When couples separate, the child lives with one parent, and the other gets visitation rights. It is the right of the custodial parent to receive some amount of child support. The amount of child support is decided by mutual agreement or the court. The child support received is used for the day-to-day and medical expenses that the health insurance does not cover. The child support order given by the court becomes a legal obligation. The non-payment of child support amount can lead to penalization by the court. The parents can hire a family attorney to walk them through gaining and giving child support.
How can a parent know if they are eligible for child support? The parent who has the primary custody of the child is called a custodial parent. The first requirement of receiving child support is that the parent must be a custodial parent. A custodial parent is the one with which the child stays for the maximum amount of time. The custodial parent takes care of the child’s education, well-being, social growth, etc. The custody is by the court or decided mutually. Being a custodial parent does not make one automatically eligible for child support. The points mentioned below are also necessary:
Establishing paternity is necessary when a mother seeks child support from the father.
The details of the other parent are vital. If the information is unknown, the parent can ask the court to locate the other parent.
The court will grant a child support order only if the parent approaches the court.
The court sometimes grants joint custody to both parents. In this case, the child spends time with both parents equally. If there is a big difference in the incomes of both parents, the court might ask one parent to support the other. The parent with a lesser income can ask for child support. If one of the parents was a stay-at-home parent during the marriage, they become entitled to receive child support.
When does child support end? The states have different rules. Most states stop child support when the child reaches 18 years of age, moves to college, dies, or gets married. Both parents must be aware of the rules of the state. The court can order the parent to pay child support even beyond 18 years when necessary. The continuation of child support might be needed if the child has special needs or the child does not move of the house. The child support order does not end automatically. The parent making the payments must approach the court and request the court to stop the obligation.
Mongillo law firm specializes in the matters of family law. They can help their clients in divorce, separation, child support, custody, etc. Leonardo Mongillo is a certified collaborative lawyer. A collaborative lawyer aims at solving legal problems outside of court. The law firm ensures that its clients receive the maximum benefit possible. SOURCE CREDIT: https://leomongillolaw.tumblr.com/post/673335602957189120/leo-mong illo-how-does-a-parent-know-whether-they