July 20055 - July J l 2006 200 06
Kajang K j Assembly A bl off God G d
Private PPrii ate t CCirculation i r c ulation llation ti O Only nly nl
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." ACTS 1:8 M Y M I S S I O N A RY J O U R N E Y
MISSION VISION Kajang Assembly of God
"We are a worshipping community of God's people declaring God's glory" "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9)
P.O. Box 20, 43007 Kajang Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia 52 Jalan Timur, 43000 Kajang Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Tel: 603-87361890 Fax: 603-87369396 Email: Website:
What we intend to do to fulfill our vision Each of the mission statement below seeks to fulfil one and at times two out of the three components of KAOG's vision statement. 1. To reach out to the different language, ethnic, age and social groups in the Kajang area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. To disciple and equip every member in order that they may achieve their full maturity in Christ and be released into effective ministry. 4. To bless our society and our nation through our community services and through the influence and ministries of our members. 4. To raise up and send Christian workers, pastors and missionaries worldwide. 5, To plant churches in the regions beyond Kajang which will share a similar vision and sense of mission. 6. To bless the body of Christ at large.
Missions Director Ps. Bernard Ong Missions Committee Members Mok Yen Ching Editor/BM Rep Leona Lim Publicity Lilian Joseph Secretary Tamera Kon Campus Rep Anita Lee Children Rep Chin Ee Vonne Youth Rep Kerta Singh North Zone Frankie Loo Central/East Zone Tan Seng Seng South Zone Robert & Cassie Samuel West Zone Mages Seigar Tamil Christopher Phuah Chinese Cover photo & Design Leona Lim Printing by Sun Graphic
"The "The 20th 20th century ceentury will will no no doubt doubt be be remembered rem membered as as a Pentecostal Pentecostal century, centuryy, given given the the birth birth of of thee modern modeern Pentecostal/Charismatic Pentecosstal/Charissmatic movement movement and and its its dramatic dramatic growth. grow wth. In In less less than than three three generations, generations, this thiss movement movement inin the the West, West, Africa Afriica and and Asia Asia has has grown groown to to an an amazing amazing 520 520 million million making making itit the the second seccond largest larggest expression expression of of faith faith within within the the Christian Christian movement, movemennt, second seccond only onnly to to Roman Roman Catholics." Catholiccs." (Ten (Ten Global Global Trends Trends inin Religion Religion by by Jay Jay Gary) Gary)
Many PPentecostals t t l and d non-Pentecostal P t t l hhave
given many reasons for this phenomenal growth. One of the causes given by church growth guru, Dr. Peter Wagner, is the prayer dynamics of Pentecostal Christians. They do not only spend much time in prayer but they also expect God to speak to them in prayer. And when God speaks, they obey. Wagner writes, "Pentecostals typically expect God to tell them things and do not hesitate to share such experiences with others." Pentecostal missions abound with such stories. Daniel Berg and Gunnar Vingren, two Swedish Baptist immigrants in South Bend, Indiana, received the Pentecostal experience and felt a prophetic call to Brazil. Obeying the Holy Spirit, they sailed to Brazil in 1910. Their obedience resulted in the formation of the Brazilian Assemblies of God, which developed into the largest national Pentecostal movement in the world, claiming more than 20,000,000 members today. Lillian Trasher was engaged to be married to a fine young Christian man. Ten days before her wedding day, she attended a mission's conference and God spoke to her to go to Africa. With tears she chose to put God first and obeyed. She cancelled her wedding and made her way to Egypt with no organized means of financial support. In Egypt she adopted the unwanted street children and started an orphanage. By 1915, she had fifty children in her orphanage. It was all by faith. Even when the Great Depression came and American support dropped to practically nothing, she continued to trust the Lord to provide. She never turned anyone away, always making room for them. She celebrated her fiftieth year in Egypt in 1960 with 1,200 children in her orphanage and thousands more having graduated from her orphanage.
Hearing God's voice is a biblical pattern. Being led by the Lord, Philip the Evangelist went to a desert road linking Jerusalem to Gaza (Acts 8:26-40). There, the Spirit of God led him to share the gospel to a high-ranking Ethiopian eunuch. This Ethiopian brought the gospel back to his homeland. Ethiopia later became a Christian nation. In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas together with the leadership in the Antioch Church heard the Holy Spirit speak to them. They obeyed, and embarked on the most successful missionary journey that the ancient world has ever seen (Acts 13:1-3)
Is not the Holy Spirit the same today? The harvest in Malaysia and in the nations around us still abound. Is it not more than probable that God is speaking and leading His people to reap the harvest? Or is it that we do not want to hear and we are too afraid to obey? We are entering a new season in Kajang Assembly. God is moving by His Holy Spirit and God is speaking. Different individuals have heard God's call and they are already preparing themselves. What is God speaking to you about your place in His sovereign plan to touch the lost? Do not be afraid to respond in obedience to Him. Because when you do, you will embark on an adventure of faith that will lead you to a fruitfulness and fullness beyond what you can imagine or visualize now.
Is not the Holy Spirit the same today? The harvest in Malaysia and in the nations around is still abound. Journeying with you, Pastor Chan Nam Chen
Abad 20 tidak disyaki akan diingati sebagai abad Pentekosta, melahirkan pergerakkan yang moden dan pertumbuhan yang pesat. Kurang daripada 3 generasi, pergerakkan ini di Barat, Afrika dan Asia bertumbuh dengan pesat, 520 juta yang percaya di dalam pergerakkan Kristian, kedua dari Roman Katolik. ( Ten Global Trends in Religion by Jay Gary).
Pentekosta dan bukan Pentekosta memberi banyak alasan untuk pertumbuhan fenomena ini. Salah satu sebab diberi oleh Dr. Peter Wagner adalah doa dinamik Pentekosta. Mereka bukan hanya banyak meluangkan waktu di dalam doa tetapi mereka juga ingin mendengar Tuhan berbicara kepada mereka di dalam doa. Apabila Tuhan bercakap, mereka mentaati. Wagner menulis " Pentekosta ingin Tuhan memberitahu mereka hal-hal dan tidak teragar-agar untuk mengongsi pengalaman mereka dengan yang lain. Misi Pentekosta diiringi dengan cerita-cerita begini. Daniel Berg dan Gunnar Vingren,dua warganegara Swedish Baptis di South Bend, Indiana menerima pengalaman dan merasa satu panggilan nubuatan ke Brazil.Mentaati Roh Kudus, mereka belayar ke Brazil pada 1910. Ketaatan mereka menyebabkan pertubuhan Sidang Jemaat Allah Brazil yang membawa kepada pergerakkan Pentekosta yang terbesar di dunia menjangkau lebih 20,000,000 ahli hari ini. Lillian Trasher bertunang dengan seorang Kristian, sepuluh hari sebelum perkahwinannya, dia menhadiri satu konferansi misi dan Tuhan memanggilnya untuk pergi ke Afrika. Dengan curahan airmata dia memilih mengutamakan Tuhan dan mentaatinya. Dia menbatalkan perkahwinannya dan menuju ke Egypt dengan tiada bantuan kewangan. Di Egypt, dia menganak-angkatkan kanak-kanak yang tiada berkeluarga. Dia memulakan satu rumah anak yatim. Pada 1915, dia mempunyai 50 kanak-kanak di dalam rumah kebajikannya. Ia dilakukan dengan iman. Walaupun dengan Zaman Kemelesetan dan bantuan Amerika berhenti, dia masih terus percaya kepada Tuhan untuk membekalkan kewangan. Dia tidak menolak sesiapapun, selalu menyediakan ruang bagi mereka. Dia menyambut ulangtahun ke 50 di Egypt pada 1960 dengan 1,200 kanak-kanak di ruman anak yatimnya dan ribuan yang pernah meninggal di sana.
Mendengar suara Tuhan adalah alkitabiah. Dipimpin oleh Tuhan, penginjil Paulus pergi ke jalan gurun yang menghubungi Yerusalem dan Gaza (KPR 8:26-40). Di sana roh Tuhan memimpin dia untuk mengongsi injil kepada seorang sida Etiopia yang berposisi tinggi. Dia membawa injil balik ke negaranya. Etiopia kemudian menjadi negara Kristian. Di dalam KPR 13, Paulus dan Barnabas bersama dengan kepimpinan di gereja Antioch mendengar Roh Kudus berbicara kepada mereka. Mereka mentaati, memulai satu perjalanan misi yang paling berjaya masa silam pernah mengalami. (KPR 13: 1-3) Bukankah Roh Kudus sama hari ini juga? Tuaian di Malaysia dan negara-negara di sekeliling kita siap dituai. Bukankah Tuhan lebih berbicara dan memimpin umatNya menuai diladangNya? Ataukah kita tidak mahu mendengar dan terlalu takut untuk mentaati? KAOG melangkah ke musim yang baru. Tuhan bergiat di dalam RohNya dan Tuhan sedang berbicara. Individual berlainan mendengar suara Tuhan dan sudah menyediakan diri mereka. Apakah yang Tuhan berbicara kepada kamu mengenai rencananya yang agung untuk menjangkau yang hilang? Jangan takut untuk respon dengan ketaatan kepada Dia. Kerana apabila kamu berbuat demikian kamu akan memulai satu perjalanan iman yang membawa kepada keberhasilan di luar jangkaan atau imaginasi kamu.
Bukankah Roh Kudus sama hari ini juga? Tuaian di Malaysia dan negara-negara di sekeliling kita siap dituai. Bersama denganmu, Pastor Chan Nam Chen
MY Missionary Journey
Why Cambodia??? Cambodia is a nation that is filled with spiritual darkness. Spirit shrines, pagodas, strong opposition of Buddhism, moral collapse, poverty and deep physical and emotion scars of the war. A nation that needs not only physical restructure but also spiritual restoration. Incidentally, I have a great passion for poor and war-torn nations. That's why I want to go
- Ps Kala -
to Cambodia.
1) I plan to go there by February 2006, the first year will be devoted to language study and I will be stationed at Phnom Penh. I will either go to a language school or get a private tutor.
A visit to Ps Sovan's house
When did it begin? The year 1999 saw the beginning of a vision that the Lord had laid in my heart for Cambodia - for 3 ½ years it was kept concealed in my heart and soaked in prayer. It was unveiled in the year 2001- where God through his servant- Pas.Chan paved the doors for me to venture into "dreams of my missionary call" From year 2002 onwards God's plan was revealed progressively and it meant a lot of waiting. Doors were opened. I began to visit the nation and take mission teams. God eventually opened doors of meeting with many different individuals - who became a part of His plan for me in Cambodia. The biggest blessing of all was that the "KAOG" came into plans of His Call for me in Cambodia. Each time I went to Cambodia individuals blessed me through financial giving, prayer, support and encouragement. I remember on one occasion, during a cell group meeting the Lord literally spoke in an audible voice and said " He will supply my needs" and it was a few days time before I was supposed to fly to Cambodia. He did provide. What an awesome God He is. This was beginning of the many miracles that the Lord had for me.
2) The 2nd year onwards (by this time) I pray that the Lord will specify the exact place I should begin. So far, I felt it towards the North/North EastPlease pray for me.
How can the church be involved? 1. Partners in prayer 2. Partners in financial giving
Praying for the congregation
Meeting the campus team in Battambang
How will I do it? 1) Children's Ministry 2) English Classes 3) CHE program(Community Health Education) 4) Skill training - sewing, gardening, handwork
3. Send short termers to assist me: " Teach English " Children's Ministry " Conduct Bible Study/seminars " Skill training e.g sewing, painting, craft works, gardening etc " Medical Missions " Counseling " Prayer Ministry, Prayer Walk " Evangelism 4. Assist in updating information, promoting and mobilizing teams for me in the local church for the ministry in Cambodia.
As I Walk By Faith
- Law Yit Ping -
I am a fresh graduate from UKM. I have
wanted to become a missionary for quite some time. However, at that time I had just finished my STPM. I have never really seen the world yet even though I was offered a contract job in the office. I think the burden was laid upon my heart during that time. At first, I have been questioning myself because I have never been involved in any of the missions trips before.
As I trusted the Lord and went by faith for this six-week missions trip, the Lord prepared us daily to get adjusted in Cambodia. I found that it wasn't so difficult to be away from familiar places and faces. I was able to forge a strong bond with the local people. In fact, if I hadn't joined this short term missions trip, I would have missed out the part that God has prepared for me - a good job offer in Siem Reap International School for 1 year! Now, I can testify that God always has a plan for us even when we don't understand His ways. The answer is there for you when you seek God daily and pray unto Him. I have never known that I could pray for an hour a day. Never in Malaysia would I do so because my life was so distracted by the things and people around me.
Since I joined the church during my first year in the university, I have begun to be more involved in the missions trip. Through these trips I know more about missions. The Thailand missions trip was my first. Even till the last minute, I had thoughts of withdrawing due to health issues and further worries. Somehow God just made things happened in a miraculous and wonderful way. During the trip, I was admitted to a hospital in Sadao, Thailand, one of the provinces that we went to. It was due to food poisoning as we were eating excessively. This experience had hindered me from going to the following missions trip to Berastagi, Indonesia. I was still apprehensive due to the bad experience I had in Thailand even though the Lord had blessed me so much. And it was the first time too that I experienced things in the spiritual realm. Despite all these experiences, my flesh was still so stubborn and kept saying 'No' to all the missions trips. Then one day, things took a different turn. I heard God telling me, "I am with you, don't be fearful and follow Me." Then I decided to join the 10 - day trip to Cambodia. I still had not considered the short term missions trip (sixweeks). However, the Lord continued to move in a very special way that He opened every single door for me from my parents' approval, financial blessings and friends' blessings for the short term trip . I still doubted it because I didn't see the purpose of going to Cambodia for short term missions. The process of preparing for the short term trip wasn't easy and in fact it was very hectic. Due to the completion of our final year theses and exams, as well as some personal problems that greatly discouraged me, I was tempted to give up and join the 10 - day missions trip to Cambodia.
As I trusted the Lord and went by faith for this six-week missions trip, the Lord prepared us daily to get adjusted in Cambodia. I find it to be true that how much we invest in God's kingdom is very crucial for Him to decide as how He is going to use us daily. God wouldn't just call a person out to the missions fields without preparing him or her. Never ever underestimate how powerful God can transform and use your life to bless others as you yield to Him. It is up to you to take up this challenge to see His will unfold in your life!
- Amy Yip -
The hardest thing to do in this six-week trip was to help the youth to change their worldview. It needed a lot of time, effort and prayer to help them to believe in a God who can change their lives so that they didn't have to surrender to their fate. Though some had been involved in drinking, drugs, sexual abuse and killing before, God loves them and has never given up on them. As I faced a lot of discouragement and disappointment while ministering to them, it was God who had strengthened my heart and given me the courage to keep praying and help them to love and obey Him.
he short term missions trip to Cambodia was a fruitful one. I have learnt and experienced a lot of things. God has appeared so real to me everyday. Being away from home sometimes made me felt homesick. I missed my family. I missed my friends. Everything in Cambodia seemed new to me; the weather, food, place, culture, language and people. It was not easy to adapt to a new environment and deal with my emotions for the first two weeks but thank God, He brought me through the difficult times. It was Jesus that I count on everyday. It was His strength that I relied on to go through every trial. Teaching was a whole new experience for me. I was a preschool, dancing and English teacher in the New Living Hope Church together with Yit Ping and Tamera. It was a challenge for me to teach the people there because they didn't really understand what I was saying with the limited Khmer that I knew. A lot of patience was needed. God taught me to be patient and loving towards His people. The children there were different from those I used to know in Malaysia. Most of them didn't bathe and wash their hair often. They were very dirty, smelly and even had lice on their hair. It was God's love that enabled me to hug, kiss and play with them. It was Jesus who taught me how to embrace them as how He had embraced me. The more I love God, the more I love His children.
What A Mighty God We Serve!
I was really amazed by the way God moved. I believe God had touched their hearts to know Him more and enable them to start praying every morning and night. It was hard to describe the joy that I had when I saw the youth being changed and transformed by God. For me, the returns were more than the efforts and time sacrificed.
It was Jesus who taught me how to embrace them as how He had embraced me. The more I love God, the more I love His children.
I really thank God for He had opened my eyes to see things from His perspective. He had taught me to love the Cambodian youth unconditionally. Thank God that He was always never too far for me to reach when I was in need. The harvest is plentiful but the labours are few. There are many people in the world who have not known the love of Christ. I would like to encourage everyone to answer the call for missions. You will see how powerfully the Lord moves. All glory to our God most high.
JEHOVAH RAPHA THE GOD WHO HEALS As I looked out the plane's window,
all I could see was dry and barren land with some trees in sight. All that came to my mind was...'God, what am I going to do here?" Coming out of the airport, we took a van to the church where we were supposed to live and serve for the coming 7 weeks. I wondered how the church look like and whether we would get along with the people there. We reached the New Living Hope Center eventually and I was surprised to see a large and beautiful church! We met up with Sis. Myrna and we were introduced to the senior pastor's family. The day came for us to start our ministry but things did not go according to the schedule. We found out that people there just came at whatever time they liked and it was frustrating for us. We ended up changing the schedule over and over again after settling the appropriate time slots with the students. I taught English on weekday mornings (7-7.30 a.m) except on Thursdays which was a holiday for the staff of the Community Health Education (CHE). Amy and I also helped out in the preschool. Later in the afternoon, I had another English class. On weekends, we all took turns to go into the villages to teach English on Saturdays and preach on Sundays. We began our mornings as early as 5am with personal devotion and then met up for team prayer at 6.30am.We ended our day in prayer, too.
"God uses everyone who allows himself or herself to be used by Him. As I took a step of faith to pray for healing for the baby, God healed her." It took us a while to adapt in Cambodia. The weather was hot and dusty. But when it rained it was like a tornado! Insects bit us everywhere we went. We ended up sleeping in the mosquito net after the first two weeks! Anyway, God had been good to us. We managed to get acquainted with the youth. God even performed His miracles on a baby girl as I prayed for her in the village. The father came to me and told me the baby was very sick for the past 2 weeks and the doctors could not help her. I prayed with this man by faith that his child would be healed in the name of Jesus. True enough, the following week, as I went to the village again, the man told me that God had healed his baby and he was so glad! Praise God! A lot of things did not turn up the way I had expected. Somehow along the way, God showed his presence and came to my rescue. It was definitely a good experience. God taught me to pray unceasingly and wait on Him daily. I thank Him for the opportunity to be in Cambodia. God uses everyone who allows himself or herself to be used by Him. As I took a step of faith to pray for healing for the baby, God healed her. I would like to encourage everyone to take the step of faith to go for missions trips or sign up as a short term missionary. It is your availability which allows God to perform His miracles through you.
At the airport in Cambodia
Alicia giving her testimony
I went for a survey trip to Cambodia from 16-30 November 2004. Our team consisted of 7 people, namely, Pastor Kala (our team leader), 3 adults (Sis Chiew Sim, Sis Lydia and Sis Mala), 1 campus student (Sis Jen Jen), my brother (Aaron) and myself. When my mother heard about this trip, she encouraged me to go. I refused. I was afraid to come out from my comfort zone. But through her persistent encouragement, I gave a 'Yes' to it. God never promises a bed of roses. Even though, there were times where situation was tough and challenging, I enjoyed every minute of it. It was a wonderful experience. If you asked me whether, I regretted going to Cambodia, my answer is, NO. Given another opportunity, if time and finances permit, I will go for it. We went to so many places. The journey to Ratnakiri by truck was rough and dusty. The people are very poor and hunger for God's Word. There are so many street children. Once, when we were travelling on a vehicle, a man (a driver), sang a song, "Kiri Kanan Goyang Goyang". This song, I sang in my children church in KAOG. It touched my heart to know that somebody had sown the seed. We also went to an orphanage home in Strung Treng, We visited churches, a pre-school in Kg Speu and a floating village in Tonle Sap Lake.
We attended the Khmer services - the adult, youth and children. I gave a testimony and a song presentation. In the villages, we also taught the children songs with actions. Everything was spontaneous. God just used us as we availed ourselves. We also met some pastors and their families. I was so touched and encouraged by them. There were times when some of the team members fell sick. After taking medicine and with much prayer, God healed them. It was a speedy recovery. I have also learnt to be selfless, cooperative, understanding, considerate, caring and loving. I would like to encourage every parent to send their children for missions trip whether local or abroad. Parents, youths and children, answer the call for missions, for our God is a missionary God. I challenge you to go and be bold to tell about God's love and see the nations turn to Him.
-Alicia Lee -
Fulfilling the Great Commission The missions trip to Medan consists of 7 people; Pastor Calvin, Jessy, Stella, Michelle, Shu Yi, Darren and myself. Jessy's father, Uncle Christopher joined us too as our interpreter. This trip had been a good exposure to every one of us. We had learnt many things and I would like to share my experiences.
The Team Members
We left for Medan on 12th March 2005. Upon arrival, we were greeted by Pastor Salomo, Pastor Jhontimer and Uncle Christopher. We sat on the 'angkutan kota' and proceeded to Pastor Jhontimer's church in Lubuk Pakam.
In this missions trip, I learnt many valuable lessons. Later at night, we ministered to the youth in the church. I was supposed to give a testimony. I was nervous as it was my first time sharing my testimony. As I was about to share my testimony, there was a black out. The pastor told us that the residents take turns to have a black out and that night was their turn. I actually prayed that the black out would continue as I was very nervous. And I think God had answered my prayers, while I was sharing my testimony, I couldn't' see anyone. I was not nervous anymore. After that, we gave a group presentation. Later, Pastor Calvin gave his sermon with the help of Uncle Christopher as his interpreter. During the altar call, many people came to the altar for prayer. We could sense the presence of the Lord. Suddenly, there was a demon-possessed person who started shouting. He was throwing the chairs around him and almost 5 people came to calm him down. After the service, we stood in a row and all the members shook hands with us as they made their way out.
On March 18th 2005, we went to Malibo to minister to the children. We were surprised to see the children were very cooperative in the praise and worship, craftwork and the games sessions.
The next day, we ministered to the children at Lubuk Pakam. We were surprised to see how the children praised and worshiped the Lord. Children as young as 3 years old lifted their hands to praise the Lord. We could see that they really enjoyed the sermon given by Jessy. They were also very cooperative and fun to be with.
Children's Ministry
The next day, we proceeded to the town of Medan. We went tracting in Malibo and later in the night, we ministered at a house meeting. The following day, we went tracting in Brayan Barat. Most of the people there speak in Hokkien. Pastor Calvin, Darren and I did not have any problem communicating in Hokkien but for the rest of the team members, they had to learn the dialect.
The following day, we went to Pastor Poltat's church. We ministered in the youth church. Shu Yi shared her testimony and Jessy preached her sermon on memorizing the Scripture in Bahasa Indonesia. Later, two persons from the congregation celebrated their birthdays. In this missions trip, I learnt many valuable lessons. I would like to thank my parents and all the members of the team for giving me the opportunity to reach out to the people in Medan. I would want to challenge the youth of KAOG to come out from your comfort zones and reach out to the lost souls.
Children's Ministry
God is calling people regardless of age, background or education level to reach out to the lost souls.
It was 16th November 2004 that a group of us consisting of Pastor Kala, Sis. Mala, Sis Chew Sin, Sis Lydia, Sis Alicia, Bro Aaron and myself touched down on the soil of Cambodia for an exploratory trip. Being on an exploratory trip, we did not do much ministry. However, what we did manage to do was to see and experience for ourselves the lives of the Cambodians. And what a great impact this trip had left in my life. As we traveled through the land of Cambodia, visiting from village to village, we observed how the Cambodians live. Luxurious pagodas and temples lay right at the entrance or in the centre of their villages, yet most of the Cambodians are living in poor conditions. There is a great need in Cambodia. We saw school-going age children trying to eke out a living. As young as they are, they are already out in the world attracting passers-by to stop and buy the items. Yet, in the midst of all poverty, God's work was evident in this land. The people are hungry and the time is ripe. While in Strung Treng, we managed to visit an orphanage. We saw how the children live, having to take care of themselves at a very tender age. Their living condition was just of minimum comfort at best, having to sleep on wooden floors as their beds. Yet in their poverty, there was such joy in their faces when they began to worship and praise the Lord. We also managed to visit and fellowshipped with a Christian family there. They were hospitable people and even in their simplicity and hardship, they showed contentment and gratefulness for the things that the Lord has done in their lives. Back in Phnom Penh, we visited the Christian workers in whom our church supports. Many of them are young and shy. Yet their love for the Lord is evident. We visited some villages in which workers conduct their cell groups. Here, Sis Lydia shared her testimony. Pastor Kala prayed for the people and encouraged them to trust and look unto the Lord at all times. My tears are all out for this land. It is my prayers that the Lord will shower His blessings and protection upon the land of
As I left the other team members who were still in Cambodia and headed back to Malaysia with Sis Lydia on 23rd November 2004, I could not stop thanking the Lord for making this trip possible. Though it was a short trip, it was an experience that I will always cherish. Through this trip, I had learnt many things. I learnt that such trip is not scary and uncomfortable. Our God is an adventurous God. By going for missions trip, we will see more of God and His works. This was true during my short time spent in Cambodia.
God's heart is for all the people on the earth. These people are precious in His sight. I also realised that there are many people out there who have great physical, emotional and spiritual needs. These people need someone who cares enough to provide for their needs. I do not profess to know much through a trip for there is still so much for me to learn. However, this I do know, God's heart is for all the people on the earth. These people are precious in His sight. At present, God is causing a stir within the hearts of men and women of God to reach out to these people. God is calling people regardless of age, background or education level to reach out to the lost souls. All He is looking for is a willing vessel to be used for His purposes. If given another opportunity, I would love to embark on such a trip again. I do not know where my abilities lie or what I can do. However, this I do know. I would go wherever the Lord leads. I encourage all those who have an opportunity to go, go. I believe when we avail ourselves, the Lord will see us through. He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. He is our Equipper. Missions trip opens a way for us to be a channel of blessings unto others and in return our life and spirit are enriched.
MEDAN Salomo dan keluarganya
Doakan supaya pelayanan dapat dimulai DI BRAYAN dan jiwa-jiwa dapat dimenangkan untuk kemuliaan-Nya. KOTA BRAYAN
Shalom‌ Saya sangat bersyukur kerana kasih sih Tuhan yang begitu besar dalam keluarga saya. Tuhan han itu baik dan memberikan kekuatan dan pertolongan tolongan bagi keluarga saya. Di sini saya ingin menyampaikan beberapa laporan tentang studi dan pelayanan saya di Medan. Studi di Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sumatra (STTS)
1 Medan. Puji Tuhan ini adalah tahun ke -3 bagi
saya belajar di STTS. Sepanjang dua tahun perkuliahan Pelayanan di Brayan. Pelayanan di Brayan tidak berjalan dengan baik walaupun saya masih melakukan kunjungan ke rumah beberapa keluarga yang ada di sana tetapi ia kurang berhasil. Alasan-alasan mengapa perintisan gereja tidak dapat dimulai di Brayan: Keluarga yang saya lawati tidak bersedia untuk membuka rumahnya bagi persekutuan. Ini kerana mereka menyewa dan pemilik rumah
b. Sampai
sekarang, masih belum ada rumah yang dapat disewa dengan harga yang dihendaki. Kebanyakkan pemilki rumah sewa di kawasan itu adalah orang Cina dan Muslim. Orang Cina menyewa rumah dengan mahal mahal. Orang Muslim tidak membenarkan persekutuan dibuat di dalam rumah.
3 Sasaran 2 tahun yang akan datang. a. Memulai perintisan gereja dengan membuka ibadah setiap minggu. -Tempat ibadah -Kerusi dan peralatan diperlukan b. Menjangkau jiwa minima 25 orang. Akhir kata dari saya dan keluarga mengucapkan terima kasih sebanyak-banyak kepda Rev. Chan Nam Chen, Pastor Julian dan gereja AOG atas bantuan kewangan dan sokongan doa bagi pelayanan kami di Medan. Tuhan memberkati. Dalam kasihNya,
- Pdt Jhontimer Malau Dengan perlindungan Tuhan kita Yesus, kami percaya seluruh Pastor dan keluarga, seluruh staf pastoral dan keluarga, serta seluruh Jemaat dalam keadaan Tuhan. adaa daa baik dan diberkati ber ti Tuh Tu Kami berterima kasih kepada Tuhan Yesus atas per pertolongan dan berkat yang diberikan pada kami p rt arra pastor yang sekeluarga. Kami juga sangat berterima kasih kepada Kajang AOG Malaysia, melalui para sudah mendukung kami sehingga pelayanan Tuhan di Lubuk Pakam dapat teruss be berjalan.
Ingin ngin saya memberi kesaksian yang singkat. Pada tahun 1982 saya menerima Yesus dengan sungguhsungguh h dan d menjadi jemaat yang aktif. Pada tahun 1986, saya mendengar panggilan Tuhan untuk melayani,i maka saya membantu di gereja mertua saya selama tujuh tahun. Pangilan Tuhan menjadi semakin jelas. Maka pada tahun 1995, saya masuk Sekolah Teologi di STTS Medan. Sementara saya di se sekolah, saya sudah berfikir untuk segera merintis pelayanan, maka saya cari rumah kontrakan di Berayan. Setelah tiga bulan, saya tidak mendapat sebuah rumah. Saya berdoa untuk daerah lain iaitu Lubuk Pakam. Ketika saya survei, saya langsung menemukan rumah. Setelah selesai pengajian sekolah ( 3 tahun), saya melanjutkan pelayanan tersebut sampai sekarang. Hasil perkembangan: Kami telah membina gedung gereja dengan ukuran 8 x 16 m di atas tanah 10x 48 m. Keadaan jemaat adalah seperti berikut: Anak sekolah minggu 95 orang Pemuda-mudi 45 orang Dewasa 88 orang Program tahun ini: 1. Mengadakan pelatihan kepada jemaat untuk menginjil. 2. Memuridkan pemimpin untuk siap memimpin gereja mahupun perintisan. 3. Membuka koperasi untuk menolong meningkatkan ekonomi jemaat. an n mengadakan m sii b be h pekerja p 4. 1x 3 bulan rapat evolusi beserta seluruh dan pelayan.
Permintaan Doa 1. Untuk menyelesaikan lantai dan bumbung gereja.
Foto bersama Pemuda/Pemudi yang hadir pada ibadah Raya Minggu 1 Mei 2005
Foto sekolah Minggu
Saya telah mengadakan perjalanan pekabaran Injil di Indonesia pada bulan Joanuari, 2005. Perjalanan tersebut mengambil selama lima (5) hari-mulai dari 21hb sampai 25hb Januari 2005.
Jadual kegiatan saya sebagai berikut:
21.1.2005 ( Jumaat) : Menyampaikan Firman Tuhan di Kebaktian Doa-G.S.JA " Eben Hazer" JI Ambengan No.2 SURABAYA. ( 7.30 malam) 22.1 .2005 ( Sabtu) : Kebaktian Penginjilan di G.S.J.A ." Liliba" KUPANG( 5.30 petang) 23.1.2005(Minggu): Kebaktian Umum di G.S.J.A" Liliba" Kupang ( 9.30 pagi) 23.1.2005(Minggu): Kebaktian Umum di G.S.J.A. " Perjanjian Baru" KUPANG-JL. Gatot Subroto ( 5.30 petang) 24.1.2005( Isnin) : Mengunjungi Panti Asuhan Yatim Piatu "Pintar"( 50 KM dari jota KUPANG-5.30 petang). 25.1. 2005 ( Selasa): Menyampaikan Firman Tuhan di Rapat Kerja Daerah-G.S.J.A Nusa Tenggara Timur (N.T.T-9.00 pagi) Terdapat dua alas an Alkitabiah mengapa perjalanan pekabaran Injil di Indonesia harus dilaksanakan: 1. Tuhan Yesus sendiri yang memberi perintah tersebut kepada murid-muridNya. 2. Tanpa pemberitaaan Injil, jiwa-jiwa tidak dapat diselamatkan. Injil itu adalah kekuatan Allah untuk menyelamatkan setiap orang percaya. ( Roma 1:16).
- PastorJoshua Low -
" Pergilah ke seluruh dunia, beritakan Injil kepada segala makluk". Bersama dengan Gembala Sidang - G.S.J.A. "Liliba" (Pdt Martha). Beliau sangat diberkati dan didorong oleh Firman Tuhan
Bersama dengan Gembala Sidang - G.S.J.A. "Perjanjian Baru" (Pdt John Adu)
Permintaan Doa 1. Perjalanan pekabaran Injil yang berikutnya pada bulan Jlai. Saya akan melayani di Desa Dehes, KALIMANTAN TENGAH. Perjalanan ini akn mengambil masa selama tujuh hari-mulai dari 19hb sampai 26hb Julai, 2005. Peta Indonesia (+) Desa Dehes Kalimantan Tengah
2. Perlindungan Tuhan selama saya berada di tempat pelayanan. Doakanlah supaya Firman Tuhan beroleh kemajuan. ( 2 Tesalonika 3:1).
We thank the Lord for the opportunities we've had
Dr. Fidel and Melody Monzon reports on God's many blessings. the past weeks in serving our God in various capacities as you will see in the next slides. Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) in Baguio City has been regularly asking our assistance in helping them to conduct their medical outreach. It's been a blessing to be available and see people being brought to the Lord through the outreach. However, our own Northern Luzon District Council (NLDC), has also decided to set-up a health care ministry separate from APTS to reach places beyond the designated scope of the APTS' medical team. The new ministry is: RAPHA HEALTH CARE MINISTRIES (RHCM). Fidel is currently the director of this ministry and is in the process of establishing the team. Last month until this April, Fidel had the opportunity to help teach a few courses in the Missionary Training Program (MTP) held in APTS. It was a challenging time teaching the class, which was very multi-cultural. Students came from: England, Fiji, Korea, Myanmar, Philippines, Samoa, Togo (West Africa), and USA.
Dr. Fidel invited by APTS Medical Team, last April 17 to conduct an outreach at a pioneering work in La Union. Team stopped over at Agoo AG for a visit. Fidel, back row, 2nd from g right.
Fidel diagnosing patients. Counselors at the back pray for patients after being checked. After counselling, patients then proceed to the pharmacy section to receive their medications.
We are thankful for your partnership in prayer. May the Lord use us wherever we may be to bring glory and honour to His wonderful name. FIDEL, MELODY MICAH AND MONICA Melody encouraging AG Kan-kana-ey (Igorot) tribal churches in the mountains that gathered for a Zonal Missions Rally in Saddle area, near Philex Mines, Benguet. 5 AG churches were present in the rally. It was cold up in the mountains where we had the inter-church fellowshipp but we had a wonderful time.
This year APTS, Baguio City offered 3 courses: Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS), Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS) and the Missionary Training Program (MTP). Instructors, who are missionaries themselves, are on the front row. Fidel, front row, left most.
o Pray for Micah and Monica to be completely healed of Asthma. Pray for Micah who's undergoing treatment for Tubercolosis (Primary Complex) o Pray for physical and spiritual strength as Melody pursues her specialty in Family Medicine. Pray that she will learn well during her training and that she will be a blessing to her patients. o Pray that Fidel successfully finishes the program at University of the Philippines-Open University (UPOU) to pursue his Masters in Public Health. o Pray that Fidel receive wisdom from the Lord to get Rapha Health Care Ministries (RHCM) going for His glory and praise.
Praying for the saved
Helping to build a wooden school
ur CZone team started preparing for Cambodia on February 26, 2005. We had 14 gatherings for prayer, rehearsals, preparations for fund raising as well as for the trip and briefings. Over a span of 9 days, April 16 to 25, 9 members consisting of 3 girls and 6 guys, from the Campus Zone went into the towns of Battambang and Poipet in Cambodia. The first half of the trip was spent ministering in the second largest city in Cambodia, Battambang. The small town was very welcoming. The team ministered to the local church (Battambang AG, pastored by Pastor Kelly from the States) that Sunday: singing songs and sharing testimonies. We also conducted the youth fellowship held on Sunday evenings - we acted out a short drama, shared the word and prayed over each youth present. There were about 30 people present that evening, including our team from Malaysia. From Monday to Wednesday, our team conducted English lessons at the English Centre in Battambang (run by Pastor Sam from the Phillipines). Usually in pairs, our team members would enter a class of about a dozen students and share a bible story, the good news, itself then put out the invitation to accept Jesus. Praise the Lord, many accepted that invitation! And many seeds were sown over those 3 days.
Isaac teaching an English class
""If If God God is is for ffo or us, us, who who can can be be against a ga inst us." us." - Romans Romans 8:31 8:31 ag ainst
byy Joanna Retnam R tnam Re
On April 21, our team travelled back to Poipet - a town which is at the border of Thailand and notorious for its gambling dens and powerful casinos. We worked with Cambodia Hope Organisation (CHO), run by Chumno. We visited the town slum areas, hut-like-schools built by CHO, small centres that teach basic skills to destitute single mothers, farms run by families with the help from CHO and villages. For two days, our team travelled an extra hour and a half on dirt road into a new village on the outskirts of Poipet. There the guys helped to build a school using sticks and dried leaves. The rest of the team spent the time with the village children that seemed to come out of no where! About 40 some-odd children showed up each day. We told the story of creation and about Jesus feeding the 5 000, sang songs with actions, played games and did art and craft with them. Some of our team members also ministered some basic first aid for children that had cuts and bruises, some of which seemed to be caused by abuse. After 8 days of ministry in Cambodia, our team left with aching hearts to return home to Malaysia. The weather in Cambodia is sweltering hot due to the drought and the barren land. Land mines are still killing people in Cambodia although the war ended over 20 years ago. Jobs and oppurtunity are few and far between. The Cambodian people long for something to look forward to, for hope. Our Campus Zone team said the sinners prayer many times with many people during that trip - and we pray those people become true disicples of Christ, not just converts.
The team members
Joanna teaching the children
KC giving basic first aid
Children, youths and old people praying with reverence
Praying for a small girl who needed healing
Preaching to the people without houses in a private compound
Praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in a Tsunami affected area
Soulwinners' greetings! greeting
I have received your mission letter along with the DD (Mission Support). We don't know how to thank you for remembering us and supporting us over the years. It is the Almighty God who has made you to help. This support is used for ministry as well as Jonathan's medical needs. I thank God for using me in teaching, preaching, pasturing and witnessing. God had used me to minister to a young man in a train several years ago. He was jobless and he had pain in his hands. The Lord healed him and 40 people worked under him. He witnessed "If Pastor Jayapalan had not witnessed to me in the train, I would not have known Jesus Christ". Praise the Lord. Last month, I went to a seaside area. We had a meeting near a rented house of our AG pastor. He had been ministering amidst opposition. More than 100 people gathered and the Lord saved and healed many of them. More than 12 people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Praise be the Lord!
May the dear Lord bless you all. Your brother in Christ,
1. Pray for Jonathan's healing from diabetics.He is in our AG BibleCollege.M. Div III year and now he has gone to Calculta, Nagaland and Manipur for ministry along with a college team of 15 people. 2. Pray for my house. Someone took it while I was in Malaysia. It has been a court case since 1987. 3. Pray for my PH.D Studies. I am 59, studying along with ministry. I have finished 150 typed pages. I need to prepare another 150 pages. 4. Pray for travelling mercies, God's grace and power in my ministry.
Tuhan Yang Menyembuhkan... 22 --Mok Yen Ching--
Pelayanan misi di Sungai Pelek, Selangor. April 16-17 2005
Satu rombomgan yang terdiri daripada 10 dewasa dan seorang kanak-kanak telah melayani di Sungai Pelek selama 2 hari dan satu malam. Kebakyakkan mereka yang mengikuti trip misi ini merupakan pengalaman misi yang pertama. Namun, Tuhan telah memakai setiap mereka untuk menjadi saluran berkat untuk jemaat di Sungai Pelek. Kami bertolak dari Kajang pada pukul 10 pagi April 16 2005. Sungai Pelek adalah satu kampung yang terletak berhampiran dengan Sepang. Perjalanan kami mengambil masa 45 minit. Setelah sampai ke sana, kami di sambut oleh Pastor Bakar dan isterinya. Selepas makan tengahari, kami bertolak ke Morib untuk melayani beberapa jemaat di di sana. Kami melawat seorang jemaat bernama Bahaman. Beliau telah lumpuh selama 6 tahun. Tetapi suatu malam, beliau bermimpi beliau berjalan di kawasan rumanhnya. Semenjak hari itu, beliau beriman bahawa Tuhan akan menyembuhkan lumpuhnya. Beliau mulai cuba untuk berjalan dan pada suatu hari, beliau dapat berdiri dan berjalan. Puji Tuhan! Imannya di dalam Tuhan telah memungkinkan mukjizat berlaku. Pastor Bakar berkata di dalam keluarga ini memang banyak mukjizat yang berlaku. Anak Bahaman yang mengalami sakit lelah semenjak zaman kecil. Beliau sering diserang oleh lelah yang sangat teruk. Pada suatu malam, beliau juga bermimpi. Tuhan memberitahunya bahawa serangan lelah kali ini adalah yang terakhir. Semenjak mimpi itu sampai hari, beliau tidak lagi diserang lelah. Semua ini dimungkinkan kerana mereka mempunyai iman yang kuat kepada Tuhan yang mereka sembah.
Persekutuan rumahtangga & muda-mudi di Morib
Lawatan rumah di Morib
Beliau mulai cuba untuk berjalan dan pada suatu hari, beliau dapat berdiri dan berjalan. Puji Tuhan!
Waktu penyembahan di Kebaktian Ahad Pada malam hari, kami melayani di kebaktian rumahtangga dan kebaktian muda-mudi di sebuah rumah jemaat. Kami berpecah kepada 2 tim. Satu tim melayani kebaktian rumahtangga bersama dengan Pastor Julian. Satu tim lagi melayani muda-mudi bersama dengan Saudari Yen Ching. Keesokkan hari, kami melayani jemaat di Sungai Pelek. Terdapat kira-kira 50 jemaat. Pastor Julian berkhotbah dan pada akhir kebaktian, ramai jemaat keluar untuk didoakan. Satu tim juga melayani Sekolah minggu. Setelah tamat kebaktian, tim misi kami pun pulang ke Kajang.
Ingin menggalakan setiap umat Tuhan untuk menyertai trip misi kerana ia membuka mata dan hati kita untuk melihat pekerjaan Tuhan di ladangNya. Memang ramai jiwa yang belum mengenal Tuhan dan bagaimana mereka mengenal Tuhan jikalau tiada yang menyampaikannya (Roma 10:1415). Ladang memang menguning dan ia memerlukan pekerja. Sanggupkah kamu melangkah keluar dan menjadi alat untuk dipakai oleh Tuhan supaya setiap lutut bertelut dan setiap lidah mengakui bahawa Raja Yesus adalah Raja segala raja.
Mereka Memerlukan Yesus
ebanyakkan orang asli di sini tidak beragama. Ada beberapa buah keluarga yang beranut agama Islam. Terdapat kira-kira 10 keluarga Kristian. Ramai mudamudi yang terlibat di dalam tabiat minum arak dan berjudi. Ada golongan suami yang sering mabuk dan memukul isteri mereka. Ramai juga muda-mudi yang meninggal dunia setelah meminum arak selama beberapa tahun. Kebanyakkan muda-mudi ini meninggal dunia di dalam lingkungan umur 20-30 tahun. Ramai kanak-kanak tidak pergi ke sekolah kerana para ibubapa tidak melihat kepentingan pendidikan. Ramai kanak-kanak yang bersekolah hanya sampai darjah 3. Kebanyakkan mereka bekerja di dusun dan hidup di dalam kemiskinan.
Para pemudi juga tidak bekerja. Oleh itu, mereka menjadi beban kepada ibubapa yang menanggung mereka. Kebaktian Bahasa Malaysia KAOG melayani sekali sebulan di Kampung Tekir, pada minggu pertama setiap bulan. Selain daripada itu, pelayanan juga dijalankan setiap Selasa. Pelayanan yang sedang dijalankan adalah kelas tusyen, lawatan ke rumah dan 'bible study' kepada para muda-mudi. Setakat ini, ramai wanita memberi respon yang baik kepada injil. Dalam perayaan "Hari Ibu' seramai 19 orang ibu yang datang di mana 12 adalah bukan Kristian. Sebaliknya, kaum bapa memberi respon yang dingin. Kebanyakkan orang asli berasa rendah diri dan malu berhadapan dengan orang luar.
Pelayanan di Kampung Tekir. Lokasi: Nilai, Selangor. Suku: Temuan Keluarga: 40 Jemaat: 15 orang dewasa Sekolah Minggu: 20-25 kanak-kanak Pastor: Pastor Rasak
Jemaat Gereja Kpg Tekir
Permintaan Doa
Sekolah Minggu
Kebaktian Krismas Sekolah Minggu
1 D 1. Doa supaya tabiat minum dan judi akan dihapuskan dalam nama Yesus. Supaya Tuhan memberi kekuatan kepada mereka untuk menghentikan tabiat ini. 2. Doa supaya para ibubapa melihat kepentingan pendidikan dan menghantar anak mer eka ke sekol ah sampai ke sekolah Menengah. 3. Doa supaya Tuhan membuka mata setiap penduduk di Kampung Tekir untuk melihat kebenaran dan menerima Yesus sebagai Juruselamat mereka. 4. Doa untuk kaum bapa untuk memberi respon kepada program gereja seperti 'Perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan' dan ' Perayaan Hari Krismas'. 5. Doa untuk Pastor Rasak dan keluarga untuk kekuatan dan hikmat. 6. Doa untuk pelayanan-pelayanan yang telah dirancangkan seperti ' Kelas membaca' dan 'Kraftangan'.
, the Sonshine K.I.D.S of KAOG were able to participate and arise for the nation for missions whether locally or abroad. It started with Aaron Lee (aged 10 then) who had just joined a missions trip when he went with a team to Medan in 2003. That was followed by a few children joining the first Missions Camp in Kg Tekir, an Orang Asli settlement where we have an outreach, in November 2003. Just as the song says, it only takes a spark to get a fire going and soon all those around can warm up in it glowingly. Indeed it is true, for the fire of missions sparked off and began to glow in the Children Ministry. It had even spread to the teachers and youth helpers. Praise the Lord! In 2004, the children of Sonshine K.I.D.S began to be more involved in the missions field. We did a presentation during the Missions Emphasis Week in March. For the first time ever, the children pledged towards the Missions Faith Promise where the missions money collected would go exclusively to children ministries to inculcate ownership and heighten burden. Through that pledge, about RM1400 was collected. The children then ventured out into the harvest field when they adopted the Abacco Estate in Beranang and also ministered to the Sunday school children in our Tamil outreach, Faith Christian Centre (now renamed Praise Community Church), in Semenyih. More than 20 children participated in the Missions trip.
The children getting the Abacco Estate children to do an action song.
There was much excitement from our children as they themselves were ministered to even as they ministered. Some of the children went through positive changes in life. The spirit of humility, love, patience, care and understanding (just to name a few) became more and more evident in their lives. In fact, they were eager to go for more missions trips! In October, the children participated in the "Gift of Love" programme where the children contributed three gifts of stationeries worth RM1.00 with their name and a message written on each gift. These gifts were then distributed to the children in Nepal and Cambodia. A big THANK YOU to all the parents who had encouraged and helped their children to be a blessing in giving. Then in January 2005, we had our first "Outreach @The Park'' at Bukit Mewah Phase 6 playground. This was a breakthrough programme started for the purpose of bringing our children ministry to the masses, bringing the church to the people instead of just bringing the people to the church. The main objective is to create awareness and to establish contacts. The programmes were purposely planned not to be "churchy''. We did not know what to expect in the beginning but praise be to God the response was overwhelming from our children, youth and campus helpers and teachers. We were there from 5pm till 7.30pm.
We did ballooning, action songs, games and also gave out sweets and oranges to the young and old. Sonshine K.I.D.S. introduction facts were also distributed. We had a great time. Many children from the community came and participated in the programme. Our children even rode bicycles with them. We were just simply building bridges.
Just as the song says, it only takes a spark to get a fire going... The second Outreach @ The Park in April was at another playground but this time it was in Sg. Chua. Another team went and started building bridges with| the community. It was a learning experience for the team as they also had to communicate in Chinese! There will be more of such outreaches as the plan is to have each children ministry team to adopt a park where they will regularly go to and build bridges. That will create ownership and burden for the community. We felt it is time to minister beyond the four walls of the church. In March, two of our children joined the missions team to Cambodia. They had a great time of ministry and personal enrichment. Even though the ministry there was hectic, they went through it all without feeling tired and were always available and ready to do more. Praise the Lord for such spirit! Hallelujah! So, Sonshine K.I.D.S children and parents, be on a look out for more upcoming missions activities. As the Missions Coordinator for Sonshine K.I.D.S, I exhort parents to be active encouragers to your children to be in partnership with God in MISSIONS! It is worth the investment. So, let us plant the seed now and watch it grow! Anita Lee Missions Coordinator Sonshine K.I.D.S Children Ministry, KAOG Aaron and Chee Aun ministering with puppets in Cambodia
Aaron Lee (12 years old) ministering to the people in Cambodia
Children Arise! For Praise the Lord
Abacco Estate Ministry
Special presentation by P.C.C. Semenyih Children's Church on Easter Sunday 27 March 2005
-Ps Peter Lai-
Bukan melakukan kerja yang besar untuk Tuhan tetapi membenarkan Tuhan untuk menyediakan kamu untuk pekerjaan
engenai misi jangka pendek, gereja dan organisasi-organisasi Kristian mempunyai tafsiran yang berbeza. Organisasi seperti Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) menaksirkan tempoh misi jangka pendek adalah di antara 2 minggu hingga 2 tahun manakala Campus Crusade of M Malaysia pula bahawa berpendapat ba baha menginjil di suatu tu tempoh poh untuk tempoh selama 1 minggu juga dianggap sebagai misi jangka pendek. Tafsiran dan pemahaman yang berbeza mengenai misi jangka pendek bergantung kepada faktor manusia, tempat dan masa. nan n pertama misi Peranan jangka pendek ek adalah dari n dan d memberi segi pemuridan pad peluang kepada jemaah Kristian mempunyai peluang pun yam untuk menyampai Berita ja an Baik. Misi jangka pendek juga dapat apat memperluaskan m seo visi seorang Kristian mengenai kerja misi, bergerak daripada tempatan ke luar negara, memahami kerja misi yang berbeza budaya dan memberi komitmen dalam kerja misi.
Peranan kedua misi jangka pendek adalah bekerjasama dengan gereja tempatan untuk membawa Berita Baik ke dalam sesebuah komuniti. Misi jangka pendek merupakan suatu daya galakkan yang kuat di mana seseorang yang terlibat dapat membantu dan menggalak gereja tempatan supaya memikul tanggungjawab untuk dalam penyebaran Berita Baik di dal dala dalam komuniti yang didiami. P Perlen eng Perlengkapan adalah g supaya supa s pay misi jangka penting pendek membuahkan hasil me embu bu yang efektif. f. Perlengkapan Pe er yang dimaksudkan dkkan n termasuk keinginan untukk misi, miss si prihatin terhadap budaya yang da aya a berbeza dan tindakan t susulan, membantu me e seseorang yang ng n g terlibat menjadikan pengalaman ga ala am m misi jangka pendek sebagai ek kehidupan misi.. Tujuan misi Tu uj jangka pendek de ek mestilah e jelas. Penekanan an na an n misi m jangka pendek bukan untuk buka bu b ka an menjadikan itu n seseorang ses se sempurna menguji a tetapi te et hasrat seseorang untuk ses s esse bertabah penginjilan bah ba ah dalam da d dan semangat kerjasama sem s em m rombongan dalam om mbon mb on ng menghadapi sesuatu meng m ng gh masalah dan konfrantasi. ma mas asa as
Kita tidak mahu keadaan di mana pegangan dan tanggapan kuat seseorang merosakkan hasil dan rancangan misi jangka pendek.
Misi jangka pendek bukan melakukan kerja yang besar untuk Tuhan tetapi membenarkan Tuhan untuk menyediakan kamu untuk pekerjaan dunia sejagat. Misi jangka pendek menyediakan kita menuruti perintah Yesus Kristus, menjadikan semua bangsa di dunia sebagai pengikut-Nya di samping memberi galakkan kepada para jemaah Kristian supaya mereka mencintai dan memiliki hati seperti Yesus Kristus yang mementing keselamatan jiwa raga manusia.
Pergilah kepada semua bangsa di seluruh dunia dan jadikanlah mereka pengikut-Ku. Baptislah mereka dengan menyebut nama Bapa, Anak dan Roh Kudus. Ajarlah mereka mentaati segala yang sudah Aku perintahkan. Ingatlah, Aku akan sentiasa menyertai kamu sehingga akhir zaman. Matius 28:19-20
Mick Hughes talks about the principles of reaching out to the lost successfully
hen attempting to witness to others about our faith, many people approach this in the same way that they were reached. If it worked on me, then surely it would work on others. But we regularly find that because other people are not like me then this approach does not always work. We can read books and articles on 10 steps to achieve success in what you do, but when we carry out the formula the results rarely turn out the way they are supposed to in the pattern of the book. The Bible does not give us step by step guides in how to be successful in reaching the lost, but it does give us a lot of principles, that if followed will present our message in an 'attractive' light and make the message much more meaningful. One of these principles is actually spelt out in the same way as a formula and is found in the Book of Romans Chapter 15 starting verse 17:
"Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done - by the power of the Spirit. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ." In this passage Paul unashamedly 'boasts' that he has been successful in his evangelism, using the simple formula: "What I have said and done." Here we have the two main elements which must work together to produce successful results.
The first part is Words. God wants our tongue in evangelism, this little member of our body that is so wonderfully portrayed in the book of James as being similar to a small rudder on a big ship and a spark that can start a forest fire. Yet God says this is the main weapon that I want to use in my arsenal of evangelism. The greatest talent that anyone can develop is to be able to speak the words of God in the words of man - to effectively explain and convince others of the truth that is found in the Bible, and more importantly the truth that is found in Jesus. To do this we need to know the Word and we need to know the society so that we can relate effectively to it. The second is Deeds. The people who you meet at work or on the street rarely read their Bibles, but they do read you. Are your words and deeds consistent, can the world see 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self control.' It's no good just giving people words if we do not back them up by our lifestyle and our genuine care for the person. There is an African proverb that says: "A hungry man has deaf ears." And so we must be consistent in our word witness by backing it up with actions. The problem is that today, many of us whole heartedly agree with these principles, but we substitute the word for 'literature' and deeds we interpret as being 'humanitarian aid'. We are very reluctant to open our mouths to others, but we don't mind pushing a tract through a letter box and passing on the message that way. We don't mind giving a lot of money to charities, responding to poverty and disaster relief appeals, to enable someone else to do the work, but not me; I have to stay at home. As said earlier, there are no real formulas in the Bible, but we really need to look at the principles in real and practical terms as to how do I practise them in my life.
The two principles are very clear, yet the passage would be incomplete without the glue that binds the two together, and that is "by the power of the Holy Spirit". Without the Holy Spirit being present in our words and our deeds then we are just a lot of 'do gooders clanging our gongs.' We can organize our words and our evangelism outreaches in a logical and efficient manner, but without the Holy Spirit's anointing on the efforts, they will fail. Once again, we can substitute the Holy Spirit's involvement in outreach with slick slogans, attractive advertising and lots of incentives to come and hear a 'free message'. But our main prayer in planning and conducting outreach should not be 'Lord, please bless our outreach,' but 'Lord, are you here in our outreach.' And if the answer to that is no, then it will be totally ineffective. So let us be 'holistic' believers who are prepared to speak with actions which are led and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Mick and his family
By the Power of the Holy Spirit
The terrible massacres of 1975-79 have left the country emotionally scarred. Pray that people can find healing and peace from their suffering. Pray also for those who are caring for the millions of orphans and widows who lost their families.
India has more people groups with no Christians or churches than any other part of the world. This is a challenge that the worldwide church has to respond to.
Pray for the Church in Cambodia which has survived through the worst persecution. Pray for support and cooperation between those in leadership of different churches.
INDONESIA Indonesian Christians are committed to spreading the gospel across the whole of their nation. Pray that God would resource their vision to see people hearing the gospel in every village on every island. The cities of Jakarta and Surabaya are key cities in reaching the rest of Indonesia. The capital of Jakarta has at least 1,000 churches and thousands of cell groups. Pray that the lives of Christians in these cities will be able to spiritually impact their whole country. Violence between Christians and Muslims in the Maluku islands spiralled out of control and left 6,000 dead and 500,000 as refugees. Pray for a peaceful and just end to these conflicts.
THAILAND Thailand means 'Land of the Free' - because it resisted colonisation from western countries that dominated the rest of south Asia. People worship the golden image of the the spirit who they believe has protected them and kept them free. Pray that Thai people will find real freedom in Jesus. Bangkok is one of Asia's most influential cities known as the city of angels and the city of sin. Over 2 million people work in the sex industry. Crime, drugs and alcohol are widespread and it is estimated that as many as 80% of prostitutes will contract the HIV virus. Pray for Christians who are are working to share the gospel with the millions of people living in the city.
Pray for the Indian missionaries working in India who face increasing persecution and opposition. Some have been martyred in recent years because they have shared their faith, shown films about Jesus or tried to distribute Bibles. Pray for the children and young people of India. Half live in poverty and many more are malnourished. Millions of children work sweatshops or are sold into slavery to pay off their parents debts. There is also a growing trade in child prostitution, buying children from neighbouring Nepal and Bangladesh. An amazing 100,000 Indians find out about Jesus everyday through the Jesus film. Pray that God would protect the teams of evangelists who are taking this film around the country.
NEPAL Pray for peace and wise leadership for Nepal as it balances on the edge of civil war and increasing violence. Christians who have tried to share the gospel with Hindus face imprisonment or even murder. Pray against the threat of violence that many Christians face and pray that Nepalese authorities would protect religious freedom for everyone. A quarter of a million Nepali girls have been sold to work in the sex industry across the border in India. Up to 70% are HIV positive and few of them will live to the age of 25. Pray for people who are working to translate the Bible into a further 12 languages for Nepal. There are still another 83 languages without any translations of the Bible.
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psa 96:3