Insulin Market Research (China)
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Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
Insulin Market Research (China) Date: Pages: Price: ID:
January 1, 2013 195 US$ 4,000.00 US$ 2,000.00 I7AB84ADF23EN
China's demand for insulin has grown at a fast pace in the past decade. In the next five years, both production and demand will continue to grow. This new study examines China's economic trends, investment environment, industry development, supply and demand, industry capacity, industry structure, marketing channels and major industry participants. Historical data (2002, 2007 and 2012) and long-term forecasts through 2017 and 2022 are presented. Major producers in China are profiled.
Table of Content I. INTRODUCTION Report Scope and Methodology Executive Summary II. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Economic Outlook Key Economic Indicators Industrial Output Population and Labor Foreign Investment Foreign Trade Financial and Tax Regulations Banking System and Regulations Foreign Exchange Taxes, Tariff and Custom Duties III. INSULIN INDUSTRY ASSESSMENTS Overview of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus Insulin Industry Structure Insulin Industry Production and Demand Major Producer Facility Market Share of Key Producers Major End-Users Major Foreign Investments Potential Entrants Technology Development IV. INSULIN PRODUCTION AND DEMAND Overview Animal Insulin Animal Insulin Introduction and Overview
Insulin Market Research (China)
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
Animal Insulin Production and Demand Animal Insulin Output and Demand Animal Insulin Major Producers Animal Insulin Import and Export Human Insulin Human Insulin Introduction and Overview Human Insulin Production and Demand Human Insulin Output and Demand Human Insulin Major Producers Human Insulin Import and Export Insulin Analogue Insulin Analogue Introduction and Overview Insulin Analogue Production and Demand Insulin Analogue Output and Demand Insulin Analogue Major Producers Insulin Analogue Import and Export Total Insulin Import and Export V. INSULIN CONSUMPTION BY MARKET Population Trends by Age Group Diabetes Mellitus Market Overview Treatment Revenues Insulin Markets Outlook Insulin Market of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Markets Outlook of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Market of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Markets Outlook of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Market of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Markets Outlook of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Market of Other Specific Types of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Insulin Markets Outlook of Other Specific Types of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment VI. MARKET ENTRY CHANNELS China Market Entry Overview China’s Distribution System Insulin Distribution Channels Transportation and Freight Infrastructure Communications China’s Market Entry Export to China Indirect export Direct Export License and Contract Manufacture Assembling in China Contract Manufacturing Trade Permit Investment Equity Joint Venture Contractual Joint Venture Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise VII. Insulin PRODUCER DIRECTORY
Insulin Market Research (China)
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
Insulin Producer Profiles and Directory Major End-Users LIST OF TABLES I. INTRODUCTION Economic Outlook Summary Total Insulin Production and Demand II. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Key Economic Indicators Industrial Output Population and Labor Force Trends Foreign Investment and Loans Foreign Trade III. INSULIN INDUSTRY ASSESSMENTS China’s Insulin Production and Demand by Product China’s Insulin Production and Demand China’s Insulin Key Producers Market Share of Key Domestic Insulin Producers China’s Insulin Consumption by Application In Major Foreign Investment in China IV. PRODUCTION AND DEMAND Total Insulin Production and Demand China’s Insulin Production and Consumption by product China’s Insulin Consumption by Markets China’s Animal Insulin Production and Demand The Output and Market Share of Animal Insulin Major Producers China’s Human Insulin Production and Demand The Output and Market Share of Human Insulin Major Producers China’s Insulin Analogue Production and Demand The Output and Market Share of Insulin Analogue Major Producers China’s Insulin Import by Country V. INSULIN CONSUMPTION BY MARKET Population by Age Insulin Consumption by Application Insulin Consumption by Market Insulin Consumption in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share Insulin Consumption in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share Insulin Consumption in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share Insulin Consumption in Other Specific Types of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share LIST OF CHARTS I. INTRODUCTION Insulin Output and Demand
Insulin Market Research (China)
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
II. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT China’s Imports and Exports Industrial Output by Ownership China’s GDP III. INSULIN INDUSTRY ASSESSMENTS China’s Insulin Output by Products China’s Insulin Consumption by Product Insulin Output Demand of Insulin China’s Insulin Output and Demand China’s Key Insulin producers Location by Province Insulin Consumption by Application IV. INSULIN PRODUCTION AND DEMAND Total Insulin Output and Demand China’s Insulin Consumption by Product Insulin Demand China’s Insulin Consumption by Market Insulin Demand China’s Insulin Consumption by Market Animal Insulin Output Animal Insulin Demand Animal Insulin Output and Demand Animal Insulin Output and Self-Sufficiency Animal Insulin Import and Export Animal Insulin Net Import Animal Insulin Demand Composition Animal Insulin Demand and Self-sufficiency Human Insulin Output Human Insulin Demand Human Insulin Output and Demand Human Insulin Output and Self-Sufficiency Human Insulin Import and Export Human Insulin Net Import Human Insulin Demand Composition Human Insulin Demand and Self-sufficiency Insulin Analogue Output Insulin Analogue Demand Insulin Analogue Output and Demand Insulin Analogue Output and Self-Sufficiency Insulin Analogue Import and Export Insulin Analogue Net Import Insulin Analogue Demand Composition Insulin Analogue Demand and Self-sufficiency Insulin Import and Export Insulin Net Import Insulin Demand Composition Insulin Demand and Self-sufficiency Insulin Net Import and Self-sufficiency Insulin Import by Country
Insulin Market Research (China)
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
V. INSULIN CONSUMPTION BY MARKET China’s Insulin Consumption China’s Insulin Consumption by Application Insulin Consumption in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share Insulin Consumption in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share Insulin Consumption in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share Insulin Consumption in Other Specific Types of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Market Share VI. MARKETING STRATEGIES China’s Distribution Channel
Insulin Market Research (China)
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