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Current Class Schedule: https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu/?cat=EDU
Ed2Go Online Classes https://www.ed2go.com/lenoircc/SearchResults.aspx?CategoryId=1425%2c1 426%2c1427%2c1428%2c1424&Sort=Name&CurrPage=1
Includes the following classes: Effective Teacher Training (for Substitute Teachers), GMAT prep, Technology in the Classroom, Praxis Core Prep, Spanish in the Classroom, Teaching Adult Learners
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Contact Us! Reid Taylor (252) 527-6223, ext. 613 drtaylor03@lenoircc.edu
• Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
• Classroom Management
• Creating Apps for iPhone and iPads
• Digital Photography & Photoshop
• Digital Teacher Training
• Integrate Math or Reading across Curricula
• Involving Parents in School
• iPad, iPhone, Mac computers
• Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Prep
• Microsoft Word
• Office 365 for Educators

• Quickbooks
• Substitute Teacher Training
Current Class Schedule: https://www.ed2go.com/lenoircc/
Learn new personal and professional skills online in Kinston, NC!
We offer a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses include expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you. Prices may vary per course.

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Contact Us!
Reid Taylor
(252) 527-6223, ext. 613 drtaylor03@lenoircc.edu
Government And Public Administration
Current Class Schedule: https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu/?cat=GPA
Includes the following classes: Notary Public, e-Notarization, Real Estate Pre-licensing, Intro to QuickBooks
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Contact Us!
Reid Taylor
(252) 527-6223, ext. 613 drtaylor03@lenoircc.edu
Current Class Schedule: https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu/?cat=TDL
Includes the following classes: Auto Dealer Renewal, Auto Diagnostics, Automotive Technician, Auto CDL Hazmat, Safety Inspection & Renewal, Motorcycle Repair, Truck Driver Training, and On-board Diagnostics.

Current Class Schedule: https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu/?cat=HRD
Human Resources Development (HRD) is a pre-vocational and pre-employment skills training program designed to educate and prepare persons for success in the workplace. HRD is mainly intended for those persons who are unemployed, underemployed, dislocated workers; or employed, but seeking skills upgrading or retraining. Training may include a variety of topics relating to job orientation and motivation, employability skills, self-sufficiency or customized skills training. Training length will vary according to customer needs. HRD can be linked to other college training programs or connected to agencies outside the institution where appropriate. Upon completing prescribed classes, students are assisted with job placement or further training.
Includes the following classes: Employability skills, Digital Literacy/Intro to Computers, National Career Readiness Certification prep, NCFAST, Intro to Social Services, Resumes, Applications and Portfolios, and HRD Career Readiness Lab.
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Contact Us!
Carolyn Bates (252) 527-6223, ext. 111 crbates00@lenoircc.edu
National Career Readiness Certification
Current Class Schedule: https://www.lenoircc.edu/workforcedevelopment/ncrc/
The ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC®) is an assessment-based credential issued at four levels; Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The NCRC measures and certifies the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations.

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Contact Us!
Cheryl Darden (252) 527-6223, ext. 715 cldarden16@lenoircc.edu
Introduction To Human Services
NC FAST is a partnership between the Department of Social Services and the Community Colleges across the State of North Carolina. This partnership was created to establish a training network for the position of Income Maintenance Caseworker with the Department of Social Services.

About Nc Fast
• Students must complete two classes in order to finish the training. Classes are held two nights a week for 8 weeks and also online.
• NC FAST includes two classes. The Part I class is a FEE-WAIVED class if you are unemployed or underemployed. Completion of the Part II class is required to receive a certificate and the cost is $130.00.
Carolyn Bates | (252) 527-6223, ext. 111 | crbates00@lenoircc.edu