Why is email marketing crucial for your small business?

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Why is email marketing crucial for your small business? With all of the digital marketing strategies at your disposal, you may be wondering, what is the importance of email marketing? Some people believe that “email marketing is dead.” Is there any future in email marketing for small businesses? The answer is definitely “yes.” Below, we will discuss the top reasons your brand needs to develop an email marketing strategy and start implementing campaigns shortly.

1. You can automate the email marketing process. Automating your emails helps to improve the timeliness and relevancy of your campaigns. You can use workflows and triggers to automatically send messages to consumers after they take a specific action. For instance, a consumer visits your site and spends some time looking at different products and adding them to their digital cart. But, for some reason, they leave without making any purchase. With email automation, you can make sure that user receives an email shortly after they abandoned their cart to remind them what they left and to ask if they need help completing their purchase. In this case, email marketing automation turns a missed opportunity into an opportunity to build a stronger relationship and make a sale. In addition to improving the relevance and timeliness of your campaigns, marketing automation can also help you to save time and money in the process.

2. You can reach more mobile customers with email marketing. The number of consumers using mobile devices daily continues to increase. With that in mind, businesses need to find a way to better interact with mobile consumers if they desire to stay competitive in the digital marketplace. With two-thirds of emails being read on smartphones or tablets, email marketing proves to be an effective tactic for helping businesses to reach and engage those consumers that are using their mobile device.

Every time a consumer checks their phone presents a new opportunity for a brand to reach out and engage that consumer. While some marketing tactics are just not built for mobile engagement, email marketing offers businesses many chances to get their message in front of mobile users. To ensure that your email messages are useful for mobile consumers, your business will need to create an email content with a responsive design and provide subscribers with the option to view emails with visuals or HTML emails. Any videos or images that you do use within your content should be small so that they can be quickly and easily loaded and viewed on a mobile device. When it comes to written content, make sure that you keep your mobile email content short and sweet, ensuring that all email links can be clicked on and lead to pages that are also mobile friendly.

3. Email marketing is cost-effective. Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies that you can use to reach and engage your target audience. While traditional marketing tactics can become quite costly with all the fees involved, there are minimal costs involved with email marketing. Depending on your in-house resources, you may need to hire help to create email content, and most businesses also pay to use email marketing automation services, which make effective email marketing less timeintensive. Overall, email marketing is the valuable digital marketing strategy for businesses working with small budgets because it is relatively inexpensive to start and maintain email marketing campaigns.

4. You can make your email marketing interactive. As long as the importance of email marketing continues to grow, so will email interactiveness. Email marketing offers businesses the chance to provide an interactive content right to consumer inboxes, for a much lower cost than any other marketing tactic. Instead of sending the subscriber to a landing page straight away, you can provide various types of interactive content within the body of the email. Interactive content from embedded video content to email carousels keeps consumers interested and engaged before they come back to your site to take action. By creating more interactive email content, your business will not only be able to capture the attention of your audience better, but you will also be able to integrate other channels into your digital marketing. For example, if you share a video in an email, you might use social media platforms’ share buttons to encourage others to share the video material on their own social media pages. The more integrated you make your marketing campaigns, the more touchpoints you will create within your target market.

5. Email marketing makes it easy to personalise content for better response rates. The further we get into the digital age, the more important personalization has become to consumers. Instead of just being served the ads for the same products as everyone else, digital consumers require marketing to be more personal and tailored to their needs and preferences. Email marketing makes it easy to personalize the messaging and content you deliver to subscribers. Using data that you have collected from your leads and subscribers, you can work to provide more personalised and relevant content that your readers are more likely to enjoy and act on. This can improve both your open and clickthrough rates as well as your overall conversion rates.

6. You can easily measure your email marketing efforts. The only way to know if a digital marketing strategy is working for your business is to measure the results. Another reason why your company needs email marketing is that its metrics are easy to measure and track over time. That way, there is no guesswork about whether the tactics you are using are really working or not. With email marketing analytics, your company can see which consumers opened your emails, if they clicked any links, or if they took the desired action. You can also see how many people unsubscribed from your list after opening the email. This information becomes valuable as you work to analyze your digital marketing strategy and make adjustments for improvement. Now that you know the value of email marketing and how your business can use it to grow, it is time to start making a plan for implementation.

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