We had the words nude and black and white. As a starting point we get to think and research what can be black and white and what can be nude? Along this process we came upon nude in architecture. By how buildings are “dressed” with furniture, tiles etc. But also how buildings themselves can already be dressed. A building that would be naked would be “pure” or “raw” to the core. For example, a blueprint of a building or a building that is completely raw, in that way you only see the bricks and the concrete. But does this mean that any subjuct can be dressed and undressed? If we take a soap for example, is it nude because it's without the packiging? But it has a pressed brand name on it. Is it naked without this name or is the name of the brand is a pure nudety of this subject?
To continue with this idea having nudeness in our minds we realised that we are working on a white blank pages, as a background. Is empty page also nude? What will turn a blank page into a part of building, into a person, into a room?