Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017
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Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017 Date: Pages: Price: ID:
January 10, 2013 67 US$ 2,000.00 R42799099BCEN
China owns largest grassland area in the world, but compares with the developed countries, China’s forage feed industry is a late-starting industry and still in the initial stage. In recent years, China’s forage enterprises emerged vigorously with the rapid development of domestic forage industry, but the quality still can’t compare with foreign countries. With the development of China’s forage feed industry, the output of domestic forage products increased at the annual growth rate of 10%, and the output reached about 2.3 million tons in 2012. Supported by China’s government in the “Twelfth Five-Year” period, it is estimated that China’s forage feed will develop at the annual growth rate of 10% in the future few years. At present, most enterprises in China’s forage feed industry are in small and medium scale, the disordered competitions are fierce, the forage varieties are various and miscellaneous, the per unit yield and carrying capacity is low, and also the supply of alfalfa, the most important forage variety is insufficient and mainly depend on imports. Therefore, the “Twelfth Five-Year” Plan proposed relevant policies to strive for 50 feed enterprises that with the annual output of more than 500,000 tons, and the output of these enterprises should account for more than 50% of the total output so as to stimulate the restructuring of the industry. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs and relevant industry associations; Huidian Research releases “Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017”, which conducts depth market research on the forage feed market in the following aspects: market scale, supply and demand, market competitions, operation situation of main provinces and key enterprises and the industry forecast. This report provides the enterprises with decision-making references.
Table of Content 1. OVERVIEW OF FORAGE FEED INDUSTRY 1.1 Industry Definitions 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 Development History 1.2 Segmentation Products 2. OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL FORAGE FEED INDUSTRY 2.1 Overview of Global Market 2.2 Market Overview of Global Main Regions in 2012 2.2.1 Europe 2.2.2 America 2.2.3 Asia 2.3 Forecast of Market Trend from 2013 to 2017 3. MARKET ENVIRONMENT OF CHINA’S FORAGE FEED INDUSTRY 3.1 China’s Macro-economy
Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
3.2 Overall Market Environment 3.2.1 Overall Market Status 3.2.2 National Policy Environment 3.3 Forecast of China’s Macro-economic Trend from 2013 to 2017 4. DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA’S FORAGE FEED INDUSTRY FROM 2010 TO 2012 4.1 Industry Scale 4.1.1 Overall Scale 4.1.2 Regional Overview 4.2 Production and Marketing 4.2.1 Production Scale 4.2.2 Demand Scale 4.2.3 Driving Factors 4.3 Price 4.3.1 Price Review from 2010 to 2012 4.3.2 Price Forecast from 2013 to 2017 4.3.3 Factors Affecting the Price and the Coping Strategy 5. OPERATION OF CHINA’S FORAGE FEED INDUSTRY IN KEY REGIONS 5.1 Inner Mongolia 5.1.1 Status Quo 5.1.2 Supply and Demand Capacity 5.2 Gansu Province 5.2.1 Status Quo 5.2.2 Supply and Demand Capacity 5.3 Qinghai Province 5.3.1 Status Quo 5.3.2 Supply and Demand Capacity 5.4 Hebei Province 5.4.1 Status Quo 5.4.2 Supply and Demand Capacity 5.5 Sichuan Province 5.5.1 Status Quo 5.5.2 Supply and Demand Capacity 6. IMPORT & EXPORT OF CHINA’S FORAGE FEED INDUSTRY FROM 2010 TO 2012 6.1 Import and Export Markets 6.1.1 Product Composition of Import and Export Products 6.1.2 Market Development from 2009 to 2012 6.2 Import and Export Data from 2009 to 2012 6.2.1 Import Volume and Price 6.2.2 Export Volume 6.3 Import & Export Forecast from 2012 to 2017 6.3.1 Import Forecast 6.3.2 Export Forecast 7. DEVELOPMENT OF UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM INDUSTRIES AND THE INFLUENCES 7.1 Distribution Characteristics of Industry Chain 7.1.1 Industry Chain 7.1.2 Distribution Characteristics 7.2 Upstream Industries
Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
7.2.1 Status Quo of Upstream Raw Material Market 7.2.2 Supply and Demand Forecast in 2017 7.3 Downstream User Market 7.3.1 Overall Demand Structure 7.3.2 Scale of Main User Market and the Forecast in 2017 8. KEY ENTERPRISES FROM 2010 TO 2012 8.1 Gansu Yasheng Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. 8.1.1 Company Profile 8.1.2 Business Performance 8.1.3 Competitiveness 8.1.4 Development Strategy 8.2 Inner Mongolia HuangYangWa Grass Industry Company 8.2.1 Company Profile 8.2.2 Business Performance 8.2.3 Competitiveness 8.2.4 Development Strategy 8.3 Ningxia Nongken Maosheng Grass Co., Ltd. 8.3.1 Company Profile 8.3.2 Business Performance 8.3.3 Competitiveness 8.3.4 Development Strategy 8.4 Tongjiang Precision Agriculture Forage Co., Ltd. 8.4.1 Company Profile 8.4.2 Business Performance 8.4.3 Competitiveness 8.5 Hengdian Group Grass Co., Ltd. 8.5.1 Company Profile 8.5.2 Business Performance 8.5.3 Competitiveness 8.5.4 Development Strategy 9. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY, VALUE AND SUGGESTION 9.1 Investment Status Quo 9.2 Investment Opportunity 9.2.1 Forage Feed Industry is in the Initial Stage 9.2.2 Low-Carbon Economic Concept Will Promote the Industry Rapid Development 9.2.3 Obvious Investment Advantages in the Northwest District 9.2.4 Opportunities from Food Safety Improvement 9.3 Investment Value of Key Products 9.3.1 Alfalfa 9.3.2 Chinese Wildrye 9.3.3 Pennisetum Hydridum 9.4 Barriers to Entry 9.4.1 Economic Scale and Necessary Capital 9.4.2 Technical Barriers 10. INTEGRATED FORECAST OF CHINA’S FORAGE FEED MARKET IN 2016 10.1 Factors Affecting the Industry Development 10.2 Interpretation of Industry “Twelfth Five-Year” Plan 10.3 Market Scale and Forecast of Production and Marketing from 2013 to 2017 10.3.1 Forecast of Market Scale
Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017
Phone: +44 20 8123 2220
10.3.2 Forecast of Production and Marketing 10.4 Summery and Suggestion from Experts 10.4.1 Opportunity and Risk 10.4.2 Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages 10.4.3 Strategic Suggestions Based on SWOT Analysis
Research and Forecast of China’s Forage Feed Market, 2013-2017
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