A 4000 year old secret

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4,000Year- Old Secret Great Skin To


By: Christina Kyriazi

Ifountain am not about to tell you I discovered the of youth (though I wish). What a lot of women are not aware of is that nature has given us simple solutions that do not require visits to surgeons or putting yourself under a laser. Olive oil is one of those simple solutions. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians knew about the great qualities of olive oil 4,000 years ago and used it daily to moisturize and cleanse themselves. They did not have labs or advanced science back then, but by trying out different things that nature provided, they quickly realized that olive oil has great properties and can be very beneficial to all types of skin. This tradition of using

olive oil on the skin has been passed down from generation to generation. My grandmother in Greece used to use olive oil not only to make soap but also to protect her skin from the sun while gardening. So why is olive oil so great? Modern science has provided us with solid facts that show the six greatest properties of olive oil—learn about them below.

1) Moisturizer

Olive oil is a great moisturizer due to its fatty composition. By applying olive oil on dry skin, you can help your skin keep its elasticity. The ancient Greeks used to bathe in olive oil, thus maintaining their skin’s healthy look. I personally have extremely dry feet, and I use the BIOselect Olive Body Lotion once a day and I never have to worry about my feet cracking!

2) Anti-aging

Olive oil is high in polyphenols, which are antioxidants. Antioxidants, like vitamin E, help slow the aging process by preventing the release of free radicals, which can damage your skin’s cells.

3) Protects skin

Extra virgin olive oil is known for protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful rays, from pollution and even from the cold. Olive oil forms a protective layer above your skin and shields your skin’s pores from dirt and dust. When you use olive oil products every day you protect your skin from many pollutants, which it may be exposed to while you are driving to work, going shopping or even going on a walk.


Lake Norman Woman - April 2009

4) Natural disinfectant

The phenols (antioxidants) in olive oil have antifungal and antibacterial properties. In many traditional recipes, olive oil has been a main component of ointments that treat wounds, cuts or burns. The Mediterranean people are known for producing and using olive oil soaps, which clean and moisturize the skin at the same time. My grandmother made traditional olive oil soap at our home in Greece, which the entire family would use for bathing. Whenever I use olive oil soap, it brings back memories of her telling me how good olive oil is for my skin. She might not have been a scientist, but she knew what she was talking about!

5) Heals the skin

By now you are probably aware that olive oil contains antioxidants that have anti-aging and disinfectant properties. But what you might not know is that it also has healing and soothing capabilities for your skin. The antioxidants prevent and repair minor damage to the skin, such as light sunburns or small cuts. Also, many people with eczema or psoriasis have discovered that olive oil prevents their skin from itching, breaking or drying.

6) Enriches the hair

Just as olive oil moisturizes your body’s dry skin, it will also help you get rid of dandruff (dry skin on your head). Ok, I am not going to advise you to wash your hair with olive oil every day, but I do recommend using olive oilbased shampoos, conditioners or hair masks. Not only will olive oil get rid of your dandruff, it will also make your hair naturally shiny without harming it. + Christina Kyriazi exclusively imports the BIOselect organic skin care line from Greece through her company, Erythis, Inc. You can contact her at christina@ bioselect-us.com or find out more information at www.bioselect-us.com.

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