our signature packaging (a luxury cardboard box which can be recycled), in a recyclable mailing bag. [LEMON]: What is KC’s ethos all about? Where would you like KC to be in a year’s time? Tell us more about your space in Selfridges. We are passionate about changing the perception of what pre-loved looks
like – whether it’s online on our website or in-store at one of our retailers. We opened a pop-up in Selfridges Oxford Street in March 2020, which is now permanent. And what we love most about that space is seeing customers buying new season Burberry for example, and then walking over to our concession and picking up some preloved Fendi, Gucci or Dior! The ‘mixed wardrobe’ is what we aspire to. We are excited to be continuing to develop our retail partnerships and will be rolling out to the regional Selfridges stores in 2022. We opened pop-ups in two Fenwick stores this Autumn and Bentalls in Kingston which
has been very exciting as we love seeing our clothes come to life in-store! [LEMON]: Do you work with any charities? If so, who and how? We do. One of the reasons why we are called Kidswear Collective is that we really feel it is a coming together of the industry. Up to 5% of every sale is donated to the NSPCC and what we can’t sell is donated to the family charity Little Village. Our sellers also have the option to donate their share of their sales to charity too, which means that over 50% of the sales could go to charity.
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KOOKOO but KIND is cool, unique and hug worthy. Using only the finest raw and recycled materials, as well as completely excluding any awful pesticides and fertilisers, this brand really is the real deal. A raw beauty. The kind that never goes out of fashion. And it plants a tree for every item sold!
The AW21 collection is a perfect go to for the cold winter months when snuggly and cuddly is best. Soft to touch and warm on the body, the collection caters for all kids, big and small. There are two main themes to the collection; BE KIND and ENDANGERED. Be Kind tells the story of our future leaders. Our children who one day will rule the world and make our planet cleaner, greener, healthier and happier. No matter where you’re from, what your background is, you count. You’re dreams are possible.
The slogan T-shirt’s and sweaters highlight important and inspiring messages for our kids such as “clean the air” and “never too small”. Whithin this collection is also the “Island of Kindness” range which celebrates British roots and pays tribute to the people of the U.K. who stuck together through the pandemic and consistently showed acts of kindness. Endangered is a deeper collection in terms of messages. There’s no joking in the fact that we need to all act quickly to save the environment
we live in and KOOKOO BUT KIND have managed to use beautiful illustrations, on their collection, showing plastic items swimming with sealife, wonderfully drawn orangutans to demonstrate that they are now on the critically endangered list as well as the staggeringly low population of our tiger community that is left. Through solid but gentle and caring messages like these, KOOKOO BUT KIND manages to get messages over to our kids which often are too strong.
We LOVE this brand and urge you to visit their website to view their exclusive collection
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OLIVER FURNITURE was founded in 2003 by cabinet maker and designer Søren Rørbæk. The brand was born by the Danish seaside just north of Copenhagen, with the power of the ocean on one side and the magnificence of the forest on the other side. From day one, Oliver Furniture instilled nature as the core of their DNA. By Erica Loi
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From baby to adult, Oliver Furniture caters to all shapes and sizes. Starting your journey with the brand is a beautiful collection of rockers and wooden play gyms. These are so natural and simple that they can be accessorised with different toys and linings, making them unique and special, each and every day. The brand progresses to cribs and side by side cots, perfect for the early newborn days when the nights are so long and being close to your baby means a few minutes or maybe even hours of sleep. The elegance of the designs allows for a natural and discreet addition to any adult bedroom. In time, when the kids are older and full of ideas, imagination and love for the world, Oliver Furniture has great single, bunk and loft beds. All the designs have a conversion possibility meaning they can be adapted as your child grows. The furniture is made to encourage children to create imaginary play and have fun with their friends. Most importantly, the designs are cleverly constructed to stand the test of time. Longevity and quality are what Oliver Furniture does best.
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Sustainability is a very important element at Oliver Furniture. All of their products are produced in modern European furniture factories operating under fair and sustainable conditions. Their furniture is made with wood sourced from certified forests and other quality-controlled sources. All of the companies that Oliver Furniture works with to produce their products have a strong, sustainable ethos. Their dialogues, based on honesty and loyalty, are personal undertakings and they share a common professional understanding of furniture making. It goes without saying that all their products are treated with non-toxic, water-based lacquers and paints. In a world filled with brands, choose carefully. Understand the source of your shopping. Understand the importance of buying from a brand that is respectful and dedicated to the world we live in.
Wood Desk
Seaside Cradle
Wood Wardrobe
Wood Multi Cupboard
Wood Original Series's Bunk Bed Seaside Storage
Wood Baby & Toddler Rocker
Seaside Office Table
Seaside Office Table Wood Co-sleeper
The Danish brand OLIVER FURNITURE, based north of Copenhagen, was founded in 2003 by Søren Rørbæk.
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KIZZI Jacket Tambere Shirt and trousers Beau Loves Sunglasses Gigi Studios Belt Nasty Gal
GRACE All that cold outside has me dancing all the time. I feel bright, fresh and ready for some fun. So, let’s shake it all out. All we need is a bit o’ grace for those smooth, elegant moves, ‘cause baby I want to do the boogie woogie with you! Photography Leonie Freeman Creative Direction Hollie Bailey St yling Yvadney Davis Make - Up and Hair Amy Sachon Models Kizzi and Javae - Ray and Robin and Jennifer - Linden Staub
JAVAE Coat Little Creative Factory Sunglasses Sons + Daughters
JENNIFER Dress Monika Bereza Top Jenn Lee
JENNIFER Blouse Vintage Trousers Jenn Lee Hat Uptown Yardie KIZZI Jacket The Animals Observatory Hat stylist’s own
JAVAE Sweatshirt Stella McCartney Collar Wolf & Rita Trousers Little Creative Factory Shoes Nike
KIZZI Sweatshirt The New Society Cape Meri Meri
JAVAE Top The Campamento Trousers The Animals Observatory Sunglasses Bonnie Clyde Hat Rokit Vintage JENNIFER Jumpsuit The New Society Bodysuit E. Macbean Sunglasses Rokit Vintage Belt Nasty Gal
JENNIFER Blazer Nasty Gal Jumpsuit Moore Maxxam JAVAE Jacket The Campamento KIZZI Coat Stella McCartney
JENNIFER Suit Anciela Shoes models own
JAVAE Shirt The Campamento Braces Nasty Gal Hat Jenn Lee
JENNIFER Hat Jenn Lee Jumpsuit Brave Soul Top Tamar Keburia KIZZI Blouse The Middle Daughter Top and leggings Stella McCartney Hat Fumbalinas
KIZZI Jacket The Animals Observatory
t a f h a t c n e e b e e s f e o v
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Videographer Alex Forsey | Lighting Assistant Rowan Spray
KIZZI Blouse The Middle Daughter Top and leggings Stella McCartney Sunglasses Rokit vintage Hat Fumbalinas
STUDIO 54 T h e r u l e was t h a t eve r yo ne w ho was a l l owe d i n t o t h e ic o n ic d is c o c lu b S t ud io 54 was t o t a l l y f r e e i ns i d e. We’ve pu t t o g e t he r s o m e ou t f i t s we t h i n k r e f l e c t t h a t u n t a m e d s p i r i t – c o l ou r f u l , b o l d a n d b r a ve ! Fas h io n is s o m e t h i ng t o p l a y a r ou n d a n d h a ve f u n w i t h a nd k ids a r e t he u l t i m a t e p e rs o n i f ic a t io n o f t h is ! By Boss Mum
The Marc Jacobs Kids
A Monday in Copenhagen
Stella McCartney Kids
Rylee + Cru
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Christina Rohde
Milk & Soda
Billieblush Soft Gallery
Djeco Meri Meri
Repose AMS
Billieblush Mini Rodini
Camilla Kids
Maison Mangostan
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ENCHANTING, CHARMING AND THE COOLEST DAD Dino D’Santiago is a Portuguese musician, composer and activist of Cape Verdean descent whose music invariably leaves one feeling moved. For years, he thought his path would lead him to a career in art history or illustration, but life got in the way (thankfully!) and music took over! At 39, he is acclaimed and loved by many, Queen Madonna included! By Bárbara Perino Photography rights reserved
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Dinooooo D’Santiagoooo! I’m so happy to do this interview! What is it like to be a father? Dino D’Santiago [D.S.]: Hello, Bárbara and the LEMON family! Being a father has been the greatest blessing on this journey called life! It’s the realisation of what has always been my biggest dream and now that my son is born, if I had to give up my life for him, I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment, even if I didn’t know him. These are the mysteries we cannot describe. [LEMON]: What is your son’s name and how old is he? [D.S.]: My prince is named Lucas D’Santiago and he’s 8 months old. He turns 9 months on November 6th. [LEMON]: If I had to introduce your son, what would I say? [D.S.]: “Bárbara, ben conxi nha kodé!” In English, it means “come and meet my dearest” And then I’d sing the tune I made up for him when he wakes up or arrives at an unfamiliar place, just to make him feel welcome. He always responds with a smile.
[LEMON]: How would you describe his personality? [D.S.]: Lucas is without a doubt a Being of Light. He always wakes up smiling. He speaks with his eyes, he radiates happiness wherever he goes, and I feel it through the hundreds of messages I receive whenever I share photos of him. I’m starting to realize that he can get obsessive when he’s into something. Right now it’s the wake-up-to-sleep command on TV! Hahaha! [LEMON]: What does your day-to-day look like, your daily family routine? [D.S.]: The day starts at 5 am when Lucas wakes up and I take turns with his mum Rafaela to give him his first feeding of milk in the morning. I want to say that Lucas has the best mother a child could ever want! Rafaela lives and breathes him! The way they look at each other during their good morning dance is so moving! Then, around 9 am, it’s time to take Lucas to the Nursery, which is 5 minutes from home. Rafaela and I go to work and at 4 pm, one of us picks him up to bring him home. At home, we play a little, he eats yogurt or fruit and takes a nap until
7 pm. Then he has dinner and plays until he feels sleepy, which takes him to midnight for the last round of milk. Then another day starts all over again. [LEMON]: What activities do you most like to do with him? [D.S.]: He’s still very young, but I really enjoy doing things that make him laugh! It’s my favourite hobby, though I always think that if I caught myself on camera doing the same thing, I wouldn’t even want to imagine what it would look like! Hehehe! I like watching Rafaela play with him, teaching him little tricks so he can learn something faster. Grandma Sandra and Grandpa Rui are Lucas’ greatest treasures! We really feel that when they are with Lucas, he forgets everything else around him, it’s amazing! [LEMON]: You are an amazing artist, even Queen Madonna is your fan! We are big fans as well! Tell me about your future projects. [D.S.]: Right now, I’m very focused on my activism, such as Lisboa Criola and the Sou Quarteira Movement. I feel that the best way to give back to the Universe for all the opportunities that come my way is to be aware of my
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THIS OR THAT Europe or Africa? Africa Semba or Quizomba? Quizomba Love or sex? Love Beach or city? City Album or single? Album
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surroundings and I always try to be a good citizen and contribute to social causes and projects through art! Most of the time, I feel fulfilled, especially when I see people succeed by seizing the opportunities that come to them. [LEMON]: Where and how do you see yourself professionally, a few years from now? [D.S.]: I see myself traveling through various capitals of the Globe, singing my story with local orchestras. [LEMON]: Tell me about your African roots. How important are they in your life and what influence do they have on you as a man and a father? [D.S.]: I grew up with my parents speaking Creole and my brothers and I responding in Portuguese. This was our dialect. African communities are very welcoming. Everyone is family. In the street, we wave to other people even if we don’t know them personally, because we are connected by history and we all know and identify with the immigrant’s journey. So, I feel that I have always grown up with a community spirit and I want to share this human heritage with my son. [LEMON]: Do you follow any African traditions when raising your child? I did with mine! [D.S.]: I speak Creole with him, I listen to a lot of music from the African Diaspora. I sing at and always bring him to cultural events with lots of people where the harmony of the sounds warms the soul. [LEMON]: Do you live in Lisbon? How do you like it? Have you found a good place to educate your child? [D.S.]: Right now, I live in Rio de Mouro, but I’ve lived in Penha de França, Alexandre Herculano, Amadora and
Mem-Martins. I’m a real fan of places in Lisbon that are away from the Centre. Multiculturalism happens organically and from there, I get the juice that inspires my songs! It is definitely a good place to educate Lucas, who is a product of this creole-ness. [LEMON]: I have to ask you about your big fan Madonna! How did your friendship come about? [D.S.]: I’m the one who’s the fan! It all happened thanks to a friend, Ive, a Brazilian writer who invited me to perform a song by Cesaria Évora at Madonna’s show in Lisbon, Then Vitória, a mutual Colombian friend and a great friend of Madonna’s, saw that we were both big fans of Cize. From there, everything happened at light speed until the recording of Madame X. [LEMON]: Do you have any dreams or plans to go more global? [D.S.]: One of my big dreams is to perform on all the continents. All that’s missing right now is Oceania! Another one, and one of my biggest, is just about to be realised and it won’t require me to leave Lisbon – NOS ALIVE! [LEMON]: Who’s the boss at home|? You or your wife? [D.S.]: My wife Rafa, hands down! [LEMON]: What is the greatest teaching you want your child to follow in life? [D.S.]: Above all, I want him to live the life that he wants! And to love himself so that he is able to love others. [LEMON]: What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of lemons? [D.S.]: Sour hahahaha @dinodsantiago
MY DAD IS COOLER THAN YOURS T h e wa y h e p l a ys w i t h m e, t he wa y he ho l ds m e t i g h t, t h e wa y h e’s a l wa ys t he r e… t he r e’s n o o n e l i ke h i m . I l ove h i m m o r e t ha n a ny t h i ng , h e’s t h e c oo l es t ‘c a us e he’s m i ne ! By Boss Mum Hermanos Koumori
Vinyl Madonna - Madame X Stone Island Blue Blue Japan
Luis Morais
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Acne Studios
Drôle de Monsieur
Quest Love
Satta Cord Casablanca
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HEY KIDS, THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND! Sometimes life changes and it’s ok. Fortunately, nowadays everybody is free to search for happiness and no one needs to stay in a relationship that no longer suits them. When you are already a mother, starting a relationship is not just about you. Sometimes it feels like there are a million things to consider, sometimes it’s much simpler than we imagine. Everyone’s story is unique. But is there a right way to enter a new relationship? By Lara Franco Gomes
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Almost every single mother we talked to introduced their boyfriends gradually to their children. I believe that’s just common sense. A mother always tries to do everything as calmly as possible, but what follows can be unpredictable. People are different from each other and, therefore, they can react in a wide variety of ways to the same situation. So, do your best, try to listen to your heart and the rest… well, sometimes what will be will be! “When I started dating James, my now husband and father of my second child, he and my son already loved each other. My son was 6 years old and since the age of 4 he had known James as my friend. When I told him: “Mother has a boyfriend!”, his response was “I’ll be very sad if it’s not James”. So, the introduction was simple. After a while, we started living together and I think the adaptation was a little strange for both. However, it went on in a healthy way. James has never let me down as a stepfather and has always dedicated himself to the “job” with the greatest possible devotion. So, in my mind, there was never any doubt that my husband would have as much of a vote in my son’s education as I did. I always wanted to make them feel free to have the closest father-son relationship possible. There were difficult times, of course. Things are not always a bed of roses. My son’s biological father always made life hard for us and poisoned my son a lot and I know there were times when both my son and my husband felt more distanced from each other. That’s where it’s been tricky for me. Having to put both in their place, to make them see when they’re being unfair to each other. There is no simple role here, neither mine nor theirs. What I always hope for is that one day, eventually, we will look back and feel proud of the family we were together.” Esther, 37
“Introducing my boyfriend to my daughter was done very gradually and very thoughtfully. My boyfriend already had 3 children and though it was fun for my daughter to gain three new friends, she also had to divide my attention in a way that wasn’t ideal. After many years of being just the two of us, I know it was a lot to handle. It was complicated when we all started living together. I feel that the relationship between my boyfriend and my daughter had more complicated moments in the beginning, when they were still getting to know each other and were getting used to each other within the same space while figuring out how to be. Although it’s just a matter of time before people adapt to a new reality, my role was very important. I always tried to show my daughter she was still my priority and that I loved her as much as ever! I do believe that when there is love and respect between you and your boyfriend, it will be reflected in the relationship you have with your children and your relationship with his children. “ Eliane, 34 “My son was already 12 years old when I introduced him to a boyfriend of mine and he was very used to seeing me alone and having me all to himself. I got separated from his father when he was 5 years old. I tried to introduce my boyfriend as gradually as possible, calmly, without making a big deal of it, but my son’s reaction was always the worst. He always rejected him and never treated him well. He was even rude to him. As much as I tried to explain to him that I had to get on with my life and that I was finally happy, he didn’t seem to want to know. My boyfriend was also losing patience and stopped investing in his relationship with my son. He became apathetic. He never treated my son badly, but they drifted away from each other more and more.
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When we moved in together, it was the end of the world. My son seemed determined to sabotage my relationship and little by little, I realized that my boyfriend was increasingly unhappy with the situation, only this time, it was me he became more and more distant from. A mother always chooses her child in the end. With no alternative scenario in my mind or heart, I ended up having to do that. The relationship was not good for anyone, and it was just making life hell for all of us. After a long conversation, we decided that the best thing was to separate. Later, we tried to get back together, but I believe the relationship had already reached such a saturation point that by then it was too late. When my son was 16, I got a new boyfriend. I was feeling happy again and this time I was determined not to let my son ruin my relationship. Before introducing my boyfriend, I had a very long conversation with my son. I prepared everything so that the moment of introduction would be as smooth as possible. No gradual introduction this time. My son already knew he was my boyfriend before they met, and my boyfriend already knew that my son was probably not going to be easy on him. This was the solution I had come up with so that everything wouldn’t go as badly as the last time. As expected, my son was not easy, but I feel that my second boyfriend knew how to handle the situation better. Once he even told my son that he wasn’t going anywhere even if he didn’t like him because he loved me and that he should find a way in his heart to accept him. I felt he made a big effort. He tried to take an interest in my son’s hobbies and while I suspect he hated it, he did learn about them so that he could be a part of the things my son loved doing and he even made us all do them together. I’ll confess that I went through some very boring weekends and maybe he did too and didn’t say anything. The truth is, he ended up winning my son over, while I loved him all the more and gained a respect and consideration for him that I’ve never felt for anyone else. I am eternally grateful to him for helping me find happiness. Do you know what he told me when I thanked him for that? He told me it was also his happiness that was at stake. If there is such a thing as a perfect man, I think I’ve found him!” Charlotte, 44
“My daughter was 2 years old when I met my boyfriend so there was no elaborate introduction. It was gradual, of course, because it’s not just about the kids’ end of things when they meet the boyfriend. We should also be mindful of the boyfriend who is getting to know the kids. The truth is that I ended up feeling time had passed by and my boyfriend never truly included my daughter in his life the way she deserved. I still love him, but I ended the relationship. I feel that as much as I love him, this is not the path I want for our lives (mine and my daughter’s). I don’t exist without her; being with me means being with her too. My free time away from her, when she’s at her father’s, isn’t who I am, it’s not all of me. And I want to be my whole self with the person I’m with.” July, 32 “My biggest problem was not introducing my kids to my boyfriend or my boyfriend to my kids, it was introducing my kids to my boyfriend’s parents. My in-laws never really accepted that their darling son chose to date and later marry a woman who already had three children. Sadly for them, we have been together for 17 years.” Olivia, 48
“I am eternally grateful to him for helping me find happiness. [...] If there is such a thing as a perfect man, I think I’ve found him!” Charlotte
THE OTHERS AND ME. GROWING UP IN A HETERONORMATIVE SOCIETY No matter what we do, others will always have certain expectations of us. They have ideas about who we are and who we’re going to be. But what influence does this have on us when we discover our own sexual identity? We hear from two people – a psychologist and a private individual. By Ana Roque Photography courtesy of Ana Paulino
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“One should never be too formal or serious when discussing these issues as it can be humiliating or embarrassing for younger kids.”
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THE EXPERT’S OPINION Ana Paulino is a clinical psychologist and counsellor in clinical sexology. She promotes initiatives that encourage sex and menstrual education for children and teenagers. A large part of her intervention focuses on women’s health. She founded Flare Concept, a platform for discussing feminism, women’s rights and information and empowerment in education and health. In her view, talking about gender and sexuality issues is crucial if we are to “uncomplicate things and live freer and more satisfied lives.” LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Does society impose heterosexuality on children? Ana Paulino [A.P.]: I don’t like to generalise, but we can say that children are inevitably educated and socialised within the current models of their culture and social context. We’ve been living under a model that tends to be heteronormative and still carries a lot of weight today, although nowadays there are ways to push back against it. I was often told as a child: “So when are you going to get a boyfriend?” which assumed I had a certain sexual orientation from an early age. Nowadays, when this issue comes up with a child or a teenager, either in counselling or otherwise, I say, “when you have boyfriends, girlfriends or people you like…” which opens the door to diversity. [LEMON]: Do you think that also happens in schools? [A.P.]: Yes, but less and less, fortunately. We are making progress in talking about these themes and Education for Sexuality and Affect is now part of the mandatory curriculum in Portugal. The truth is that very few teachers or staff are comfortable talking about it. This can happen because of shame or a fear of approaching these topics or lack of knowledge and training. In my opinion, there should be more training and support for teaching staff in this area. It’s uncomfortable for a lot of people because there are many taboos.
[LEMON]: What is the impact of questions like “who is your girlfriend?” or “do you have a girlfriend yet?” and vice versa at a period when kids are discovering sex for the first time? [A.P.]: The issue of psychological pressure immediately comes to mind, as if it were somehow mandatory for one to be conscious of this relational dynamic early on. This may not be healthy because that child or teenager may not be ready to have a relationship; they may not be aware yet or mature enough. [LEMON]: Do you think these types of questions can lead one to feel that they have to live up to the expectations of others regarding their sexuality? [A.P.]: Yes. In terms of quality, they may feel maladjusted or belittled for not having someone in their life. This can have implications in terms of their self-perception, self-esteem and even their sense of belonging as peers. In terms of quantity, for example, the gender stereotype that boys can “and should” have many girlfriends is still prevalent, sowing toxic masculinity from very early on. [LEMON]: Have you ever dealt with cases like this? [A.P.]: Yes, more in young adults who feel incomplete or inadequate for not meeting that social expectation that they be in a stable relationship by a certain age in order to be together or get married. Basically, to fulfil that “ideal plan” that society dictates as being correct or “normal”. [LEMON]: When should the topic of sexual orientation be addressed at home? [A.P.]: There isn’t a “right time” for everyone. In some families, this is openly talked about while in others, it may be a taboo. It should be addressed if and when the interest of the child or teenager arises and never as an imposition or intrusion on the part of the adults. One should never be too formal or serious when discussing these issues as it can be humiliating or embarrassing for younger kids. If a family doesn’t feel comfortable addressing the topic, they can always ask for help from a professional. @flare.concept
HOW TO HELP KIDS ON THIS PATH? by Ana Paulino •A ccept from an early age that discovering the body is a natural process of psychological, physical and sexual development. •A void educating them based on gender prejudices and stereotypes such as “boys don’t cry” or “girls are more sensitive”. •C onvey the idea that sexuality is something that is part of all of us as human beings. •R ecognise that sexuality is not just about sex and that it is broader than that. It implies thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, relationships and, of course, the body and the physical dimension. •A llow children/teenagers to talk freely about their bodies and their sexuality, without any value judgements. •D on’t associate talking about sexual discovery with emotions such as shame, fear, guilt or disgust. •P ass on the idea that sexuality is not a closed box or the same for everyone, that it is experienced in a unique way by each person. •S ee the discovery of sexuality as a part of health and well-being and not as “a problem”. •U ncomplicate: when you have doubts, everything seems more difficult! • As an adult, be available to listen and understand to the concerns, doubts, fears and questions of younger ones.
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“Things didn’t go so well in the end, but the truth is, what I felt at one point was enough to free me from the shackles of what others expected of me.” 1 0 0
INDIVIDUAL TESTIMONY António is 28 years old. The road to embracing his sexual orientation has been a long one, a process he only very recently completed. He tells Lemon Magazine that one of the biggest obstacles to understanding his homosexuality was his own mindset. “For years, I felt that I had to live up to the standard and just be heterosexual.” The constant pressure he felt from those around him contributed to this. “I hadn’t even turned five yet and the question I got asked the most was whether I had a girlfriend or girlfriends, and how many. I heard the same thing for years. On top of that, I was very popular with the girls. I’ve always had a lot of girlfriends and enjoy spending time with them. I suffered a lot of bullying because of that.” Although he realises now that external pressure was a constant problem, it seemed harmless back then, up to a certain point. “Until the moment I realised I wasn’t attracted to the female sex, everything was ok. Then I derailed.” He had always liked being around girls. He had more fun with them and would “rather spend break playing with dolls than playing football. I thought that was normal, but my colleagues and some adults didn’t feel the same”, he says. “Now things are fortunately changing but only a few years back, we were still very segregated. There were boys’ games and girls’ games and up to a certain point, people weren’t even supposed to mix. During break, boys would play football, while girls would play other things: skipping rope, dancing and dolls.” Antonio doesn’t remember the moment it dawned on him that others’ expectations were not the way forward. “It was confusing, that I know. I was supposed to like girls and have girlfriends. I was supposed to have passionate romances, but that wasn’t how I felt at all.” That left him feeling outraged. “I think I got angry with myself and with others. I closed myself off from the world because I wasn’t being who I was supposed to be. Or at least what others had always told me I would be. For years, I felt angry and didn’t know who was more to blame: me or them.” António explains that for a long time, others’ opinions held sway over his own sense of who he really was. “I ended up feeling that being gay would be a disappointment to others. Their voices were very present. I forced myself to feel attracted to the opposite sex and was hell bent on falling in love with someone. If I realised I wasn’t heterosexual and couldn’t change who I was, I could try to pretend.” He attended the same school from kindergarten until he left for college. “I was surrounded by the same people for years and I had already been bullied for playing with dolls. What would it be like to be gay?” What’s more, everyone expected Antonio to get a girlfriend. Things started to change in college, but it was slow and the road wasn’t easy. “I ended up meeting someone. We started as friends but then it became something more. Things didn’t go so well in the end, but the truth is, what I felt at one point was enough to free me from the shackles of what others expected of me. It was at that point that I told my family I was gay and I came out to my friends. It was liberating.”
LITTLE BIG DANCER Brody Hudson Schaffer is a 6-year-old Virgo from San Diego who has captivated the world with his dance videos. His social media accounts are run by his mum Danielle, who encourages this young, amazingly talented boy to never be less than who he is! By Lara Franco Gomes Photography courtesy of Brody Hudson Shaffer Illustration Ana Carriço @anafrompinknounou
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Hello Brody. So happy to be interviewing you! How did it all begin, did you see someone dancing and feel inspired by it or do you feel it was a part of you even before you knew it? Brody Hudson Shaffer [B.H.S.]: I wanted to dance like my big sister! [LEMON]: And how old are your siblings? [B.H.S.]: Jack is 14, Dylan is 13 and Roman is 9. [LEMON]: So you’re the youngest, then. How did your presence on social media begin? [B.H.S.]: My mum shared a video of me doing ballet and then Oprah posted it! I don’t know who she is, but I’ve heard she’s really nice! [LEMON]: We bet she is too! Can you explain what you feel when you’re dancing? Because we really get a good vibe that your body is reacting to the sound you’re listening to. [B.H.S.]: I feel happy. I feel my passion! [LEMON]: When did you feel that dancing was not just something you love to do but also a talent you have? [B.H.S.]: When people started wanting to take pictures with me all the time. [LEMON]: What was it like when you felt for the first time that you were becoming the internet sensation you are now? [B.H.S.]: I think that was when my mum said to me that I had millions of new friends.
[LEMON]: Are you aware of how big of an inspiration you are to others? [B.H.S.]: My mum says I make a lot of people happy! [LEMON]: Yes, you do! No doubt about that! What is your favourite music to dance to? [B.H.S.]: Nutcracker… and Lady Gaga! [LEMON]: And do you have a favourite song? [B.H.S.]: Poker Face and Born This Way, by Lady Gaga. [LEMON]: What do you see yourself doing when you grow up? [B.H.S.]: I want to be a dancer and I’m going to be in movies. [LEMON]: When was the first time you were on stage? [B.H.S.]: When I was 2 in the Nutcracker. [LEMON]: How did you feel about it? [B.H.S.]: I loved watching all the dancers and being on stage with them! [LEMON]: What has been the happiest day of your life up to now? A special day that you dearly remember. [B.H.S.]: When I was in JoJo Siwa’s and Niall Horan’s videos!
“My mum says I make a lot of people happy!”
“My mum shared a video of me doing ballet and then Oprah posted it! I don’t know who she is, but I’ve heard she’s really nice!”
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[LEMON]: And you were great in them! Tell us your biggest dream. [B.H.S.]: To meet Lady Gaga and Harry Styles. [LEMON]: Good choices! Who is your favourite animated movie character and why? [B.H.S.]: I love Elsa and Anna because they’re so gorgeous and fancy! [LEMON]: And what’s your favourite piece of clothing? [B.H.S.]: My merch that says: “you’re so gorgeous and fancy”. [LEMON]: Tell us a fun fact about yourself? [B.H.S.]: I love my mum’s yoodles. She makes the best yoodles (noodle). [LEMON]: Any other hobbies other than dancing? [B.H.S.]: Playing with Ella, swimming, playing the piano and singing! [LEMON]: Who’s your biggest inspiration, aside from your big sister, of course? [B.H.S.]: My mum! [LEMON]: How would you describe your parents? [B.H.S.]: My mama is gorgeous. And daddy is Superman! [LEMON]: We believe you! You have the power to put a smile on our faces just by being you, and we thank you and your parents for that ☺ @bossbabybrody
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Wolf & Rita
Il Gufo
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Wander & Wonder
Stella McCartney Kids
Il Gufo
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Sticky Lemon
Wolf & Rita
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Bobo Choses
The Marc Jacobs Kids
Hugo Boss
Il Gufo
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Mia Taninaka is an artist and mother of 3 young boys, living on the east coast of Australia in a little town called Byron Bay. She runs a business with her sister while her husband Jasson is a Vedic meditation teacher. Together, they love spending their days by the beach, surfing and swimming in the beautiful sea, going on bush walks in the hinterland, finding swimming holes and running through trees, cooking and eating delicious food and spending time with friends and family. It’s a very loud, but fun and often messy household, as she describes it, and we love it! By Bárbara Perino Photography courtesy of Mia Taninaka Illustration Ana Carriço @anafrompinknounou
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“I like to cook simple, tasty, quick to prepare meals! It’s a busy household so efficiency makes it run a lot smoother.”
LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Hello Mia, I hope you guys are well and rocking love land! First, let me tell you, what a beautiful inspirational family you are! So, it’s STUNNING to see mummy Mia, cool surf dad Jasson, Taro, the most beautiful little human being otherwise known as “fearless monkey”, wild Zman, and prince Koa. Tell us, how did you guys meet? Mia Taninaka [M.T.]: We met on the bus on the way to design school. On our daily commute into the city, we became fast friends chatting about everything under the sun. Music, poetry, travel, how to make yoghurt and our mutual love of fairy lights to make any scenario a little bit more magical. Things gradually progressed when I asked him out on a ‘hot date’ hahaha.. obviously, he said yes, and we’ve been travelling through life together ever since. [LEMON]: How did life change for you after becoming parents? [M.T.]: It got a lot bigger, louder, messier and brighter. The world and our capacity for love expanded more than I could have ever dreamed possible.Obviously, it can be really hard too, but that’s just a part of it all. [LEMON]: How old are they now? [M.T.]: 2,4,7 [LEMON]: Do they go to school? Regular school or any othermethod? [M.T.]: They go to a local Rudolph Steiner school, we love the rhythms, creative method and philosophy of Steiner and their individualised approach to teaching and learning. [LEMON]: We have seen baby T surfing with daddy. Do they enjoy surfing with you guys? How special are those moments in the sea? [M.T.]: We are ocean people! It’s our medicine and it makes us so happy to be able to share this with our kids.
They love surfing and have each taken to it at their own pace. Watching them create a relationship with the ocean and fall in love with it is incredibly magical. [LEMON]: If you could choose your favourite family activity, what would that be? [M.T.]: I love going on bush walks to waterholes with the kids or if the surf is good, taking hammocks, lunch and dinner down to the beach and being there from sun up to sundown. [LEMON]: What’s a typical day like with the “Taninaka” family? [M.T.]: It changes each day depending on various things. For example, yesterday Jasson and Ziggy got up early, packed a thermos of hot chocolate and some banana bread and went to watch the sunrise before going surfing. I had a bit of a lie-in with the littles, then we went and met them at the beach. Spent most of the day swimming, surfing, and hanging with my sister and her family. Then we went back to her house and had a sunset bbq. It was a good day! But today... Jas was running late trying to get Ziggy to school, the house was a mess and I tried to bake cookies with Taro and Koa which meant they basically had cookie dough for breakfast. Then they got into a fight about a cushion, Koa ended up biting Taro so Taro punched Koa in the head.. The morning ended in lots of tears and half baked cookies! But I imagine it can only get better from here. [LEMON]: I see lots and lots of greens in your Instagram, do you follow any family diet? [M.T.]: We follow a mainly vegetarian diet, lots of fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Lots of rice dishes, sometimes chicken or fish, we all love pasta - I like to cook simple, tasty, quick to prepare meals! It’s a busy household so efficiency makes it run a lot smoother. Easier said than done though!
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QUICK QUESTIONS River or sea? Sea Camping or glamping? Glamping Broccoli or avocado? Avocado Hot or cold? Hot Home or travelling? Travelling Blue or green? Green
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[LEMON]: And please tell us about Taninaka. Lovely colours, comfy, eco-friendly. How did it all start? [M.T.]: Hana and I started Taninaka when we both became mothers. There were a lot of cute things around, but nothing that suited our own sense of style. We wanted a baby product that could grow with them and us. A product that you can leave on the couch when people come to visit and it compliments the space. We like to help create a beautiful mess! Choosing earth friendly and skin friendly materials is a top priority for us too - we only ever use materials like organic cotton, hemp or linen. [LEMON]: Is the whole family involved? [M.T.]: Yes! My sister Hana and I do all the business stuff, so while we’re working, our parents or husbands look after the kids - it takes a village! We are super lucky to have such a close-knit family and within close proximity to each other too. [LEMON]: Are your kids an inspiration for the brand? [M.T.]: Yes, it is definitely growing with them. We are starting to add more kid products, rather than just for babies.
[LEMON]: They are super stylish and effortless. What are your favourite kid brands? [M.T.]: They wear a lot of hand-medowns, online vintage store finds and some pieces from my fave brands like Bobo Choses, TAO, Mabo Kids, Osh Kosh, Dottys Dungarees, Arket, The Simple Folk. I like to choose clothes that are well made with good quality fabrics that can be handed down to the next sibling. [LEMON]: Road tripping and traveling is part of your life. Any favourite spots? [M.T.]: The east coast of Australia is one of my favourite areas to explore - beautiful coastline, luscious inland forest, and lots of great food! [LEMON]: What are the best tips you guys can give to someone travelling with kids? [M.T.]: I like to pack each of the kids their own bag of books, with a couple of small toys, pencils/crayons and a sketch pad, and make sure everyone has their own easily accessible water bottle. It’s wild how many times they will ask for water! Always pack lots of snacks, like heaps. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. There will be plenty of tantrums
(both kids and parents!), but the fun and adventure far outweigh all the madness! [LEMON]: Next destination? [M.T.]: Ooh that’s a tough one! We’ve been wanting to get over to Hawaii, so that could be a good place to start. Our last big trip was around the bottom half of Australia from Sydney - Perth so we have the top half to tackle next too. [LEMON]: Do you guys take time just for the two of you? [M.T.]: We both have family close by, so we often get to sneak out for a night, just the two of us. We’ll go to our local favourite pizza restaurant, or get burgers by the beach, or go out with some friends. Share a bottle of wine, good conversation and some dessert. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just something that let’s us settle back into our bodies after all the daily ups and downs. [LEMON]: I saw your beautiful vivaha samskara. Tell us a bit about that day. [M.T.]: That was a very magical day! We have been together for 13 years so we just wanted to have an intimate ceremony to celebrate our life and love together. Jasson is a Vedic meditation teacher who feels very connected to the Vedic way of life. It was a beautiful
“Things gradually progressed when I asked him out on a ‘hot date’ hahaha... obviously, he said yes, and we’ve been travelling through life together ever since.” and relaxed day, surrounded by our immediate family and our kids. It was so colourful, fun and festive, we held it on my parents’ property under the eye of Mt Wollombin. I kind of felt like I was in a Wes Anderson film! After the celebrations, we drove west to Tenterfield with a few of our closest friends and the next day had another ceremony at Bald Rock, followed by a super fun evening of delicious food, flowing wines and so much dancing. It was one of the best weekends of my life! There was so much love and happiness. [LEMON]: Mia, you are an artist, and I’m in love with your paintings. Where do you get inspiration to make art? [M.T.]: I can get inspiration from any-
where, anytime. The patterns in the lettuce making lunch boxes, the feel of the wind swooshing through the trees, a face in the pavement, another artist on Instagram. Inspiration is all around us, I just need to slow down and open my eyes, ears and heart to it.. Easier said than done, but I get windows amongst the chaos. [LEMON]: Where can we find your art? [M.T.]: I’m currently working towards a show in January, but most of the time you can find me on Instagram or via e-mail. I do have a website too but I’m not great at keeping it updated. [LEMON]: Now, guys, I always ask this, but here I go again. Who is the boss of the house? [M.T.]: The kids!
[LEMON]: Where do you see your family in 5 years? [M.T.]: In our new house which we are planning to build next year! [LEMON]: Any dreams that are being projected into the universe? [M.T.]: More of everything please! [LEMON]: What’s the first word that comes to your mind when you think of Lemons? [M.T.]: Summer! [LEMON]: Lovely to have you. Keep inspiring us with your smiles, cool vibes and colourful family life! @miaeatswolves
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STEPS TO A GREENER CHRISTMAS The past two years have changed the world immeasurably: no doubt there have been devastating impacts, but it has also accelerated some trends that were previously only starting to emerge. Sustainability is one of them. 1 0 0 3 4 8
By Lucy Todd - Owner and Founder of My Little Green Wardrobe Photography rights reserved
Despite - or perhaps because of - the pandemic, public awareness of climate issues has grown, and consequently so has interest in businesses and brands acting in a more ethical way. According to a survey in June, millennials are most likely to consider sustainability issues while shopping. The survey conducted by PwC suggests more than 60% choose products with a traceable and transparent origin and buy from companies that are conscious and supportive of the environment. This concern, says PwC, has grown by 10 to 20 percentage points compared to a survey conducted just a year earlier. Then there’s the ‘Greta Effect’ - now a quantifiable phenomenon. The Swedish teen has made headlines the world over with her impassioned speeches and no holds barred approach to public discourse, but now there is scientific research on Greta Thunberg’s inspirational effect on others.
Recent studies suggest those who are more familiar with Greta Thunberg have “higher intentions of taking collective actions to reduce global warming”. The more people read about Greta and her climate struggle, the more they want to see change as well and bring about change themselves. And with the world’s eyes firmly glued to events in Scotland, host of COP26, this growing awareness is not going away any time soon. The historic summit was hailed by some as the “last chance to avert the worst impacts of climate change”. Only time will tell, however, if the action decided upon is enough for future generations. But one thing is for sure. Following the hosting of the event, the UK population is more keenly aware of environmental and climate issues than ever before, which is why sustainability is THE watchword for both consumers and brands alike this Christmas.
The great news for brands is that it’s been shown time and again that those who act in a more ethical way are rewarded by customer loyalty. And the fantastic news for you, as a consumer, is that Christmas is a great time to embark on your sustainability journey. We could all work on living a more sustainable lifestyle and at no time is this truer than at Christmas. Yes, it’s a season of celebration and indulgence - but, for many, also of excess and waste: the gifts, the food, the decorations, the wrapping and packaging - the list goes on… All these things have a carbon footprint - both in their creation, and in their disposal. But with forward planning and some tweaks here and there, you can improve your impact dramatically - while still enjoying the season of comfort and joy. @mylittlegreenwardrobe
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We don’t need as much stuff! For adults, think about experiences eg. spa vouchers, fine dining - or something you know they like eg. a case of their favourite wine, a coffee subscription... Better yet, channel your inner Tom Daly and put those lockdown skills into use by hand-knitting a scarf! For the littles in your life, vintage or wooden toys are beautiful choices and if you head to your nearest charity shop, you can frequently pick up a handful of books in mint condition. Clothes are always a hit so try out the online site My Little Green Wardrobe, which stocks only ethically-made and sustainably-sourced clothing brands. You can filter clothes according to your own values too.
The charity WRAP estimates Britain throws out around 227,000 miles of wrapping paper over the Christmas period, which is enough to stretch 90 per cent of the way to the moon. Even though it’s made out of paper, there is plenty of gift wrap that can’t be recycled - particularly if it contains plastic, foil, glitter, or still has sticky tape on it. A rule of thumb is that if you can scrunch the paper and it opens out again, then it’s not suitable for recycling. Thankfully, there are now plenty of stockists of recycled and recyclable wrapping paper. Charity shops like Oxfam, among others, do a beautiful line in fair trade wrapping paper that is both made from recycled content and is further recyclable.
Forestry England recommends buying a potted tree which can be kept in your garden and used over and over again. No space for that, how about renting a tree? It’s really a thing - you hire a living tree for the season, and then it’s taken away in January when it’s replanted. You can even have the same tree each year!
It’s so tempting to buy ALL the cheese, but one of the best ways to help the environment is to cut down on food waste. If food waste were a country, it would be the third worst offender globally when it comes to emissions, behind only the US and China. Get organised: arrange your main food shopping so that it’s just in time, so fresh fruit and veg don’t go past their best before you get round to using it. Nail down who’s going to be there on key days, plan your menu and don’t over-order. The freezer is your best friend: keep sausage rolls, canapes and several rounds of mince pies - and even brandy butter stashed away in there for surprise visitors.
If your family are keen meat eaters, no-one is saying you need to cut it out entirely - this is supposed to be a time to celebrate and indulge in the things you love, after all. Instead, why not switch out the starters to be plant-based or opt for vegetarian canapes when hosting. Equally delicious and no-one is likely to notice.
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AROMATHERAPY I’m Tatiana Brito. I’m a specialist in traditional Chinese medicine and a therapist-trainer in aromatherapy and clinical aromatherapy at the Portuguese Institute of Naturology. Do you know what aromatherapy is or what an essential oil is? I’m here to explain how it works and offer some practical tips on how to incorporate essential oils into your daily life. 1 1 2
By Tatiana Brito Photography courtesy of Tatiana Brito
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I live in Lisbon, where I lead the application of essential oils in a clinical context to improve patients’ health conditions. I’m also the head of Pranarom Portugal’s specialised training project in Aromatherapy and childbirth preparation for teams of nurses working in the delivery units of hospitals. That said, I’m here to help, so let’s dig a little bit more into this world of aromatherapy, shall we?
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What is Aromatherapy? Since the beginning of time, herbs and plants have been used to promote health care: some are often used to treat respiratory problems, to heal wounds and to address digestive issues. Today and in general, there is a concern over the use of substances from nature to maintain physical and mental health within the family. Aromatherapy fits into this concept by applying essential oils in a way that fully respects environmental sustainability and the local economy of the areas where plants are harvested. Aromatherapy can be defined as a preventive and controlled therapy that uses essential oils to maintain and balance the body and mind. It is highly useful in daily life for preventing respiratory pathologies, promoting good sleep, controlling stress and anxiety, and recovering from minor wounds.
What is an essential Oil? An essential oil is a natural aromatic substance that a plant secretes in its organs. Being solely made up of volatile aromatic molecules, it contains no fatty substances. When we talk about essential oils, we should always think about the plant in its natural habitat. When a human feels they are in danger, they activate the sympathetic nervous system, which allows them to enable a rapid escape. Plants, which don’t have this ability to escape, release aromatic molecules instead. These molecules protect plants from heat and pests, due to their fungicidal and antibacterial action, and it is these volatile aromatic molecules, extracted from plants, that provide therapeutic benefits. The effectiveness of essential oils is due to the diversity and small size of their molecules, which easily penetrate the body and “travel” rapidly through the bloodstream.
When we talk about natural aromatic substances, it is always important to know what precautions to take when using essential oils: • Pregnant women in their first trimester or babies younger than 3 months should not use them, except on rare occasions. In those cases, it is best to refer to a qualified aromatherapist. Essential oils should be kept out of reach of children. • Essential oils containing menthol, camphor or eucalyptol are contraindicated in asthmatics and in children under 6 as they can cause bronchospasms. Examples include Peppermint and Eucalyptus globulus essential oils. For this reason, you should become very familiar with your essential oils. • Essential oils should never be used in their pure form nor should they be applied directly on the skin due to their dermo caustic effect. Exceptions are Lavender and Tea Tree-based essential oils. • Due to their high concentration, essential oils should be used in small amounts. Just a few drops will do. • Essential oils are not water soluble. Therefore, they should not be ingested in water, as there is a great risk of harm to the digestive tract. They dissolve well in alcohol above 70°, in vegetable oils, in waxes, vegetable butter and sugar. • The safest ways to use essential oils are as topical applications or atmospheric diffusions. Other forms of application involve in-depth knowledge of the essential oil and the health condition of the person who uses it.
HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR USING AROMATHERAPY BOOSTING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Ravintsara essential Oil or Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil: • In atmospheric diffusion, place 8 drops in the diffuser. If there are children under 2 years old, use a maximum of 3 drops. • In dilution, place 2 drops of ravintsara in 8 drops of sweet almond oil and massage the soles of the feet and wrists. Apply this synergy for 3 weeks and take a break: repeat the treatment cycle if necessary. This application can be used for children aged 2 years and up. In infants between 3 months and two years old, apply 1 drop of essential oil in 9 drops of sweet almond oil.
AS A CALMING AND SLEEP-INDUCING ACTION Lavender Angustifolia essential oil or Tangerine or Sweet Orange essential oil: • In an atmospheric diffusion, place 8 drops of one of these essential oils in the diffuser, 1 hour before going to bed; turn off the diffuser when going to bed. • Choose which one of these oils to use based on your aromatic preference, since all of us identify differently with the same aromas. • In situations of stress and anxiety, inhale the Essential Oil directly from the package, taking long, deep inhalations to help you calm down.
AS A PREVENTIVE AGAINST LICE Tea tree essential oil is suggested: • Apply 2 drops of this essential oil in the amount of shampoo you are going to use to wash your hair. This application can be made for those aged 3 years and up. For children between 2 and 3, only one drop should be applied to the shampoo.
IN THE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND BURNS • Apply 1 drop of pure Lavender latifolia essential oil to the wound or burned area, applying this application 3 times every half hour. • To aid healing, add two drops of latifolia lavender to 8 drops of rosehip vegetable oil and apply to the wounded area.
AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF BRUISES AND BRUISES • Apply 1 drop of Helichrysum essential oil to 9 drops of arnica macerated oil; apply with a gentle massage on the affected area. This combination can be applied to children aged 1 year and up but should not be applied to their eyes or hands.
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DIXIE Dress The Middle Daughter Headscarf Beyond Retro Sunglasses Burberry
DAYS OF WILD Wild days of youth, the world unmapped, sometimes a little crazy, colouring outside the lines and always full of truth! Photography Annie Bundfuss - A & R Creative Creative Direction Rosanna Pendleton Styling Olly Paton Make - Up and Hair Elizabeth Hsieh using Weleda and Bumble & Bumble Models Dixie - Grace and Galore, J’Ziah and Damia - Bruce and Brown and Jonah - Kids London
J’ZIAH Jumper Asos Sunglasses Prada Hat Carhartt
DIXIE Dress The Middle Daughter Headscarf Beyond Retro Sunglasses Burberry
DIXIE Coat Monki Joggers Pangaia – Selfridges Headscarf Beyond Retro Hat Next Rucksack Hype Keyrings stylist’s own Trainers Zara JONAH Jacket Hunter Hat and polo neck Arket Cardigan Collusion Shorts Asos Boots Bottega Veneta DAMIA Hoodie and boots Stella McCartney Coats and bag Zara Hair bows Rachel Riley Sunglasses Dries Van Noten J’ZIAH Jumper, trousers and bag Asos T-shirt Uniqlo Coat Stella McCartney Hat Adidas
DAMIA Hat Nike Dress and trainers Zara Coat Toastie Socks Falke J’ZIAH Jumper Stella McCartney Shorts Rachel Riley Trainers Zara Socks Next
JONAH Hoodie and trousers Asos Polo neck and hat Arket
DAMIA Jacket Monki Hat Adidas Beanie Arket Headscarf Beyond Retro
J’ZIAH Jumper Stella McCartney Coat Mayoral Shorts Rachel Riley Bumbag and trainers Zara Keyrings stylist’s own Socks Next Hat Carhartt
DAMIA Hoodie and boots Stella McCartney Coats and bag Zara Hair bows Rachel Riley Sunglasses Dries Van Noten
J’ZIAH Jumper, trousers and bag Asos T-shirt Uniqlo Coat Stella McCartney Hat Adidas
DIXIE Dress The Middle Daughter Sleeveless coat Monki Coat Toastie Hat Little Hot Dog Watson Rucksack Stella McCartney
DIXIE Top Adidas Socks, skirt and hat Next Head scarf Beyond Retro Bag Zara
JONAH Coat, shirt and shoes Zara Puffer jacket Toastie Tie Beyond Retro Shorts La Coqueta Socks Next Rucksack Stella McCartney Keyrings stylist’s own DIXIE Top Adidas Socks, skirt and hat Next Headscarf Beyond Retro Trainers and bag Zara
JONAH Jacket Hunter Polo neck and hat Arket Cardigan Collusion Shorts Asos Boots Bottega Veneta DIXIE Coat Monki Joggers Pangaia – Selfridges Headscarf Beyond Retro Hat Next Rucksack Hype Keyrings stylist’s own Trainers Zara
Videographer Alex Forsey | Lighting Assistant Rowan Spray
THE ANIMAL IN YOU A n i m a ls a l wa ys p l a y a b ig p a r t i n a c h i l d ’s i m a g i n a t io n a n d l e t ’s f a c e i t : W he n i t c o m es t o f as h io n , i t ’s a w i n/w i n s i t ua t io n ! K ids l ove t o we a r a n i m a l - i ns p i r e d c l o t h i n g a n d we l ove t o s e e t h e m i n i t. S o, we’ve p u t t o g e t he r s o m e p i e c es we t h i n k eve r yo ne w i l l l ove ! By Boss Mum Bellerose
Marlot Paris
Maed for mini A076
The Marc Jacobs Kids
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The Marc Jacobs Kids
Mini Rodini Zig + Star Repose AMS
Petit Nord
Stella McCartney Kids
Golden Goose
Finger in the Nose
The QT
Les Coyotes de Paris
The QT Émile et Ida
Mini Rodini
Le Petit Lucas du Tertre ll Gufo
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Raffaela Jenkins is a Melbourne, Australia-based wife and mum of 2, with a third on the way. Her passion and love of Interiors and Styling, Beauty & Fashion has brought much attention to her Instagram account, where her down to earth approach on all things fabulous has been embraced by those looking for inspiration. By Bárbara Perino Photography courtesy of Raffaela Jenkins
“I feel like a rug always completes a space and ties the whole room together beautifully” THIS OR THAT
Sofa or floor pillows? Sofa Wood or marble? Wood Copper or silver? Copper Rugs or bare floors? Rugs Colourfull or neutral? Colourful but some
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Introduce us to your family! Raffaela Jenkins [R.J.]: I’m Raffaela and we’re a family of 4 (almost 5).I have been married to my best friend for 11 years and we have two beautiful children, Indigo 6 and Oliver 4, with another little guy on the way and due any day now. [LEMON]: Where do you guys live? [R.J.]: We live in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne right near the river.I love being amongst nature and surrounded by trees, greenery and water. It’s a great little community where we live and it’s the place we always envisioned for raising a family. [LEMON]: What inspires you to decorate your home? [R.J.]: I have a growing family so I like everything to look beautiful and have its place. However, I also like my home to be practical for both Brod and me and for the kids. So when decorating my home, I always keep this in mind. Functionality and beautiful things inspire me. [LEMON]: I absolutely love your brown couch, among other things. Any brands you would recommend? [R.J.]: I have a handful of brands and stores that are my go-to when looking to update or add items to our spaces. A few of my favourites are Lounge Lovers – I’ve owned a number of their lounges and furniture pieces now and the quality and designs are amazing
Miss Amara – my go-to for rugs. They have an incredible selection and so many different styles, sizes and colours to choose from. Love Moroccan rug – If you love vintage Moroccan rugs as much as I do, then this shop is a must. I own three of their incredible vintage one-of-a-kind rugs and I love what they bring to a space. Onyx and Smoke – incredible cushions, poufs and soft furnishing. The fabric quality is incredible and they are pieces you can move around the house. Sage and Clare, Kip & Co – Two of my favourite brands/designers for bedding, cushions and more. Their designs are so fun and vibrant. [LEMON]: I can see simple lines and elegant textures. Do you like to mix and match styles? [R.J.]: Yes, I love to mix the two to create interest and point of difference. Having a love of interiors, I like to mix a few different styles together and over the years you will probably notice my style has changed and evolved a lot. I think that it’s from experimenting and trying out new items, finding what works for my family while finding a real connection to the space. [LEMON]: When you have a family, the house should be beautiful but also functional. What are the best tips you can give us? [R.J.]: I like having nice things, but having a young family obviously plays heavily on that too. I have purchased things in the
past that haven’t really worked well so I have learnt over the years what furniture pieces work well for us. I like to go for items that can be cleaned, such as the Long Beach Sofas from Lounge lovers, where the covers would be completely stripped off and placed in the wash. I like rugs that can be steam cleaned or easily maintained. [LEMON]: For the kids’ rooms what inspired you? [R.J.]: In the kids’ spaces, I love to add colour to reflect their vibrant personalities.I am also inspired by their loves and interests and try to include these in their bedrooms so they can connect to their spaces. [LEMON]: Did they had a say in the decor? [R.J.]: Yes, I always keep in mind what they might like, and when selecting items for their bedrooms I involve them in the process and show them items that I may be considering for them to choose from. That may be wallpaper, bedding, art and other decorative pieces. It’s important for them to have a sense of ownership over their rooms. [LEMON]: Can you give us 5 simple steps to make our homes kid friendly? [R.J.]: 1M ake their spaces fun, allowing them to connect to their spaces. If it’s a space they love, they will want to be in it all the time. 2B e creative with storage. After having kids, I feel like you can never have too much storage. We have hidden bench seat &
cupboard storage where we can store toys and rotate them to keep play time fun and exciting. We don’t have all their toys out at all times. Also, having storage that is easily accessible, so they can easily access and store away their favourite items. This can be baskets or cupboards. This allows the kids to easily pack away their toys but also access them whenever they please. 3 P lay space (indoor/outdoor). We have a play corner at home and also a cubby/mud kitchen outside. This encourages imaginative play and a space they are free to explore and have fun in. We encourage outdoor play as much as possible, so having an area outside is just as important. 4Q uiet time. I also believe having a quiet / reading space is just as important as a play space. This is an area the kids can access any time of the day, but most importantly at night when we might be winding down from the day. Indi and Ollie both love their books, so adding an area they can retreat to was a must. 5 F loor coverings or rugs. We all know kids love to make a mess but we don’t want to deprive them from that either. Having an appropriate floor covering to protect surfaces is critical. Adding a soft rubber play mat during messy play sessions allows for easy clean up. [LEMON]: Which colours do you think will trend this winter? [R.J.]: I think yellow is making a comeback. I am seeing it more and more and even pops of blues.
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[LEMON]: In your opinion, what is the main piece for a living room? [R.J.]: I feel like a rug always completes a space and ties the whole room together beautifully. [LEMON]: What are your favourite home decoration pieces? What’s the area the kids spend most time in? And you guys? [R.J.]: I have A LOT of cushions. I have a whole linen closest just for cushions. They are items that don’t cost a lot but can change the feel and look of a space. I also love art and a lot of my colour inspiration comes from an art piece I have in a space. The kids spend a lot of time in their bedroom, and I think that’s mostly because they have that connection to the space and it’s filled with everything they love. Although when it’s a nice day, they love to play in their cubby or make up potions and mud pies in their mud kitchen. For Brod and I, we spend most of our time in the living spaces. It has such great natural light and is an area I love to be in. [LEMON]: Where do you like to relax at home? [R.J.]: We love our movie nights, or even binge watching a new show on Netflix so our lounge area is where we normally crash. But if it’s a beautiful day, we love spending time on our outdoor lounges with music playing while watch the kids play in the backyard. [LEMON]: What are the essential pieces for creating a relaxing space? [R.J.]: I love being surrounded by greenery and that’s why our
space is filled with indoor plants. They create a sense of tranquillity and when I take them outside for a watering once a month, I hate how empty and lifeless the indoor spaces feel. I also like having a clutter free space. I don’t like my spaces to be overly styled or surrounded by mess and toys. It’s hard to avoid at all times especially with young kids, however that’s why storage is very important in our household. If our house is messy, my mind feels like a mess too. [LEMON]: Is there anything you would change in your house? [R.J.]: More storage and an extra room. With a new baby on the way, we are currently in the process of planning an extension. So this will be a whole new project next year which we are very excited about! [LEMON]: Is the decor for your house done or is it always an ongoing project? [R.J.]: It is definitely an ongoing project. Having a strong love for interiors, art and decorative pieces, I am forever inspired and always love refreshing our spaces. [LEMON]: How do you see your house in 3 years? [R.J.]: I see us having a glorious master bedroom with an abundance of natural light and three beautiful bedrooms for each of our children. All totally different, matching their unique personality and interests. [LEMON]: Thank you for your interview and keep inspiring us with a stunning effortless home! @raffaela.sofia
"[...] a lot of my colour inspiration comes from an art piece I have in a space."
SNOWY LANE T h e d a ys m e l t i n my h a nds , s o c a l m a nd s o s t i l l . T h e f r oze n g l ass , t h e s now y l a ne a nd m e a nd my c u p o f h o t c oc o a a t ho m e, w he r e my he a r t b e l o n gs . We’ve pu t t o g e t he r s o m e p ie c es t o wa r m you r h ous e a n d you r he a r t t h is w i n t e r. By Boss Mum
Ferm Living
Madam Stoltz
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Nobodinoz at Maria do Mar Shop
Charlie Crane
Smeg at Selfriges L’Objet X Haas Brothers Unicorn Candle
Numero 74
Charlie & June at Smallable La Petite Collection at Smallable
Ferm Living
Oliver Bonas
Bobo Choses
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Preserving the environment and taking care of the world we live in is a noble endeavour. The Marine Megafauna Foundation does this flawlessly as it strives to save threatened marine megafauna. Manta rays, whale sharks and sea turtles are some of the animals under this organisation’s magnifying glass. Let’s find out more about this project! By Ana Roque Photography rights reserved
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Marine Megafauna Foundation was created in 2009 in Inhambane. Its mission is very clear: “to protect threatened marine species, with a special focus on marine megafauna.” It does it “through research, education and conservation activities in Mozambique.” Razaque Quive, who works for the Marine Megafauna as an “education project manager,” tells Lemon Magazine everything we need to know about this foundation. He’s involved in “the education project, both for adults at the community level as well as for children and young people from local schools.” “There are a few underlying issues off the coast of Mozambique that need to be addressed,” Razaque says. Marine Megafauna was founded to do exactly that. “These issues include destructive artisanal fishing practices and a lack of law enforcement in marine conservation. It‘s true that these two new approaches came a little later, as the main focus initially was on carrying out scientific research. However, the founders soon discovered that research alone would not be enough to protect the ocean: what they needed to do was use the findings for the benefit of both the environment and the community. Therefore, two further thematic areas were created to protect the ocean. They are education and conservation.” Marine Megafauna currently focuses on three areas: research, conservation and education. “Through conservation, we influence the government and empower communities to systematically protect their marine resources. With education, we raise awareness in communities about good environmental practices that can address threats to the ocean and life in it.” The foundation’s work also “benefits fishing communities by helping them use their marine resources sustainably. We engage everyone – adults and children, women and men.” LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: What are the main concerns of Marine Megafauna? Razaque Quive [R.Q.]: Our biggest concerns as an organisation are the destructive fishing practices that have been taking place along our coast and the weak enforcement of the law in Mozambique. An even greater concern on a global scale is the fact
that little attention has been paid to protecting the ocean. So far, only 6.35% of the ocean is protected. This means that there is still a lot of work to be done, not just in Mozambique, but worldwide. [LEMON]: On Marine Megafauna’s website, we can find a lot of information on mantas. Are you especially concerned about this specific species? [R.Q.]: The Mozambican coast, especially in Inhambane, is very special. In this area, a significant number of manta rays abound. For this reason, it’s a good place to conduct research on the species. Furthermore, the mantas are a big draw for international tourists who come to Mozambique. It’s a very important species. Secondly, in the area where MMF [Marine Megafauna Foundation] operates in Mozambique (Inhambane), one can find two species of manta rays – the giant manta and the reef manta – sharing the same ecosystem. This is rare in many other places in the world. Thirdly, MMF founder Dr. Andrea Marshall is a scientist and specialist in mantas so, as an organisation, we have a special interest in them. Thanks to the contributions of the research team, we have a lot to share about this species. On the other hand, unfortunately, the giant manta became the first manta species to be listed on the IUCN’s [International Union for Conservation of Nature] endangered species list in 2020. It deserves special attention. [LEMON]: Marine Megafauna is a worldwide project, but what does the foundation do in Mozambique? [R.Q.]: Marine Megafauna has projects elsewhere in the world and continues to open offices in other countries. In Mozambique, we are working with the Government to help communities create and manage Locally Managed Marine Areas, especially in Inhambane. We work with schools to provide marine conservation curricula for youth and children, we offer swimming lessons to reduce rates of drowning and we offer free vocational courses for young people who don’t have the means to pay for university courses or professional training. We also offer internships for aspiring scientists from local universities and we help fishing communities create alternative livelihoods to fishing to ensure their food security as well as reduce pressure on the ocean.
[LEMON]: Marine Megafauna also works with kids. What kinds of activities do you do with them? [R.Q.]: We work with children from primary schools and kindergartens and have marine conservation curricula designed for that. We cover marine ecology, the threats to marine ecosystems and the solutions that children and people in communities can bring to mitigate these problems facing the ocean today. The curriculum has 20 lessons, each of which talk about a specific species or marine ecosystem, as well as harmful practices that occur in our daily lives and sustainable practices that people need to adopt. We try to ensure that kids have fun while they learn by including playful, recreational activities. They also get a chance to learn how to swim with the help of our instructors and educators. We do ocean safaris with them and on Saturdays, we do beach cleanups as a way of contributing to environmental health and keeping our beaches clean and attractive. [LEMON]: How do you explain the importance of marine life conservation to younger generations? [R.Q.]: Demonstration is key! Children learn by seeing. Because of this, we use a methodology that really engages their attention and interest. We use audiovisual tools to teach children about ocean conservation. In this way, we can show children what the problems are, what the impacts of our harmful actions are and how good practices visibly contribute to the well-being of the environment as well as the people who interact with it. [LEMON]: How can we help Marine Megafauna Foundation? [R.Q.]: To achieve our goals, we rely on support from community leaders, government partners and other organisations and companies. When it comes to helping our organisation, there are several options. The most important, of course, is to show your support for our work and raise awareness about it. Also, to ensure that our programmes continue to make a positive impact, you can make a financial donation or donate materials or equipment and resources for education and research. @marinemegafauna
Arunt adi occus ut faci ariat harumquae veligni endit, sit molorep eruptium aut quame pos plitam 1 4 9
RIDING AROUND AFRICA Anna and Jonathan are living the African dream. They live in a paradisiacal Mozambican beach and have a little daughter who is nearly two. We ask them as locals to guide us through three magnificent destinations
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in the corner of the world they call home. B y A n a Ro q u e Photogr aphy c o ur t e s y A n n a O r l ows ka an d J o n at h an D arby llu s tr atio n A n a C ar r i ç o @ an af r o mpi n k n o u n o u
DISCOVERING INHAMBANE, THE “LAND OF GOOD PEOPLE” Anna and Jonathan live in Inhambane, a coastal city in Mozambique that is also the provincial capital. Anna tells LEMON that this place is also known as ‘terra de boa gente’ or land of the good people” in English. “That is exactly what it is and that is exactly why everyone who visits falls in love with it. Not only is it absolutely stunning, but the people are also truly charming.” Anna Orlowska and Jonathan Darby “are a couple in their early thirties with a 20-month-old daughter.” Anna used to be a primary school teacher, but she got involved in more personal creative projects when she became a mother. Jonathan is an artist and graphic designer. They’ve lived in Mozambique for nine years now and are passionate about this country. “Mozambique is a bright and beautiful country with a stunning, world class coastline. The people are warm and inviting, extremely friendly and with welcoming smiles. You will move between bustling towns and tranquil beaches.” They are also travel lovers. Living in Africa, Anna and Jonathan “have visited most places within the Southern region of Mozambique, from Maputo to Vilanculos.” They have also travelled “a lot in Europe, Canada, the Middle East and Asia.” Currently, they do a lot of trips throughout Southern Africa. We asked them to guide us through a tiny slice of the wonder that is Africa. Inhambane and Maputo in Mozambique, and Kruger National Park in South Africa were the destinations we picked. Let’s get to know them!
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: How would you describe Inhambane? Anna Orlowska [A.O.]: Inhambane is a relaxed, quiet town on the bay of Inhambane. The waterfront is lined by mangroves, where you can typically see flamingos and beautiful sunsets. There are old churches and Portuguese buildings to visit. Coconut and cashew vendors line the streets. The central market is lively and colourful, offering crafts, fresh local produce and basic meals. [LEMON]: What drove you there? [A.O.]: It was the prospect of great diving and underwater wildlife for me. My partner Jonny [Jonathan] was led here when he helped start a charity-based art project with local children. [LEMON]: How is life in this African paradise? [A.O.]: We live in Tofo [a small town in Inhambane]. Generally, we spend our days surfing and relaxing. I used to dive but now we spend a lot of time in the sea, whether it’s swimming, surfing, boating, or walking on the beach. Our life revolves around the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Our daughter has grown to love collecting shells and spending time in the tidal pools on the beach. We often go on local camping trips as well. The community here is amazing as well. [LEMON]: What was the best thing about this place you call home? [A.O.]: The people, their laid-back nature, the fresh seafood, the marine life, and the place itself. [LEMON]: Are the beaches as good as they look on the Internet? [A.O.]: The beaches are beautiful and sandy, lined with coconut trees. The turquoise waters are warm and crystal clear. Not too many tourists reach this destination, so you generally have the beach to yourself.
WHERE TO EAT IN INHAMBANE • “In Barra, we like to eat at Green Turtle. They make beautiful seafood dishes and appetizers right on the beach” • “Sentidos Beach Retreat also offers a delicious Sunday lunch buffet” • “In Tofo, our favourite places to eat are Branko’s Pizza, Sumi (Japanese cuisine) and Tofo (local Mozambican food)” • “ We enjoy having a sunset drink at Casa Na Praia”
TOP FAMILY ACTIVITIES IN INHAMBANE • “During the humpback whale season (from May to September) we recommend going whale watching with one of the local charters. Sentidos Beach Retreat offers this at their SEE Activity Centre.” • “Many of the dive centres offer swimming with whale sharks and visits to the local reefs for snorkeling.” • “Kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding in the mangroves in Barra. You can take a dhow (a local sailboat) to one of the islands in the estuary, which is a beautiful experience.” • “Walks along the beach or a visit to the Tofo or Inhambane market are also wonderful things to do.”
NOT TO BE MISSED IN INHAMBANE! [LEMON]: I guess living in such a beautiful place means having friends over to visit occasionally. Where do you recommend they stay? [A.O.]: I would highly recommend Sentidos Beach Retreat in Barra, which offers high end, tasteful beach villas. The resort is great for families as it includes a restaurant and pool, a spa, a gym, and an activity center that offers a range of different activities. [LEMON]: Talking about friends...What souvenirs can they take home? [A.O.]: There are currently many local artisans in Inhambane. The local craft markets in Tofo and Inhambane offer a wide range of crafts from jewelry to masks to capulana (traditional fabric). You can visit the Boa Gente factory to see how virgin coconut oil is pressed and take some products home. Several different artisans currently create natural soaps and other products using coconut oils. There’s also a craft shop at the Petrol station selling local honey, woven mats, home décor, candles, etc. Also located here is Libombo, a community operated ceramic shop selling products created with the local red clay. The recycling center, ALMA, also offers crafts made from recycled items.
Dathonga gallery “The Dathonga gallery is located in the center of Tofo and is a must-see. They have beautiful art displays by local artists as well as good quality crafted objects for sale such as woven baskets and bags, traditional masks, and home décor. The gallery is surrounded by a beautiful garden with a bar.” Zinave National Park “There are a few National Parks in Mozambique that host wildlife. There’s Gorongosa Park, of course, but also Zinave National Park, which is one of the lesserknown ones. It’s more difficult to reach as you need to take a 4x4 for most of the journey past Vilanculos. However, once inside, you’ll find stunning natural bush and vegetation, as well as a wide range of animal life including elephants, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, hippos. The accommodation is rustic (large canvas tents) overlooking the Sabie River.”
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Maputo is a vibrant, up and coming city. A fusion of old Portuguese aspects and Mozambican vibes.
LET’S HEAD TO OUR NEXT SPOT: MAPUTO! Maputo is the largest city in Mozambique and is also the capital of the country. Anna and Jonny “always spend a few nights” there when they pass through the city. This is the place where their daughter was born, and it will always be special for the family. [LEMON]: We’ve all heard about Maputo. What makes it special? [A.O.]: Maputo is a vibrant, up and coming city. A fusion of old Portuguese aspects and Mozambican vibes. It’s warm, full of acacia trees and the buzz of city life, all near the sea. [LEMON]: What experiences do you recommend in the city? [A.O.]: The FEIMA plant and craft market is great for a weekend stroll. Botanical gardens are lovely as well. We always enjoy a walk along the seaside boulevard with some fresh coconuts to drink. We also recommend visiting the Franco-Mozambican cultural centre for some live music and crafts. [LEMON]: We have to talk about the food... What can we eat in Maputo? [A.O.]: You can find any kind of international cuisine in Maputo but we highly recommend the seafood. It’s fresh and locally caught. Of course, there are always seasonal fruit vendors selling tasty pineapple, mango, passion fruit, depending on the time of year.
[LEMON]: Tell us what is the best and the worst thing about Maputo... [A.O.]: The best thing about this city is the liveliness of it all. There is a vibrancy among the people, and it is fun to just walk along the boulevard and people watch. It is challenging to get around the city without a car and the streets are super busy so driving is not easy. [LEMON]: It is suitable for a family vacation? [A.O.]: I think Maputo is a decent family destination for a couple of days. We highly recommend visiting the Maputo Special Reserve just outside of the city to see some wildlife, including elephants.
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• “For a treat, visit the restaurant Dhow, which is an incredible space with some unique crafts and Greek fusion.” • “ We also recommend Botanica, which is set in a courtyard garden and serves lovely Mediterranean style food.”
FEIMA craft market Franco-Mozambican cultural centre Botanical gardens Maputo special elephant reserve A walk along the seaside
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"Everyone hears so much about this park... It definitely meets expectations as one of the world’s best in terms of seeing wildlife.”
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LAST STOP: KRUGER NATIONAL PARK! This is South Africa’s most amazing safari destination and one of the most popular nature parks in the world. It could not be otherwise. “Everyone hears so much about this park... It definitely meets expectations as one of the world’s best in terms of seeing wildlife.” For those who’ve not had the fortune to go, Anna explains that “Kruger is a huge park covering many different landscapes-rocky cliffs, bush, grasslands, rivers. The diversity of plant and animal life is stunning.” For her, each visit is “a different and unique experience. The wildlife is so abundant and although there is no guarantee you will see the big five each time, you are sure to be fulfilled in some way each time.” Anna and Jonny have visited Kruger Park many times since they moved to Africa. “We try to visit at least once a year.” It is “definitely” a ‘bucket list’ experience for them. “We always stay at Tamboti tented camp. They have large canvas tents with beds, a barbecue, fridge, hot showers and private patios overlooking the Tambavati riverbed. It feels wild and we always enjoy the wildlife that visit the camp, especially at night. The sounds of the bush are amazing.” Visiting Kruger National Park, the couple has some favourite activities: “we recommend doing a dawn and dusk drive, either with your own car or with a game viewer. The
drives with the game viewer are special because you are in an open vehicle and high up, which gives you a better view. You also have the advantage of riding with a park ranger who can spot and point out things that you may normally miss. Dawn and dusk are the best times to see animals. Also, having breakfast or lunch overlooking the Sabie River at the Lower Sabie rest area is a nice thing to do.” For people with kids, Anna offers an extra tip. “Kruger is absolutely a must with the family. Especially with kids older than two as they can help spot animals!” Besides this park, they have also visited a few other South African places. “We have visited St. Lucia, a town where hippos walk the streets, the vast and majestic Drakensburg mountains, Hluhluwe game park in KwaZulu Natal and the Jane Goodall chimpanzee reserve. Also White River, Nelspruit, and the cities of Durban, Johannesburg and beautiful Cape Town. And finally, the wild Karoo Desert.” Unlike most of Mozambique, “the safest” Anna “has ever felt in any place in the world”, South Africa “is a place where you have to be more vigilant. Robbery is common so making sure you act smart while visiting here is important. However, most tourist destinations are fairly safe and well taken care of.”
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PACKING LIST Ac r oss A f r ic a t h e r e is a c ou n t r y o f g l i t t e r i ng wa t e rs a n d v i b r a n t l a nds c a p es , w he r e you c a n f i nd t h e t r e es o f l i f e ! H e r e a r e s o m e mus t- ha ve i t e ms f o r you r M oza m b iq ue t r i p. By Boss mum
Boho Gypsy Dreamer
Business & Pleasure Co. MPL Beauty
Anni Lu Superzero
Rimowa Sandqvist
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Mindful Bohemian Cuscuz Cotton Citizen
Lemon Hair Lovers
Organic Zoo
Organic Zoo
Sticky Lemon
Milk & Soda
Petites Pommes
Gray Label
Studio Bohème Bonjour Little
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NICOLAS Overshirt Zara Sweater The Animals Observatory Trousers Arket
DANTE Sweater H&M Denim Arket EDITH Sweater Arket Trousers Bobo Choses
ADVENTURES We are explorers of the heart, dreaming of adventures. We want to go places beyond our imagination and leave footprints in every treasure map! Can you guide us? Photography Jessica Sidenros S t y l i n g F i a Te g n é r Models Nicolas – Mikas and Dante - Sweden Models and Edith
EDITH Tracksuit Mini Rodini Bandana Urban Classics Jacket Zara Shoes Vans DANTE Cap Fjällräven Jacket H&M Dungarees Minimalisma Top Mini Rodini NICOLAS Jacket Bobo Choses Trousers and shoes Zara
EDITH Fleece and trousers A Monday in Copenhagen Shoes Vans DANTE Fleece Zara Hoodie Bobo Choses Trousers H&M NICOLAS Beanie Mini Rodini Cardigan The Animals Observatory Dungarees Cyrillus Shoes Zara Socks Arket
NICOLAS Overshirt and shoes Zara Denim Arket DANTE Sweater A Monday in Copenhagen Denim Arket Rubber boots Viking
DANTE Sweater Zara Denim Arket Beanie H&M
NICOLAS Denim Lindex Shoes Zara Vest The Animals Observatory Knitted top Oeuf
DANTE Sweater Zara Vest Everest Scarf The Animals Observatory
DANTE Sweater H&M Bandana Urban Classics Denim Arket Shoes Zara
DANTE Bucket hat The Animals Observatory Hoodie A Monday in Copenhagen Jacket Givenchy Rubber boots Viking
EDITH Fleece and beanie A Monday in Copenhagen Glasses Very French Gangsters
DANTE Fleece Zara Hoodie Bobo Choses
NICOLAS Jacket Mini Rodini
Retouching Madeleine Duong
NICOLAS Jacket Mini Rodini Denim Arket Shoes Zara DANTE Jacket and denim Arket Sweater H&M Shoes Zara
NATURAL TONES H o t c oc o a , s n ow f l a kes , f ros t y l e a ves , s c a r ves a n d c o a t s … eve r y t h i n g is s o f t a nd s l ow. Ca n you f e e l t h e c o l d w i n t e r a i r? By Boss Mum
Mini Kyomo
Belle Chiara
La Nouvelle
The QT
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Meri Meri
Hundred Pieces at Smallable
Studio Bohème Monnalisa Totoco Vintage
Ruslan Baginskiy
Fairechild PlayUp
Babe & Tess Omibia
1 + in the Family
Dulis Shoes
Soor Ploom
Nellie Quats
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PASSION FOR FASHION Laerta Dedukaj is a 10-year-old girl from Albania who has been living in London for the past 8 years. She takes her passion for fashion seriously and has been putting her ideas into action through her love for styling up outfits and participating in different projects. This young professional has built an Instagram community of 1.3 million followers from all over the world. By Lara Franco Gomes Photography courtesy of Laerta Dedukaj
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QUICK QUESTIONS Necklace or bracelet? Necklace Hairclips or headbands? Headbands Scarves or hats? Hats Trousers or skirts? Trousers Snickers or boots? Sneakers
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Hello Laerta! Tell us a bit about school and your favourite subjects? Laerta Dedukaj [L.D.]: I’m in Grade 6 at primary school. My favourite subjects are History and English. [LEMON]: And what are your hobbies? [L.D.]: One of my hobbies is reading. I also like drawing and I take gym classes every week as well. [LEMON]: What is your favourite sport? [L.D.]: Basketball is my favourite. [LEMON]: When did your passion for fashion begin? [L.D.]: When I was around 2. [LEMON]: Have you always been this natural in front of the camera or was it something you had to get used to? [L.D.]: Every time I saw a camera I would just instantly pose; it’s always been natural to me! [LEMON]: Do you get any help with styling your looks? [L.D.]: I don’t always work with stylists; most of the time my mom and I put the outfits together, but some other brands that I work with may provide their own stylists. [LEMON]: How would you describe your style? [L.D.]: I always try to switch up my style and try out new things so I don’t really prefer any style in particular. [LEMON]: Where do you find inspiration for your fashion choices? [L.D.]: I try to personalize every shoot that I do. I always try to be creative with what I wear. [LEMON]: And what about your scenery and poses? Do you plan everything? [L.D.]: Me and my mother plan the location of the shoots but the poses and everything just comes naturally to me while we’re doing the shoot.
[LEMON]: What are your favourite colours to wear? [L.D.]: I love neutral colours for my outfits, but I don’t mind wearing colourful clothes as well. [LEMON]: Is there any colour you would never dress yourself in? [L.D.]: Not really, being a part of the fashion industry has taught me to respect every piece of clothing no matter what the colour is. [LEMON]: What are your wardrobe must-haves? [L.D.]: Accessories such as sunglasses and hats (preferably berets). [LEMON]: Any favourite colours for this winter? [L.D.]: I really love wearing black and brown colours for winter clothing. [LEMON]: What are your favourite clothing brands? [L.D.]: I’d say many. If I had to list some of my favourites, they would be Fendi and Burberry. [LEMON]: Which pieces do you think are worth investing in? [L.D.]: Any type of accessories, they really make an outfit. Clothing-wise, coats can really make an outfit stand out especially in the fall/winter season. [LEMON]: What is the most extravagant piece you have ever worn? [L.D.]: One of my birthday dresses, for sure. [LEMON]: Who are your fashion idols? [L.D.]: I really like Rihanna, not only as a singer but also for the way she dresses. She kills every look, all the time. @fashion_laerta
LET’S PARTY! T h is N ew Ye a r ’s E ve, we d es e r ve t ha t ex t r a s h i ne a nd t ha t ’s w hy we’ve pu t t o g e t h e r s o m e p ro d uc t s t ha t w i l l l eve l u p you r l o o k . You r s k i n d es e r ves t o b e we l l c a r e d f o r a nd you d es e r ve t o p r i m e you rs e l f f o r t h a t s p e c i a l s p a r k o f new t h i ngs t o c o m e ! By Cool Mum
Huda Beauty Brown Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette Eisenberg Invisible Corrective Makeup
Makeup By Mario Soft Sculpt Shaping Stick
Too Faced Better Than Sex Faux Mink Falsie Eyelashes
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Maybelline New York Superstay Ink Crayon Lipstick
L’Oréal Paris Voluminous Lash Paradise Waterproof Mascara
YSL Beauty Sequin Crush Mono Eyeshadow
Clinique Cheek Pop Blush
Tarte Mini Maracuja Creaseless Undereye Concealer
Real Techniques Blend + Blur Contour Brush
Urban Decay All Benamôr Lip Nighter Long-Lasting Balm Makeup Setting Spray
Kiehl’s Micro-Dose Anti-Aging Retinol Serum with Ceramides and Peptide
Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit
Saie Dew Balm
MAC Extra Dimension Eye Shadow
Chanel Rouge Allure Inkmatte Liquid Lip Colour
Freck Beauty Slimelight Highlighter
Tatcha The Liquid Silk Canvas: Featherweight Protective Primer
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Diogo Rocha is a Portuguese chef who has been working in professional kitchens from an early age. His studies began at a cooking and pastry-making course in Coimbra, after which he completed a bachelor’s degree in Food Production and Catering and a Masters in Sustainable Tourism. His journey as a chef has led him to “Mesa de Lemos” in Dao, which was awarded a Michelin star in 2019, a feat it repeated in December 2020. What a wonderful reward for the restaurant and the region, which are his pride and joy. By Lara Franco Gomes Photography cour tesy of Chef Diogo Rocha Illustration Ana Carriço @anafromnounou
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LEMON Magazine [LEMON]: Hello, how are you? Congratulations on your work! How does it feel to receive a Michelin star? Diogo Rocha [D.R.]: Hello, everything’s great right now. A cook’s dream when he becomes a chef is to see his cooking skills recognised by the public and by customers and to provide great moments of satisfaction to those who eat our food. Seeing positive reviews and recommendations by national critics motivates us to strive for international recognition. For many of us, the goal is to be up there in the same “League” as our idols (in this case the “Champions League”. I’m no different. This wasn’t only a personal goal, though. It was also for the entire region of Viseu, Portugal, where the restaurant is located. It had never had a Michelin Star restaurant before. I knew certain things would happen to us, like our demand would grow, but I didn’t know that our reach would become global. On the day we won the star, we received reservations from New York, Brussels, Madrid and Paris. That period was crazy with the jump in reservations. It was difficult to manage. We immediately realised what the Michelin Guide offers in terms of the size, scope,
and business it brings in. The audience for gastronomic tourism, especially consumers of Michelin-starred restaurants, is huge, and you only understand that after you get in “the club”. Achieving the Michelin Star was one of the best sensations I’ve ever had in my life! [LEMON]: Is it correct to speak of soup as food? For example, when someone says, “carrot soup is my favorite food”? [D.R.]: Of course, the richness of a soup is enormous. The ingredients and their preparation give it this status. Having our favorite food be a soup is as valid as any other dish. [LEMON]: You believe that nature and keeping things preserved in their purest state are the bases for ensuing the high quality of an ingredient. In this sense, what are the best ingredients for a winter soup? [D.R.]: Legumes are great ingredients for winter soups. They give them structure and consistency, as well as nutritional richness. Cooking legumes that have been dried, hydrated, seasoned and braised greatly improves the quality of our soups. Adding smokiness to a soup and spices, such as
good quality freshly ground pepper or even a fresh chili pepper, also warms the heart. [LEMON]: What ingredients can we add to our soups to help us strengthen our immune system at this time of year? [D.R.]: Soups support our immune systems all year round, but at this time and using seasonal products, I’d recommend mushrooms, which are rich in antioxidants and selenium, as well as B vitamins; spinach, which is a source of fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C; sweet potatoes, which are also rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene and vitamin A; and pumpkin seeds (great for garnishing your soup) which have zinc, a mineral that activates and regulates the function of the immune system cells. [LEMON]: And how careful should we be when choosing our ingredients? [D.R.]: Always choose products that are in season and cooked fresh, or in the case of legumes, from dried. Avoid products that have been prepared or conserved, such as canned peas. If you use fish, seafood or meat, it should be fresh and of excellent quality.
[LEMON]: How long does soup last in the fridge and freezer? [D.R.]: I would say two days. But I prefer to make a fresh soup at every meal - in my restaurant and at home, that’s how I do it. I don’t throw it away, I do the right math ;) [LEMON]: Is there an ideal way to preserve soup? Plastic or glass Tupperware, for example? Does it matter or does it matter? [D.R.]: I would choose glass. I may be wrong, but when we keep food in plastic, it seems to absorb it and you can see this when you wash the plastic - it never gets back its original colour! It gets duller. With glass, that doesn’t happen. [LEMON]: Can a soup be rich enough to be a meal in itself? What should we take into account if we want it like that? [D.R.]: If we believe that a meal should have protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, etc…, then of course it can. These are all ingredients and nutrients that we can find in a good soup. But for that to happen, we have to make sure the proportions are right for what our body needs, including fat. [LEMON]: Your latest book “Mãe, Hoje é Bacalhau à Chef Diogo Ro-
cha” (“Mum, Today it’s Codfish à la Diogo Rocha”) is aimed at younger audiences. What in your opinion is the best soup to serve before cod? [D.R.]: Green soup. It’s popular and much loved by the Portuguese, but also because it’s more herbaceous and the freshness balances out the intense flavour and fat of the cod. [LEMON]: You’ve also written a book about Portuguese cheeses -“Queijaria do Chef”. What’s a good Portuguese cheese that’s often used in soups? [D.R.]: Serra da Estrela PDO Buttered cheese is great in gratin soups. [LEMON]: Any tricks you can share to get kids hooked on soup? I bet many of our mama readers would be super grateful for some tips. [D.R.]: We encourage kids to make soup and to get involved in the process of creating one using only their favourite ingredients. Get them to make soups with flavours that are more direct and familiar to them. Use cutters or doll moulds to cut the vegetables that will be used to garnish the soups and let kids play a little with these characters ;)
[LEMON]: What is your favorite soup? Can you tell us? [D.R.]: Chestnut Soup, because it was made in a slow, loving, passionate and special way by my maternal grandmother, who had the huge task of boiling the chestnuts, peeling them, making the base, and gathering everything over a slow fire while calling for me to come home. The soup was heavenly! I miss it and her a lot. [LEMON]: Thank you for this conversation. We can’t say goodbye without asking you for two soup recipes (of course)! What recipes will you leave us with? [D.R.]: I have two different soups that show the versatility of the ingredients, either with cheese or with fish (I use fish liver here, but it can be a piece of fish as well). One shows that you can make a sweet, fresh soup with fruit, and both are very appealing to the eye. [LEMON]: Thank you and keep up the excellent work. [D.R.]: Thank you! @diogorocha.dr
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SWEET APRICOT SOUP WITH GOAT CHEESE Ingredients: Sweet soup 200 ml water 100 g sugar 500 g peeled and stoned apricots Cinnamon cake 3 eggs Zest of half a lemon 250 g sugar 250 g flour Cinnamon powder to taste 1 teaspoon baking soda 140 g goat cheese
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Method: Put all the ingredients for the sweet soup in a pan and heat until the apricots are cooked. Drain the syrup and process into a purée with a hand blender. If necessary, add a little of the cooking syrup. For the cake, preheat the oven at 180°C. Beat the eggs, add lemon zest and mix well. Add sugar, flour and cinnamon and mix well until you obtain a smooth cream. Dissolve the baking soda in a little water and add to the cake mixture, mixing well. Pour into a square cake tin, lined with baking paper and previously greased with butter, and place in the oven for 45 minutes. Cut the cheese into small pieces and serve with the cake and sweet soup.
CAULIFLOWER AND ANGLERFISH LIVER SOUP Ingredients: Anglerfish liver 1 piece Cauliflower 500 g Onions 200 g Olive oil 200 ml Garlic 20 g Salt to taste Method: Cut the cauliflower and the peeled onions into small pieces, slice the garlic thinly and place everything in a roasting pan. Sprinkle with a dash of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Roast for 45 minutes at 170 °C. Next, place the vegetables in a pan and fill with water. Simmer over low heat. When the vegetables are done, grind and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Right before serving, brown the anglerfish liver in a very hot frying pan with a dash of olive oil. Season with salt and transfer to a plate. Pour the cauliflower cream over the medallions.
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LEMON SHOTS A quarterly dose of love for our favourite brands… By Erica Loi
MORI This Autumn, MORI launched their first ever range of Outerwear, made from 100% recycled polyester from plastic bottles. Since 2015, MORI has been helping parents embrace every moment by providing cleverly designed organic essentials for baby to make parenting easier. HAPE TOYS It’s that time of year when we are bombarded with toys. Why not invest in some long lasting, eco-friendly wooden toys that can be passed on from child to child? STICKY LEMON Sticky Lemon, known primarily for its backpacks, has launched a collection with a golden touch. Chic, cool and a must have for all kids, great and small. Oh and the parents too! IVY LEE COPENHAGEN These are for us mums. Running to and fro between school drops and pickups, never putting ourselves first and quite literally chucking anything on in the morning. Their winter boots not only keep toes toasty, they are pretty darn cute!
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KOOKOO BUT KIND Hands down the nicest, kindest, most sincerely sustainable brand out there. Heartfelt slogan sweaters and tees to suit any mood and EVERYONE!
ADEN AND ANAÏS aden + anaisTM, the global babycare brand known for its iconic muslin products, has continued its expansion into the ‘playtime’ category, with the launch of the baby activity gym. A few minutes of peace is a lifetime of therapy!!
MINIMALISMA This online Nordic, luxury kidswear site is timeless. The simplicity of the designs will have you craving for more. Basics, essentials, but in the chicest way possible. ARKET Keep those gorgeous little heads warm this winter, with these cuddly and comfortable knitted hats from Arket. Available in a rainbow of colours too!
KATTAN STORE A delicate and understated store for the kids. Kattan specialises in loungewear, comfortable wear and quite frankly everyday wear. The coolest of them all. SUPERGA Match shoes with your little ones or don’t. Superga has a huge range of canvas, leather and even vegan shoes for the whole family. MUDDY PUDDLES ‘Tis the season to get incredibly muddy and wet and cold. But as long as you’re wearing muddy puddles, you may as well be in the tropics ;)! Well, kind of! Experts in waterproofs, warm linings and fun designs, Muddy puddles is the brand you need in your pushchair basket at all times!
KIDLY An online must. Kidly has you covered from tableware to waterproofs, from Veja trainers to fancy dress. They are your one stop shop for everything kid! BABY RIDE If you know me, you’ll know I’m obsessed with pushchairs! And oh em geeee! If you want unique, modern, chic and absolutely MEGA, then have a look at these!
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All mums have issues. It just happens I have more.
“I’M SO BORED I COULD DIE” By Manuela Marques
Photography courtesy of Manuela Marques
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City happens when Carrie attends a party at her Vogue editor’s home and encounters Lexi Featherston (played by Kristen Johnston), a notorious New York party girl and socialite, who literally dies right after saying these words: “God, I’m so bored I could die”. She breaks her heel and falls out the window while bitching about how New York was over, and no one was fun anymore. It’s kind of morbid to laugh about, but while we’re here, why don’t we take a minute to think about the last time we reeeally had fun? Was Lexi right? Though karma didn’t allow her to finish her thoughts and theories for the sake of amusement, I believe she was onto something. When did everybody stop smoking? When did everybody pair off? (…) No one’s fun anymore! Whatever happened to fun? I would say your parents took it away. And so did your kids. There, I said it, without an ounce of guilt. This is my fifth column, you should love me by now. Perfectly imperfect We grow up listening to our parents tell us: when are you going to start acting more like an adult? As any good kid/ teenager knows, you begin to do this and a small, silly part of you dies the day you stop making fart noises with your armpit. You get a job, and everybody acts like they’re so serious and they have it all figured out. So, you emulate. You don’t want to fall behind. And at this point, your level of fun has dropped lower than my chances of marrying Keanu Reeves who, by the way, has a new girlfriend (side note: what the hell does she have that I don’t??). And finally, you have kids. Boom!! Now you’re left with only one bar on your funometer. Only this time it’s their turn to have fun and you have to be the responsible one and, suddenly, you’re doing the exact same thing that your parents did to you. Shaaaaaaame! To quote Sex & the City again, let’s all take a breath and reboot. Let’s embrace the type of parenting behaviour our children would feel embarrassed about! Yes, I’m talking about silly-hardcore-reckless acts of fun. Totally shame-free. I’m not talking “I’m going out with my gal’s” kinda fun. I’m talking
about buying a loudspeaker and hollering at the entrance of your son’s school “Happy Birthday Little Sucker. Mummy Loves You, Deal with It”. For those who might be wondering, yes, I’ve done this! And wouldn’t you know, he liked it. He was proud for a while, of course. At the end of that day, my ten-year-old son actually said to me, “mum, don’t never change”. This is an obscene level of fun mixed with some high-class parenting skills. You get to make a fool of yourself while teaching your kid a valuable lesson. It’s definitely a win-win. While having fun doesn’t mean you have to make a fool of yourself, it definitely means you should care less about what others might think of you. Freedom is inside your head and if you keep trying to adjust perfectly to a society that is already completely out of step, you’re just wasting your life. You’re missing out and you’re passing on this nonsense to your children. Of course, your perception of whether something is fun depends on your mindset, ability and skills, as well as the environment you live in and those around you. For instance, gardening might seem monotonous to one person but fun to another. For many, work can be fun too. I don’t judge. Well, I do, but not when it comes to fun. I guess what I’m trying to say is that life doesn’t have to be boring. People choose to be boring, but life doesn’t have to be that way. And if you can find light-hearted pleasure in every single little thing you do, you’re ready to buy a loudspeaker and yell out compliments to random people on the street Spread the fun, spread the love and encourage your kids not to be afraid of doing things they love, that give them pleasure, whether it’s wearing weird clothes or singing in the middle of the school yard. Yesterday, while crossing the street, I danced like an idiot with zero coordination but I was extremely groovy and self-confident. Some might say I’m crazy, some might say I did it to amuse the drivers. I just say I did it for FUN. @mypitangas
Let's Get Real For a Minute... Sometimes it’s hard to put all the naughty little secrets of motherhood into words, but we believe it’s so important because it makes us feel less alone and more human. By Real Mums
“Don’t even want to think about how much candy I ate today. But it was really good.”
“Living the dream. Just not my dream!”
“When I was a kid, I thought Mama Bear just liked her porridge cold. Now that I’m a mom I understand the real reason.”
“I need sleep and I think nobody in this house appreciates me and what I do”
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“The kids at my school don’t like me, they think I’m weird”, are painful words to hear come your child’s mouth.”
“My husband thinks this separation is temporary. It’s not.”
“I have a friend that is so egocentric, she only wants to talk about herself. Won’t even respond if I message her something about myself. This is a reason why people get ghosted. What’s the point?”
“When confronted, my husband says, “we have different narratives” and “I am comfortable with my narrative and don’t want to get into your narrative”. That’s gaslighting, right?”
We invite you to share your secrets with us. They will always remain anonymous and you will be helping other mothers around the world: