Cja 364 – criminal procedure – complete class includes all dqs, individual and team assignments – uo

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CJA 364 – CRIMINAL PROCEDURE – Complete Class Includes All DQs, Individual and Team Assignments – UOP Purchase this tutorial here:’ https://www.homework.services/shop/cja-364-criminal-procedure-complete-class-includes-all-dqsindividual-and-team-assignments-uop/

CJA 364 Criminal Procedure / COMPLETE COURSE

CJA 364 Week 1 Individual Assignment Criminal Procedure Policy

Prepare a1,050- to1,400-word analysis in which you compare and contrast the role due process and crim control models have on shaping criminal procedure policy.Inyouranalysis, be sure to include a reviewa nd assessment ofthe following and the impactonthecriminaljustice systemasappliedto due process and crimecontrolmodels:

Fourth,Fifth,Sixth,andFourteenthAmendments oftheUnited States Constitution.

TheapplicabilityofTheBill of Rights to thestates viatheFourteenthAmendment.

FormatyouressayconsistentwithAPA 6theditionguidelinesusing at least 4peer- reviewed sources, one ofwhich isthe coursetext.

You must includeheadings aspart of structurallyorganizingyourpaper.

Discussion Question

Describe the Fourteenth Amendment. What is the applicability of The Bill of Rights to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment? Give an example of how the Fourteenth Amendment is or can be violated. Do you personally know anyone you feel was violated his or her Fourteenth Amendment rights?

CJA 364 Week 2 Individual Assignment Exclusionary Rule Evaluation

Write a700- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the rationale andpurpose ofthe ExclusionaryRule,as well asidentifythe exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule. Inyouranalysis state examine the cost sand benefits oftheExclusionary Rule, aswell asalternative remedies totherule.Besure tostateyourposition towardsthe exclusionaryruleand providesupportyourposition.

Format your essay consistent with APA 6th edition guide lines using atleast4 peer-reviewed sources, one ofwhich isthe coursetext.

You must include headings aspart of structurally organizing your paper.

Discussion Question

what is required before a search can take place, or an arrest warrant may be issued? Is technological information gathering and surveillance protected by the Fourth Amendment? Why or why not?

CJA 364 Week 3 Individual Assignment Criminal Procedure Probable Cause Article Summary

Locate a recent news article on the Internet,concerning probablecause and criminal procedure.

Write a350- to 1,050-wordsummaryinwhichyouanalyzethe requirementsforsearch and arrestwarrants arebased withregard to probablecause. Besuretodiscuss exceptionstowarrantrequirements.

Format your essay consistent with APA 6th edition guide lines using at least 4peer reviewed sources,one of which is the course text.

You must Include headings aspart of structurally organizing your paper.

CJA 364 Week 3 Team Assignment Search and Seizure

Write a700- to 1,400-word paper in which you define search,seizure, arrest, and reasonable ness according to thecriminal justice system.In your paper,address thefollowing itemsand examine how privacy is affected by searches,seizures, arrest, and reasonableness:

The concept of“StopandFrisk�

Automobile searchrules

Border and regulatory searches

Format your essay consistent withAPA 6th edition guidelines using at least

5peer reviewed sources,oneofwhichisthe course text.

You must Include headings aspart of structurally organizing your paper.

Discussion Question

what is “stop and frisk?” How does ‘stop and frisk apply to search, seizure and arrests within the criminal justice system? Is there a better solution to the way in which ‘stop and frisk’ measures are conducted? Explain.

CJA 364 Week 4 Individual Assignment Right to Counsel

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400- word paper in which you analyze the aspect(s) of right to council. Examine the development of right to council and when the right to council attaches to criminal procedure, as well as the right to self-representation. Additionally, be sure to define the role of attorneys in the criminal justice system as it applies to right to council.

Format your essay consistent with APA 6th edition guidelines using at least 4 peer- reviewed sources, one of which is the course text.

You must Include headings as part of structurally organizing your paper.

CJA 364 Week 4 Team Assignment Criminal Identification Procedures in the 21 Century

Research various technological advances that may aid law enforcement in identifying a criminal suspect. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

· Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis · Biometric identification · Intra-agency databases for DNA · Fingerprint and palm print · Camera and wiretap surveillance Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper in which you do the following: · Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this technology. · Assess the effects of these advances on constitutional rights of the accused from the perspective of due process. · Analyze the effects these advances have on the efficiency of the criminal justice system from the perspective of crime control. · Summarize your findings and make recommendations, concerning the use and reliance on these advances.

Discussion Question

Describe Miranda v. Arizona. In your opinion, how has the Miranda decision impacted the criminal justice system? Is Miranda an effective protection against unreasonable interrogation practices by police? Why or why not? What changes would you make?

CJA 364 Week 5 Team Assignment Pretrial Process

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400- word paper in which you discuss and explain the pretrial process, along with the following associated activities:

Discuss pretrial detention and the concept of bail Explore the right to a preliminary examination and the role of the grand jury Analyze the prosecutor’s duty to disclose exculpatory information · Discuss prosecutorial misconduct Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit a Certificate of Originality and paste your Plagiarism Report at the bottom of your paper.

Discussion Question

what is a preliminary examination? What is the relationship between a preliminary examination and the role of a grand jury? How does a preliminary examination apply to individual rights within the criminal justice system? Explain.

CJA 364 - UOP. Tags: CJA 364 A Graded, CJA 364 A++ Work, CJA 364 All Individual and Learning Team Assignments, CJA 364 All Weeks, CJA 364 Answered, CJA 364 Axia College, CJA 364 Checkpoint, CJA 364 Final Exam, CJA 364 Final Guide, CJA 364 Full Course, CJA 364 help, CJA 364 Homework, CJA 364 Individual Assignment, CJA 364 Learning team Assignment, CJA 364 online class, CJA 364 Phoenix, CJA 364 Product, CJA 364 Questions, CJA 364 Solution, CJA 364 Study Guide, CJA 364 Summary, CJA 364 University of Phoenix Learning Team Assignment, CJA 364 UOP, CJA 364 UOPhelp, CJA 364 week 1 Assignment, CJA 364 week 1 DQ, CJA 364 Week 1-5, CJA 364 week 2 Assignment, CJA 364 week 2 DQ, CJA 364 Week 3, CJA 364 week 3Assignment, CJA 364 week 3DQ, CJA 364 week 4 Assignment, CJA 364 week 4 DQ, CJA 364 week 5 Assignment, CJA 364 week 5DQ, CJA 364 week 6 DQ, CJA 364 Whole Class CJA 364 Entire Solution.

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