SWA Advertising By: Leo
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Project Brief
Friday, November 4, 2011
SWA Advertising The situation: SWA is out of students and if we don’t have enough students SWA will be shut down. I need to make an advertisement that can bring more students to SWA Client: Parents outside SWA Time allowed: 8 weeks Specification: explore the various ways that advertising is presented.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Unit Question: how does advertising manipulate our action? Document Evidence: Your documented evidence is like a diary. You start it when you first start making your design and it doesn’t end till you have finished making your product. Takes lots of photos, make notes on any modification and add sketches and diagrams. Specification: grab the adult’s and children’s attention.
Introduction Our clients for this project is the parent that is not from our school. The time for us to make this project is 8 weeks. Well the problem is that not much students are left in our school so now I will make an advertisement through out Jakarta. I think our clients wants to know a positive news about our school, so it can attract people to study in our school. I will research different types of advertisement and choose the most effective one, I will choose my design by asking my friends our the school. I am going to use the design cycle to help me create my advertisement. Friday, November 4, 2011
Our clients for this project is the parent that is not from our school. The time for us to make this project is 8 weeks. Well the problem is that not much students are left in our school so now I will make an advertisement through out Jakarta. I think our clients wants to know a positive news about our school, so it can attract people to study in our school. I will research different types of advertisement and choose the most effective one, I will choose my design by asking my friends our the school. I am going to use the design cycle to help me create my advertisement.
AOI (Area of Interaction) I think the area of interaction for this project would be human ingenuity, because I will need to design and create an advertisement to attract parents and children to come to our school, than I will need to use my creativity to design the advertisement. I need to investigate and interview some random people that I know or I don’t know what kind of design they like the most. After I choose the most attractive design than I will use my skill to use the software in our laptop to make the advertisement. Friday, November 4, 2011
Interview Questions 1. What kind of advertisement is the most effective, short clip about our school? billboard advertisement? others? 2. What positive things about our school should I put into the advertisement? 3. Should I put the schedule, holidays or any basic information about our school? 4. Should I put the information about the upcoming event that will happen in our school? 5. How big should the size be if it is a billboard? or how long should the clip be? 6. Should the advertisement be very colorful or just some simple colors? Friday, November 4, 2011
The Answer for Question 1 & 2 1. I think the most effective way is to make a billboard, and I think that is more cheap than the advertisement on TV. Since Jakarta have a lot of traffic jam, so while they are waiting they may accidentally saw the billboard and read it for a while. 2. Maybe I can firstly write about the 1:1 laptop program in our school, or maybe the facilities in our school, and of course about the nice teachers in our school. Friday, November 4, 2011
The Answer for Question 3 & 4 3. Since the billboard or the TV advertisement don’t have a lot of space, so we should of course put the contact information for them to contact us, but we can put the schedules or some complicated information on the official website. 4. No I don’t think it is a good idea to put to much information on the billboard or the TV advertisement, but we can put a lot of pictures that happened before, or pictures of the facilities. Friday, November 4, 2011
The Answer for Question 5 & 6 5. It doesn’t really matter, at least the advertisement is effective, but for the TV advertisement try not to make it longer than 30 second, or else it will be to boring. 6. It would better be at the middle, because if it is to colorful it will distract the driver from driving and maybe not much people like to much color. If it is to simple than I don’t think anyone would bother to even look at it because it is to boring and dull. Friday, November 4, 2011
Interview Summary I think the most effective way is to make a billboard, and I think that is more cheap than the advertisement on TV. Since Jakarta have a lot of traffic jam, so while they are waiting they may see the billboard and read it for a while. For the words maybe I can firstly write about the 1:1 laptop program in our school, or maybe the facilities in our school, and of course about the nice teachers in our school. Since the billboard don’t have a lot of space the TV advertisement can’t be too long, so we should of course put the contact information for them to contact us, but we can put the schedules or some complicated information on the official website. So I don’t think it is a good idea to put to much information on the billboard or the TV advertisement, but we can put at least of pictures that happened before, or pictures of the facilities. The size of billboard doesn’t really matter, at least the advertisement is effective, but for the TV advertisement try not to make it longer than 30 second, or else it will be to boring. Try not make the color too bright it would better be at the middle, because if it is to colorful it will distract the driver from driving and maybe not much people like to much color. If it is to simple than I don’t think anyone would bother to even look at it because it is to boring and dull. Friday, November 4, 2011
Brain Storm Don’t have color that is too bright Doesn’t have too much words in the advertisement
Appeal for both students and parents
Effective and attractive Advertisement
Don’t make the TV advertisement to long or it will be boring
Friday, November 4, 2011
Put the contact information so they can contact us if they want to come to this school
Not too complicated, and put the positive things about school, but it should be short
Case Study http:// www.jisedu.or.id/ Burdekin Catholic High School
Customer Form
It will make the people who see this want to come, because they have wrote everything that appeal both students and parents
Billboard It looked good, but it’s to
St. Ursula School
JIS Website
This billboard will not make a lot of people
In this website, it contains all of the
come, because they didn’t mention about the
information about there school, so of
education and the fun in this school, so I don’t
course it will attract student and parents
think it will appeal both students and parents.
Doesn’t have a lot of complicate
Although it looked like it is
colors, and it’s not really
complicated, but I think it’s nice
disturbing too see
to read
bright so I don’t really like it
To attract student and parents
To attract student and parents
To let the students and parents know more
to come to there school
to come to there school
I think this billboard is kind of hard to make,
I think it is easy, because it doesn’t
This website is of course hard to make,
have a lot of information about there
because they need to put a lot of school
information and effects in the website
Ease of Creation
because there are a lot of effects and colors in this billboard, and they also need to put there school information
Friday, November 4, 2011
about there school’s environment and education
Case Study Summary
This 3 different examples can help me to choose a good design, because we can take some of the ideas from this advertisement, it can also let me get new ideas for my advertisement. This three different advertisement have different ideas to let me think about the pros and cons on each advertisement. By looking at different advertisement it can also help me to develop my first design.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Impact on the Environment When we are making or before making the advertisement we immediately made some impact on our environment. When we are making our design we need to used up at least 2 papers, that means we used woods which is a natural resource that are very important for us. When we are making a billboard we used a papers again, and maybe that poster is a very big paper. When we making a TV advertisement than we will need to used up a lot of electricity. Friday, November 4, 2011
Impact on the Society After the advertisement is posted outside our school, than maybe there will be a lot of students come to our school and make our school one of the best school in Indonesia. There are no positive effects than there could be negative effects, if the advertisement is not effective enough then the students will maybe leave the school and maybe this school will close.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Design Brief In the investigation stage I will need to understand the problem so I can make a solution to save the school. After that I will interview some of people outside our school about the most effective advertisement. In the design stage I will make 6 designs so I have a lot more choices to use. I can use some of my other design ideas to put into my best design, than the advertisement will be very good. In the plan stage I will need to know how much time I will need to make the advertisement, and also plan about what kind of information should I put in the advertisement. In the create stage I will actually make my product which is the advertisement In the evaluation stage I will need to know some specific points from my clients and I will also evaluate it my self. Friday, November 4, 2011
Specification (1) Title Material Time Size Appearance Target Audience Friday, November 4, 2011
Specification and why
Pages, iWeb, Microsoft words,
I am going to try to design a advertisement on
Comic Life, Safari, iMovie The whole project could take
every applications, to make sure that these applications is the right application to use.
I will make a timetable to make
about 1 term to finish
sure I will finish my work on time.
Billboard: about 2m X 4m
I will make sure how big the billboard will be, and make sure the the TV advertisement will
TV Advertisement: about 20 to 30 seconds
not be to expensive
The billboard shouldn’t be too bright or else it would
The design that I make will be a bit simple,
disturb the drivers, for the TV advertisement it should but I will put some colors and words so we all be more attractive with interesting information.
can know about it briefly.
Students and parents outside
I will interview more people inside our school
our school
about what do they like the most in our
Specification (2) Title Function Purpose Safety Durability Friday, November 4, 2011
Specification and why
To get more students from
I will look at more other advertisement
other schools
there ideas into this advertisement
from other school, and take some of
Not to let our school close
I will interview some of the teachers
the problem in our school happen.
Don’t download the wrong software to make
Maybe get a software that can detect
our advertisement, if we get the wrong
viruses, so I can prevent downloading
software we will maybe get virus in our laptop.
files that include viruses.
It should last long enough at least until our school get enough students
in this school so I can know why is
To test this I will have to finish the product first then save it and make sure that the file stay in my laptop.
Summary of the Investigate Stage We must know a lot about our product before we start the presentation, so we need to search a lot of information about the advertisement. So we can know what is that, how to make the product and what should we include in the advertisement. The client’s interview let me know what the people outside the school like about a good advertisement and school, so when they come too our school they can enjoy our school. The clients interview also let me knows why should I make this product. In the design brief part we need to summarize what we want to do in each design stage, so we can follow the design brief until we make the product. In the specification part all of us need to organize the details for our product, for example the color for our product, the font and how much time we finish our product, so we can finally know what should we include in our advertisement. Friday, November 4, 2011
Sources Jakarta International School: Home. Web. 18. Sept . 2011. <http://www.jisedu.or.id/>. "Tree Clipart." Original Contemporary Art :: Karen's Whimsy. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <http:// karenswhimsy.com/tree-clipart.shtm>. "Burdekin Catholic High School." The National Education Directory of Australia. Tom Kruger. Web. 18 Sept. 2011. <http://www.education.net.au/education/BURDEKIN-CATHOLIC-HIGH-SCHOOL-/ 3184/>. D, Erica, and Eric H. "St. Ursula School News." St. Ursula School. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <http:// www.stursulaschool.org/2010News.htm>. "Curriculums--International Section--MYP Junior." GUANGDONG COUNTRY GARDEN SCHOOL. Web. 18 Sept. 2011. <http://www.gdcgs.sdnet.gd.cn/foreign/Curriculums/MYPJunior.html>. "The Design Cycle." The Electric Web Matrix. 27 Aug. 2007. Web. 13 Sept. 2011. <http://www.cobw.com/DMS_the_design_cycle.htm>.
Friday, November 4, 2011
SWA Advertising (Design)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 1 (Website) Pros: It tells a lot of information. There are also a lot of links so it will be easy to look for more information. Cons: In this design I should put the background color that is match with this website, so I can also know what font color I should use.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 2 (website) Pros: This design is not really complicated, and it’s easy to access for more information about the school, or where you can go to see more information. Cons: In this design there aren’t much information in the Home page, it doesn’t really tells a lot about the schools information. This design doesn’t shows much about the fonts and color of this page. Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 3 (Billboard) Pros: There are a lot of informations on the billboard, so the people not from our school can know a lot from this billboard. Cons: There are too many things squish in this billboard, so it looks a bit messy.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 4 (Billboard) Pros: There are a lot of informations on the billboard, and the information can also attract a lot of people, because it tells us the fun things in this school. Cons: There are too many things squish in this billboard, so it looks a bit messy. This billboard is more complicated by the first design, and maybe the words are too small too see from far.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 5 (TV Advertisement) Pros: This design is simple and is not that messy like the other designs I made, or else it would be kind of hard to see Cons: It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really say a lot about what I want to put into this advertisement. I should put more information about what I want in this advertisement, and more detail. Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 6 (TV Advertisement) Pros: This design is simple and is not that messy like the other designs I made, or else it would be kind of hard to see Cons: It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really say a lot about what I want to put into this advertisement. I should put more information about what I want in this advertisement, and more detail. Friday, November 4, 2011
Evaluation Against Specification Specification
Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4 Design 5 Design 6
Soft ware
Target Audience
Friday, November 4, 2011
Summary of the Designs Design 1: in this design it tells a lot of information. There are also a lot of links so it will be easy to look for more information. I should put the background color that is match with this website, so I can also know what font color I should use. This design is also very, very hard and complicated too make, so I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be able to finish this on time. Design 2: this website is a bit easier to make, comparing to the first one, but it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tells a lot about our school. This website is not really complicated so it is suitable for everyone, because it is simple to understand about the information they want to know. Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 3: This design is doesn’t really look messy and all of them look big not too small, but this design doesn’t tell us a lot about our school. If this design doesn’t tell us a lot information, then we can’t attract a lot of people to come to our school Design 4: I think this design of advertisement is the best of all 6. The pictures and the words are all balanced, and it mentioned a lot of what our school have. Even though I think it is a good design, but the words and the pictures looks like it is squished together, so all of them looks small and can’t see it clearly from far. Friday, November 4, 2011
Design 5: This design is really hard, complicated and expensive too make, but I think this kind of advertisement is the most effective one. Since there are so many have TV so every one will know about our school if they see our advertisement. Design 6: this design is basically the same with design five, but design 5 have the scene with the facilities, education and the fun thing around the school. In this design it only tells us about the facilities and education, it will attract only the parents to see not the students, because it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell about the fun thing in our school.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Evaluation Against Specification Final Chosen Design Comments Specification Design 4 This design meet this specification because I will Soft ware √ use “Pages” to make this advertisement This design meet this specification because I think Time √ this design is simple enough too finish it on time This design meet this specification because I don’t Cost √ need to pay a lot of money to make this billboard The client is outside this school, so I think this Target Evidence √ product is appropriate for everyone. This design meet this specification because there Aesthetic √ will be a lot of pictures on this product. I think this product can let people to come to our Function √ school If I successfully get a lot more students come to our Purpose √ school, then the school will not close down. I think I meet this specification because there is no Safety √ pictures that are not appropriate for kids to see This design doesn’t meet this specification because if Durability X we print it out we might lose it easily. Friday, November 4, 2011
Development and Final Design I write the information more detailed about the picture that I would put. I also put â&#x20AC;&#x153;Embracing the Future, Embracing Asiaâ&#x20AC;? at the bottom, which important because this is our schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission. The last design is a bit messy, but in this design I use ruler to make a straight line for the square or rectangle. Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
MY GANTT CHART Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
will use SWA website to get the all the information that I will put in my billboard.
will use a software called Pages to make my billboard, there are a lot of template for me to choose in this software.
will use a software called photoshop to edit the pictures that I took, so it can fit in my billboard and look nice.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Was the plan detailed enough and why? I think it is detailed enough, and it is in order. If I make my product according to my plan, maybe I can complete it fast.
Could it be followed by someone else? If they want to make the same thing that I am making, they should have the plan, design software. If they don’t have all of them, they can make a brand new one, but not the same one like mine. Another thing I can do is to make an instruction booklet which fill with pictures, not words.
Have I used all the resources available to me? Yes, because I will need to use all the software that is available in our laptop.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 3/10/2011 Today I started the create stage for the SWA advertisement. At first what I need to do is to know the URL from the official website of our school, than copy and paste it on the place where I want it to be placed on my billboard. After that I will need to find our schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s logo and place it beside the URL. It took me a lot of time to find the logo, because some of the picture are too small or too big, I must find a logo that fits well.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 6/10/2011 Today I continue to work with my advertisement. This time I have put a lot of things like the phone numbers, our school name and some pictures from our school. After I find the information that I need for my billboard, than I just need to put it on the place where I want it to be. The picture that I use are all from our schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website, because that website have all the information and pictures I need. Now I just need to take a picture of someone and choose a background color to finish my product.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 7/10/2011 Today I have chosen a right background color for my billboard. Some of the color that I choose does not suit the style of the font and the color of the font. The first time I used red background color, but it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fit well with blue font color, so I decide to use light blue background and dark blue font color. I also add a new photo of two people singing together, which tells the audience that there are a lot of talented students in our school, so if they come to our school they will think they are also talented.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 10/10/2011 Today I only did a little on this billboard. I only add the school address at the left bottom of the billboard, before it was empty with the school URL, after my friends feedback I decide to put the school address there. I also add the quote â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our Second Homeâ&#x20AC;?, which is a very famous quote for a school, because school is suppose to be our second home and our teachers are symbolize as our parents, so I put this quote which I think can attract a lot of students.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 13/10/2011 Today’s lesson I have put “talented people” beside the picture at the left side to show that we have a lot of talented people, and if you come to this school you can also be one of them like that. I also change the background to red, because the background color before doesn’t really attract people’s attention, so I change it.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 14/10/2011 Today’s lesson I have ask some of my friends feedback on my billboard. Some of them said that my design is simple but appealing at the same time, they say that I should put some caption to the picture to describe the picture, but I don’t think I will do that because I need to keep the billboard simple and as appealing as possible. If there are too many words on the billboard than people won’t be able to see the words clearly, so I don’t think I will use this idea.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 19/10/2011 Today I have made some changes on my billboard. I have change my picture for sports and the font for my title, one of my friend said that I should only use one font to look better, so I tried and yes it looks better than before. I change the picture for sports because the pictureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s background before are to big, so I pick another one from our schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 24/10/2011 Today I have asked for some feedbacks from my friends. They said that I should a frame for each picture that I had, but the frame that the software provides were either to big or to small, so I make the picture looks like itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s teared from someone and I think it works. One of my friend also said that I should put different colors at different words, and I think it looks pretty nice, but I have to move the font so the color of the font matches the background color.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 27/10/2011 Today’s lesson I have ask for feedback from another friend of mine. He said that the word “Talented People” is to near with our school’s name, so if I change the location of the words and the pictures a bit that would be better. I later on realize that problem so I change it, and after I change it, it does look better because it is not squeeze together.
Friday, November 4, 2011
JOURNAL BOOK 28/10/2011 Today I have asked my friend about my improvement on my billboard, and they said that in the sports picture they like that I put the word “Sports” in yellow color and its very visible, but for the “facilities’ maybe I can change the color a little bit, because it’s hard to see bright green in a white background, so I change it into orange, since its white background I can’t choose color that is to bright, so I choose orange. They also like frames that I made then with the images, it makes it look more interesting.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Evaluating my performance at each stage of the design cycle Investigation: I think it is pretty good, because I have put all the things that my teacher asked me to do. Though I think if I add more information, I would get a better score for Investigation, and some more comparisons on a better school billboard. Design: I think I should make more different design for my product, because I make to many design for the same product. I should also put more information for my summary, I don't think I have put enough summary, cause when I was creating my product I was a bit confused. Plan: I have @inished all the things that my teacher told me to do, but I think it is not enough. I think I need to put more information, and I should organize my time wisely on making my product for my plan stage. Create: I think I have created a good product, and I make the product according to my design. I have also @inish the product on time. Evaluate: I think I have done well for my evaluation, because I have put all what I think about my project and my product.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Meeting Specification I think I have succeeded for the @irst speci@ication, because I only used the applications in the list that make. For the second one I think I have succeeded to, because I have @inished my product and my presentation within 8 weeks. I think I don’t succeed the third speci@ication, because I didn't print out my billboard in the size that I want. I have succeed for the forth speci@ication, because I don't think it is that bright that could disturb the drivers who pass by. For the @ifth I think I have succeeded, because I have let my mom and dad see my billboard and they said the words are not to big or to small. I think I have failed at the function part, because I didn't let the people outside SWA know about our school. Well I think I am in the middle of succeeded and failed at the purpose part, because I think I have made it detailed already, the rest is just the printing part which I haven’t do it yet. For the safety part I think I have succeeded, because I have checked if there are viruses that is affecting my laptop. For the durability part I think I have succeeded, because I have backed it up on my hard drive and my USB. Friday, November 4, 2011
Successful Point I think this product can be an effective advertisement, because it basically tells every thing that is good about our school, either in sport, facilities and our education. For students they will think it is fun, and for parents they think our school has a good education with technologies.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Least Successful Point
I think the title color should stay the same, or else it looks strange, either blue or yellow. I think my design should be more accurate, because a change a lot in my product, and next time it will be easier for me to make, no need to change all the time.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I think next time I will need to @ind the pictures @irst before I design my product, because I need see can the pictures @it the page. If the pictures cannot @it the page, than I will need to change my design.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Client and Peer to Peer “I think the new design is better, because I think its good to just use a few fonts instead of too many. In the sports picture I like that you put the word "Sports" in yellow color and its still very visible. But for the "facilities' maybe you can change the color a little bit, because it's hard to see bright green in a white background. I also like that you made the frames in the images, it makes it look more interesting” -‐ Jenny
Friday, November 4, 2011
Impact to Society
If we produce this billboard, than everyone in Jakarta will know some basic information about our school. The parents will also know what their kids are doing at school.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Impact to Environment If we are making a billboard or poster we need to use a big paper for me to print, that means we need to chop down trees to get the size of the paper for us to print the billboard. We also need some more paper for us to make design for the billboard. For printing billboard we also need to waste some ink to print, and ink is made out of chemical thing. Sometimes it will pollute the water and make the @ish die in the river.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Final Product
Friday, November 4, 2011