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Facultad de Medicina School of Medicine

Oferta acadĂŠmica Grado en Medicina Degree in Medicine

Grado en Medicina + International Program in Medicine Degree in Medicine + International Program in Medicine

2018 / 2019

¿Por qué en la Universidad de Navarra? La Facultad de Medicina, fundada en 1954, prepara profesionales con una sólida formación científica y técnica, dotados de un profundo respeto por los derechos humanos, la dignidad de la persona enferma y su familia, y con preocupación social. El Grado en Medicina tiene una clara dimensión internacional que facilita el acceso a la especialidad médica y el desarrollo profesional en cualquier parte del mundo. The School of Medicine was established in 1954; its overall goal is to provide students with well-rounded scientific education and technical training shaped by respect for human rights and the dignity of patients and their families, as well as a commitment to social service. Our Degree in Medicine is international in scope, facilitating access to medical practice and further professional development throughout the world.

Carta del Decano Letter from the Dean

En la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Navarra formamos médicos inconformistas e innovadores, que aspiran a ser excelentes personas y profesionales, con vocación de servicio. Por eso, deseamos estudiantes que no busquen solamente adquirir conocimientos sino que también asuman el reto de cambiar la práctica de la Medicina allí donde trabajen. Porque esa es una señal distintiva de la Universidad de Navarra: que acompañamos a nuestros alumnos en su desarrollo profesional y personal.

The School of Medicine prepares students to become nonconformist and innovative doctors who aspire to be excellent people and professionals with a vocation to serve others. That’s why we want to attract students who do not simply seek to acquire knowledge but who are also ready to take on the challenges and be leaders in the medical profession wherever they may work. This is the distinctive mark of the University of Navarra; we accompany our students in their personal and profesional development.

En la Facultad encontrarás profesores que te van a proponer un desafío para obtener lo mejor de ti, invitándote a participar en iniciativas apasionantes de las que queremos que formes parte muy activa. Y todo ello en un ambiente internacional que, según nuestros graduados, conforma una experiencia universitaria que es difícil de olvidar.

At the School, you’ll find professors who will push you to achieve your best and invite you to participate in passionate initiatives in which you are encouraged to take an active part. All of this takes place in an international setting, which according to our alumni makes for an unforgettable university experience.

Este folleto contiene información sobre el plan de estudios, International Program y los programas de especialización. Confío que te sirva como una primera aproximación a nuestra Facultad. Pero nuestro proyecto se percibe con mayor claridad en una visita al campus. Por eso, aprovecho para invitarte a las Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas del curso 2017/18, que tendrán lugar el 11 de noviembre de 2017 y el 14 de abril de 2018.

This brochure contains information on the curriculum and specialist programs that I hope will provide you with an introduction to our School. But the best way to understand our approach is by visiting the campus. Therefore, I would like to take the opportunity and invite you to our Open Days for the 2017/18 academic year that will take place on November 11th and April 14th.

Espero poder saludarte personalmente. Un cordial saludo.

I look forward to welcoming you personally. Warm regards.



¿Qué nos hace diferentes? What makes us different?

Docencia unida a la investigación y a la asistencia Research and carebased teaching La Facultad y la Clínica Universidad de Navarra están estrechamente unidas al Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada (CIMA) y el Instituto de Salud Tropical, un triángulo de docencia, asistencia clínica e investigación. The School of Medicine and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra are closely linked to the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) and the Tropical Health Institute: a triangle of teaching, clinical care and research.

Vocación internacional International Outlook Cada año se matriculan en la Facultad un 15% de alumnos procedentes de la UE, Asia, EE.UU. y Latinoamérica. Además, numerosos alumnos realizan rotaciones clínicas en diferentes países del mundo, gracias a los convenios para prácticas en hospitales de primer nivel de Estados Unidos, Asia o Europa. Students from Asia, U.S.A., Latin America and other EU countries join the School of Medicine every year with many carrying out clinical hospital rotations throughout the world thanks to our partnership agreements with top-tier institutes in the U.S.A., Asia and Europe.

Alumna de Medicina en clase en el Centro de Simulación. Medical student at the Simulation Center.

Centro de simulación Simulation Center

Trato personalizado Mentoring

Su misión fundamental es dotar a los alumnos de grado y posgrado de una formación práctica estandarizada de vanguardia en un entorno controlado y seguro y mejorar la capacitación médica. Además, proporciona un entrenamiento en situaciones clínicas poco habituales, permite la realización de procedimientos en escenarios que recrean situaciones críticas y refuerza el trabajo en equipo, el autoaprendizaje y la autocrítica.

Cada alumno cuenta, desde su incorporación a la Facultad, con el apoyo de un Asesor. En tercer curso se le asigna un Tutor Clínico que le ayuda a alcanzar los objetivos de su formación como médico.

The core mission of the center is to provide medical students with standardized state-of-the-art practical training in a safe and controlled environment. It also provides training in uncommon clinical situations, which enables students to implement procedures in scenarios that simulate critical situations, and focuses on teamwork, self-learning and self-criticism.

Formación práctica Practical training Desde 1º, el alumno adquiere competencias clínicas a traves de asignaturas como Iniciación a la Clínica, que se imparte en el Centro de Simulación, y Preclínica que está fundamentada en casos clínicos reales.

Every student counts: for the first two years of basic education, students can draw on the support of an academic advisory. Starting in the third year, a mentor is assigned to each student for academic guidance, professional development, and to assure competency goals are met to become a doctor.

Formación humana integral A rounded, human education El plan de estudios incluye asignaturas humanísticas como Ética, Deontología y Antropología, dirigidas a suscitar interés por las cuestiones más trascendentales. The program syllabus includes humanities subjects such as profesional ethics and anthropology; the goal of which is to engage students’ interest in broader questions and issues.

From the start of the first year, students acquire clinical competences through subjects such as Introduction to Clinical Practice, taught at the Simulation Center, as well as subjects based up in real clinical cases. FACULTAD DE MEDICINA


Grado en Medicina Degree in Medicine


Primer curso / First year ECTS Antropología / Anthropology* 6 Anatomía Humana / Human Anatomy* 9 Bioquímica / Biochemistry* 9 Biología Celular / Cell Biology* 6 Psicología 6 Bioestadística / Biostatistics* 6 Biofísica / Biophysics* 5 Histología / Histology* 7 Iniciación a la Clínica 6 Segundo curso / Second year ECTS Fisiología Humana 8 Claves de la Cultura Actual 6 Preclínica / Preclinic* 10 Radiología Básica / Basic Radiology* 3 Genética Clínica 4 Inmunología / Immunology* 3 Introducción a la Investigación / Introduction to Research* 3 Bioquímica Clínica 3 Neurociencia / Neuroscience* 5 Patología General 5 Epidemiología / Epidemiology* 3 Historia de la Ciencia Médica, Documentación y Terminología Médica 3 Optativas 4 Tercer curso / Third year Ética Fisiopatología Microbiología Cirugía y Anestesia Clínica Práctica I Anatomía Patológica Farmacología COT Rehabilitación Clínica Práctica II Optativas

ECTS 6 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5


* Asignaturas obligatorias en inglés para el International Program / Compulsory subjects in English for the International Program

Cuarto curso / Fourth year Oftalmología Ética Médica Otorrinolaringología Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular Clínica Práctica III Sistema Respiratorio Obstetricia y Ginecología Hematología Valoración de la Evidencia Científica Radiología Clínica I Enfermedades Infecciosas Clínica Práctica IV Optativas

ECTS 3 3 3 6 7 4 5 3 3 3 5 7 8

Quinto curso / Fifth year ECTS Urología 2 Psiquiatría 4 Clínica Práctica V 7 Gestión de la Calidad y Economía Sanitaria 3 Dermatología 3 Sistema Digestivo 5 Endocrinología y Nutrición 5 Neurología 6 Nefrología 3 Medicina Molecular y Regenerativa 3 Reumatología 3 Radiología Clínica II 3 Clínica Práctica VI 7 Optativas 6 Sexto curso / Sixth year Medicina Preventiva Pediatría Trabajo Fin de Grado Alergología Atención Primaria Medicina Paliativa Medicina Legal y Deontología Clínica Práctica VII Diagnóstico Diferencial Medicina Intensiva y de Urgencias Geriatría Oncología Clínica Práctica VIII

Optativas / Electives ECTS Academic Skills in English 3 Clinical Cases in Oncology 3 Cirugía Plástica 3 Ecografía en Anestesia y Cuidados Intensivos 3 Diseño de Instalaciones hospitalarias 3 Investigación Traslacional en Medicina 3 Urgencias y Emergencias Prehospitalarias 2 Maternal Fetal Medicine 2 Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial 3 Introduction to Neuroscience 3 Drogas y Fármacos de Abuso 3 Movement Disorders in Medicine 3 Medicina y Ayuda Humanitaria 3 Medicina del Deporte 3 Cirugía dermatológica 3

Los alumnos pueden elegir entre dos diplomas de especialización. Students can choose from two different specialization diplomas.

ECTS 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 2 3 7

Alumnos de la Facultad durante una sesión práctica sobre emergencias. School of Medicine students during an emergency practical session.

01 Programas de especialización

Specialization Programs

Estos diplomas ponen a disposición de los alumnos una oferta de formación específica, complementaria al grado, con el objetivo de dotarles de las aptitudes necesarias para poder iniciar con mayor soltura su carrera profesional en el ámbito de la Investigación y la Cirugía. La admisión a estos diplomas se realiza al finalizar 1º y 2º de carrera respectivamente.

The diploma programs provide specific training to supplement the undergraduate program with the aim of equipping students with the skills they need to get a better start on a profesional career in research or surgery. Students can enroll in the Research Diploma after finishing the first year and the Surgery Diploma after finishing the second year.

Diploma en Investigación Biomédica: Se compone de asignaturas teóricas y prácticas que se cursan mediante estancias en laboratorios de la Facultad de Medicina, de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra y del Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada (CIMA), bajo la dirección de un Tutor de Investigación.

Biomedical Research Diploma: This Diploma comprises theoretical and practical courses undertaken in the laboratory at the School of Medicine, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), under the supervision of a research tutor.

Diploma Quirúrgico: Contempla asignaturas quirúrgicas teórico-prácticas como: Microcirugía, Cirugía Plástica, Cirugía de la Mano o Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. A estas materias se le sumará formación específica en el Centro de Simulación a través de asignaturas que se centrarán en las técnicas quirúrgicas y laparoscopia. En cursos superiores será recomendable realizar al menos una rotación clínica de verano en servicios quirúrgicos en hospitales con los que existe convenio.

Surgery Diploma: The Diploma includes surgery subjects that provide a mix of theory and practice in areas such as Microsurgery, Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: specific subjects are taught in the Simulation Center with emphasis on laparoscopy and surgical techniques. In the later years of the program students are encourage to do at least one summer clinical rotation in an operating room with a partner hospital of the University.

Grado en Medicina + International Program in Medicine Degree in Medicine + International Program in Medicine A global medical vision and experience through international clinical rotations with our partner university hospitals (restricted number of spots for the best students). To continue giving future medical graduates a world-class education, the International Program was developed by the School of Medicine at the Universidad de Navarra. This program educates students with a wider international vision through its specialized coursework offered in English, and clinical rotations abroad. This first promotion of the program was in the 2013-2014 course year, and its academic offer continues to grow each year. The benefits of choosing this program include: More than 50% of subjects in the first and second years are taught in English. International rotations with our exclusive global network of partner university hospitals. Exclusive opportunities to work with international specialists in intensive workshops. Deeper medical reasoning and diagnostic skills through case-based teaching methodology. Up-to-date medical knowledge and research opportunities through access to international medical journals and databases. Compulsory Subjects Look at page 6-7 Electives Academic Skills in English 3 Maternal Fetal Medicine 2 Clinical Cases in Oncology 3 Clinical Cases in Neuroradiology 2 Emergency Medicine 3 International Health Topics 3 International Hospital Rotation I 3 Introduction to Neuroscience 3 Medical Consultations in English 3 Movement Disorders in Medicine 2 Next Generation. Histo-Pathology 2 Presentations for Health Care Professionals 3 Alumnos del Diploma Quirúrgico. Surgery Diploma Students.

In addition, first and second- year students of the International Program are privileged to participate in the Summer Course, a faculty–led study tour to an international destination for one week with the goal to provide our students with a global medical education and a cultural learning experience. The International Program also helps students with selfevaluation relative to international standards. For example, the School of Medicine has special permission to offer its students the International Foundations of Medicine exam (IFOM), organized by the USA National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). The IFOM exam is aimed to give students a performance evaluation relative to USMLE Step 1. The USMLE score will determine if it is possible to access the residency matching program in the USA. When applying to the program, students must have one of the following English certifications: Cambridge Advanced Certificate (CAE): 181 TOEFL: 95. IELTS: 7.

02 Structure & Compulsory Subjects The International Program offers two different types of courses that complement the medical degree: 1. Compulsory subjects: These are selected subjects from the core curriculum of the Medical Degree that are taught in English. 2. International program electives: International Core Electives: Exclusive subjects taught by specialized doctors from our international partner universities. These electives are designed to be interactive and focus on teaching through clinical cases. Other International Electives: These have been selected for a broader understanding of the world and include electives in medicine, social sciences and other languages besides English.

Alumnos de la Facultad con Profesores visitantes de la Universidad de Rochester. University of Rochester Visiting Professors with School of Medicine students.

Grado en Medicina + International Program in Medicine Degree in Medicine + International Program in Medicine World Class School of Medicine

Around the world

As a leading international medical school in a dynamic healthcare industry we must constantly stay ahead of medical education. That is why the Universidad de Navarra has established a selective international network of hospitals, clinics and universities that share our same values of academics and pedagogical excellence, advancement in medicine, the dedicated pursuit for curing diseases, and the importance of treating patients with personalized attention, dignity and respect. Our students represent the future of the medical world; therefore, they need the best education, training enduring inspiration and global perspective to be the next generation of leaders.

Universidad Austral, Argentina

This is achieved through a comprehensive study plan that connects our students to an international medical community. This global network creates a firm foundation for the inspiring well-rounded doctors of tomorrow. The School of Medicine connects with a select group of universities around the world who share our same values, and where our students can do clinical and research rotations.

National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland

The Universidad de Navarra’s School of Medicine is an internationally respected center and we understand that our reputation must exceed, not only within Spain but also globally. That is why we only accept top candidates to join our prestigious medical school. Students at the University must meet rigorous entrance requirements and they must exemplify excellence throughout their studies and clinical practices. For the selected few, the University offers various international exchange programs through our global partners that allow our medical students to experience other prestigious universities, clinics and hospitals around the world. We hold our students accountable for keeping the University’s outstanding legacy and becoming the next generations of great medical leaders in a global healthcare community no matter what corner of the world their careers may take them.


Medizinische Universität Graz, Austria Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Universidad de los Andes, Chile Universidad CES, Colombia Norfolk Norwich University Hospital, England Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, Germany

Universidad Panamericana, Mexico Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Poland Universidad de Bolonia, Italia National Taiwan University, Taiwan University of Rochester, U.S.A. Columbia University, U.S.A. Boston University, U.S.A. Wayne State University, U.S.A. Wake Forest University, U.S.A. Mayo Clinic, U.S.A. Georgetown University, U.S.A. University of Kansas, U.S.A. University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.


Facultad de Medicina School of Medicine

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Los datos aquí recogidos se incorporarán y tratarán en un fichero para uso interno y prestación de servicios propios y complementarios, como el envío de información y publicaciones relacionadas con esta Institución. Los titulares quedan informados y consienten expresamente que la Universidad de Navarra, como responsable del fichero, pueda ceder datos para las finalidades antes mencionadas, exclusivamente a las entidades que participan en las actividades, desarrollo y fin fundacional de la Universidad de Navarra, como son la Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad y la Fundación Universitaria de Navarra. Las personas legitimadas podrán ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición regulados por la L.O. 15/1999, dirigiéndose a la dirección que consta en este impreso.

La Universidad de Navarra es una universidad de inspiración cristiana, promovida en 1952 por San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, fundador del Opus Dei. Tiene como misión buscar y transmitir la verdad, contribuir a la formación académica, cultural y personal de sus estudiantes; promover la investigación científica y la actividad asistencial; ofrecer adecuadas posibilidades de desarrollo a sus profesores y empleados; y realizar una amplia labor de extensión cultural y promoción social, con una clara finalidad de servicio.

The data collected here are included and managed in a file system for internal use and for use by the Institution’s own and partner services, such as the distribution of information and publications relating to the Institution. The data-holders are aware and explicitly accept that the University of Navarra, as the file-manager, may share data in accordance with the objectives outlined above, exclusively with bodies involved in the activities, development and foundational goal of the University of Navarra: Friends of the University of Navarra, Inc., and the University of Navarra Foundation (FUNA). Authorized parties may exercise the rights to access, rectify, erase and object to such information regulated by Law 15/1999 by contacting Campus Universitario, 31009 Pamplona, Navarre (Spain).

The University of Navarra is a Christian-inspired institution established by St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei. Its mission is to seek out and communicate the truth, contribute to the academic, cultural, and personal advancement of its students, promote scientific research and teaching, offer professors and employees outstanding opportunities to develop with a refined desire to serve others by undertaking in a wide range of endeavors, such as cultural communication and social promotion.

i Servicio de Admisión

Edificio Central 31009 Pamplona - España T +34 948 425 614 / F +34 948 425 733 Whatsapp: 680 423 810 admision@unav.es www.unav.edu

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