My Family Travel Story!

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My Family Travel Story! Revista Digital Leonardo José Castro Nevarez Elementary 2.1 Level 2


Hello! I am Leonardo Jose Castro Nevarez, I am a student at PUCESE, but from today I am going to tell you my life story and I am going to make it through of short experiences that I have lived during all my history as being human in Esmeraldas because I was born in this city that is for me an amazing place with a lot of nature within it. I have to say that you are going to meet through all my words the lives of my most important relatives in order that you also can enjoy and maybe you can laugh a lot since I also am going to write about them. Please, do not be shocked if you read and understand that I am talking for example about my grandmother in order that she is one of the most wonderful people that are a great component in my small existence. I know that you can think that I am really crazy and this is why I am doing this homework about all me, but do not worry about that as I always believe that my life is very interesting to be told as a result of a lot of exciting trips that I was able to do and amazing places that could visit thanks to my mom and she is Yuly Nevarez. I think that all my words and phrases that you are going to read all that are memories that are kept in my brain and in my heart. They are the happinest moments that I have ever had since I was born and grew up in my beautiful Esmeraldas. Do you feel that my Esmeraldas is amazing? I always think so, but it is now a world as a lot of violence and crime inside it. But it is the time to begin to say in words the development of the live story.


Do you know that my family has its beginning in Colombia? I do not think so, but my grandma’ father was Colombian and he came to Ecuador when he was a teenager, but he arrived together with his other siblings here. His name was Albino Quinones Murillo and he had purchased a big ranch with his brothers. When this Albino had to my grandmother and his sons, he became poor because he had to sell that farm and it was why his brother’s son lost his son since that fell down of a tree and died. My grandmother when she was a child, that always hated the country life and for that reason she left her home with her parents and came to the capital of Esmeraldas. I always feel that my grandma is an amazing person in order that she was a hard worker since that she was fourteen years old. My grandmother was a great Teacher, but I feel that she did not have a lot of luck because she met to my grandpa when she worked in Camarones and they fell in love, and then she had to my loved mom. But in the end, my grandma hated a lot to my grandpa because he was a big womanizer. Do you understand who was my grandfather? I have to tell you that he was Flavio Nevarez and he belonged to one the richest families in Esmeraldas. I believe that it can be an interesting issue, so for this reason I am going to say that Flavio’s mother was really black woman but his father was from Manabí, so you are ready to understand that his father was a so white person from Ecuador and he was rich because he had a lot of farm animals and ranch. My mom’s aunts were married with foreign men for example Italian or German men and one of them did her life in the US since she studied in abroad. But my grandpa was bad head because he liked to drink a lot of alcohol and he enjoied to go to a lot of parties with him friends. That is the main reason why after this family was poor next years. Flavio that who never met, he had other daughter with a different woman and she is my aunt Carmen, and she is single and do not have any children now. I like her a lot. It is the sadest part in my grandma’s story because she was not able to love to other person and that is why she always prefered to choose to my mother, and it was the firmest my grandma’s choice, but there were other men that they wanted to get married with my grandmother. Do you know my grandma name? Can you guess it? She is Esperanza Eusebia Quinones Bautista, but her last name was changed to Quiñonez in 2016. Do you want to know about my parents? My father lives in Riobamba with her new wife and my two sons, they are Lyndon and Josue and they are fifteen and twenty-two years old each one of them. I can say about my dad’s wife is so angry and she has had bad relationship with my mom and me because she is too ambitious, so she cares just her own interests as her own family, but my sister and me are not the least important in her life. Also, my sister and me grew ap with my grandma in Esmeraldas and she was as my father and my mother in the same time, she paid all our education in Esmeraldas and she gave us the most expensive presents and gifts such as trips to abroad countries. I have to recognize that my sister is the most attached to my grandma and they are taked after enough and it means that they have the same behaviour and she was

born in the same month that is December. I know that I am talking a lot about my grandma but it is my way to give her the recognition that she has to have in my personal opinion. But in other hand, my mom is really friendly and happy, she has exciting financial abilities, she always saves a lot of money every month and she worked as Psychology and her last work was at Ramon Bedoya Highschool. My father was English teacher and military, he loves English language and I love studying English as him. He loves playing a lot of sport, too with my brothers in Riobamba. My sister lived with them in 2016 because of earthquakes that there were a lot that year in Esmeraldas, but it just was one year. Living in Riobamba with my dad was a great benefit to my sister because it helped her to live in another city now and she is more confident now thanks to my dad.


Showing my sister’s life is too embarrassing for me and I can be very honest in that because Johanna Maria is the person with who I always argue a lot and I never understand why. Johanna does not seem to be my own sister in order that she is always so different to me or my mother. For me, Johanna is as my father, and they are really smart but telling about her is to feel a lot of pains because she had to fight hardly a lot of years of her life since she was very sick and I always thought that she would be ill for the rest of her life, but God had other plans for her that are to live in Ibarra but I always listen to her that will not be forever because she wants to go to a better place and she does not really like to be in Ibarra. This city is so wonderful but it has no companies to work and she is studying English as me, too. But I can add that it is so quiet and there is no noise, so my sister has a lot of peace to be well. Speaking of her is to remember that she was a great student at the Inmaculada Highschool and won a prize in her last year. Being Johanna is to keep in my mind all the time where she wanted to be a model because she loved being in the fashion and wear really well. But Johanna is not the same of the past, she has changed a lot and she just thinks in amazing experiences as studying. I have other experience about her, do you believe that my sister loves travelling? I do not agree with that, but she and me were in Israel in March of 2019 and I can say that she loved praying in the Kotel at night every day that we were in this Holy land. I have to recognize that I love Israel now but I did not have these feelings for Jerusalem or Israel and she was that grew this love inside of me. Johanna loves to go running as permanent life style. She like staying home with my grandma and my mom almost all her days. Do you have idea that her to meet a young German our first days that we were in Jerusalem? It is so true, but I want to say that because that German was really interesting because of his big brain. I mean that he was so intelligent because I could listen to him to speak in Spanish with my her very perfectly, and my sister was able to explain me that he could talk in English. Max was his name and he was studying Medicine in Austria when I met him and he is married with a beautiful German women from Austria since he decided to live in that country and he met her there. I add that Max has baby twins today. My sister wished a lot to be his girlfriend but I always say that God always has other plans for all his million siblings. My sister does not have any boyfriend at the moment. I have to tell us that my sister had the hardest depression of her life when she was twenty and she almost lost her life because she did not hold to be her illness. Other topic about Johanna is that her personality is angry, too. She does not any friends because she does not have any sure reliefs about them. Johanna loves studying languages and watching series on Netflix or Amazon prime movies. She is thinner actually. She hopes to have her first child when she is older in the future. Also, my sister loves her pets because she has five dogs in Ibarra and my mom always argues with her due to love

without limits of Johanna. J.M. likes to read in each moment a lot of interesting books that she decides to get for enjoyment. My sister has not believed in the marriage because she always remembers that my parents got divorced and that it was so hard to Johanna. You cannot communicate with her through a cell phone because she hates using them. Maybe, I think I will look to my sister being a wonderful Teacher of languages. I hope that my sister can meet a good man to get married with her and can have a lot of children. I do not what these plans are going to happen in her life. I can say in where she will live or with who. I wish the best for serious Johanna.


Do you know that I have a cousin in the US? Can you believe that? I am not so sure but my answer here is an absolute yes. I am going to tell you about my cousin and she is Enelia Filomena Salas Reina. She is married with an American young man that he is 25 years old today and they have two little daughters, they are Olivia and the second name of the other kid I cannot remember now. Well, the first thing that I need to say here is that I am not keeping in touch with her because I feel that Enelia is very selfish in this days and she does not help to any people of her own family and here falls down her old brother that is Albino who needs all the helps to continue with his life in order that he does not have a good job in this country that is Ecuador, but I am sure that Enelia can help him, are you going to do it? It sounds OK. But it is not a sure reality. The goals that I want to get under my wishes of talking about my cousin is to write about her first hard years of her life as thoughts about that first all people in this world need to suffer and the result of that for me is the part of the life where there are a lot of happiness as God’s reward for all the pains that we had in our life. So, what can I say about her? First, Enelia’s parents got divorced because her mother left her husband when Enelia was ten and her siblings were teens and for me it is the most ridiculous here since who helped them and his father was Albino Salas and it is very obvious that there is a lot of ungratefulness to him in Enelia’s side. After a lot of years, Enelia was to live in Ibarra thanks to other old sister that has her life and children in that city and she was in Ibarra since she was sixteen for two years and after her mother’s new husband did all the steps to permit her to go to the US and he got that Violeta arrived in the US and Enelia went with her mom, since that day her lives never came back again. After that, she met a tall American young man close her neighborhood in Boston and he was the first to fall in love with her because Enelia loved to an Italian man who was stolen for the great friend if her, but my cousin did not like him. Johanna and Enelia went to a restaurant in 2017 since she traveled to Ecuador again for vacations and there my sister said that Enelia should be so smart to accept him and that reason was why Johanna thought that man was lovely and better that other Italian boy and Enelia listened to her a lot and it was as started the love story to Joe and Enelia. Before she was pregnant of this first kid or a bit time of that they were married but they did not have a big wedding and just went to a common restaurant with her brother and her mother Violeta. For me the most important of this part that is named Enelia, they are the hardest moments of her and she is really happy today. Also, she is studying an online degree about laws, but I think that she can have an amazing future teaching English by online ways or platforms. Do you wish to meet her? So, I need to add that my uncle Genaro Salas gave her his most valuable ownership and his biggest property in San Martin de Porres and it is a lucrative house and her parents’ marriage home

before they were divorced. Do you think that her life is exciting? Other interesting topic about her was that learning English was so faster for her since she needed about five months to start to speak it with fluently, so I understood that she really has a lot of abilities that she developed when she was in Ibarra because it has a great known education and maybe she could get a lot of confidence herself in that new city for her years ago and I always think that people from Ecuador highlands that are more responsible and better employees. Was it so interesting for your life? I hope that with all my heart. When Enelia and me got on well, she bought me an expensive phone in the US by Amazon but first I had to send a lot of money to her and paid a fee for helping me and you can read that Enelia is not the same in these days but I wish the best for her and her new life in Boston! Do not you?


Thinking in Imbabura is always too difficult for me and the reason is why my family have had a lot of problems in this province but specially Johanna and which are any reasons for that? My father and new family’s ambition and relatives’ a lot of envy there. My sister has not had an easier life in Imbabura because she had had to leave home a lot of times for my father. We have a house in this destination that was given by my father Rigoberto Castro as heritage for us and we met all father’s family but the best person there that was in that home that was my father’s grandmother. She was very brave because she was always on a wheelchair since she did not walk and that was why she had ill of her bones with osteoarthritis as some her sons but it is not the case for my father because she always do exercises early in the morning and my sister is a true witness of that because she lived some months in Riobamba with my dad and his family but it was not an easy experience, so it was so heavy for her and Johanna met my father’s real personality and our brothers’ but it allowed to form her a hard presence and skills to bear bad moments and circumstances. My home in Imbabura is located in a rural zone from this province and it is not close to the capital city from that. There are some departments in this home but one of them was built by my mother Yuly in the beginning from 2018 in order that my father wanted to advise to my mom to do that. It started as a good idea for us but my father changed easily his decision and his ambition could get a lot of discord between us. Today my other job is protected to my mom and my sister of him and I decided to keep in touch with him without them because my mom and Johanna are a bit nervous and they want to avoid a lot of terrible fights with him but I feel that our bad relationship with my dad is changing a bit, but for me it is very important to write that we do not need nothing of my dad because my mom and grandma were always our main support economic and emotional but anything can cause little serious drawbacks with him. I have to admit that my dad and me do not take after a lot but maybe Johanna can be the right person to compare with him because they both are so smart and bored in the same time. Would you like to go to Imbabura? That is OK if you just wish to visit this place because Imbabura has a lot of exciting places where you can get indelible memories to tell all your family and eat amazing typical meals and know other cultures from Ecuador as indigenous’. But people from Imbabura are not so friendly and they are very jealous of their land, so it is not easy to live in it and less work there and that is the most important reason to leave that for Johanna. Also, all Imbabura has a peaceful environment where people as Johanna can find quiet a lot and we should remember that all our Ecuadorian coast had a lot of violence inside its roads and main streets. I can recommend you

to visit it but just knowing it! Do you know anyone that would rent apartments in my home? It is so sure that you can contact me for information and doubts. My mom and grandma live with Johanna there but my mother does not like it a lot because she always calls me to say that she misses Esmeraldas’ climate and the noise due to the costeño happy environment! It is all about my home in…!

COVID 19 PANDEMIC Can you remember how the Covid 19 started? I know that it is so hard to say but I cannot forget President Lennin Moreno’s order on March 17th of 2020 and all dead people that this order could not avoid, but I need to recognize that all those photos have followed kept within my mind and they never go out of it. Can you guess where my family and me arrived to live in that date? I had been on vacation in Imbabura the days before of President Moreno’s national chain and Johanna also had vacations of her university in those days and some friends were with me at my home but my mother came after. I had to take some decisions very fast but first I had to come back to catch to my grandma and I went with my mom but I sent them in the same paid car that I arrived to Esmeraldas before and then I stayed home in Esmeraldas until May because I needed to see again to my family and I was all that year there. My decision did me to adapt to the cold weather and developed me in other province that was not Esmeraldas. Was it easy for me? Absolutely no! But I could understand months after that all my thoughts were right because Imbabura proved to have reasonable people that listened and took orders from their local government as they always used their masks in all public spaces in order that they had a lot of fears of paid penalties and I have never regreted for my decisions that I took two years ago. I should be very sincere and I had great moments there because I could go out to the places that I would want to visit and I could leave home to buy or eat meals in the restaurants, I was so happy but I also argued with my sister every day. I want to be really honest since I do not have any complains about the pandemic because I can remember that it opened other doors for me to could grow up in academic ways, too. I am taking my degree in English education today. Also, I added other skill in the pandemic, I mean I learned to be more confident myself and more independent I had great moments with one of my best friends as Javier who is a nurse in a hospital from Ibarra as other cousin that did her practices in a public hospital there and thanks to them I can meet a lot of doctors and nurses who do not have healthy habits in their lives and it is really funny for me because it was inside the time of the pandemic and I could understand that they are medicine professionals, but they do not care their own healthy condition and for being really honest I just enjoyed all the parties where I as with them and I have to recognize that I was really happy with them because we drank and danced a lot in all those parties where I was with them and their friends. Can you understand that I was really free in Imbabura? And in other hand my sister took advantages of having great moments with my grandma because Johanna lived alone there and I was alone in Esmeraldas and I can say that

without doubts that sometimes it can be really heavy to take this way because it always depends on me. For example, when you live alone you should make your dairy meals and you have to wash all your dishes and clean your home since you do not have to your mother to do these common things!


Have you ever had a wonderful trip with all family? Well, I traveled with my mom, my sister and grandma to Panama in 2013 because my grandma took a tour to Israel in the of 2012. My mom has a friend in Guayaquil, who has a travel company with her daughter and she always does trips where she always is the tour guide or her coworker that always is her daughter Camila because that girl has a degree in tourism at the Catholic University of Guayaquil, so she is really savvy about all issues that belong to travels. I can say that it was an amazing journey since I could visit a abroad country with my mom and grandma, but I think that it was very special trip because my grandmother was with me and she was always really generous to give money to my sister and me to spend bigger sums of money in values such as meals in restaurants or buying clothing, but those experiences as purchases or delicious meals have left of my grandma since she always likes to give gifts that they always were a lot of money and my Esperancita just has two grandchildren that are Johanna and me. I am going to explain how that trip was and I can remember that we arrived first in the International airport of Panama at 3:30 in the morning and then a bus was waiting by a big tourist group where we were to visit Panama city and the most important memory there was to stay in a beautiful hotel that had a Arabic environment and all its rooms were really big with a the biggest bathtube that you cannot imagine, so I always got up all those mornings and went to the bathroom to take a bath or a shower, it was really wonderful for me. It is not all because then in about 8 am we had to go to the most enormous restaurant that I could know, or that time and that had a lot of food to serve without the help of serves, but that all food I could understand that was all gourmet meals that were really delicious but our tour just included breakfasts, but I ate a lot because there were exciting meals and took out with my sister a lot of snacks or desserts as chocolate cakes to enjoy while all that group and me included to visit other places in that hot city because its weather is always to seem to Esmeraldas’. Do you want to know if I visit other places in Panama? Maybe I can say that yes, so all travels without purchases do not have sense and I always agree with that and as result of that Soraya took us to go to Colon that is an amazing port where millions of ships leave to abroad sites because that carry a lot of goods or products that countries export to other places and it means Panama is always a strategic port where all ship from all countries of the world to sent them that get involve in the international commerce and in Colon

you can get a lot of shops of shoes, bags, expensive clothing and it is not all because you can find other type of products as to your home and there are a lot of technology stores where you can buy the lastest technology machines to a slow prices that for me they became great deals, but they all are of great brands such as apple stores and for example my sister bought a cheap laptop Aser which price I remember that was just 300 with its own bag and that computer was so fast enough and Johanna was really happy with that, but I have to be honest a lot and after I broke that and she was really angry with me a lot and she did not talk me and we argued a lot in those years. After that I can remember that all we went to places where there were a lot of malls and supermarkets where we could buy fresh food and drinks and it was there where my family bought a lot of clothes.

How do you believe that I could go to Holy Land? And the answer for that is my sister Johanna and my mom because that was the first time that my mother paid us a trip to abroad country in order that I was really depressant as resulted of a lot of fights with my father for our Imbabura home, so my mother received her last paid that was big money sum for retiring from her school after that she worked most years of her life so I just requested to my mom for giving money to buy a trip to Israel and I had the opportunity of buying two non stop tickets in a travel store in Esmeraldas through a mom’s membership and I have my ticket today with me because I kept it as a memory because that trip was other blessing in my life because I could get contact with an interesting language that is English since that is other official language in all Israel as the Hebrew. I believe that maybe you can think that I have a lot of money, but my mom is not really rich that is the most honest true because she just has her fixed salary every month. How do you think that we were in that new trip? I can guess that you are really anxious for knowing about Israel. So first I had to get together with my sister in Quito’s airport on Saturday in March of 2019 but my sister traveled to Quito two days before our flight because she had to do other things about her new life in Ibarra as carrying her belongings there. I was shocked when she told me that she arrived to that airport at night since a police car drove her to get her flight and I think that they are clear examples that can explain that all things are possible in my sister’s life since she is a faithful believer in God. One interesting memory about that travel was that we met a young man from Holand on our plane and he was Ferdy Mary that was twentytwo years old in that time and we were with him until Madrid, but he left airport there because he had to visit that European city. I had to explain about Ferdy because for me he was really interesting as DJ professional since he studied that degree in his country, but I have to recognize that he had a hard life because he lost his mother when he was a little kid as his brothers. Do I told you that my sister and me argued a lot? Well, my sister left me at the airport in Telaviv and she traveled alone by train to Jerusalem but it was a miracle because she met an old Colombian woman that helped to go to the Kotel because she wanted to go to Israel for praying a lot in that place where you can feel God’s presence with the faith that He can listen to our prayers, but before


we were in Telaviv and we stayed in a wonderful hotel close the city center of that place which had a lot of interesting activities and places to visit at all night because it never slept and there was a pretty pier where my sister and me were running around its beach and knew a lot of amazing restaurants around to that bay with a lot boats and ships in the ocean and we came back to our hotel at 3 o’clock in the morning and the next day that I cannot remember we left Telaviv to go to Jerusalem and my sister ran away of me and you have all ideas about that since I said that happened there. Other interesting topic about that trip was in our last day in Jerusalem I decided to go to Palestine that was a wonderful place to visit and the reason was why we could eat a lot of delicious Arabic meals in an awful restaurant within the desert. But my sister told me that she felt really sad because there are no exciting buildings to see around from Palestine. Also, we visited the dead sea and I could swim in that but my sister was swimming in the Jordan river.


In this part I am going to talk about a journey of my other mom that is Esperanza and my sister Johanna. Are you a believer in God? I do not think so, but it is not a problem for me because it is my opportunity to say that my sister and my so old mom are great believers and that is the reason why they went to Israel and Holand in the same trip. I am really sure that I take after to my mom a lot since I like to travel a lot, buy my mom cannot travel for long hours since she was really nervous and she suffered an illness about that when I was a little kid with Johanna but she was a teen and as a resulted of it, my mom and my sister became Christian and they always go to their church that is Centi or Alcanzando las naciones in Esmeraldas but Centi is in all Ecuador. So when my sister started to be ill for depression my grandma did the biggest present to Johanna and she paid a tour for two countries to a travel broke within Centi since it is an enormous organization without lucrative purposes but they love doing tours to Jerusalem to visit to our good God and it is always permanent way that is kept for them, so it was the beginning of that travel of my sister and my mommy to Jerusalem, but Johanna was really sick a lot so she could not study in that year since she said that it was not a possibility for her. Can you imagine her hardest moments in Johanna’s life? It is really impossible for me to understand why my sister got sick a lot and until today I don not have the ability to feel God’s purpose in Johanna went down of that horrible form because she was of that manner around five years of her life and I know because I could look at her all that terrible moments in her life, so there were a lot of occasions that I could believe in God for that reason and I was really ill with depression, too but I could not pray to him because I did not believe that He was real as saving to my sister and me. But when time was going some years ago, God could speak without using words because he went up her and that was an incredible miracle for me and for that reason I started to love Jerusalem a bit years ago in order that I could see that God is in this place but it is really specially in the Kotel. I cannot say all the details about that journey since I was not there with them but I say you that I am really sure that my grandma and my sister had all the best in their trip. Also, my sister always says to all people that they were refused in the Embassy to go into to Holand and the resulted was they could not be in that

country but God was real again and in the end God allowed them to know Amsterdam. So, are you trying to understand to God now? I really think that you should try it just once! Oh no! I have forgotten to say that they visited Egypt, too. But it is other interesting story for communicating you right now, I can just say about it that my sister did not want to eat on a ship in the Nile river and it was other reason for my grandma was really angry with her because she took that decision to have dinner on that boat but my sister preferred to stay in their hotel and I do not understand to Johanna in this moment because my mommy paid a lot of money for taking that tour with her. Maybe, I do not know but they could look at all those pyramids around that desert and sometimes, Johanna can be a very bored woman and it is really easy to me that I can imagine them to argue a lot because my grandma wanted to follow all orders that all the missionaries gave them in order that the tour had a lot of pilgrims who wished to visit to God in Israel. Do you love this Johanna’s story? I hope it here a lot of you!

That journey was so amazing enough because I traveled with my mom and my sister but we arrived by buses and I remember it and laugh a lot in this moment since my mom was the best tour guide that I have ever had in all my life and why do you think that I go with them to Colombia? Because I had a lot of horrible episodes of depression in 2017, so I had to leave home in Ecuador to find a good therapist in Colombia but it was not a better idea in the end and I think so since I did not get any comfort of my emotional pains, but I could get a lot of funny with my mom and my sister and me could visit and know Tulcan that it is so small enough where you can exchange your currency for foreign money and this case my mom wanted to get Colombian pesos. I can remember that Ipiales is a place where there are a lot of shop of all kind but I felt that that place was too cold and I did not have an appropriate coat or jacket for that moment and I was really cold so I think that the Ecuador’s climate is better than Colombian’s. Well, mu mom did not buy any clothing there or just a pair of shoes but we could eat a lot of pizza and typical food from Colombia and for my sister it was the most important opportunity to buy natural hair product as keratin. I did not feel security when I was in Medellin because there were a lot of bad stories in my mind that they were not easy to leave of it. It was a time to spend time with my mom in some bus stations from Colombia and could understand that Colombia is a developed country and maybe it has better buildings than Ecuador for example the buses stations that we had to stop to catch our next bus and all reasonable person which eyes is opened who are capable to accept this reality to learn about that development to import to our loved Ecuador and I am more capable to compare these two countries and get good conclusions to apply within our nation because we need all thing that can bring us benefits since there is a lot of violence inside here that is the resulted of all the poverty that precedes this chaos in our small society but it has already left from our hands to destroy us. Do you have any ideas to change our awful current situation? Maybe not since we are young with the different that we can study at the university and that is right for all of us that are not knowledgeable about how to change that rude and heavy reality that all Ecuadorian people have to endure every day because maybe it is going to be around us forever, is


it OK? What can we do to stop this severe diary wrong experience here? I worry for it because I do not have any ideas to get changes for first time! I am coming to my trip now but my mom showed me that she has a lot of amazing abilities because all things that she did in Colombia they said that she was powerful woman and mom as a great superhero that I believed that just appear in movies or animated TV shows on Netflix, so my mother is always so amazing for me and she is really interesting in each aspect of this live because her life is my reference to have a exact review about what is the meaning of living! No just stations were beautiful in Colombia, all malls that we could visit to show that Colombia has other level and cannot imagine how is that toady but I am really sure that is the same reality now for all Colombian people but its violence go up more that my country. Have you ever been in Colombia? Maybe! I am inviting to see a near country with a lot of interesting activities to do inside it, this is other country which flag is almost seemed to own flag with colors that say to be one!


It was other amazing adventure together my sister, but in this case the ways that we followed to do that journey was completely different because the reason to go on board us, that was to find to God since my sister and me went to other five people to a Christian concert with miracles services in the capital city of Dominican Republic and I am able to do this conclusion that it was a great religious event where I was able to know Gospel songs that are sang by black American people because this kind of music was born in the US but it was an amazing afternoon and night because millions of local and foreign people got together to get in touch with God and prayed a lot. Do you think that I am Christ? Can it be possible? OK, maybe I am going to be Christ next years I am really sure, but I am able to say that my sister enjoyed to be with God almost all that day that I am not able to remember that date but it is really sure that was in 2018. Do you know who was the preacher that day? It was Tiby Joshua from Kenia but he died within the time of the Covid 19 pandemic and he did a lot of miracles since I think that God allowed them to perform his purposes of saving all the humanity through of Jesus. That trip started with Modesto Montero who was driving her car with all us within to come Quito’s airport and took their plane to that country that I highlighted, but I just was not shocked for seeing millions of people who were with their hands went up to sing to a perfect God a lot or that were kneeled on the floor because that fact happened in a big stadium where you were able to see a lot of young people that seemed to be for me from abroad country, who were that were managing that event, but I am able to remember in what city that was done it and it is so clear to me because I am not fully a God’s son today that it was an shocking night. Also, we were able to go to other beautiful places because that country has an exciting hot climate that is so seemed Esmeraldas’ and there is a lot of nature and green spaces there as our Esmeraldas, but it was more developed because you were able to look at amazing buildings that were so bigger and a lot of hotels that were resorts, too where foreign people went to enjoy amazing days in the beach and we were able to go to a beautiful beach where the ocean was so blue and clear and its sand was yellow as butter and you felt that under your feet, but it was so fast as three hours and I would have wished to stay more time that we spent in that

There are stories that do not get over in your mind because you think that they are frightening, Have you ever had this type of experiences? I have a lot of them to tell you, but do you want to hear about that? It was last day in Jerusalem and my sister and me had our flight on Friday evening but we just were ready to leave Jerusalem by a taxi, but before I decided to take out money from my debit card when an Arabic man stole my mall bag where was all my documents such as my passport, my ID, and other papers that were not important for my journey and the first moment I was worried about my robbery and I had a lot of courage to talk with one agent of the Military Navy from Israel in order that all Jerusalem always is protected by al lot of them from mornings to nights and he brought us to the Embassy because I just remember to read this name on that building where we could explain my bad situation in that moment, but they did not understand us since they could not speak Spanish and then I was really surprised because there was a police woman that was born in Argentina but she moved with your parents when she was a child and she was who assisted us since she could speak English, Spanish and Hebrew very well and she told me that I had a serious problem since I did not have already my passport so I could not leave that country through the airport as my sister who had her passport but to be very honest I did not listen to her and I got a taxi with my sister and after half and one hour we arrived to the airport in Telaviv and we went to check in an airport desk as resulted of we were within a long queue. When the agents said that I was not able to take my plane, so I just broke down and fell down on the floor and I began to cry a lot and I requested to my sister that she did not take her airplane but she did not hear me and I knew why and I was on the floor while she continue her path to go up to the plane and the last memory about that was to see my sister walked directly to her destination. What did it happen after that? I just knew that I had money with me and I went to Telaviv to stay in a hotel that I can remember her name but I thought that was a tragedy and it became the best experience in my life and I was alone in Israel nearly one month or to be very exact I was in that country in about three weeks I was really happy all that time. What else I can tell you? I

opportunity and all the wonderful homes as American style which are capable of leaving my mind. Have you ever seen a lot of houses such as which there are in the US? Because Montero drove to that places and explained about why that homes had that style and it was resulted of a lot of American people that were permanent resident in that island and I do not know as it was possible because I could not pay attention more to Montero. Also, we were able to eat a lot of amazing food at Montero cousin’s home because that was our stay all that days in that country and she was able to cook delicious meals from black culture from that country and we were able to meet with Montero’s mother who had ninetyfour years old but she is dead now and that woman was really happy, fun and friendly person…!


had the heaviest fight with a young couple from France because they were disturbing me a lot for one week and I was so tired of them and in the end I argued with them to blows and I did not mind that French woman was really small and I hitted them a lot and I could not calm down because I was really annoyed with that couple. After that I just had more problems in order that hotel’s clerks requested to me to get out of that hotel, but I had luck because while all foreign guest accused me, just a old woman defended me and thanks to her I was able to go on my stay there and then I was able to meet two Ecuadorian women from Guayaquil who are Veronica and Maria Gracia that are really friendly and I was a dangerous position with them and that was why they met an Arabic man that had a lot of money and we went to Palestine to meet him but is was other great adventure that maybe I can tell you through personal conversations as friends…! GOD AND FUTURE PLANS


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