HUANG_Leo_637683_Algorithmic sketchbook

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Studio Air: Algorithimic Sketchbook


Leo Huang Architecture Design Studio: Air Semester 2, 2015 Finn Warnock



Week 1: Experimental Vase Week 2: Attractor Points Week 3: Recursive Tree Week Week Week Week Week Week Week

4: Recursive Tetrahedron and Solids 4a: Case Study 1.0 - Extra 5: Recursive Vase and Lunchbox 6: Kangaroo Springs and Forces 6a: Case Study 2.0 - Galapagos Matching Output 10: Galapagos Results 11: Prototyping


Week 1

Experimental vase

Octree Component Requires many points (300) Used Populate geometry for best effect Toggled square as false to keep the vase shape

Cone Comopnent added to points generated through Sruface divide. Require the reorientation of planes.


Used circle, extrusion, and cap, on points generated thorugh populate geometry. Random was used to generate a range of random number. Input to random required a specified domain and how many random numbers to generate. These random numbers are used as the radius of the circles and the size of extrusion. These random numebers are used separately.

Generate a surface box on the lofted surface, and dividing the surface box to form individual boxes. Morph was used by setting a specific geometry, and applying to the target surface box


Geodesic curves are used by dividing the curves used to generate the loft surface. The end point of the geodesic are shifted +3 and -3 to produce the criscrossing effect. Each geodesic curve is offset by +/- 0.2 and lofted together to produce the surfaces. This seemingly simple vase required the longest script.


Week 2

Attractor Point

Attractor created by calculating distance between an allocated point and a point on the rectangular grid. The result is bound and remapped to a number between a set domain (1-10) to be used as the radius of each individual circle Two attractor points are created by adding the distances from two points to the point on the grid, then remap.

The effect of attractor points are reversed by inversing the remapped value. If the distance from attractor point is 10, the radius is 1/10, but if the distance is 0.5 , the radius becomes 2. Therefore the closer to attractor point the bigger the circles


Similar logic here but the attarctpr point only effect the height of the surface box. However, with the use of surface box, there are no points on the loft surface to calculate the distance so the set of points had to be produced separately.

Inversing the remapped value for a different effect


The reammaped value used for the radii and height of the cones. Since the remapped value is inputted into both parametre, all cones bear the same shape, just different sizes

Instead of inversing, subtration was used. The remapped value is subtracted from a set number. When the remmaped value is big, the radius and height of cones become smaller 5-remmaped value(1-4) to produce numbers from 4-1


Week 3

Recursive Tree

Recursive by using anemone component. Each repeat is 0.8 times the length of previous branch.

Altered by changing the angles of each branch.

Altered by changing the angles of each branch all to positive degrees.


3D recursive tree by creating separate planes for individual vector rotation.

Recursive tree altered by seting the normal following the direction of the branch

Produced by altering branch numbers and individual angles for rotation


Week 4

Recursive Tetrahedron and solids

Recursive triangular antiprism achieved through scaling and trimming triangles.

Applying pipe to recursive trees.


Recursive shape through deconstructing pyramid and reconstructing offset pyramids. Each succesive pyramid heigh is reduced.

Recursive shape through using perfect tetrahedron.


Recursive shape applied to manipulated grid on a surface.

Recursive applied to perfect tetrahedron. Produce a cube like shape.


Week 4a

Case Study 1.0 - Extra

Set Spring goal length to a very small value (3% of original length). Centre column is pulled more by the branches

Set higher UV value(9) when converting surfaces to mesh. Produced smoother curves but similar to original. Takes longer to calculate/settle


Rotating and scaling the branches. Only affected the branches. Main trunk stayed in similar shape.

Scaling the trunks.


Replace all openings with squares to produce a box like shape. Internals is still similar, but some openings joined together

Perpframe to generate bent SHS styled gridshell instead of pipe.


Week 5

Recursive Vase and Lunchbox

Lunchbox triangular panel A. Command produce smaller triangle where the surface for the face start/stops. (does not wrap around)

Lunchbox triangular panel B. THe recursive shapes are growing inside the vase. The surfaces need to be flipped to grow on the outside.


Lunchbox triangular panel C. The effect of recursive is reduced to produce more symmetrical shape. The amplitude is multiplied by -1 to flip the growth to the outside

Culling surfaces generated from lunchbox command.


Week 6

Kangaroo: springs and forces

Springs. Apply unary force. Anchored on all sides.

Springs. Apply unary force. Anchored only on corners.


Springs. Apply unary force. Anchored only on corners. Single point force.

Springs. Apply unary force. Anchored only on corners. Apply forces on two points going different directions


Springs. Apply unary force. Anchored on all sides, apply forces froms selected points using point in curve.

Springs. Apply unary force. Apply opposite force in points in curves.


Springs. Apply unary force. Anchored on all sides. Random points as anchors and random points to apply force.

Springs from hexagon cells.


Week 6

Case Study 2.0 - Galapagoes experiemnt: matching output

Generate 10 random numbers and shift item to match number to distance between points. Python script was used to decline all lines that was too short.

4 sets of lines, required 8 sliders.

8 set of lines generated by using the random componenet. Galapagoes used to change the seed value. This did not match as well as the other method.


4 lines used on a non-planar surface. The result generate a form which is hard to build.

8 geodesic curvs, each anchored at each edge of the surface.

Geodesic curves anchored at divided edge of the surface. Created the most interesting intersection.


Week 10

Galapagos Results


Rib 2

Rib 3 26

Rib 4

Rib 5

Rib 6


Rib 7

Week 11


Algorithm on how to cut a piece of timber to produce workable pieces


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