Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_016D General view from northeast
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_050907_003D General view form northwest
04301_050907_100D General view from northeast
04301_071005_015D Perspective of the east street from north pointing south
04301_050907_086D General view from northeast
04301_050907_103D General view form northeast showing the entrances facade
04301_071005_010D Perspective of the east facade from north
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_025D General view from norhtwest
04301_071005_051D Night general view from northwest
04301_050907_109D View of the north facade with its entrance volumes
04301_071005_026D Partial view of west facade with the circular window to the courtyard
04301_050907_094D Perspective of the building and its entrance pointing east
04301_071005_050D Night partial view of the north facade with an entrance volume
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_008D Partial east facade showing the entrances
04301_050907_065D East facade with the forest in the foreground
04301_071005_006D Partial east facade
04301_071005_011D Perspective of the east street and facade pointing south
04301_071005_009D East facade detail
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_002D Perspective of the internal street pointing north
04301_050905_009D General view from southwest
04301_071005_001D General view form southwest with the new roofs covering the entrances
04301_071005_023D New roofs covering entrances on east facade
04301_071005_018D Entrance detail
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_019D New roofs covering entrances
04301_071005_005D Perspective of the east street with its new roofs covering the entrances pointing north
04301_071005_030D View of the southwest corner of the building
04301_071005_003D Southeast corner facade detail
04301_071005_028D Perspective of the west street pointing north
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_050905_014D View of the northeast corner of the building
04301_050907_064D View of the courtyard from the roof
04301_071005_054D Night perspective of the courtyard
04301_050905_002D View of the circular window to the courtyard in the west facade
04301_050907_078D Perspective of the courtyard
04301_071005_057D Night view of the courtyard
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_050905_034D View of the courtyard with the circular window pointing east
04301_050907_024D The courtyard circular window shows the forest in the background
04301_050907_026D Perspective of the courtyard
04301_050905_036D Courtyard circular window detail
04301_071005_046D Courtyard corner
04301_071005_040D Perspective of the gallery with the little lawn space on left and the courtyard on right
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_044D The little lawn space on the foreground and the gallery and courtyard in the background
04301_071005_047D View of the little lawn space with its circular roof
04301_071005_048D View of the little lawn space in the foreground, gallery and courtyard in the background from inside
04301_071005_055D Night view of the little lawn space from the gallery
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_050905_019D Perspective of the corridor in the north facade upon the entrances pointing east
04301_050905_021D Perspective of the corridor and its black wall with the colorful doors
04301_071005_049D North corridor on the fiFirst Flfloor at night
04301_050905_020D Perspective of the corridor in the north facade upon the entrances pointing west
04301_050905_029D Meeting room
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_050907_044D Factory shed
04301_050907_037D Factory halls
04301_071005_034D Painting hall
04301_071005_033D Painting hall
Menos é Mais Arquitectos Inapal Plastics Palmela PORTUGAL Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
04301_071005_031D Factory hall
04301_071005_032D Factory hall
04301_071005_035D View of the restrooms prism inside the factory hall
04301_071005_039D View of the exit door and steel staircase