Magis solo@sidekick (pre)

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genuinely Italian, since 1976

Sidekick Solo #002

Art Piece for Home We live in a world where art piece are often label as


“for Auction only”; only be placed in art gallery/

而不可褻玩的普世價值。事實真的是 樣?如果藝術作

museum; being perceived as


unreachable. The

question is, is this really true? What if art pieces

發, 會否帶來一個更美好世界?

become available to everybody's’ home, in a complete industrially redesigned way, would this


lead to a better world?

頂尖設計師緊密合作進行家具開發項目。 與藝術品原創 設計師共同嘗試, 設法以領先工匠技術開發出量產方

Found 1976, italian company Magis has been

式, 把原本遙不可及的藝術館級傑作帶進生活。合作出

collaborating closely with world’s top designers on

來的家具 不是廉價複製品,而是從工業生產角度出發

furniture projects. With the help of advance


manufacturing technology, Magis find ways to


reengineer designer pieces, making it affordable to public. And this is in no way cheap replicas, but a complete redesign from an industrial point of view, making the “impossible to mass produce” become possible.

讓大家負擔得起的藝術品級家具。 以創新設計為基礎,配以精湛意 大利手工,每每經由Magis參與的生 產,都會添加一份意大利色彩,

Art pieces to be affordable to public. By using italian fine artisanship based on truly innovative design, every single piece of Magis product had a typical Italian flavors and perfumes. A scent of “Magis Way” of design.


Cloud Design Benedetta Mori Ubaldini

Benedetta Mori Ubaldini is a Milan based artist best known for her innovative and extraordinarily beautiful wire work. Her work were shown in over twenty galleries all around the world and collaboration with giant brands such as Paul Smith. Each piece of her work starts life as industrially produced, walled “Chicken� wire which is gradually shaped by hand, twisting and joining the pieces together to give a seamless appearance. The recently launched Cloud sculpture by Benedetta Mori Ubaldini for Magis is the result of desiring to fill large spaces with a symbolic and poetic narrative of herself.

Benedetta Mori Ubaldini

Voido Design Ron Arad

Ron Arad You would be hard pressed to find a straight line or right angle in ron arad's work, and the voido rocking chair is a perfect example. Designed by Ron Arad, one of the most influential designers of our time, the Voido rocking chair is a welcome twist on a classic design (Bio Void, which is originally a studio pieces, now available for auction at 10,000 to 15,000 british pound). Using rotational-molded polyethylene, working closely with Ron Arad, Magis has been able to redesign a amazing rocking chair classic, while preserving the Ron Arad style,

Archetoy Design Floris Hovers

Floris Hover designed a range of handmade metal toy vehicles called Arche Toys. It was presented as a design art project at the Dutch Design week 2007. With basic, factory made metal parts Hovers a s s e m b l e s w h a t h e c a l l s A r c h e To y s , archetypes of familiar motorized vehicles. The designer creat es a three-dimensio na l impression of a sport car, post van and a double decker bus with few elements, but enough imagination to make anyone smile with surprise. The concept behind is well beyond creating children’s toy, it was to develop as an inner search towards the balance between work and play. 些形態簡潔表達明確的玩具車(Archetoy)出自 荷蘭設計師親手制作Floris Hovers,他用工業金 屬材料(方管、圓管等)結合手工製作,通過簡

單的切割、焊接、打磨、噴漆等,如疊積木一 般 , 拼 接 出 了 一 系 列 玩 具 車 , 取 名 為‘Archetoys’。設計師利用簡單的顏色以及想像 力造出


指設計 Archetoys 不只想激發小朋友想像力,更 重要是叫大人重新思考工作與玩樂之間的平衡。

Original Archetoys design sketch

Making Of Archetoy

Spun Design Thomas Heathwick

Spun came out of research into the geometric simplification of a familiar object type. Could a completely rotationally symmetrical form make a comfortable chair? In October 2009 the Heatherwick Studio with Haunch of Venison gallery, produced a series of pieces using the craft of large scale metal spinning, traditionally used to make objects such as Timpani drums. The chairs are handmade by pressing sheets of metal against a rotating cast iron form using a paddle. Each chair is assembled from six metal spinnings, welded together and polished to produce a single unified form with a leather trim inlaid into the weight bearing rim. It was originally an limited art piece, until 2010 when Magis cofounder Eugenio Perazza met Heatherwick and came out with the idea of

using rotational moulded polyethylene. It is only by Magis, with the redesign of using polyethylene, that make the spin sitting fun possible for public.

Rocky Design Marc Newson

Marc Newson, the design world famous name people could not help but see a double dip his work, Marc Newson, despite being an industrial designer whose work involved, but the field is very broad, including aircraft , jewelry, transportation and apparel industries, he must be really fathom the mysteries of wanton designed to show his talent in the creative design of the ocean. Rocky Marc Newson is a recent book in 2012, a change in the traditional horse and all four legs straight like standing posture designer Rocky design some more mellow and smooth, like a horse dressed in a long chain mail . Several colors golden bridle horses accompanied by simple, modern shapes, colors are crisp and no lack of finishing touch, it should be a favorite among children living quite right partner.

Marc Newson(馬克·紐森)


名字讓人看到了就忍不住仔細品味一下他的作 品,馬克·紐森雖然身為工業設計師但是其作品 所涉及的領域十分


具和服裝等行業,他一定是參透了設計的真正奧 秘才能在


設計才華。 Rocky是馬克·紐森2012年的一款近 作,一改傳統木馬



計師將Rocky設計的更加圓潤光滑了一些,像一 隻披著長長鎖子甲的戰馬。幾種顏色的戰馬配上 金黃色的


且不乏點睛之筆,應該會成為孩子們生活當中相 當喜愛的


Nimrod Design Marc Newson

Magis are always famous for pushing the boundaries of design and manufacture. The Nimrod chair took a long time to develop, not in the least because, at the time, it was the largest blow moulding ever attempted. The Nimrod Chair designed was one of the first collaboration between Marc Newson and Magis. The design of the Nimrod looks a lot like the 1999 021C concept car, also designed by Marc Newson for Ford. Not only the Nimrod looks futuristic as a chair, it’s expanded polyurethane seat covered with removable wool fabric is ultra comfortable.

Dish Doctor Design Marc Newson

Rock Design Marc Newson

Dish doctor designed by marc newson for Magis. this is one design that proves that anything can have a unique style and feel even a dish rack. Made of sturdy polypropylene, the dish doctor is a stylish dish drying holder that will fit beautifully into your sink area.

Marc Newson鮮少使用直線,他的作品每一件 都帶有濃厚的未來氣息。 曾為澳洲航空A380客機設計機艙的他,最大的 夢想是打造一座宇宙航空站。Rock隕石門

型為圓潤有機的線條,表面卻如岩石般粗糙, 橄欖綠色就像太空隕石那樣神秘。細緻的腰部

生活中總是少不了創意! NEWSON 設計的


具 架 採 用 聚 丙 烯 材

質,耐 用、別 緻,用 色 大 膽 鮮 豔,刀 盤、水杯都能輕鬆瀝乾。

讓單手容易握取,方便移動至房間各個角落, 旋開亮紅色的星形上蓋,還可以添加砂石或玻 璃彈珠增加重量,底部的防滑橡膠更刻印著品 及設計師的簽名。

Le Chien Savant Design Philippe Starck

ÂŤ As a child I never liked school, however, I loved dogs. Should I had met this learned dog at that time, I would have become a scholar, too. But I missed this occasion and unfortunately the learned dog exists now only for children. Too late Âť. Ph. S

Chien Savant is a project between Philippe Starck and Chantal Bavaud. As a child, Philippe Starck never likes school, however, he likes puppy a lot, so he created Le Chien Savant, a super attractive chair-desk, for child to sit on it and start learning.

Salone del Mobile 米蘭家具展中焦點。 Chien Savant 的想法來自 Chantal Bavaud, 由Philippe Starck 操刀設計。Philippe Starck 坦然小時候不喜歡上學,卻十分喜 歡小狗,於是設計了小狗學習椅,希望吸引 孩子乖乖坐在椅上學習。

Puzzle Carpet Design Satyendra Pakhale









印度裔設計師 Satyendra Pakhale,於 1998 年 在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹設立了自家設計公司,曾與 Alessi、Cappellinie 及 Moroso 的國際知名家具 品




別,他更與 MAGIS 合作,推出了一款名為 Puzzle Carpet,以益智創意來保護孩子的安 全。一套七件的 Puzzle Carpet,形狀以拼圖式 設計,而且分別有草地、水池及沙漠三款主題,

About Sidekick solo @ homeless Remember your first time watching Phantom of the Opera, broadway’s longest running musical? Stepping into sidekick solo is just like that. Sidekick solo brought Homeless to a new era of lifestyle concepts visualization, turing our store (Homeless & sidekick) into a pop-up stage where our sidekick shines like a star, it is an extraordinary journey about designs, about cultural objects that have shaped our society, improved the function of homes, offices and the world.

關於Sidekick solo @ homeless 記得第一次坐在劇院台下,近距離歌聲魅影 (Phantom of the Opera)的震撼 ?走進 Sidekick solo你會有同一番感受。 Sidekick Solo是Homeless&Sidekick最新季度企 劃。跳出故有運作模式,把店舖(Homeless & Sidekick)重塑成品 舞台,讓不同品 在 Sidekick solo舞台上發亮;帶你一睹品 背後的 故事,塑造我們社會,文化的好設計。提高家 居,辦公室甚至世界的重要設計品 。

For timeless designs And the undeniable obsession about lifestyle

All about Stools Experts say that the history of stools is rather like the chicken and the egg conundrum, as in which came first. The stool or the chair? The chair or the stool? Nonetheless, Magis create numbers of iconic stool of our century.

Bombo Stool Design Stefeno Giovannoni

Bombo Ever futuristic stool The Bombo stool is without doubt the most successful product by Stefano Giovannoni, which marked a turning point and a large step ahead in the company’s history. Sales of the stool began in January 1997, but in the beginning, also here, the market kind of ignored it.!

public. An extraordinary commercial triumph that is international and still going strong. This is the item Magis has sold most of. It is also one of the bestselling objects of the entire Italian Design system. Bombo高 椅無疑是意大利設計師Stefano Giovannoni的代表作,亦同時寫下了Magis 歷史性光輝的一頁。1997年在Bombo初推

Then came, slowly but surely, many fortuitous product placements in television programs that were broadcasted in Italy and abroad. Also several popular movies featured the stool. Among them “Star Trek” and “Lost in Space”. In “Lost in Space”, Bombo was even the only real object, the only existing thing in a virtual world. Then there were numerous favorable reviews in the national and international press. And that’s how Bombo came to widespread success with the

出的時候,設計並沒立即受市場認同。隨後 自Bombo於意大利及世界電視,科幻電影出 現(如“Star Trek” 及 “Lostin Space”),當 時Bombo是在電影Lost in Space裡,唯一 屬於現實世界的設計。甚至被世界傳媒一致 好評。自此Bombo開始被受世界關注,國際 媒體爭相追捧,至今Bombo仍然是家具意大 利設計史上銷量最高的高


Tom’s and Jerry is a statement from Magis, a self actualization of the company’s vision. In the same vein, Konstantin Grcic’s Tom and Jerry stools, produced since 2012, mark a new approach to the idea of artisanal work. The stools are made of beech (of artisanal origin) with two plastic parts (of industrial origin): the screw and the joint that unites the legs. Everyone knows that wood is a more important material than plastic, but it’s the plastic that embodies the beautiful part of the design of these two stools. From a semiological point of view, it’s the opposite situation to Cyborg’s

Deja-Vu Stool Design Naoto Fukasawa

Pipe stool Design Jasper Morrison

Italian minimalism Simple, beautifully curved, shiny stainless steel, the Déjà-vu stool started out as a simple stool concept, by minimalist designer Naoto Fukasawa. Using the finest materials the legs are in extruded polished aluminium. Seat and foot-rest in polished die-cast aluminium.

簡潔的外型,流利的框架,亮銀的光澤,刻 畫最基本的設計,由日本的設計大師深澤直 人設計, Deja-Vu 高 演譯出簡單的椅




Yuyu Stool Design Stefano Giovannoni

Affordable Designer Stacking Stool For Everyone YuYu is a new small stool that is light, colourful and stackable. It offers incredible value for money for a piece of functional design by one of our favourite designers Stefano Giovannoni. Seat height at 50 cm is a slightly higher than average which makes it particularly ideal for children. They are also great for small kitchens, you can store them underneath the table or stack them and tuck them away and just get them when you need them. Being completely moulded form plastic you can also use them outside. YuYu 是新款的小椅 ,鮮明的用色 輕巧可 堆疊,低 廉 的 價 格 是 收 藏 Stefano Giovannoni


佳選擇,高於一般椅 子 (45 cm) YuYu 有 著 50cm 的高度,特別適合家中的小朋友,讓 他們一起在






的好選 擇 。

Steelwood Stool Design Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec

Steelwood Stool 結合鋼鐵和



的樸實柔和 椅身的每個鈍角皆經 過柔化修邊,溫潤的觸感搭配木 材加壓彎曲,讓整體造型具有流 動圓滑的線條,展現如手工藝般 的藝術。

Paso Doble Stool Design Stefano Giovannoni

Paso Doble Stool 以西班




材椅面選擇,創造出新式混搭風格。運 用特殊彎曲技術,讓椅身與椅


順精緻彎折角度,輕量且易堆疊收納, 營造出視覺新體感。

Paso Doble Chair production process:

360 Stool Design Konstantin Grcic

Steelwood Stool 結合鋼鐵和



的樸實柔和 椅身的每個鈍角皆經 過柔化修邊,溫潤的觸感搭配木 材加壓彎曲,讓整體造型具有流 動圓滑的線條,展現如手工藝般 的藝術。

Steelwood Stool Design Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec

Steelwood Stool 結合鋼鐵和



的樸實柔和 椅身的每個鈍角皆經 過柔化修邊,溫潤的觸感搭配木 材加壓彎曲,讓整體造型具有流 動圓滑的線條,展現如手工藝般 的藝術。

“Take, for example, the Cyborg chair designed by Marcel Wanders. The design has an industrial part consisting of the four very simple plastic legs, almost basic, deliberately “non-designed” and an artisanal “designed” part, i.e. the backrest, which can be made of wicker, plywood or solid wood, or padded and upholstered in fine fabrics or in leather. And tomorrow it could be made of wrought iron or other materials. Therefore, a never-ending design story; it is precisely the backrest that dictates the chair’s expressive and aesthetic quality. No one will ever say that Cyborg is a plastic chair; they’ll say that it’s a wicker chair when the backrest is made of wicker, or a wooden chair when it has a wooden backrest, etc., etc. “ - Eugenio Perazza

What do you think is missing from spaces that sell or show design? Very often I find that in design shops there is no passion or subjectivity. The selection is based on other kinds of parameter, like if they sell. A lot of the time it's really uninspired or lazy. Shops always show the same things and I get so disappointed because I know of all the other things that are on the market. I generalise, of course, but I find that retail is becoming the whole system. When you go to trade fairs and see what designers are creating and what producers are making, there's a lot of good stuff around, but at your local shop none of that seems to be available. What do you mean by elitist? I think that my role as a designer is very elitist. I work for a small niche of top companies and even if not everything I do is avante garde, it's still more exclusive than inclusive. When we design things it's not for the masses. But it's very important and it took me a while to discover that this is the role that we have to play. You know, designing for the masses is an elusion. In the end it is much more beneficial creating strong, more radical products and then somehow they trickle down to a broader acceptance.

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