Leo Mongillo Helps Women Understand Their Reproductive Rights
Reproductive rights include birth control, abortion, sex education, the right to start a family, etc. Everybody must be aware of their rights. Reproductive is the right given to a person about reproduction and their health concerning reproduction. Reproductive right is a sensitive issue. People oppose abortion in the name of religion and morality. It is up to the individual to decide what is good for her. The defenders and opponents of abortion have two different beliefs. The defenders believe that the choice to give birth lies only in the hands of the person having the child. The opponents believe that the unborn fetus is a living being and one cannot simply abort it. In the current times, federal law gives the right of abortion to the women having the child. She may choose to have the baby or terminate the pregnancy.
Reasons to Support Reproductive Rights: They are Fundamental Human Rights: Reproductive laws are a part of human rights available to all citizens. Modern women are aware of their rights. She needs access to contraceptives but does not get it. The opponents have attacked the whole system making it difficult for women to access contraceptives and clinics and hospitals to help them terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Women should be able to make a decision that is right for them.
Most Pregnancies around the World are Unplanned: Studies show a rising trend in the cases of unplanned pregnancies. Women can decide what is good for them. The population hike is a global problem. It is necessary to slow down the growth of the population by taking the required steps. It is vital for maintaining an ecological balance. This is possible when everybody has access to education.
Access to Contraception the Risk of Unplanned Pregnancies: Women have a variety of contraception methods that they can choose. They can find the one best suitable for them. With access to contraception, the number of unplanned pregnancies reduces. The women can choose from single-use contraceptives like a condom or long-term contraceptives like IUD (Intra Uterine Devices).
We Should Step up to Avoid Extinction: The area of the earth remains constant, but the number of people occupying it is increasing every second. Many species of animals have become endangered or extinct. Plants have also started becoming extinct. The plants and animals are a part of our food chain. With the food chain becoming smaller, it will be difficult to feed the world’s population. Women have a right to choose, smaller families that are sustainable. It will lead to a smaller size of the population.
Having a Child Changes The Whole Life of a Person: Having a child is a life-changing decision. It is one of the most important decisions of a person’s life. The person should have the absolute authority to choose whether or not to have a child. A child brought into a loveless family is a future adult with health problems.
A family attorney can help the adult contest their right and represent a client in court Mongillo law firm specializes in family law. They provide their clients with appointments according to the client’s needs. SOURCE CREDIT: https:// leomongillolaw.tumblr.com/post/674335018356768768/leo-mong illo-helps-women-understand-their